PistonRingFinger ago

Well, SOMEONE did it

PistonRingFinger ago

Oh, I'M the vote manipulating faggot, but you're the one who takes his time to go thru each one of my comments and downvote them all?

PistonRingFinger ago

Jews are always there to push for free speech if it means more freedom to flaunt their perversions. It's called history

PistonRingFinger ago

You're calling them Jews, but you are against Syria by your username which clearly implicates that you are a kike or a heeblover. You are also defending a degenerate pedo porn lover. Makes me think...

PistonRingFinger ago

There are certain people here that take all of this personally and they won't let you form a decent community without utterly destroying it

iLuvJews ago


@StoneToss seems like a pretty sharp guy, so I'm sure he'll look at the most downvoted (downsyndromevoated) comments.

iLuvJews ago


People like Mumbleberry who are leftists and have actively tried to sabotage any banned subs that move to verses here like WatchPeopleDie and try to ban original moderators.

PistonRingFinger ago

They have no low. I watched them destroy a new minecraft subverse today, for fucks sake. Brand new subverse with new users and Mumblefaggot posts this: https://voat.co/v/MillionDollarCraft/3126979

Off topic, provocative spam. Then the brigade arrives once the mod bans him. Now the subverse is basically dead at birth. Nice going PV faggots.

iLuvJews ago


Just got a message from Gabara saying I was banned from a verse I don't comment in for "reddit speak".

Oh, the irony.

PistonRingFinger ago

"protect Voat"

Bascially if any subverse has rules beyond the voat rules of any kind they go and provoke moderator action and then brigade the fuck out of it. It's actually quite pathetic. They think any kind of community rules or moderation is censorship and they are super rude to boot. If you disagree with them, you're from reddit which means you are bad.

It's like an autsitic sperg verision of reddits shit, shilling just as hard but for the opposite thing.

iLuvJews ago

So we have to let toxic people or trolls from reddit come in and ruin verses?

PistonRingFinger ago

Obviously there is a happy medium. In this case, both extremes really do suck.

I'm going to do an experiment and I'll let you know how it goes.

17569967? ago

I know about a woman from years ago who has offed herself - but don't know the user name. So. You're right, big fat maybe.

17569880? ago

She wasn't the one that killed herself?

Hand_of_Node ago

Huh, you made your account the day before I did (first account). I guess I wasn't very communicative back then. None of those users are familiar. What happened to stretched_girl?

SearchVoatBot ago

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PuttItOut ago

That guy techius.

gabara ago

You're adapting faster then most new Goats. Thank you. The chaos will die down in time and people will move on to something new to gripe about. Welcome to Voat.

iLuvJews ago

Hey, the other Account besides Mumbleberry who actively tries to shut down mods and subs that come here from reddit.

gabara ago

Yet clearly the evidence prove the opposite, lol.

iLuvJews ago


So what's going on with the WatchPeopleDie and Stonetoss verses again?

Spamming about how much you guys hate the mods who were banned from reddit and trying to shut down their verses?

YoHomie ago

You sure like to listen to yourself talk.

Go fuck yourself.

65Creedmoor ago

Love you man

Fullmetal ago

Welcome to voat, nigger.

auto_turret ago

Always the same shit with you people. I knew this would happen.

middle_path ago

Yeah, unfortunately the internet has made micro-managed censorship a constant. It's so incredibly rare to have extremely minimum censorship that most just go off banning/deleting without even giving it a second thought.

We're different here. People take this very seriously. I've been modding v/JustGrowIt for a couple years now. I've banned a couple users and deleted maybe a dozen posts. However, they were all off topic and my sub is a niche, so spamming porn isn't something I want on there.

dan_k ago

I like your content and am pleased you are here.

Never forget: Haters are gonna hate.

Korinthian ago

perfectly legal

when kikes are writing the laws, legality means fuckall. You're the exact same as the shitheels that proclaim that white countries must be replaced, but LEGALLY.

condensedpun ago

anyone who doesn’t do exactly what I want is exactly the same as open borders subversives actively trying to permanently alter the demographics of the United States

Stop making so many fucking enemies.

