FridayJones ago

Oh look:

This discussion started the same time the new mod of that guy's sub created his account. How Reddit is this shit? All just to maintain control over a sub almost no one would have even noticed otherwise.

98794234hkasdf ago

hey @puttitout im lost over 3000 ccp from these people

laugh right

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just add a function for users of a sub to remove their mods if they need to, like lynching a politician

slevin_kelevra ago

@coors_nationalist is a jew nigger kike licker who jerks off in his mommas basement.

TheTrigger ago

Oh, I see: you mean the ability to edit comments. Yeah, you know, I kinda agree with that. I thought you meant at all, like even removing posts by spammers or shit that's totally off-topic (like hentai in /v/gaming). The only instance that I can think of where it might still be a problem is if people post illegal shit to try and get voat's host to shut it down. Like CP 'n shit.

TheTrigger ago

But what do you do about spam? Like, legitimate spam. Where like, someone floods a sub with 1000 pics of nigger dicks or ads for penis pills.

Mumbleberry ago

A 26 min old acct. @Not_A_Rock_Licker is likely the censorfaggot's new alt.

MadWorld ago

This account also had 1 comment before he deleted it.

Mumbleberry ago

And a new rule, "don't be a nigger" Yet all the bans are still in effect. Something a nigger would do.

MadWorld ago

Is there any specific comment that was not archived but worth restoring, for future reference?

Mumbleberry ago

Probably, but I didn't save anything

MadWorld ago

I did, just in time.

Ocelot ago

Knew there was something up with that nigger. I didn't like the way he spoke.

PistonRingFinger ago

He used big boy words, that's probably what intimidated you

boredTech ago

Currently, at -34. I don't think he's coming back from this any time soon.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

imagine deleting all your comments because you don't want people to see you getting upset and crying

boredTech ago

He totally nuked everything he's ever said. Did not see that coming. What a faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

imagine being so scared of people making fun of you on the internet

boredTech ago

Not too hard for me. IRL bullied for the better part of a decade because I was a slow kid (mentally). I can understand social anxiety. The problem really comes down to his inability to disconnect reality and internet. He really could have just continued being a censor twat and running into the red on imaginary points. It wouldn't have done anything.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

IRL bullying is different, you can't log out or turn off real life. Getting bullied on the internet exclusively happens in situations the "victims" put themselves in and choose to stay in. You can choose to stay or leave at anytime so everything is essentially voluntary. Imagine if you could choose schools as easily as choosing what forum to utilize or if you could reach the end of a school day as easily and accessibly as turning off a computer

boredTech ago

Getting bullied on the internet exclusively happens in situations the "victims" put themselves in and choose to stay in.

I was thinking that when he stated we drug him in here. Some people are a bit to retarded to disengage.

My assumption is that he wanted to hang with all the "Cool Kids" of MDE. But, he can't do that off of voat. So, he's just being really stupid. It happens.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

literally this

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

look at these spelling mistakes, he's actually mad and crying. What a loser!


Mumbleberry ago

I might steal "lolbertarian" it's pretty funny

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i've usually heard it shortened to lolberg

GhostCow ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@Mumbleberry see above correction, i almost remembered it right tho

MinorLeakage ago

All the Redditards need to go back. They aren't sending their best.

CameraCode ago

Pretty much everyone here came from Reddit. I never had an account, but I did browse the_donald before he cucked on everything. Do you really think the vast majority of users (anyone who has used Reddit) is bad?

Demonsweat2 ago

I've never had a reddit account, just browsed a few things I was interested in. This place was recommended from some people on yellowbullett, trash or be trashed, where the weak are killed and eaten.

17715198? ago

@Coors_nationalist Coors literally piss water it's is located down river of Denver

Coors_Nationalist ago

Its actually up river of denver on clear creek, water flows down from mountains numbnuts

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

kill yourself

Mumbleberry ago

Taco nigger piss at that. Denver is full of them.

Goathole ago

RIP Coors_Nationalist. You had a five month run'd think you'd know better.......

TheTrigger ago

Wow. What a gigantic fucking faggot. And not even the good kind, like SBBH. But like, the SDBH kind.

squataclops ago


Goathole ago

Homos aplenty float over here from reddit. It is our duty to scream "NO VACANCY and your kind is unwanted here".

squataclops ago

3 lowest comments are proof enough. "my sub my rules" attitude then bans anyone who doesn't agree.

