B-------D ago

And less Niggers!

goatmensch ago

And this is why the electoral college exists.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

IPA is crap, I only ever drink stouts and possibly a very dark lager but even then there are few I'll actually drink.

Flatblackrusto ago

Ipa’s And ssri’s or Budweiser and meth and OxyContin... I’ll take the city and suburbs.

Dirty_Money ago

I spent 14 years in NYC.

I'm out.

Just bought a huge, 5 BR, 3-BA Victorian house for a fraction of the cost/taxes, with a shit ton of land, in "rural America" (30 minutes outside a red state, major city) and could not be happier.

My new, annual property taxes?

$620. Per year.

Per fucking year.

Which, to a northeasterner, is crazy, where taxes are $20k for a 2-bedroom, 800 square foot shithole/nightmare.

If you are wondering why people are fleeing the coastal cities, this is just ONE reason.

Others include moving to areas that are majority-Christian, where folks are not ashamed of their faith...they still take it as a societal given for moral conduct, as well as an unquantifiable neighborliness/friendliness/decency, which can be measured by how long it takes to get out of conversations with your neighbors/cashiers/teachers, etc. The community is actually a community. You are accountible to one another.

BordelonLoop ago

this is priceless. master trolling.

john-from-wisconsin ago

Rural 16 year old girls shoot three bucks on opening day. Do you even interlocking fields of fire brah.

blackguard19 ago

Sucks that IPA has become a symbol of urbanite faggotry because that's always been my beer of choice.

Goys-R-Us ago

To stay happy? To keep from putting the gun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

Yes, we are. Fresh air is terrible, we have minimal shops and diversity. You’d never like it here, please stay away.

idle_voating ago

The problem being that cities are where the opportunities are at. The rural kids move to cities to get jobs because that's where the jobs are at. People who made money then buy a place out in the country to retire.

One of the big factors in this is that small farms continually get consolidated into larger farms.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

That'll be $10,000 for your off-the-grid license.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Actually, you CAN own your own property without paying property tax, I forgot the procedure but it is a bit expensive and you'll need a lawyer to help you. Here's something I found just now it wasn't what I was looking for but this could be a method: * Agricultural Use States recognize the importance of agriculture and provide partial or full property tax exemptions for farming activities. Each state has its own criteria of what farming activities qualifies to make your land property tax-exempt. You can own your land tax-free in Connecticut if you hold your property in a non-profit agricultural trust and actively farm the land. Under Michigan law, you can claim a homestead exemption and an agricultural property tax exemption on the same property. Your state’s department of revenue website has specific information on what farming activities qualify as agricultural use.*

optionalfrank ago

Reply to me here/@ me when you finish writing it. I'm very curious.

optionalfrank ago

Thank you!

omron ago

Also, don't forget to carry your smartphone all the time.

Soyboy69 ago

Of course, I wouldn't want to be a bad goy after all!

SubhumanDeplorable ago

This right here... Proved there is value in voat.

the_art_collector ago

$1500? What cheap-ass hypothetical city was he talking about?

NoTrueScotsman ago

Reasonably spacious apartments for well less than $1500 exist in a lot of cities. I've never lived anywhere that costed that much.

Artofchoke ago

They're both performing the activities they are genetically predisposed to perform. They are both operating under the influence of their own internal terror management systems. Both are equally helpless. Being closer to your mammalian roots, growing, creating, building, is almost certainly going to be more satisfying.

Calculations ago

As a California ex Pat, I don't understand how people feel good about spending hundreds if thousands of dollars on what is essentially a 1/8 acre of Badlands with a lowest bidder built contractor grade house on it.

Yet everyone looks at me wierd because I wanna live on 20+ acres in Tennessee, Georgia, or Kentucky for far less money which can support life.

Alhambra ago

just as Hitler predicted, the jew has used mass media to convince people that heaven is hell and hell is heaven.

Simulation ago

This is why I enjoy working remote down south. Away from all the idiots and dumbassery that comes with a big city, fiber optic internet because it isn't monopolized by big carriers in my small town.

Oh and the Cali-based pay I make I get to keep and not pay $2000 in rent and parking

Firevine ago

Man that sounds awesome. One of my friends has a job like that. I should have learned to code.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Khan academy. other online sources. Start with Java script.