Korinthian ago

anyone who doesnt bemoan the death of free speech when pedo spammers are banned must be some fascist

Stop defending pedos

condensedpun ago

I was defending @SyriansFuckCorpses because I thought it was stupid to equate him to someone actively trying to destroy countries thru immigration policy, otherwise I have no idea about this guy who was banned - it sounds like he is a pedo scumbag so I have no interest in defending him

Korinthian ago

Its fine, I cant expect everyone to know every detail lf everything that ever happens, but I want you to grasp the theme of what SFC did. People like him do that often, say something that sounds reasonable, "its perfectly legall, just a difference of opinion", and use it as a shield for their degeneracy and degradation. Exactly like how kikes pushing mass migration do. "Just poor, hungry women and children, trying to start a better life"

When someones best defense is "but its legal! You just dont like it!" Remember that murdering babies is legal.

condensedpun ago

all they want is a better life and 7 kids at your expense and to not speak English and get made if you even suggest they try to assimilate. Why should THEY assimilate? You goys need to change YOUR biggoted minds.

condensedpun ago

i dont know who got banned i thought you were referring to something else

Korinthian ago

Use this as a learning experience. When someone says shit like

supporting the banning of (((___))) based on difference of opinion or interests.

Once the first person gets banned for posting perfectly legal content

thats your tipoff that you're not being told the full extent of their depravity. The guy who invented BLACKED.COM did it perfectly legally. He deserves to be minced regardless. Kikes destroyed this country perfectly legally, as they have destroyed every single country they've infested since the dawn of time. All they ever had was a "difference of opinion or interests", and that's all they needed to put the white race to the brink of extinction.

The jew will always tell you he was injured, but never why.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

deleted [deleted] deleted [deleted]

gazillions ago

Who are you and why are you on the front page?

oneinchterror ago

Most voaters are whiny bitches. You should have stuck to your guns and ruled with an iron fist.

iLuvJews ago

Yeah, Mumbleberry and Gabora soley exist to shut down mods/subs who come here to restart banned reddit subs.

crazy_eyes ago

im not so sure about that stones part, from what I've seen

moarzor ago

Can I have mod? I don't plan to do anything with it. Just saying.

CantBuySkills ago

Hey @puttitout... see what happened here?

yellowthread ago

Aged is deliberately fucking with a sub constantly, when there are more appropriate venues.

Porn of a game character is not "gaming related" any more than child porn would be "children's programming"

Addressing @PuttItOut : A better response is to make tons of negative SCP (a significant amount like -50) in a sub lock you out of submitting to that sub or require approval on each post from someone like Cynabuns, rather than to start enforcing whims just because it's easy. It's your site and you can do what you want, but this solution is much more in line with your stated goals and the reason we are all here.

seattlethrowaway ago

that's mighty niggerlyfaggoted of you. i think your comics are great. i use them to piss my sisters in law off.

KVD ago

That's great!

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You'll have a much better time here if you don't act like a filthy kike, you filthy kike.

Derpfroot ago

Yay, wise choice. Thanks for coming around. . .love your shit.

NotHereForPizza ago

Step one: cause commotion leading to reprimand of varying degrees

Step two: urge baner to reconsider

Step two[three]: look useful and authoritative, leading to further demonstration of feigned usefulness and authority

Step four: repeat steps 1-3

NotHereForPizza ago

Step one: cause commotion leading to reprimand of varying degrees

Step two: get banned

Step three: complain and force the banner to reconsider

Step four: prove yourself useful by having convinced them to change your mind, making you look effective and authoritative

Step five: repeat steps 1-4

jollux ago

Alright, now comes step 2. Get down off your high horse and talk to everyone here as an equal. We're the big brain club, not the peasant rabble.

anamazonslittle ago

I'd say go back to reddit, but you were banned from there . You know, because you say mean things that bring down the mood.