Mumbleberry ago

One of the comments was some newfag begging for upvoats, he deleted my response to that out of butthurtness.

tiny_supper ago

Hey, voat begging newfag here. The sub was created as response to our banning on reddit, and while we didn't like reddit, we expected voat to be a reddit clone. You've seen the impact of corporate and ideological shilling on r/ politics et al. and take action to prevent it here. I don't understand why it would matter on a niche tiny sub like ours, but I'm rolling with it.

We aren't censorious kikes, but we do ban pretty liberally on the server. No doubt that spilled into the way the subreddit was moderated to some degree. I don't know who coors is, but I'll talk to him and see if we can stop all this gay drama.

Mumbleberry ago

Coors has nuked it's acct, but appointed rocklicker as mod. You need to talk to him/her.

Whentwurf ago

sorry, fashfags love gay drama. (hence richard spencer)

tiny_supper ago

Not a great example, given that many white nationalist hate the guy. He is entertaining on stage though.

Whentwurf ago

true. I think it was his auburn campus stop that was pretty great to watch. I would say wn and fashfags like spencer are both subsets of identitarianism, not that spencer is wn.

squataclops ago

He outright admitted he is against unchecked free speech and being a fascist. Pretty sure it's not ironic either.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he also said "I do not hate all Jews, I even consider some of them my friends" must be raining in Jerusalem if this shlomo is inside being mad and crying on the internet all day

sguevar ago

Wow Mumbleberry he took his time to describe the reason of your ban 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Mumbleberry ago

Yeah, I'm a spammer flogging anti upvoat-begging software.

sguevar ago

🤣🤣 the whole read cracked me up real good. Thanks for the laughs and nice catch.

Mumbleberry ago

Any time man.

SearchVoatBot ago

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kneo24 ago

Did I read that correctly? @Coors_nationalist is a censoring taco nigger?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@Coors_nationalist is a loser who cries if you make fun of him on the internet

boredTech ago

I feel so hurt we lost a new community.

Mumbleberry ago

Minecraft is gay, so no big loss.


fuck you nigger, guess this site is no good

Mumbleberry ago

Fuck off, weeb pedo

boredTech ago

Won't you think of the Taco's!

Mumbleberry ago

Eat them and shit out the waste.

Mumbleberry ago

Deleting shit now too;

thelma ago

Like niggers who went to Liberia to be free from slavery and then 5 sec. after arriving, making slaves of the indigenous nig nogs.

@coors likely posting from there

Mumbleberry ago

Quite possible.

NosebergShekelman ago

Could you kindly explain to me who exactly this coors nationalist is? thanks

Demonsweat2 ago

Ban happy faggot, just like sb2. His end will be swift.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@Coors_Nationalist is a retard and a loser who deletes comments and bans people for making fun of him.

Mumbleberry ago

A reddit type wanna be mod that plays minecraft and has very tender fee fees.

NosebergShekelman ago

So he's not a dev or anything?? oh shit to the oven with this fucking taco nigger! shaloms

Mumbleberry ago

Just some kid it seems.

Coors_Nationalist ago

So our sub gets shoah'd so I make a subverse, thn you coem in start calling me a taco nigger for no reason. You're trying to stir up drama and it's fucking pathetic and gay. I've told you that if you prove to me your in the MC server community I'll unban you. I'm being reasonable.

Fuck you nigger.

oiseaulibre ago

ProtectVoat are the biggest cancerous faggots on this site. In their "fight against censorship", they've essentially censored your use of the site by throttling you into negative ccp. Just ignore them, man.

Demonsweat2 ago

You're the nigger, we dont sign up to gay stuff to post in this place. Begone faggot!

NosebergShekelman ago

Great job, fellow jew. Censorship is how we rekt these goytards!!

Le_Squish ago

People like you are what's wrong with Reddit and we won't let people like you become what's wrong with voat. We have a cozy home so pardon us for refusing to let you shit it up.

