FridayJones ago

OMFG, he deleted all of his comments and submissions! Must have taken at least an hour to remove almost 200 posts/comments. What a fuckin' maroon.

892734jhfs2 ago

@puttitout this verse needs to be banned

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Dial is back :-(

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago


arguing with people like him is more for the benefit of a potential audience rather than in any expectation of him changing his mind or behavior. Even if he'll never admit as much it's worthwhile to provide an argument towards why he's wrong.

randomxenomorph ago

When I click on his username on the boats app for Android the app crashes, is this because he's banned?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you are wrong, you nigger.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

doxxing was more obviously wrong, you're provided no real proof of brigading either. How is simply pointing to the fact he's deleting posts and comments a brigade? without any clear incitement people are only responsible for their own actions.

In the first place, you're the one making the claim/accusation why don't you prove you're right before waiting for me to prove you wrong.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the only thing posted that could be described as such is an IP, the IP posted is the one he put up himself and it's the public IP of the minecraft server his friend is running. That's neither identifying nor private information. Must be hard operating a computer with your room temperature IQ

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge

where's his identity or personal information? why are you so retarded?

FridayJones ago

He deleted all his recent comments, but if you look at his profile under Comments they're still there. What an asshole. And not our kind of asshole wither, this one is a cum-soaked AIDS blister of an asshole.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

first they censor, then they cry, then they run away and hide. The story of every kike on voat.


MadWorld ago

Account "nuked!"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

do you even know what doxxing is?

alalzia ago

Someone should make a guide for the plebs , it is kind of depressing to see them fail because of bad habits . If this double nigger adjusted to VOAT culture for a couple of days we would comment / contribute to his sub and his account wouldn't get all this bombing .

Every new subverse despite the topic will be subjected to the usual tests and this includes posts about jews , inferior races , how the moon landing was a hoax , the earth is a triangle and the holocaust never happen . If the mods/owners pass this test none will ever fuck with their sub or their accounts , if the mods/owners pull the double African American (bans & deletions) they better look for a home elsewhere .

Coors , unless you apologize , remove the bans and let the goats raid your sub for a couple of days i am sorry to say that your VOAT presence is over . Most of the posters in this thread are here for a long time and we have hunted down several people like you to extinction .

Free speech is goat etiquette .

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's more fun to bully them

Dajoos ago

What are some examples of fuckery and bad habits?

Dajoos ago

Ahhhh okay. He can't stomach free speech. Yeah fuck this guy. Voat is not the place for him.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he should go back to reddit where he belongs


Demonsweat2 ago

I didn't even attack and got banned for making a factual statement.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean in the first place, calling him a taco nigger is factual

Demonsweat2 ago

I just said nigger as a term of exclamation.

Goathole ago

He's been here for 5 months, he should know how things work. So either he's completely stupid or arrogant. Neither will move him forward in life.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's probably just some kike his most upvoated comment includes "I do not hate all Jews, I even consider some of them my friends" seems like a (((hello, fellow white people))) kinda guy


Goathole ago

What a queer. God I hate redditards. I wish we could just gas them all.

anamazonslittle ago

Dae mfw le pun thread?

TheTrigger ago

Bae, mfw le fun thread! :D :D :D :D XD

anamazonslittle ago

I'm not sure which one of us I hate more.

carlip ago

I like when someone posts about some shit tier mod, then when i click the sub to see what's up i find that i have already blocked it, probably on day 0. you can just tell who these faggots are.

Inaminit ago

I wonder what kind of shovel he's using?

tentra ago

The faggot lives in the DFW area and runs a minecraft server on a home computer. That's a bad idea.

carlip ago

what's the IP for the MC server?

tentra ago

CameraCode ago

Are you guys trying to do the owner or something? He's got nothing to do with voat.

iLuvJews ago

Why do people support toxic voat users over guys who've modded subs banned on reddit?

Stonetoss and WatchPeopleDie have been spammed, as well as the mods.

It's disgusting this stuff is being down by people here who are basically reddit users trying to sabotage this site and pretending like they're sticking up for it.

white_male30 ago

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heygeorge ago

Oh, that is just cruel.

carlip ago

is it actually up? because it seems to not be

Coors_Nationalist ago

I do not live in Texas, that's the server owner, who isn't me. He isn't on voat yet.

You have no idea what's going on.

Demonsweat2 ago

You must ATONE.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

tell him he's a nigger

theoldones ago

we know that you're being a faggot. our idea of what is going on is fine enough

tentra ago
