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Podge512 ago

For all the purported animosity between Jews and Muslims, it is important to remember that they are merely two branches of the same degenerate ideology.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You can add christianity to that degenerate ideology.

olinneserpona ago

It's humorous when people call Judaism and Islam branches of the same degenerate ideology, but are triggered when someone points out Christianity is a branch of the same ideology.

notallvegans ago

almost as laughable as edgy atheists who systematically get triggered by any positive mention of Christianity and whose only rebuttal is a fallacious conflation with Judaic degeneracy

olinneserpona ago

Who's being edgy now. Try harder for fucks sake. When are you going to point out this fantasy fallacy of yours?

notallvegans ago

Zero substance or argumentation besides trying to instill an emotional response. How typical. Why don't you start by backing up your ludicrous claim that the message of Jesus Christ shares the same ideology as Judaism or Islam? Come on let's hear it and so we can all have a good laugh. I'd love to see you arguing about all the similarities between a vindictive Yahweh and a warrior prophet vs. the teaching exalting the virtues of unconditional love and compassion coupled with self-discipline.

olinneserpona ago

Why would I give any substance in the context you shoehorned yourself into? I didn't type what you wanted me to type, without talking to you in the first place, and this is your argument? Jesus was a Jew who claimed to be the messiah, the Jews did not agree and a new religion was born(out of Judaism). These religions are refereed to Abrahamic religions(Islam included). There your answer. If you are unaware of your religions origins I can't help you.

Come on let's hear it so we can all have a good laugh. I'd love to see you arguing about all the similarities between a vindictive Yahweh and a warrior prophet vs. the teaching exalting the virtues of unconditional love and compassion coupled with self-discipline.

Similarities? First you said I was wrong stating the origins were the same, and now you are pretending I said the religions are the same? I don't belive you are this stupid which means you are lying which again tells me you are not very skilled at being a Christian.

Your parents never taught you not to make assumptions. This has led you to become a person who pulls strawman after strawman without the capability to detect it. My condolences.

notallvegans ago

Good grief I can barely see them goalposts anymore.

but are triggered when someone points out Christianity is a branch of the same ideology.

I'm taking this as an implication that according to you they are a branch of the same ideology, or that at least this claim is "humorous". I think that's a fair inference from your statement. If you're now trying to pretend this wasn't your premise then do state so, and maybe we can enlighten each other. Too easy to snarkily deride a statement without being liable for its possible rebuttal.

First you said I was wrong stating the origins were the same

Hoping to get out of your logical dead end by casually shifting words from "same ideology" to "same origin". Reddit tier sophistry I like it.

and now you are pretending I said the religions are the same?

Top it off with an non implied implication so you can strawman that one away. Never took an advanced math class have you? I don't remember the last time two sets with overlapping properties were identical. So no, that's not what I'm pretending you said.

Followed by low key ad hominem yet again completely devoid of substance as you slither away with your tail between your legs. Come on brotha, we're on voat here we can do better. But I guess I'll never know what's so humorous about Christians calling out what I claim to be a fallacious conflation.