Firevine ago

Problem is, that's going to have to wait until I'm done with this double major, but I am interested in it.

BlackManOnVoat ago

Do what you gotta do.

Zombie_Nation ago

Country people are the scared beta white males...

Diggernicks ago

I live in a rural area. Fuck the bible and religion. You can have my guns on the day I'm ready to be put in the ground in a wooden box.

Sparky159 ago

Or you can secretly have your body cremated, and have your guns put into you coffin as a secret stash for your descendants

Drunkenst ago

Don’t cremate the ammo bro.

Diggernicks ago

Neither I nor my sister have any children.

WhitePaladin ago

This could not be further away from the truth, all this weaponized talk of "white trash" "suburban trash", "trailer trash" ,no, those are the smart ones.

Abandon any misconception that you have to chase money to be happy or sucessful, both amish, and secularist jews living in their kibbutz are doing great living in trailers, having lots of kids and being functional in general.


I'd rather ask the little native down in south america! I think I'd get along better with them.

NosebergShekelman ago

I do have to say, as a jew, in all my travels it seems the rural whites seem to be the smartest and strongest by far. That's why we give them Suboxin, heroin and Oxy's and Meth hahaha shaloms

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

If I promise quick executions to the handful of jews in my town, will you halve the amount of meth and oxy here? It's starting to attract Mexicans.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

hahaha mah gibs!

john-from-wisconsin ago

Fucks in the city should be lucky farmers value their money.

TheBuddha ago

Their food doesn't usually come from those kinds of farms. It comes from giant corporate farms that use industrial farming methods. Well, that and a bunch is imported.

Soyboy69 ago

Their food doesn't usually come from those kinds of farms. It comes from giant corporate farms that use industrial farming methods

Well what other way are farms going to be worked? The humble cobbler can't stand up against the might of an industrial shoe factory why could a farmer get by using antiquated methods?

TheBuddha ago

We do just fine without the modern industrial methods - though we absolutely use modern tools.

Then again, much of the farm's income comes from renting out stables and the riding arena. We also sell produce at a stand and at a farmer's market down in Farmington. Other things we sell are milk, meat, game processing, and hay.

VicariousJambi ago

How do you escape

SerialChiller ago

  1. reduce/eliminate debt for 'consumer goods'. Only use debt-financing for things that produce income that is greater than the interest paid.
  2. quit the urge to impress 'friends' with your possessions. Instead, find people who inspire you to be a better person.
  3. learn how to grow food on a small scale. In increasing order of difficulty: weeds, perennial edibles, annual veg., chickens, rabbits, goats, pigs, meat cows, dairy cows. Focus on providing for yourself and maybe a little extra to barter - not everyone is cut out to be a market-gardener or commercial farmer, but everyone can grow their own food on a small scale.
  4. learn a skill that produces something you can trade. It does not have to be old-fashioned stuff like carpentry. Even if your "skill" is graphic design, work towards building your reputation and your network of connections that will let you do this remotely. That said, the old stuff will be more resilient in a SHTF scenario - however, this isn't a prepper guide, just a way to build a happier life outside the city.
  5. develop an 'abundance mentality' and you will be free. Rid your mind from the 'scarcity mentality' - that is what keeps you stuck in the rat race. Don't chase after the same shit that millions of people are chasing after - a condo in San Francisco, a trendy car, designer labels, shit like that.

middle-path ago

No debt. valuable skills. Read books to better yourself. Disconnect from their programming and those who would go along with it.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Here is a starter pack

  1. Don't EVER:

drink fluoridated water / consume fluoride

consume soy prodcuts

drink beer

watch cable news

watch / look at pornography

spend money because of an advertisement

  1. Try to limit (or excise from your life):



video games


social media (e.g. reddit, facebook, twitter)

wheat products, corn products, and carbohydrates in general

  1. Make sure you're getting enough of:






Proper posture

  1. ALWAYS:

Think about what you should be doing.

What you are doing.

How to get to doing what you should, from where you are.

Practice frugality

VicariousJambi ago

Don't EVER:

drink fluoridated water / consume fluoride

consume soy prodcuts

drink beer

watch cable news

watch / look at pornography

spend money because of an advertisement

I was about to get a distiller, but had to spend some money on my wedding. (Nothing overly extravagant). I never eat soy, drink beer and I don't think I've ever even had cable. My porn intake is well below what it used to be, something I'm still working on. And I actually avoid things that are advertised.

