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PoliceICE ago

This picture remind me me two things that don’t belong in America. This country wasn’t founded on Jewish or Muslim traditions or values.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

A one world religion will rise.

ignorantoptimist ago

Anytime these fucks try to consider muslims "minorities" we need to point out there are over a billion of them. Whites are the minority.

lord_nougat ago

They have homelands; why don't they fuck off back to them!

combatveteran ago

The Jews are great at being all things to all people. They have agents in communist movement saying why communists should love Jews. They have libertarians saying why Israel is a great example of a free society. They have people in nationalist movements saying, hey, Israel is a nationalist country.

In the end, their hypocrisy pisses people off, but I wonder if European nationalists can't make their case to different groups a little more strongly instead of considering everyone an enemy.

mralexson ago

Jews and Muslims are cousins so this isn’t surprising

Jay_Mac ago

It's us Vs. the world if you didn't know that already.

Wazhappenin1 ago

This from citizens of our greatest ally, the ones that stand between us and the Muslim vest wearers? Got to be fake news.

Cat-hax ago

My enemy's enemy is still my enemy,I will just have to strategize so I'm not fighting on 3 fronts.

Trapezoidal ago

If Muslims are friends to Jews then what are Christians their pet, if he cut the Jews head Americans would invade his country

zxcvzxcv ago

Hate when they call people "nationalists". They should just say things how they really are: "Jews and muslims oppose all of the 'white people who just want to live in peace, to prosper, and to have goodwill toward each other'."

Actually, that is not even correct. It should read like this: "Evil infiltrators and their raping and murdering puppets oppose all of the white people etc..

Jimmycrackerson ago

Are we sure this picture was taken in Europe? This looks like it could have been taken at any university campus in the U.S.

ArielQflip ago

Is this from an article? I want sauce please.

CarpenterforChrist ago

The jews know that most muslims aren't intelligent enough to figure out the jews tactics.

mralexson ago

The only Muslim country that isn’t ruled by Jews is Syria and Iran. That’s why there is so much conflict with them

llegendary ago

The TRUE false left/right paradigm.

garbage666 ago

Don't miss out the grandmasters of this whole evil plot. The scumbag hindus and india. The Jews of Israel, The Moslems of Middle-East and The Hindus of India... The Evil Trio Cousins working together to take down Christianity, White Race & Western Civilization

NosebergShekelman ago

Semites unite against the goyim!!!

mralexson ago

The only Semites I kinda respect are the Assyrians

gazillions ago



kingdomhearts123 ago

Allowing Jews to retreat to their hideout “country” doesn’t contemplate 9/11 truth or any recompense for hundreds of years of treason.

gazillions ago

Allowing jews to retreat to their country while we turn our focus onto fixing what they destroyed here, means they'll have to deal with a billion muslims all by themselves.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Ah. “Let someone else do it”.

I don’t trust a billion Muslims to prevent another 9/11 on my behalf.

...this article is about kikes and haji teaming up against us btw... like they did during the recomquista... crusades... whenever...

gazillions ago

Yes they always have. They never had the fucking jews running israel as their very own country before. They're more than a little pissed about that.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Not pissed enough for Isis or al Qaeda to attack isreal apparently

gazillions ago

When they're kicked out of the west, they'll turn on Israel for making false promises

kingdomhearts123 ago

Uncle moneybags over here buying boats for everybody

gazillions ago

You don;t honestly believe you're going to get support for your alternative.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Of course. They’re witches.

ExceIsior ago

Right? Imagine going to Japan and publicly calling for an end to pro-Japanese sentiment. IN FUCKING JAPAN.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Fuck these people they need to be removed from the West.

Eualos ago

What a fucking moron. We all Jews in our societies. They murder them in theirs. When they do this shit we only kick them out.

TitDirtt ago

To all of you fucks who are okay with muzzies bc they hate jews, this is what fucking happens. A super muzjew pact. Dumbasses

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Wow . They don't even hide their alliance anymore.

8_billion_eaters ago

The fleas and ticks have joined together to fight against the evil white dog that they are sucking to death. Praise Jesus.

SearchVoatBot ago

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thatguyiam ago

Jews control usa. Controll all media.
Muslims want small israel, but jews won't give it to them. Instead jew said to muslims

we'll give you the rest or the world instead.

Muslim gleefully accepted.