Redcobra ago

Ah nice, the old olive branch.good on you

Aufag ago

I didn't know you were on Voat. That's great.

B-------D ago

Welcome to VOAT. You are officially a Niggerfaggot... Maybe some day you will become a goat. You are moving in the right direction. Be careful here this place is powerful. Don't fuck with this place. Really. Many of us have been hardened for years and years by the various groups that come here. None of you are special. WE ARE SPECIAL. Join us! but you cannot go half way.

Yogus ago

One of us! One of us!

Vampyregod ago

I dont know who the fuck you are, but i can tell you these assholes around here talk about MDE like it was their first Penthouse Pet.

I once asked someone to tell me what the hell they were talking about and they told me that it wasnt around anymore and how horrible life was.

So now you are Jesus. Resurrected and returned from the dead. I still dont know who the fuck you are, but i know atleast 3 fanboys on voat feel meaning returning to their lives.

crazy_eyes ago

Just dont try to silence the users.

Who the fuck do you think you are?

NosebergShekelman ago

Thanks for unbanning me, niggerfaggotkike, but unsubbed. If you make some glorious goat memes then and only then will I forgive you. shaloms

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Welcome home, goat. You've ascended

17504398? ago

You're still on my shit list, should have modded me

Octocopter ago

You will get used to it in time, welcome.

MadWorld ago

Now that you have reconsidered and respect the culture, welcome!!

goatboy ago

Well done. Keep up the good work.

NarrativeControl ago

I'd rather be on mutually respectful terms with my fans.

You'll need to grow a thicker skin than that.

videocodec ago

Just don't let Aged post any pics here

xenoPsychologist ago

your comic is acceptable. however, goats arent going to bow to you unconditionally like the pathetic, soy-riddled worms of reddit. it might find you well to leave the behavior of that site behind.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ur a nigger

Tubesbestnoob ago

Stonetoss comics are fuckin based.

Thanks for discontinuing the plebbit faggotry. We all know you are goat material.

Nigger faggot kike

Rotteuxx ago

We all know you are goat material.

Speak for yourself faggot, I ain't convinced for shit.

Tubesbestnoob ago


Either this guy is fuckin based or Jews didn't do 9/11 and the holocaust is real.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Welcome to VOAT! Nice to see you trying to repent

MrPim ago

Voat has a very different culture than Reddit. Get out into the forums as a whole and wander around a bit. Learn the language.


CatsControlTheEU ago

That was a rough start.

The fact that you make some good comics is going to help ease you in even though people are still going to not trust you for a while.

Welcome to Voat.

VinceFoster ago

Just wait it out. There are people paid to attack anything that grows this site.

PuttItOut ago

Welcome to the club @stonetoss!

It isn't easy around here but these goats are all lovable teddy bears underneath.

Except for @moe. I hate that guy.

AR47 ago

At least moe did subverse transfers on the regular.

(You know you had that coming so don’t be mad)

Hand_of_Node ago

[–]moe 20 points (+21|-1) 3.4 years ago

This looks like a quiet enough place to leave this message.

I've made quite a few acquaintances on Voat, a couple of them becoming close friends. These days, those friends are leaving Voat and they aren't coming back. I'll live a much shorter life than most, and life in general is already too short to spend time being increasingly disappointed rather than looking for something that provides me with enjoyment.

Thank you for providing this service, @Atko, @PuttItOut, @DanielFlamino, @Nurdoidz.
Thanks for setting up the IRC, @Icy-Defiance. I've met a lot of fun people on BaphoNet.
There are others I'd thank as well, though they've already left and probably won't see this.


PuttsMum ago

Moe! We still live no matter how much life tries to kill us


psymin ago

Hold the phone. There is an IRC? Link me!

Hand_of_Node ago

3.4 years ago

It's been awhile, and I know nothing about irc. (except what the letters stand for) That was all one of moe's last posts.

PuttItOut ago

You trying to make me cry?

Hand_of_Node ago

I didn't know him, but reading that made me sad and I felt like he should be remembered.