Try to limit (or excise from your life):



video games


social media (e.g. reddit, facebook, twitter)

wheat products, corn products, and carbohydrates in general

Rarely ever drink booze, but I do smoke the green stuff.

The only TV I watch are Gordon Ramsay cooking shows lol. I haven't detected much jewery in them.

I rarely play video games any more, it used to be a huge part of my life. Hours a day. Now it might be once a week, if that.

Masturbation is the same as the porn, I've cut back a lot but still some work to be done.

I only use reddit for some text stories to read, or more normie things. I don't actively use any other social media, barring looking at pictures members of my immediate family puts up. Sis in law has the cutest kid I've ever seen!

I try to limit my carbs, but since I've mostly removed soda from my diet I haven't really worried about it. Not like I gob on pasta every night.

Make sure you're getting enough of:






Proper posture

Oh yeah there was a great thread about all of this shit on QRV. I've upped my boron intake with various foods (almonds and raisins mostly) Been eating more eggs/dairy for that iodine. Also been taking a multivitamin. Are the daily % values on those correct? I wouldnt be surprised if das jew lied about how much iodine I need a day.

Exercise is something I've been thinking about and just need to start doing.

Posture is something I need to look into.


Think about what you should be doing.

What you are doing.

How to get to doing what you should, from where you are.

Practice frugality

I've kind of been into the law of one lately, and I've been examining what I want in life, what I should do, etc. I still really need to think about this.

Thank you for the detailed response.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

Are the daily % values on those correct? I wouldnt be surprised if das jew lied about how much iodine I need a day.

For one, you get better nutrient uptake from food sources than vitamin sources, so I'd avoid supplements and find foods high in the micros you need.

For two, its really impossible to know how much of any nutrient you need. It depends on how big you are, your ancestry, current nutrient levels, your activities and what nutrients are required from them, etc. So no, those % daily values are not accurate, even if the people designating them are being totally honest. Its best to go off of your "instincts". Your body will be hungry for the things it needs. For example, if salty pork chops taste especially delicious then its possible you're low on zinc and iodine.

Posture is something I need to look into.

I've heard about a book titled "supple leopard" that's supposed to be good. I haven't needed it so I haven't read it.

optionalfrank ago

No joke I sometimes get cravings for oranges/other citrus during winter. And after a week of enjoying them at a taste that is sweeter than I remembered them I would get tired of them and not feel any special affinity towards them for a month or two.

After adjusting my diet for some deficits, it has been a few years since I impulse bought oranges.

WhitePaladin ago

Live with less.

whysosensitive ago

Save money. Adjust your lifestyle and accept the discomfort that comes with change. I'm working on this too.

CapinBoredface ago

Step one: Accept that you will be uncomfortable for an indeterminate amount of time while you reset your life.

ratsmack ago

The Jew plan is that you can't escape, wage slave.

vladtep ago

Beer tastes like piss, why do people drink it?

Not only does alcohol tastes like piss, it makes you feel sick.

I never got the attraction but whatever. lol

hang_em_high ago

You probably haven't drunk enough of it.

vladtep ago

When I was a teen/early 20s I used to to kill depression but I never actually liked it.

I drank quite a bit of it, never thought it tasted good.

hang_em_high ago

Bud Light and Coors and stuff? The craft stuff is a lot better. I can't even drink the garbage I drunk from a keg in college anymore. Either way I definitely feel better and sharper after a week or two of not drinking. Should probably just give it up.

copper_spartan ago

Yeah, I don't know what these plebeians are talking about. Fine wine, whiskey and beer taste delicious, especially when paired with the right food and company. That said, I'm taking a break for Lent and already feel better.

vladtep ago

I can't really tell the difference, anything with alcohol in it tastes like shit to me.

BlackManOnVoat ago

I used to wonder this for a long time. Like, I never understood alcoholism, it tastes like shit, expensive, ruins the lives of many people, and tastes like shit. BUT one day I was pretty upset and depressed for some reason, and I thought "well what the hell, people drink this crap when they're sad right? might as well try it out" -famous last words Well that was the first time I got shit faced drunk(downed 1 LOT of whiskey that night), and it was AMAZING, all my problems and worries just. . .poof, gone, dissapated. It was like a weight lifting off my shoulders. . .I was able to enjoy and endure my shitty situation I had found myself in, without a care in the world. I felt GOOD then I thought OHHHH, THAT'S why people drink!

