SearchVoatBot ago

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Kalergi ago

Must be a Californian- flee the mess you created, only to try and recreate in your new home.

NosebergShekelman ago

Texas has been royally fucked for years because of those nutty liberal sonsabitches.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Why don't you just call the ADL on him??

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

call him a nigger

Humansized ago

He did pull that whole "durr im new here how do i get ccp" noise, still thinks hes on reddit i guess.

SIayfire122 ago


Please don't do this. Learn your lesson and don't be a faggot. Free speech is ultimate here and we're very sensitive about it. If there's any doubt as to how serious we take it, just look at the situation u/PuttItOut is in.

NosebergShekelman ago

He unbanned me. lol I guess that's a start

PuttItOut ago

Lol, this is too funny.

SIayfire122 ago

Well I was trying not to tag you, but whatever. Enjoy watching Voat complain about a redpilled guy deleting things he doesn't like.

idk ago

It looks like he reconsidered. Go easy on him boys.

65Creedmoor ago

You are poo poo pee pee

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes. Yes I am.

slevin_kelevra ago

It's like the response you'd get from a five year old.

FridayJones ago

I'm impressed that he made it here and somehow posted that. Yes, we are all poo poo pee pee to a degree. But @65Creedmoor is stinkier, so nyeah nyeah!

SpottyMatt ago

God, you're a whiny little baby.

NosebergShekelman ago

You are a nazi anti-semite for not backing me. I am a chosenite. How dare you!! oy vey

billyvvinz ago

Never forget the 6 gorillion.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Wow stonetoss is here? And he's acting like a soy boy pussy nigger piece of faggot? What a fag....

NosebergShekelman ago

He threw sand right in my vagina! oy vey

Glory_Beckons ago

How can someone who makes comics like that turn out to be such an uppity faggot? Everyone was being uncharacteristically welcoming, too, since we respected his work. I was looking forward to another MDE-esque migration.

What a disappointment.

NosebergShekelman ago

I agree. Maybe he will redeem himself and make some Goat memes or something. I won't give up on him just yet. Its hard coming out of a brainwash. It took us all a little time to adjust here.

MrBoutros ago

Yeah but that's his own personal sub. I like the fact that having mod/owner status gives you power over your own subs. Otherwise, this would just be another Chan.

That said, you're jewish so you probably don't care what anyone says.

aGameCalledCountries ago

+1, I think people should be able to censor their own subs as much as they want. The system subs are uncensored, and if a sub gets to censor happy just block it and don’t post to it.

NosebergShekelman ago

I thought his sub was out in the main? Oh well, fuck him anyway

MrBoutros ago

Oh. Well, maybe there's some grey area here. I've only ever deleted my own comments.

NosebergShekelman ago

thelma ago

And they don't give you eternal there's that

TheBuddha ago

I fucking warned you about him.

SandHog ago

He has since repented for his sins

NosebergShekelman ago

Did you? Where?

TheBuddha ago

When he asked for the sub transfer and had another goat ask on his behalf. I believe he deleted the thread asking for the transfer.

It'll be in my comment history still. I'm drinking and not digging it out.

NosebergShekelman ago

I missed that somehow. Thanks anyway. I will be reporting him to ADL for being an anti-semite. shaloms

CatsControlTheEU ago

shalom rabbi, from what it looks like now it seems you got unbanned along with mumble?

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes! I was freed from his Auschwitz! Never forget the 6 gorillion of us who got banned.