Save these links as they exhibit cures or relief for almost all diseases
The average adult male is 60% water, does it make sense that a cure for any disease should concentrate to some degree on “water”?
Over 95% of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the body are killed by exposure to oxygen, they are anaerobic. Almost all diseases cannot survive in oxygen rich environments.
Every pharmaceutical drug is toxic to your liver---why take them?
To cure or improve any disease, use these 4 different approaches that concentrate on Water.
Flood your body with oxygen by adding a few drops of “food grade hydrogen peroxide to water”.
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide has no stabilizers and is suitable for ingestion. It increases oxygen in your body. Any pathogen that comes into contact with high oxygen content will be killed. Hydrogen Peroxide is cheap and can be ingested with little or no side effects.
Video (hundreds more videos on hydrogen peroxide are on YouTube) Mr. Oxygen: 99% of Diseases Can’t Live in Active Oxygen ,
Drink Hydrogenated water. Hydrogen gas in water is a virtual miracle. It has only come to light since around 2007, but as of today there are now over 700 peer reviewed scientific studies that prove it improves over 170 medical conditions – and that number is growing weekly. It has shown a remarkable ability to reverse high blood sugar and diabetes in a short amount of time.
Video (there are hundreds now on YouTube) The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Water
Apex Water. Apex water is a patented water that has a negatively charged silver particle that carries oxygen with it. It is naturally attracted to anything bad in your body that has a positive charge and once connecting to it like a magnet, it dissolves and releases the oxygen killing the disease cell. The most amazing thing about Apex Water has been its effect on cancer patients, many of whom were sent home to die. After taking Apex Water, many have recovered and become cancer free.
Apex Water link, information and videos
MMS. Another oxygen delivery method is MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution
Video Project Camelot interviews Jim Humble, the man behind MMS: Miracle Mineral Supplement
Video: MMS Documentary – Jim Humble’s Miracle Cure
18502468? ago
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17551493? ago
good links/ stories here -
North Korea Bio chem
For Briotech Web page for Preppers
2017 Theme: Disasters Don't Plan Ahead, You Can. Don't Wait. Communicate.
17551435? ago
Guy in washington discovered how to mimic the white blood cells in our body. Created a HOCL water spray that kills bad stuff within 15 seconds. Should be up for a nobel prize. Should be on the cover of every science magazine. Even CDC and NIH agrees with what he says on his site. Can't get what he needs from the fda. Trump should investigate this read here - Then check the link on Prions. It's all there. Why isn't this in everyone's first aid kit? Has to sell it as a beauty treatment until fda approves it, which, looking at the OP, is probably never!
17536845? ago
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17208759? ago
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17165616? ago
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16789290? ago
One thing I am dead against is microwave cooking! Many years ago, before any research was published (or research was suppressed) I intuited that it destroys nutrients and the molecular structure of the food. I was right. But there is also what it does to foods containing glyphosates (found out this morning in Natural News newsletter). Here is the link: .... Errrr.... Bon appétit! ANd by the way, check how they heat food in hospitals, you may have a very bad surprise! Love you guys, have a good weekend!
16789387? ago
I agree 100%..........years ago I read an article where the Russians had wanted to put microwaves on submarines (when microwave ovens first came out) so they tested them and they tested the people that ate food cooked in them (what a novel idea) ....the results of the blood tests were so perplexing to the Dr.s that they said in no way should the Navy or the military use microwaves
16789608? ago
Yes, I remember that, but I didn't know it was in the Subs that they noticed the problem. From what I know, now it is allowed again the Russia -I guess not in the subs, though!-.
16773410? ago
ALso that for your information: Dr. Coldwell stated a case where an oncologist physician in Italy, Dr Tullio Simoncini (pictured left) has cured all types of cancer with pharmaceutical grade sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Dr Simoncini’s is the author of “Cancer is a Fungus” and his research concluded that abnormal cells are held together by a fungus, and the fungus can’t exist in an alkaline environment. Through his sodium bicarbonate treatment, the fungi is attacked and cancer is eliminated. \But just beware, because some site say mix Bic of soda with maple syrup but this is not the original Simoncini recipe.