Again famous last words. . . from that point on I was a functioning alcoholic for a couple years until I further fucked up my life and decided to go cold turkey. (I probably wouldn't be here if I hadn't in all honesty) . . .that was hard. but continuing to take stock of how I fucked up (even though I was decently employed . . .the rest of my life was trash{I was able to keep up appearances though}) helped me push through.

I rarely drink now, last time I had a beer it was half a beer that a friend I hadn't seen in a while bought for me. I ordered tons of food so that I wouldn't get drunk and drank a lot of water as well to keep me from wanting to drink more, I only had half a beer that night. and haven't drank at all since. (this was about 8 months ago)

So yeah, it's definitely not the taste that draws people in. . .its more like a personal thing, The problems, a weight on a person's shoulder is what drives them to the "medicine bottle." I think I got lucky, as there are lots of people who fall farther in and never get out.

"but for the grace of God go I" I guess. . .

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Here's a fun fact! Alcohol is a group 1 carcinogen! Like tobacco!

vladtep ago

I did not know that

middle-path ago

I rarely drink, but when I do, I notice that my muscles relax and my capacity for higher reasoning is destroyed.

I enjoy it if I've been working my ass off and need a quiet night. But rarely and not to excess.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

It functions similar to meditation in that aspect, clear your mind and relax your body.

Anonymous171717 ago

You drink piss and eat hot garbage? Just clarifying what you typed. That is gross, actually.

vladtep ago

No, your mom does.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous171717 ago

Yes. Hmm, yes that does help. And, actually, it clears up a whole bunch of stuff from my youth. Some stuff tasted horrible! Thanks!!!

WhitePaladin ago

Alchool impairs your brain functioning and you shouldnt drink.

Theres a reason why alcohol is legal and weed isnt, smoke weed if you need to relax.


I basically cut out booze from my life and switched over to weed. If you’re not careful it can make you lazier, but you can’t even compare the two. Alcohol is literal poison. Weed makes me want to work out, clean my house, and makes me a more introspective and sympathetic person.

It also makes food and sex 10x better.

B-------D ago

Same. Make canna-honey. It's the bomb. No more smoking. I make it with an electric coffee maker. Takes 4 hours.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I thought I was alone in the world. Beer is gross. And despite there being 2,000 different kinds they all taste basically the same.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I’m not saying you would like any of them, but if you think they all taste basically the same then there are clearly some types you’ve never tried.

Firevine ago

You're not alone. Beer is nasty.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I can't explain how amazing beer is after a day of tiring labor

B-------D ago

Moonshine dude... Make some moonshine. Put it in lemonade. Couple ice cubes maybe a splash of iced tea... Man I miss summer.

DependasaurusRex ago

Pain relief so I can actually sleep and less destructive than opioids which I am luckily allergic to.

dumbnobody ago

Social prestige. It's the one thing the so called normal people of the world care about more than money.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Sex, validation, and a good hot shit.

CapinBoredface ago

tastes like piss

always tasted like old bread to me. Unless its little girl beer like Smirnoff Ice. Then it tastes like soda.

trevmon ago

i thought so at first too but it's an acquired taste. same with all alcoholic drinks and also coffee

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Guinness tastes like coffee, put some Bailey's in it and you basically have a latte or maybe a macchiatto. Of course you have to worry about the cream curdling, but the point stands. You might be able to do an almond milk based creamer instead, but i have yet to experiment with creamers. I also heard that heating up Guinness, makes it indistinguishable from coffee but again I've yet to try to do that.

CapinBoredface ago

I’ve acquired the taste for some beers but others are just too much like bread. Or they just taste terrible. Heiniken tastes flat out terrible. Coors, Bud, Artois, and Corona are okay.

Yuengling is the o oh beer I genuinely like.

There’s also a few beers from Japan that are pretty good.

B-------D ago

Shit dude that is like every shit-beer on earth. OK you need to try a craft beer. Something like a smooth amber. Or a whit.

hang_em_high ago

All of those beers are terrible. Spend the 10 bucks and get something decent.