Here's to @moe

SIayfire122 ago

Abandoned issues?

PuttItOut ago

Broken heart yeah. I'm only half the man without my @moe.

SIayfire122 ago

Kinda miss having all three of you around. At least you haven't burnt out completely quite yet, although you seemed a bit rough a while back.

PuttItOut ago

I've been burnt out countless times over the years. Severely. I'm sure it was easy to notice. Wasn't my best.

I don't know any software project as large as Voat being run by a single person, then add in the highs and lows of the community aspect and I'm just thankful I haven't dropped dead at various moments. No lie.

This reminds me of the Pao days when working for 72+ hours straight was not uncommon.

I miss @DanielFlamino a lot as well. He was fun.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It makes it harder to invest in new people - I know that well - but if you don't do it then you find yourself alone. The stress makes you think that's where you want to be, (solitude brings peace,) but really the new people are the source of renewed happiness and purpose. It's a balancing act... with vacation being a critical part of that balance.

baneofretail ago

That's for the hard work. We may not say it often enough, but we do appreciate you. If you're even in so cal, I'll buy you a round of golf.

SIayfire122 ago

@HPOP, @stretched_girl (rip), @HWY__395, @DerKatalog, @FuzzyWords, @MightyYetGentle, @Mick, @FuzzyWords, etc, etc.

These are just a few select ones I pulled off of /v/HallofRemembrance. We have lost so many great goats over the past several years, but new ones have continued to rise. Honestly, I feel that we've been doing pretty good the past few months population wise.

Ina_Pickle ago

Isn't Mick now @puttsmom ?

Crensch ago

Isn't MYG still around on infinite alts?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuzzywords. . . Now thats a /u/ i havent seen for quite some time. Really all of em.

SIayfire122 ago

You don't really know who's not around until someone mentions them. Also, I just realized I have FuzzyWords twice.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Burningdandelion ago

Sweet thanks now don't fuck it up

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Welcome to voat, faggot.

Following my suggestion that I'd like to enforce rules in addition to the site-wide rules, some of you had expressed being very much against it. After reading your replies, I have reconsidered.

It's not even necessarily enforcing rules other than sitewide ones, but rather the unilateral creation of those rules, voat culture is such a way that the community expects to have just as much control over a subverse as it's 'owner'. basically we're free-speech commie niggers.

People will probably still be pissed at you for a while, but it should call down after a bit.

Thanks for reconsidering your actions and dropping the gayness.

ruck_feddit ago

You may have attempted an amends just in time.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Well, here's my piece:

Why did you feel the need to implement your own set of rules?

What took you so long to get here?

Do you actually believe what you write or are you just larping to get notoriety on any platform that will have you?

See this is where I and most goats are coming from: You're probably a lefty and decided to come here only after you were banned from wherever you came from. You dont believe in what we believe, you look at us as charactures of what you believe the right is, and have no qualms peddling your shit to whoever will buy it.

I hope I'm wrong aboit all this, but honestly; time will tell.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Fair questions

idk ago

I'm not really concerned that he's a lefty - he produces some sound content. I'm concerned that he's an "internet celebrity", and might not be able to handle criticism. One of the things people hate about reddit is its power users. I'd hate for this site to become a dick sucking contest.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

The left thing is important to me because his perception of us isnt that of peers but of potentially exploitable characters. We become his content generators; all our funny quips, sayings, anecdotes, jokes, etc., all that he could bank off of.

SIayfire122 ago

Honestly, I highly doubt he makes bank off of his comics. Especially seeing how infrequent he puts out new ones. I'm just hoping that he lurks more and we give him some good ideas. Hopefully our funny quips and jokes start to inspire him to put out new ones more frequently.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I hear ya, man. It just seems like one of those, "I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'."

SearchVoatBot ago

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Zinnsee ago

Glad to hear. Welcome to Voat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Baconmon ago

People don't actually hate you, and actually your comics have always been very popular here.. But people here are VERY sensitive to any thing they perceive as censorship, because they have seen where it usually leads (a slippery slope to even more and more censorship).. And they are paranoid about protecting voat and not having it gradually turn in to some thing like reddit has become, because voat is sadly one of the few places left on the internet these days that is censorship-free..