16774797? ago
I agree, there is evidence that cancer is a fungus and Dr. Simoncini had great results with sodium bicarbonate, I have read an article by someone who researched it, that the maple syrup and baking soda recipe originated after Dr. Simoncini, but there was no evidence to back up the original story (supposedly 1 of 4 sister never got breast cancer while the other 3 did and she claimed that her habit of eating that mixture was the reason)
16781335? ago
I found the Simooncini book in PDF format, recipe is on page 142.
16780953? ago
I found the Simoncini's book in pdf. Recipe is on page 142. It is a long book! So many things to read! HOw can people be bored, that's beyond me!
16763963? ago
I really wanted to get a water alkaliser, but I just read this article and I think I'll get a water hydrogeniser instead. So thank you guys! Alkaline water has been a fad, it looks like it. Check the article and let me know what you think!
16764824? ago
Mercola did a long interview with one of the (not for profit) proponents of Hydrogenated might want to watch that
16765900? ago
I'll check that! Many thanks! :-)
16758212? ago
So much useful information here. Thank you so very much!
16758354? ago
thank you (could you tell the trolls that?)
16756559? ago
This one's a troll. He's telling all you autists to drink bleach (number 4), and 3 is that silver solution that makes people turn gray.
16756690? ago
this one's an idiot^^^^, doesn't understand the difference between bleach and chlorine dioxide
16753945? ago
Fascinating info! No time to post today. See you tomorrow. In the meantime, keep in mind magnetic pulser destroys cancer cells. The other thing I want to understand is the difference between ozonated water and hydrogenated water. Ozo water is O3, that is O2 + loose cannon O. The said loose canon will seek a loose free radical O, and they will have a baby, namely O2. So question, is the hydrogenated water the same in reverse. Now, don't come down on me because I am deep to my ears in research right now (my usual operating mode but now very intense) so please do not call me names! Hahahaha! I just have no time to research that hydrogenated water -which, funnily enough, was signalled to me 2 weeks ago. It is funny, really, because info comes my way, and 2 weeks later same info comes my way, like a nudge, ¨Hey, look there!¨. Interseting phenomenon... Coincidence... Wink wink nudge nudge...
16751926? ago
fuck off. Misleading title. Stop advertising your shit here. We'll get cures when this shit's over. Until then, shut the hell up
16753909? ago
fuck off gay triggered troll^^
16751047? ago Made in the USA. THE Best water filter. Doesn’t need electricity. It’s gravity fed. It even filters out fluoride. And they even have a filter for a water bottle. I have personally bought 2 of these. I had to get one for a disabled Marine Corps vet, who’s a neighbor. Also note: viruses live in an ‘acidic’ environment. So in the military they are taught to put 1 tsp of Baking Soda in 1 cup of water and drink it. Everyday do this and your body becomes ‘basic ph’. An environment that virus can’t survive in, which means Less sickness. This Works!!
16749295? ago
What about muh Hair Pees? Damn Khazars make that shit?
16749061? ago
I've read great things about Turmeric. Anyone have experience with it?
16752991? ago
Yep. Good for helping rid your body of toxins, including floride
16748969? ago
awesome thread tons of good info.
16748952? ago
Beautiful. Best Wishes, Roy Belfast N I
16748097? ago
I agree. All the boomers should start drinking magic water to cure their diseases.
16747979? ago
I have hypothyroidism. I am going to try the MMS therapy. I will let you know how it works. Tanks for the options opportunities/options. Information is critical in designing a protocol.
16744208? ago
Hey man God bless you for sharing this information lost a friend to cancer recently. You seem very knowledgeable about this. I have some important information on cancer that I'd like to discuss with you is there any way to contact you?