CapinBoredface ago


You are by no means the first person to say "LOL all of those beers suck, try a REAL beer!" And then never list any. Or you guys recommend some garbage IPA or PBR or something.

hang_em_high ago

No one is recommending PBR except hipster fags. Not everyone is going to like IPAs either and I wouldn’t point someone that doesn’t care much for beer toward those.

Boulevard beer never lets me down. The new tank 7 farmhouse ale is one of my new favorites. All of the the trappist beers are sweet and not too bitter; something like a Duvel or Chimay. I enjoy most hefe-weizen as well; weihenstephaner is a major one but good. Other than that maybe give cider a shot. Bold Rock Virginia apple is a nice fruity, sweet, easy cider. I don’t know though. If you don’t like beer, you don’t like it and I doubt there is one beer that will completely turn that around.

CapinBoredface ago

Ive never even see those in the alcohol section. Where the hell do you find them?

hang_em_high ago

Liquor stores and decent grocery stores have huge selections around here and where I previously lived. I don't think most of those should be that rare.

CapinBoredface ago

I’m in SoCal. Never seen em

hang_em_high ago

Stone and Aleworks should be in most stores there. They should have some good beers. I forgot Stouts as well. Left Hand Brewing Nitro Milk Stout is a nice beer and widely available. I like most milk and oatmeal stouts and there are a ton of coffee stouts as well if you like coffee.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

What do you like about the beers you do like? Do you like sweet, bitter, fruity, sour, etc? It’s hard to recommend a beer without having some idea of what you like.

Do you like wine? If so what type? That might help narrow it down.

CapinBoredface ago

Hate wine, I like beer that doesnt taste like bread.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Stouts will generally taste a bit like coffee. English barleywines taste kind of like maple syrup and almonds. Belgian quadruples are similar but with a certain funk from the strains of yeast they use. Farmhouse ales have a bit of funk and slight sourness. There are many different fruit beers, especially sours like lambics from Belgium. Berliner Weisse is a style with a slight lemon sourness that make the beer almost like a shandy. There are a ton of other styles, too, but I am not sure what flavors you associate with bread, so many of them might not really fit.

trevmon ago

i like bread so don't see that as a problem. guiness really tastes like bread IMO and a lot of people odn't like it but I do. I didn't as a teen but later did, tastebuds change over time too.

CapinBoredface ago

Last time I tried Guinness I was 22. I’m almost 28 now so maybe I’ll give it another shot. I only drink socially and sometimes people give me shit for ordering cider. It’d be nice to have an actual beer that I can stomach.

ratsmack ago

Because it's cool... especially when you're swilling it with the bro's while watching nigger ball.

Cat-hax ago

People at work always try to get me to drink with them,I don't get it either,they think getting black out drunk is fun....

ratsmack ago

I have only occasionally imbibed and when I did, I always stopped at three hard drinks. I've always had a little internal gauge that tells me when enough is enough. There was a guy that I would go out with when I was in my twenties, and he would always drink himself into a stupor. His dad was a raging alcoholic, so I always assumed it was hereditary... I guess I'm just lucky to be able to enjoy a drink without going off the deep end.

Stalins_bedpan ago

Who's your favorite nigger, bro?

B-------D ago

Bill Cosby now... Ha ha ha

ratsmack ago

I don't do nigger ball... and shun those that do.

Stalins_bedpan ago

That's the joke.

tastelessinvective ago


ratsmack ago

And if there comes an economic crisis or major disaster, those rural folks will be just fine, but those arrogant progressive city folks will be roasting each other on a spit just to survive... kinda gives this rural dweller that warm and fuzzy feeling.

SerialChiller ago

If you want to be truly happy - don't hate city folks and wish bad things for them. Just ignore them, and live the life that makes you happy.

optionalfrank ago

You should hate one thing and one thing only: lies. You are allowed to really dislike liars too.

ratsmack ago

Hey... I can be cynical if I want to. :)

lord_nougat ago


ratsmack ago

Subsist... it's the great thing about context, we know what he meant.

This is where AI sucks.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey those redneck hillbillies are racist anti-semites!!