By the way I've always liked your comics and I think they are great and I think you do a fantastic job!

LazyJello8 ago

But voat literally is reddit. Contradictory opinions are silenced with group downvote efforts or bit efforts. Namefagging is just as rampant as at reddit. This place is no different at its core, its just right wing humor where nigger is a funny word. Voat still self cdnsors and caters to its most vocal, most IRL isolated userbase.. as someone who has been here for 3 some years now i can tell you in all sincerity that this place has changed and its becoming more and more reddit each day. And while voat will most likely never be another reddit ala sucking black cock and muslim cock and womens cock uzw, it is most certaintly just as bad as reddit.

condensedpun ago

same in what ways

oneinchterror ago

I see what you mean and can somewhat sympathize with the general sentiment, but I think you're being a bit overdramatic.

CantBuySkills ago

I wonder if some of your upvoats come from people who support @puttitout banning u/aged?

jollux ago

What was he trying to censor?

B-------D ago


SandHog ago

I'm glad to hear that. Thank you. You're probably still going to get some shit for a bit over it but it's the right thing to do. Things will calm down and your community will essentially police itself once it gets established. Welcome to Voat.


Welcome to voat, faggot.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


You may become a goat yet.

OutragedForNoReason ago

You're no fun. Take the hazing like a man dammit!

stonetoss ago

A younger, less gainfully employed me could do it. But not currently, community support really helps and I do appreciate it.

FridayJones ago

I like the way you draw faces, very expressive. But the hair usually looks as if Donald Duck's ass and the Poop Emoji had a baby together. Hair seems to be the bane of cartoonists everywhere. But you get many points for not drawing spiky anime hair like every pimply hack on DeviantArt does. You have your own distinctive style, and that makes your work really stand out. The jokes are good too.

xenoPsychologist ago

you should see the hair in deathbulge. its where the door kicking thing comes from.

FridayJones ago

OMG, that hair looks like Gotham City on fire!

17507568? ago

Do you like noodles?

moarzor ago

Don't worry if someone calls you a niggerfaggot. It's a term of endearment around here.

jollux ago

stop bringing up money faggot

videocodec ago

Balls of steel to post here. Most of us just hang on to whatever little we got. Plus you have way more drawing skills than us.

Seventh_Jim ago

Hey dude. Dig the comic. Welcome to Voat. Always nice to see creators getting involved.

Go fuck yourself.

OutragedForNoReason ago

You should have been here when the QTards showed up. Poor bastards didn't know what hit 'em.

shrink ago

Poor bastards didn't know what hit 'em.

Buddy, they're constantly being beaten in the skull and they still don't know what's hitting them.

tomdogg ago

Lol. I’m a q tard but I have been here for a while. (Pizzagate) I almost felt bad for the new immigrants when they arrived. It was brutal!

madhatter67 ago

They brought it upon themselves with all that NeonRevolt bullshit.....I think we managed to chase off the most redditarded of them though

Humansized ago

We were too soft on them, theyre still here.

oneinchterror ago

They're definitely the worst thing about this site.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Trust the plan goy

Sasquatch ago

Been here longer than most of you faggots

Sasquatch ago

So eat a diQ

SIayfire122 ago

I tried, but I'm not flexible enough.

Sasquatch ago

Gotta take out a few ribs to get the reach

Mumbleberry ago

No shit. Welcome to voat, where bullshit isn't tolerated and the modlogs are public.

iLuvJews ago

You've tried to shut down, ban and censor every moderator and person who's tried to restart banned reddit subs here.

You're obviously a leftist shill.

KVD ago

I've never heard of you in my whole life.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

He makes comics.

Here's one.

KVD ago


elitch2 ago

I have no idea who this faggot is, either.

stonetoss ago


KVD ago

So I guess you're all banned-out huh?