16754731? ago
Sure I can write it here instead it's basically that high intravenous injections of vitamin C cures cancer. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system to fight the cancer. That is the CURE!
16748763? ago
Nothing that you wouldn't share with the rest of us, right? I'd encourage you to post here, instead.
16744918? ago
16742909? ago
What an awesome post, thank you! We can absolutely empower ourselves and score a double win - meaning, we heal ourselves (which IMO assists in healing everything around us energetically) ... AND we liberate ourselves from reliance on Cabal "technologies" (poisons) and dry them up both financially & energetically as a result.
I would also add that many believe water can hold thought based frequencies on a scale that shouldn't be ignored, considering how much of it resides within our physical systems alone.
Here's a ton of printable material on Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy: which also links into MMS and specifically how to make your own MMS: for those like me who like to print & store this info in handy binders they can always use offline.
ThanQ for starting a really great discussion with some great topics we can all help each other with <3
16742620? ago
Herbs and folk lore worked very well, that is why they burned the healers as Witches.
16753460? ago
Yup rosemary cures eveything.
16751360? ago
They are still killing the healers
16742553? ago
Thank you!
16742067? ago
What about using an oxygenator? Can breathing in pure oxygen help?
16741581? ago
It indicates the parts per million of the particles. It says nothing about the size of the particles. Check Bob Beck's papers and also ¨Colloidal silver, a closer look¨by Peter Lindemann. AAfter saying that, my home made brew works wonders. Now some marketers sell some brews made with a special water from a secret valley etc... Beware!
16742615? ago
I used to take Colloidal silver (I made my own with my Silver Lungs machine) but I've pretty convinced that Apex Water is better than Colloidal Silver ...
16745805? ago
I put that on my list of things to try. I also think the MMS2 is better than the silver. :-)
16745908? ago
MMS has certainly been proven effective in the field........colloidal silver has been proven to kill almost everything they tested it against, the problem with colloidal silver is getting it in contact with the pathogen and colloidal silver (no matter how well it's made) falls out of solution after a reasonably short amount of time......while Apex Water have many of the same attributes as colloidal silver, stays in solution basically forever --- and being a charged particle, it basically is "searching" for pathogens that have an opposite charge, so it actually makes contact with the pathogen easier and faster than colloidal silver---which is why I switched
16741446? ago
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer found out 5 Biological laws. Thats the way all desease that come by themselves (and not from an accident or poison) have a cause, that can easily be found.
More Infos about the basics and the background can bei found in this video:
Please activate English subtitle.
16741095? ago
If this were true it would most definitely cause a revolution. I lost my wife, who battled cancer for five years, at the age of 38. She went to her new home in heaven almost three years ago, leaving me and our 10 year old son here or earth. If I found out they have been hiding cures, I would make it my life's effort to destroy all those involved, sacrificing myself if necessary. She was healthy, ate right, and taught exercise classes. It took everything from us.
16742223? ago
My heart breaks for you. I think that if it becomes known that they had all these disease cures- that are suppressed by health organizations, pharma, doctors- that there will be a massive culling of these ones responsible for millions, if not billions, of lives lost when they coulda been cured. Those ones covering it up will be hunted down like rabid animals and will be removed from life. They will not be able to hide.
16742554? ago
Thank you. During her battle we spent our lifes saving traveling from the midwest to MD Anderson in Houston hoping for a miracle. I remember looking down at what I thought was Houston, and another passenger said that what I thought was a city was in fact MD Anderson all lit up. I knew right then and there that there would never be a cure because of the money involved. It was a fantastic facility; great doctors and nurses. Just so much money all around.
16743028? ago
My wife has three major health problems. Adrenal failure, thyroid disease, and a pituitary adenoma (a tumor that ruined her pituitary, and that presses on her brain.) Her endocrine system is destroyed, we have been trying to re-create it from meds. She’s on 22 prescriptions, no bullshit. If this comes to light, that they could have cured her twenty years ago, those MFers are gonna burn for it. If we can’t get her health figured out, she will have another two years to live, if we are lucky. I’m not the only one who will demand their blood for the life of my soulmate.