Diggernicks ago

Down south the anti semitic contingent is almost non existent but racist? Mos def

Sparky159 ago

The most vehement racists in the deep south are the nogs. The most racist whites down here are only of the "I don't want my daughter dating a nog" caliber

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

i sense sarcasm.

ratsmack ago

Your sense seems to be in working order.

MrPim ago

IPA hater.

Kleemin ago

IPA's are garbage and any faggots who say they enjoy them are fucking liars.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

lol yea if you drink red hammer ipa or something lol. get a good craft brew like Dogfish head... different all together.

MrPim ago

You've been drinking shitty beer.

Firevine ago

I'll take my home away from the city with little light pollution, peace and quiet, clean air, open sky, and enough land to grow food for my family any day of the week.

Augsberger ago

In the process of selling my current home and buying up a little bit of property way out. Won't mind a 45 min drive at all to be honest.

idle_voating ago

The problem being that cities are where the opportunities are at. The rural kids move to cities to get jobs because that's where the jobs and opportunities are at when it's time to leave the parents' home. People who made money then buy a place out in the country to retire.

One of the big factors in this is that small farms continually get consolidated into larger farms. I've seen plenty of small towns in Indiana with boarded up windows and collapsing buildings as their populations have left.

chuckletrousers ago

One of the big factors in this is that small farms continually get consolidated into larger farms.

Are they bought by corporations or families?

idle_voating ago

Both. Big farms buy up smaller farms and become bigger and make more money, whether they're owned by individuals or corporations. Especially for commodity crops like corn and soybeans which can be traded on the futures market, which is most of what is grown in Indiana.

BlackManOnVoat ago

In addition, working for a corporate farm is pretty much hell on earth (i.e. those chicken farmers who get jewed out of their hard work and life savings) of course on the other hand, if you are successful in farming on your own, you can make a decent living, land, skills, and knowhow that can last for generations. But that takes work, support of non-toxic women and decent community. . .

Hence, guns and bibles.

B-------D ago

You are one woke nigger. Glad to have you here. You are right on the money. I do exactly that. I got some sweet land and pretty much live off it entirely. I do some stuff on the side but don't really work. My day is playing with my kid and wife or fixing something or building something new or reading shit on voat because it's shitty weather. I got pigs and a good woman and a garden. Lots of firewood and solar panels. Everyone laughs at me but on Monday morning when that alarm goes off... THEY KNOW... I am still warm in my bed.

chuckletrousers ago

Big farms buy up smaller farms and become bigger and make more money, whether they're owned by individuals or corporations.

Well, yeah, during the American Revolution 90% of the population were farmers, when I was a kid in the '60's it was down to 10%, and now it's less than 2%. Thank you Cyrus Mcormick and John Deere. I was just curious as to the chances of the farm I grew up on being owned by a corporation.

BentAxel ago

I wish I could live in the country again. I chose to spend 20 yeas in society, make a grip of cash the retire. Idaho, Utah or Colorado is where I plan to land.

I'm jealous. But realistic and I'm not suffering by any means. I have 60% equity, and little credit debt.

B-------D ago

Come to Oregon we are recruiting good patriots.... ... Please.

gentronseven ago

It is easier if you just leave, move to Arizona and defend that.

Voatbro29 ago

What job, where at, and when?

B-------D ago

Yeah thats the real trick isn't it.

Jewed ago

60% equity in your work unit cell?

BentAxel ago

Yeah sure. Actually I bought this house two years ago last weekend. Not the largest in the neighborhood. But for where we live, its damn nice.

Diggernicks ago

Don't forget hardly any/no niggers

WhitePaladin ago

Where he lives there arent KFC or bus stops, therefore no niggers.

hillbilly_guy ago

Can confirm. It's about an hour to either a KFC or a bus stop from my house. No niggers in my area either.

slwsnowman40 ago

He covered that with peace and quiet, and clean air.

clayton__bigsby ago

you can say that again

skrublite ago

There's nothing quite like sitting outside in rural TN in the middle of the night and just looking up. Amazing.

B-------D ago

Same with Oregon... Except it's cloudy.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Except that it's Tennessee.

skrublite ago

Depends on the locality; sure most of it is bumblefuck nowhere but I like that sort of thing.

wonderful_ ago


Diggernicks ago

barbed wire fence

Most popular yard decoration in memphis