SushiMasa ago

They have the same religion. Judeoislamic values.

kirk_lazarus ago

The creation of the trans-Atlantic slave trade colorized

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Both parties are racial strangers, and any country who don't enforce their borders are per definition contested territories.

What else is new?

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I'm believing more and more that trumpstein's glorious wall is intended not to hold back wetbacks, who Trump wants to continue flooding as long as they claim "asylum" and get documented, but to hold Americans from escaping a more aggressively hostile government in the near future.

CarpenterforChrist ago

This needs to be put on billboards everywhere.

Nonchalant ago

With Jews you lose. Look at that kikes twisted smile. You can just look at their damn faces and know they're scheming something

CameraCode ago

I think it should also be noted that any divisions or points of conflict between Jews and Muslims can and should be exploited in order to subvert and undermine both groups. Sometimes the Jews can be useful to weaken the Muslims, and sometimes the Muslims can be useful to weaken the Jews.

andrew_jackson ago

I don't think that Jews are as useful as you make them out to be.

CameraCode ago

There are Orthodox Jews that defame Israel and say that it should not exist because it's against God's will. There are Jews in Israel they are pro immigration and pro gay rights. There are Zionist Jews that say all Jews should live in Israel, and globalist pro diaspora Jews. Any infighting and division between Jews is always a good thing.

andrew_jackson ago

I just question that, from a policy perspective, any Christian can honorably back one of the Christ-Killers against a Mohamatten. It seems to me that the conquest of Tel Aviv should be the principle occupation of decent men.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Lol how bout you worry about conquest of your own home

SouthernSon ago

Their common enemy is us

antiliberalsociety ago

The great one wrote about it

zxcvzxcv ago

What is the source for this?

Hand_of_Node ago

There is one effective response to this, and it's unfortunate that it always takes so long to get there.

Plant_Boy ago

If only they'd get along this well in Palestinia

Podge512 ago

For all the purported animosity between Jews and Muslims, it is important to remember that they are merely two branches of the same degenerate ideology.

90126596 ago

Christianity is also derived from Judaism you dumb fuck. Jesus was crucified as 'king of the jews'.

andrew_jackson ago

Sorry, guy. I'm backing the Muslims against the globalists. And against ISIS.

Cat-hax ago

I am surprised more people don't realize this

TreblinkaRebuilt ago

About 15 yrs ago I was reading a newspaper, and an article mentioned in passing that some rabbis in Israel had begun advising jews that were planning on leaving judaism to convert to Christianity, instead of islam. At the time, I thought- wait aren't jews and christians supposed to be best friends. This didn't redpill me, but a flag went up in my mind that there was something not quite right about this.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You can add christianity to that degenerate ideology.

llegendary ago

Yeh, well, as an atheist, even I can tell that Christianity is a construct that holds white people (and Americans) together and imposes an imaginary boot on everything that the Democrats espouse today. It's an imaginary sword and shield against the SJWs, along the same lines as Jews use their religion and self imposed victim-hood against everybody on the planet. All of it only works if people buy into it, and unfortunately most people do. The tide is turning against Christianity, as the libs have people not buying into that and buying into their SJW platform (and their hidden Satanic system where they are the gods)....which is even worse. It's totally worse.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Christianity inspired the limp wristed suicidal liberalism of today. The whole damn religion is a bunch of sissies kneeling and crying.

llegendary ago

It hasn't always been that way. When white people unite to protect themselves and to destroy, they use Christianity to do so. It may be one of the few ways to do it. IDK.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Right now all I'm hearing from white liberal christians is how it is their christian duty to take in all the illegal immigrants no questions asked. Makes me want to fucking vomit.

llegendary ago

I don't know why you are getting downvoats.....

Phantom42 ago

And it's my Christian duty to see heretics burn.

Turns out, there's a lot of fucking heretics.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Good luck with that. Christians of your type I'd rather see shot. At least the crying and kneeling ones are just pathetic. Your an actual threat.

Phantom42 ago

I know I'm a threat. I'm glad to be. I hope you want to see me shot. I want you to try.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

I want you to try

Congratulations on being the dumbest motherfucker I have ever spoken too. I hope you get your wish.

antiliberalsociety ago

That's a funny way to say Atheistical jews

CarpenterforChrist ago

Says the one with evil in his name.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yeah exactly. One of my roles is to ensure that people don't forget that evil is watching and waiting. Always.

CarpenterforChrist ago

We know you are watching and waiting. That's what makes us so dangerous to you.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Lol you think I'm the evil? Dolt!