16743430? ago
I am very sorry you are going through this. I know how hard it is. What started as breast cancer turned into 13 tumors in her brain and multiple spinal turmors. It's an awful thing to see your soul mate suffer through such a journey. It's a hard thing to be a caregiver. I would do it all over again for her. Enjoy each day together. Her first doctor told her she had a few months to live when it spread to her spin; we got 5 years to say our beautiful goodbye. I pray you have a long healthy time with your wife and you can have a beautiful goodbye full of no regrets and peace.
16743667? ago
My sincerest thanks to you. I cannot imagine the heartache you cope with daily. You never “get over it” as some think. Instead, you learn how to live with it. The sad memories fade, and happy memories become more and more common. You know how it works.
I lost my beloved father a couple years ago, to a stroke that may have never happened if this thread is right. He was too young to go. I thought we’d have another 15-20 years from him. Now my wife of 20yrs probably won’t grow old with me like I always wanted.
This isn't fair. These criminals walk free, doing the most evil things that can be imagined. I want justice for everyone. All of humanity deserves it.
16740539? ago
It’s about time Western doctors take eastern medicine and nature in general seriously.
Medicinal mushrooms and cannabis (industrial hemp) in particular have enormous potential.
16740623? ago
Homeopathic medicine was here and working fine, till the jews beat them in a court case.....that ended it and started us on this "witchcraft" known as allopathic medicine
16750681? ago
wow that's interesting. What year was the court case?
16740110? ago
A good Diet... Great water... One can cure most diseases EASILY. The Human body is a HEALING MACHINE Some foods, many herbs will speed the process... EASILY
A good HONEST book on how the body works suggested. THEY(The bad guys) create your sickness; & feed you more poison to keep you sick. ALL DOUCMENTED
16739974? ago
I just want to say that this is a great thread from beginning to end! Read through it! Lots of good info! Thanks everyone for sharing!!
16740474? ago
Excellent thread with beautiful humans trying to help each other.
16741075? ago
Perfectly said. I simply don't have anywhere near enough upvotes for all the great comments here, but this encapsulates my thoughts to a T.
16739263? ago
Pier reviewed?
16739329? ago
my girlfriend says that gay people spell check her all the damn time.........
16740747? ago
My boyfriend says the same thing...
Someone giving medical advice who doesn't get the difference between pier and thanks
16741928? ago
Same with my husbands boyfriend
16739080? ago
Cures for cancer do exist.
The problem with curing cancer is aging. This is the way the body so fas has avoided an onset of cancer - the body introduced aging so that cells wouldn't become cancerous. To be more specific, the body's cells quit producing rejuvenated and youthful cells so as to avoid development of cancerous tumors.
The reason the cure for cancer can't be introduced, however, is that doing so would give us an aged and geriatric population. Basically, if we cure cancer all of the people that will be cured from it will be too old, too many, and not useful enough to keep around.
16746383? ago
Sounds like BS to me. If you don't age you're fine.
16747328? ago
Yeah, go ahead and reread what that comment said.
16741883? ago
Look into the Blue Zone diet. People who live in these areas live to 100+
16742413? ago
Reversing aging via studying stem cells is where we need to go. This let's us extend life and even reverse aging. These things can't be done, however, until the infrastructure problems are addressed (energy is important here). Some signs to look for are dramatically increased GDP, restructuring of energy storage and production, reformation of currency regulation and production, etc.
You're looking at a 30 year window at maximum.
16742998? ago
Agreed. Damn telomeres!!
16743606? ago
Does reducing the length of telemores prolong life? Does that have anything to do with the science behind it? If that's in the proper ball park, maybe the question would better be asked by bringing up slowing the reduction process instead.
16745155? ago
I want to prevent mine from shrinking. ;)
16747103? ago
That first line was incorrect
16739125? ago
So let's cure the children
16741935? ago
Thats what ny is doing
16741132? ago
All of them, all at once? How would society react?