Coors_Nationalist ago

If i had any kind of appreciable effect on voat with my tiny 10 subs verse about a specific mc server then maybe i would sympathize, but i think instead what we have here is an autoimmune disease where voat users attack their own website out of blind paranoia, and frankly its just sad. Youre shitting this up all on your own and i dont think you need my help to do that, oh no. It is regrettable.

Le_Squish ago

Cancer starts off a single cell and is best handled when detected while still small.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

leave it to a kike to spin shit so he's the victim, gas yourself


Using a word that we use to mock jews doesn't mean you're not reddit cancer

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah stop making fun of me!!"

get fucked you stupid taco nigger

seattlethrowaway ago

wah wah u call me name so i ban u!

what are you, 13?

boredTech ago

Nigger, it's a test, you failed. Go back to reddit.

Coors_Nationalist ago

No, faggot

boredTech ago

It's a gay fucking test. What kind of mods lets people spam his new verse with random irrelevant shit and uncalle for pointless berating? This is fucking gay. I'm not sorry for shutting you up, asshole.

This post you put towards Mumble is the exact reason we run the test. You're not the type of person that understands how to deal with unchecked free speech. So, you're either going to learn (we'll help you with that), or you're going to shove you foam diamond sword back up your ass and suck reddits cock. Taco Nigger.

Coors_Nationalist ago

You're going to what?

I'm done talking to you spergs. This is so caved in head.

Demonsweat2 ago

All I said was "You made a mistake nigger", banned immediately. Telling someone they fucked up and warning them is not spam you fucking dirt worshiping tacophile.

MinorLeakage ago

No one gives a shit about your book. Fuck off back where you belong, with your fellow censorfags.

Coors_Nationalist ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm done talking to you spergs.

he says

I'll just delete my subverse

he whines


he cries

boredTech ago

Gravy, then reddit is right for you. This is not reddit.

CameraCode ago

Reddit wouldn't let him control the speech of leftists. Voat has censorship built in, like if you have a negative overall voat you you can't comment more than 10 comments a day. I have nothing against that and I actually think it's good because it keeps leftist trolls crippled, but don't pretend like we don't have censorship on Voat.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

voating itself is the form of free expression that the site is predicated on and named after, would you call for it to be regulated?

theoldones ago

toughen up, stop censoring.

Coors_Nationalist ago

I'll stop deleting his posts, I deleted the first one because it was a fucking terrible look to have that be THE only post on a brand new verse. I've never modded one of these before so I wasn't sure how much of a problem that would be. People on the server were talking about making ANOTHER subreddit and I think that is a TERRIBLE idea so I would rather this catch on.

I won't delete anything else he wrote because you're right, it's gay. But I won't let him spam more of his shit on my subverse. Nobody gives a fuck about this gay ass drama. This is probably the most faggoty case of gatekeeping I've seen ever. It's actually caved in head tier.

I don't even want to moderate this verse and I'm waiting for the server owner to make a voat and take over from me. It's up to him after that.

NosebergShekelman ago

You sound like a little commie faggit. I love Minecraft but fuck censoring taco niggers like you

Coors_Nationalist ago

Instead of posting about the server, muffincunt posts about how he doesnt like beer and minecraft is gay, so i deleted his retarded post. Weve been having problems with antifa harassing us and trying to break the server so i had good reason to assume this was more of that. Little did i know doing that would drive a red hot nail thru the micropenis of every hyper paranoid sperg on voat.

Why don't YOU suck it up, fatasses?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

listen to you bitch and moan about how mean everyone is to you, how pathetic. Kill yourself, taco nigger.

AR47 ago

But I won't let him spam more of his shit on my subverse.

Ugh you showed your true colors there. It isn’t yours and it never will be. You as a creator and moderator should allow your ego to admit that the sub belongs to its members.

You won’t and your language usage shows that.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Rainy-Day-Dream.

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Coors_Nationalist ago

The sub belongs to the members of the server and when they step forward I listen.

Not to random gatekeepers on voat.

Inaminit ago


Mumbleberry ago

Make it private then. If it shows in v/all it's fair game.

Coors_Nationalist ago

good idea

Mumbleberry ago

And here you thought I was some unreasonable dickhead.

Coors_Nationalist ago

why would I welcome you at this point? This subverse is for a specific group of about 140 people, not you.