CarpenterforChrist ago

You can't prove otherwise, so you just call me names. Your intelligence is showing, better run and hide. God bless!

CarpenterforChrist ago

Proof of your accusation?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You are going to argue that christianity isn't related to judaism or islam? You are seriously going to be so ignorant as to not know the commonality between the abrahamic religions? Open up your old testament and be enlightened at the connection between judaism and christianity.

CarpenterforChrist ago

So ignorant, eh? Tell me how Christianity was a religion before Christ was born. I've read the bibles multiple times, and every time I read the New Testament, it tells me the covenant was broken with the jews.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

There was no christianity before christ. But it is from the Jewish religion that christianity originates. Judaisim is the parent and christianity is the child. Claim whatever broken covenant you want but you can't break the bond between child and parent.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Judaism and Christianity have very few similarities like you claim. Christianty is followers of Jesus Christs' teachings, not judaism. Proof is in the Holy Bible, which I doubt you have ever read. Shill a little harder, rabbi.

antiliberalsociety ago

absent black baby daddies

olinneserpona ago

It's humorous when people call Judaism and Islam branches of the same degenerate ideology, but are triggered when someone points out Christianity is a branch of the same ideology.

notallvegans ago

almost as laughable as edgy atheists who systematically get triggered by any positive mention of Christianity and whose only rebuttal is a fallacious conflation with Judaic degeneracy

olinneserpona ago

Who's being edgy now. Try harder for fucks sake. When are you going to point out this fantasy fallacy of yours?

notallvegans ago

Zero substance or argumentation besides trying to instill an emotional response. How typical. Why don't you start by backing up your ludicrous claim that the message of Jesus Christ shares the same ideology as Judaism or Islam? Come on let's hear it and so we can all have a good laugh. I'd love to see you arguing about all the similarities between a vindictive Yahweh and a warrior prophet vs. the teaching exalting the virtues of unconditional love and compassion coupled with self-discipline.

olinneserpona ago

Why would I give any substance in the context you shoehorned yourself into? I didn't type what you wanted me to type, without talking to you in the first place, and this is your argument? Jesus was a Jew who claimed to be the messiah, the Jews did not agree and a new religion was born(out of Judaism). These religions are refereed to Abrahamic religions(Islam included). There your answer. If you are unaware of your religions origins I can't help you.

Come on let's hear it so we can all have a good laugh. I'd love to see you arguing about all the similarities between a vindictive Yahweh and a warrior prophet vs. the teaching exalting the virtues of unconditional love and compassion coupled with self-discipline.

Similarities? First you said I was wrong stating the origins were the same, and now you are pretending I said the religions are the same? I don't belive you are this stupid which means you are lying which again tells me you are not very skilled at being a Christian.

Your parents never taught you not to make assumptions. This has led you to become a person who pulls strawman after strawman without the capability to detect it. My condolences.

notallvegans ago

Good grief I can barely see them goalposts anymore.

but are triggered when someone points out Christianity is a branch of the same ideology.

I'm taking this as an implication that according to you they are a branch of the same ideology, or that at least this claim is "humorous". I think that's a fair inference from your statement. If you're now trying to pretend this wasn't your premise then do state so, and maybe we can enlighten each other. Too easy to snarkily deride a statement without being liable for its possible rebuttal.

First you said I was wrong stating the origins were the same

Hoping to get out of your logical dead end by casually shifting words from "same ideology" to "same origin". Reddit tier sophistry I like it.

and now you are pretending I said the religions are the same?

Top it off with an non implied implication so you can strawman that one away. Never took an advanced math class have you? I don't remember the last time two sets with overlapping properties were identical. So no, that's not what I'm pretending you said.

Followed by low key ad hominem yet again completely devoid of substance as you slither away with your tail between your legs. Come on brotha, we're on voat here we can do better. But I guess I'll never know what's so humorous about Christians calling out what I claim to be a fallacious conflation.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yeah I always enjoy that bit myself. Its like watching a snake eat itself. Completely fascinating.

olinneserpona ago

This is a good one -

From my comment he reads that I am: being edgy(false), atheist(false), triggered(false), there has been a positive mention of Christianity in this context(false) and I committing a fallacy(false). It's no wonder Christianity is a shadow of its former self with minds like this carrying the mantle. Logic(philosophy) is the devils work, right?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Logic(philosophy) is the devils work, right?