I don't have the capacity to issue you a response here, especially one derived from access to or knowledge of the science behind things, but I can tell you that it won't be well received from the public. There has to be someone to blame and a reason to have kept it hidden this time accompanying public exposure.
In other words, it's not that simple. I don't think anyone doesn't wish it wasn't as complicated, but the hands of those capable and willing appear to be more or less tied at the moment. You'll see them released within the decade or the next one, that I can tell you with great confidence, though.
16738680? ago
G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17
16751280? ago
Good book to read! Exposes corruption.
16738767? ago
actually it's more about nitrilocides than B17 ....but G.Edward Griffin is great and the book was great
16738855? ago
Thanks thats useful.
16738332? ago
Did you ever read something and immediately know it's true? I have just now.
16738323? ago
14 years ago, I read a post on Natural Health News - The Health Ranger, I believe. Did a write up on the benefits of H202. Stated that the big pharma companies do not want to let this little secret out as it would drive them out of business!
I started using 35% food grade H202 every day to this day .... this stuff is so powerful it will change your body's PH levels to an Alkaline state. Almost never sick and endless benefits for years. Look it up, do your own research if you do it...start slow at recommended dose.
16738646? ago
How do you take it? In what form? Thanks in advance.
16743108? ago
I started with a detox cycle with a couple of drops taken with purified water or evaporated water system. Distilled water is pure water and has no metals that can be harmful with adding H202. Over about 14 days adding drops to about 20 - 25 (check online for more) - Lot of advise online.
These are people that have cured many cancers and diseases.
For me, I now just brush my teeth with pure 35% FG and the sub-lingual process goes to the blood stream directly... but you must build up slowly as it takes a few weeks to adjust and allow the candida in your mouth and gums to burn out.
I also use a 3% mixture in a simple nasal mist dispenser like "Rhinaris" found at most drugstores. I empty the bottle and put the 3% (diluted 35% with pure water) and inhale through my mouth to get to the lungs.
Hang in there as you go through the process you may feel worse as the impurities flush out of your body. Parasites, virals, pathogens and will kill them!
16753426? ago
Thank you so much for this priceless information. I bookmarked and saved everything for further research. One more thing:
17068616? ago
Not sure if you received my reply about FG H2O2 only? You can freeze the water bottle of 12% and as the Hydrogen peroxide will not freeze ...pour the liquid into a fresh bottle and add pure water of 2/3 to make 35%. Best of health to you and your family.
17069582? ago
Yes, I did. Thank you so much. But I have one more question since you're here If you know please let me know: Where can I get 35% Hydrogen Peroxide if I live in Europe?
17070103? ago
Just get the 12% FG - as it's cheap enough buy 2 bottles and freeze both. Pour off the unfrozen pure H2O2 and make it close to 35%. Use gloves as it will turn your skin white if you touch it. Good luck. I'm in Canada and they only sell 29% FG. Or just use 3 x more in the drop form if you are taking it with water to drink. Check u-tube.
17070256? ago
Thank you so much! I received all of your advice. Thanks again & greetings to Canada!
16759232? ago
Don't use anything but "Food Grade" even 12% FG is better to start with. The non-food grade is for exterior use only!
Some people who can't find 35% FG - in your case use the highest (12%) you would have and put the 12% in the freezer for 24 hours to freeze the water only. The pure h2o2 will not freeze and will float in liquid form on top of the ice which is the H2O (the water). Now you can pour the pure H2O2 into a suitable plastic container and mix with pure water ratio to strengthen it to 35%. Note - use latex gloves and be careful while mixing as the H2O2 will burn your skin if in contact. You-tube has info on this process if you need some visuals.
16759356? ago
Thank you a million times for your advice and guide.
16759470? ago
No problem ...happy to help. God bless your path Anon!