Sadly there is a limit on how early you can change the settings you made the subverse with, so i'll have to fix that later.

In the mean time, congrats on sperging over a nothingberger. You said yourself you dont even play minecraft, so why do you care so much?

This doesn't concern you. Fuck off already

MinorLeakage ago

Censorship on Voat concerns us all. Your opinion on the matter isn't relevant.

Mumbleberry ago

Censorship on voat concerns me, regardless of topic.

Mumbleberry ago

You will have to un ban me first, moron.

Coors_Nationalist ago

You can PM me any time faggot. You aren't banned from the MC server. You want the IP?

Mumbleberry ago

PM's aren't public, you coward censorfaggot.

Coors_Nationalist ago

I know, in case you dont want your MC account associated with a Voat account, I'd assume you'd want to PM me your username on the server. Then I'll unban you and you can post screenshots of whatever you want


Dude fml, I accidentally clicked on that. Fuck!

Mumbleberry ago

It does say "goatse" in the link dude, you should have guessed what it was.


Yeah, I hate myself right now

Mumbleberry ago

Shit happens man.

theoldones ago

I don't even want to moderate this verse and

then dont?

Coors_Nationalist ago

I have some level of dignity. I don't need to let some faggot call me a taco nigger. I'm not gonna cuck for muh principles. I'm perfectly happy to support my own prerogative when I feel the need in any aspect of life. Cucking is how conservatards loose.

NosebergShekelman ago

You're being uppity. You need to learn to have thick skin and stop with this little girl drama. We are all adults here and speech is free. Even if I disagree with something I dont want to see it silenced. You need to shake that programming off and start over or you weill be destroyed by Voats immune system. You obviously dont understand what this place is. FREE SPEECH FOR EVERYBODY. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you cant abide by that then Voat ovens you. Taco nigger kike

Coors_Nationalist ago

Im just gonna make the verse private because this bullshit is retarded and schizo

NosebergShekelman ago

But why?? What is it about free speech that terrifies you?? Are you really that much of a finnicky little soy boy? All you had to do was roll with the punches and you could've been embraced by a helluva community. Instead yo uwant to be a commie reddit censoring idiot?? I you understand how many before you have come here and tried this shit and got ovened?

Coors_Nationalist ago

Because i was trying to Replce our sub (being shoahd and all) and i was pretty sure this was just some lefty asshole following from reddit or whatever, it wasnt relavent to our subverse purpose and it didnt belong so indeleted it like the spam it wad. I guess i thought our guys were better than this childish rude behavior. Sorry i didnt "respond" correctly to this idiocy. You all really think this behavior is helping you and is appropriate?

You should all be ashamed. Absolutism is retarded and you all know it.

Mumbleberry ago

You are the definition of absolutism with your actions as moderator.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@Coors_Nationalist is just afraid of people making fun of him because he's a fucking loser and a taco nigger that cries when his delicate feelings are hurt. Insulting him is against the rules

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

deleting shit because your delicate little feelings are hurt is cucking you retard

Mumbleberry ago

STFU, taco nigger.

Coors_Nationalist ago

Wow, tough guy eh?

Mumbleberry ago

Just honest, reddicuck censortard.

Coors_Nationalist ago

Subverse rules are clear.

Play minecraft and I'll unban you.

Mumbleberry ago

Minecraft is gayer than fortnite. Explains you though.

Coors_Nationalist ago

So why would I let you post irrelevant shit on this subverse?

Mumbleberry ago

I won't in the future. Like I said this was to see what sort of mod you would be. Proof is in the pudding, censorkike.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Rainy-Day-Dream.

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Coors_Nationalist ago

It's a gay fucking test. What kind of mods lets people spam his new verse with random irrelevant shit and uncalle for pointless berating? This is fucking gay. I'm not sorry for shutting you up, asshole.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

users could just downvoat the post if they don't want to see it, being a mod is just about being a janitor for the users sake it's not supposed to be a position for soy filled beta males like yourself to delete things in defense of your fragile ego

Coors_Nationalist ago

We're trying to recouperate the old community we lost and this isn't helping. People that go looking for trouble get it, I don't understand why you're all so surprised and offended.