Yeah exactly. Why bother with logic when apparently all you ever will need to know has already been thoughtfully published for you in a book you aren't allowed to question?

antiliberalsociety ago


oneinchterror ago

I saw a video recently where a guy was walking around some city in Israel asking Jews whether they felt their beliefs were more similar to Islam or Christianity, and every single one of them either said "Islam", or "neither". "Judeo-Christianity" is a completely artificial construction (AKA a damn lie) created within the last 60ish years in order to pacify natural Christian resentment of Jews. This should be repeated any and every time you hear someone say "Judeo-Christian". It's a farce.

Durm ago

Christianity was a break away religion, especially at the end. The people of that time were in Samaritan lands, who also were not jewish, does not make it anything more or less jewish than it actually was. Jews cant claim it was both from jews and basically jewish, and that they want it gone at the same time.

CameraCode ago

Any Christian who believes Judeo-Christianity is a thing needs to read Gittin 57a.

Drunkenst ago

Many do hate the Son of God one Jesus of Nazareth. What cracks me up is when a preacher goes on about chosenites when the folks he’s referring to are invariably Khazarian.

CarpenterforChrist ago

You've hit the nail on the head. Now pound it home and spread the Truth. God bless, brother.

Hand_of_Node ago


Such a clever and insidious phrase. A huge chunk of Christianity has ended up practically worshiping the jews.

Phantom42 ago

I refuse to, and any "Christian" that dares to is nothing more than a heretic in my eyes.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I totally agree . No matter how much you shake it the oil and water will separate. The Jews know the power of language. We need to use that weapon against them.

antiliberalsociety ago

Didn't that come about around the time (((Pope Francis))) came to power?

MortonLoothorKodos ago

No it's been much longer than that

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Francis is a heretic, but not a Jew.

Zionist Christianity (Protestantism) goes back to the Scofield Bible in the late 1800s. The Scofield Bible was funded by the Rothschild family in order to scrape together support for the Zionist project by convincing Protestants that pasting together Bible verses in a certain way while ignoring 1800 years of Scriptural Tradition gets you to "the Jews are still the Chosen People".

Note that the Jews were the Chosen People in that they were chosen to bring Jesus Christ, the Messiah and God-man into the world. They then promptly rejected Him and killed Him.


riffwraff ago

Are we sure he isn't a Jew? His parents were Italian communists who fled Mussolini and lived in a Jewish neighbourhood in Argentina.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

He is a baptized Catholic and by definition not Jewish.

riffwraff ago

Judaism is more than a religion, and TONS of Jews are "baptized Catholics." The Spanish called them "conversos." They founded the Jesuit sect, which Bergoglio coincidentally belongs too, and has been responsible for virtually every instance of poz within the Catholic church, in particular the universalist stance taken by far too many Christians.

Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are a race unto themselves. They even have an ethnostate. Jews that convert are still Jews. Donmeh, for example.

So once again, is there any evidence Bergoglio is not a crypto-Jew?

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Anyone who is a practicing Catholic is by definition not a Jew. And no, the Conversos did not found the Jesuits. St. Ignatius was not a Converso.

Go watch some E Michael Jones and read some history before spouting off.

riffwraff ago

St. Ignatious came from a converso family you dumb shit, and if you think Judaism is nothing but a religion you are a complete fucking tool. Why don't you go back to sucking heeb cock? Shits like you are the reason why Christians never stand up for themselves anymore

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

No. He wasn't.

Even if he were, the sheer number of souls he brought into the Church would be an odd way for a Jew to play the role of a crypto. "I know, let me help win thousands upon thousands of souls for the Church. That'll show 'em!"

Phantom42 ago

It's funny though, because I know a lot of Protestants that they aren't "muh Chosine".

Hell, Martin Luther knew it.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Well, exactly. The problem is the loss of any sort of theology amongst a lot of the non-denominational and Baptist types who latch onto anything that sounds legit.

Then you have the problem of the Holocaust cementing anti-Semitism as a heinous evil against the "Chosen People" of Israel. Never mind that "Israel" in the Bible was always used to refer to the Church, according to any sort of traditional interpretation.

TreblinkaRebuilt ago

No, it's much older that that. From the '80s at least I think, maybe older.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

50s at least.

olinneserpona ago

Kikeo-Christianity @antiliberalsociety @oneinchterror Show this to everyone saying judeo-Christianity with a straight face. The second to last paragraph says it as it is.

antiliberalsociety ago

Thanks for that.