I dig his style, and Stumbling Blocks deserves to hang in a history museum, because it's so shockingly accurate, and intelligently crafted.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Shame about him being an insufferable cunt though.

carlip ago

He didn't care about Voat until he had no where else to turn. Why should we give him anymore support than before he was "forced" here?

Blondie_Hitler_1 ago

I know I am :)

DrSelfAppointed ago

Too bad he showed his hand as a censor loving, faggot. To anyone wanting to jump in and say he reversed his choice, he said it himself it was only because of the backlash from people claiming to be fans. He himself didn't change, and just like every other faggot like that, once he has enough confidence in having secured a loyal enough fan base; that bull shit will sprout right back up.

Boot licks always empower dumb choices. Looking at all the idiots who refuse to criticize Putt when he fucks up.

Kalergi ago

Putt cashed-out and is working on his handicap.

Merchant_Menace ago

Purity spiral

DrSelfAppointed ago

Fuck off, you're not a true Scotsmen Goat

Merlynn ago

Here's a comic idea: Panel 1: Caption: "Edgelording." Panel shows a teenager at a comp with various "edgelord" brick a brack around him,like a fedora,pixelated "deal with it" shades,and such like. Teenager: "Hitler did nothing wrong!" while laughing.

Panel 2: Caption: "Realization." Teen is a little older and looking concerned at his screen,slightly more "edgelord" crap around. "Hitler did nothing wrong?"

Panel 3: Caption: "Acceptence." Teen is older still and looks angry. The edgelord crap is gone,replaced with nazi stuff. "Hitler did nothing wrong!"

I call it the 3 phases of /pol/. Whatdya think,sirs?

SIayfire122 ago

I can't wait. I'm hoping we rub off all over him and give him plenty of inspiration.

Doglegwarrior ago

Syrian fucks corpses is a cunt. Will ignore all content he post. Fuck off faggot

CantDentTheBrent ago


MyDrunkAccount ago

The cock thing is common knowledge, nobody's going to post a link to that.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Shame I found my info but not that cock

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I love stonetoss comics. That and martian magazine. We need culture to fight against the white genocide agenda, and art like stonetoss help us on that front.

Glory_Beckons ago

I know, was wondering the same. Maybe he just made the account ages ago but then went back to Reddit and never came here again till now.

His comment history seems to support this. Jumps from 1.8 days ago to 1.4 years ago.

Glory_Beckons ago

Well his account is quite old, and is also a mod on SBBH, so it looks like he's been here a long time now.

NosebergShekelman ago

a mod on SBBH wut?

MrPim ago

I think it's yet to be seen if he's going to stay. Yesterday was kinda rough in that verse.