Just fuck off already ffs

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why would any community want to put up with a stupid taco nigger like you though? if you'll delete posts and comments just because you're easily triggered and start crying when anonymous people on the internet make fun of you, who's to say you won't censor other content you don't like?

Coors_Nationalist ago

I gave my reasons and I will stand by them. I'm not crying, mainly I'm annoyed that this obstacle has been put up in the wake of reddit admins being assholes to us and us trying to recover. I think this is absurd purity spiraling and is laughable.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I gave my reasons

yeah, i heard about how he hurt your poor little feelings, boo hoo.

"I'm not crying"

the jokes write themselves

I'm annoyed that this obstacle has been put up in the wake of reddit admins being assholes to us and us trying to recover.

right, admins treated you like shit for no good reason, and now you come here and treat random voat users like shit for no good reason. Great job retard.

I think this is absurd purity spiraling and is laughable.

people here don't like it when mods abuse their position in order to delete posts and comments just because they're upset by them. If that's too extreme for you than you ought to go back to reddit where mods can do whatever they like and the users will put up with the abuse. It's where you belong.

Coors_Nationalist ago

I deleted them because they are irrelevant to our server for which the subverse exists.

If this keeps up I'll simply shut down the subverse. Very dissapointing and I hope you faggots feel good about yourselves.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I deleted them because they are irrelevant

if you're involved with running the server and/or the subverse for it, the fact that you're a taco nigger who deletes stuff that hurts his feelings seems pretty relevant to me. Why not just let the users use the voating system to decide what they do and don't want to see?

I'll simply shut down the subverse

do it, faggot. Go be a stupid taco nigger somewhere else

boredTech ago

Yeah, we do. Fuck off.

Coors_Nationalist ago

well you shouldn't because your a loser. You drug me into this, I'll fuck off when you make me. Ban me ass if I care, I'm not a huge faggot like this troupe of retards

Mumbleberry ago

You did this to yourself bud. We are just pointing out the obvious in the typical voat manner.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


hey, @Mumbleberry check above comment. Get a load of this retard and his empty threats

boredTech ago

That's the fun part. You won't be banned. We'll just hurt your poor fee fees till you have enough lube to crank one off.

"The beatings will continue until moral improves." Fagot.

Mumbleberry ago

Too late now, censorkike. This is voat, not eddit. Shit that doesn't "fit" will get DV'd. No need for removals or bannings, unless commercial spam.

Mumbleberry ago

It was a test to see if you were a censokike. And you passed. You are one.

Coors_Nationalist ago

What a fucking gay idea. People like you are so paranoid and counter productive that you have to micromanage new online communities about things you're not even involved in. I think you are cancer and as big a threat to the alt right and its umbrella as anything.

I;ll take being a censorkike over being that big of a fucking faggot any day. Fuck you.

Inaminit ago

This is where you're wrong, Sport... It's been working fine for years and we're NOT plebbit. Keep acting retarded - you'll get yourself and shitty sub fucking deleted. There are antibodies for your brand of bullshit and we have been activated.

Coors_Nationalist ago

Lmao. This is so larpy. Do you even hear yourself? Im not an antiwhite. The berse i made is just an internet hub for an mde minecraft server. I honestly cannot believe how gay you are all being about this. Ill just delete the subverse myself or make it private. Thanks for hurting your own allies for no reason, you retarded fucking spergs.

boredTech ago

Ill just delete the subverse myself or make it private.

It's been almost half an hour. The sub is still up, it's not private, and you're still a faggot.

Coors_Nationalist ago

I cant make it private for another 45 hours it says

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you can still delete it, but your threats are as empty as your hollow nigger skull

boredTech ago

Oh right, I had forgotten that is a preventative measure to keep upvoat farms in check.

So around denver, or just like the beer?

Coors_Nationalist ago

Im from Colorado but fuck Denver

boredTech ago

Grew up in Wyoming. Days you'd see the smog blow up from denver. Seriously, fuck all of you greenies. (primarily the denver greenies though)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Ill just delete the subverse myself

do it, faggot.

Mumbleberry ago

Censorfaggots are no allies of ours.

Mumbleberry ago

Keep going, this is working out great for you. /S

Inaminit ago

This is SPARTA! Kick the stupid nigger in the well... Too dumb to take a hint.