16738350? ago
I take it every day
16738073? ago
Beet Juice: The substance that gives beets its deep crimson color also contains boron. This element counteracts the effects of too much calcium and also flushes out fluoride and metal compounds. Beets also promote cellular health with its rich concentrations of B vitamins.
16738407? ago
Great to know. I love them but rarely buy them.
16739674? ago
SUPER easy to grow...
16738602? ago
They're actually super easy to grow and taste so much better.
16743303? ago
Very cold tolerant as well. You can also consume (juice, sautee, smoothie) the leaves.
16741977? ago
Smelly to cook. I buy ready-cooked and peeled beetroot from Lidl supermarket. OK or not? I also drink filtered water with a trace amount of borax added (2 tspn in 1/2 litre).
16738090? ago
I 100% agree
16737968? ago
Distill at home. None of the minerals that come in water are necessary. Many aren’t even bioavailabile.
Distillation removes all metals, effectively all pesticides and contaminants, and all pathogens.
Do it right.
16749016? ago
I've heard Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems are the best.
16760825? ago
They are definitely the best... for the people who sell the filters.
Reverse osmosis is not as effective at purifying water as distillation is. RO is cheaper and faster, but the product is inferior.
Water's purpose in your body is to be a solvent. Try, for instance, taking a cup of warm distilled water and a cup of warm tap water. Drop spoonfuls of sugar into each, and stir until it disappears. You will find the distilled has an enormous appetite compared to the tap water, which already has plenty of shit dissolved in it.
16748022? ago
small correction: distillation only removes anything that has a higher boiling point than water.
That covers a lot but not "all contaminants".
16760414? ago
Good distillers will have two means of mitigating this.
First, the post-distillation activated charcoal filter removes most such substances that might be in your water.
Second, at the highest point in the condenser coil, a tiny hole, out of which the lightest (the first to boil) substances can excape (this comes at the cost of negligible lost clean water, lost as steam).
If you subsequently put the water into a kettle (all stainless or copper, aluminum and plastic are poisons) and boil it, everything that boils before water will escape, leaving you with very pure water. I love to boil up a kettle and leave it there, nothing quenches a thirst like warm, clean water.
If you don't believe me, try and drink even grocery store distilled (boil it before you drink it for best taste) for a month. If you don't feel better, well fuck me.
16808385? ago
Thank you for all the awesome tips. You're very knowledgeable and have been a great help in this thread :)
16743268? ago
Can you recommend a good countertop distiller?
16744529? ago
Well, mine is a Polar Bear, but unless you're Canadian you won't be able to get one like it.
If I were you, I'd get on Craigslist or Kijiji and try and find a used one. Especially if your area has hard water, there should be plenty for sale. The quality of water distillers produce does not go down with the age of the machine. For instance, my Polar Bear is a '91, and it makes delicious fresh water 25+ years later.
16738771? ago
Amen brother! Distilled water is the only pure water. Everything with "minerals" is just another form of "dirty" water.
16737679? ago
Case in point: China will launch 1,000 AI clinics. Like a phone booth, open 24/7, patient cases will be filtered by AI, and presumably a select screened few cases will be connected with a live doctor. Sensors, webcams, and some locked refridgerated medications. Sauce
16737459? ago
(posting for a friend) - a cancer survivor, the only one to date of that surgery batch with (so far) zero psa, changed the diet, and thought important - used B17 (bitter centres of plum, apricot stones, probably in most seeds anyway. Noting that table salt is half composed of war gas deadly chlorine :-) and no one thinks twice because we need some salt, the high volume of warnings on b17 because of a compound in it ( cyanide?) which ONLY attacks the cancer like growths. This person swears by it, difficult to get, I think bc it (cures er... the C word)
16739701? ago
Apricot pits from Amazon...inexpensive.
16737678? ago
I lost 3 friends to cancer treatment ..... B17 is the real deal, you can buy apricot pits on Ebay, cheap
16737221? ago
You will die no matter what you do to prevent it. The sooner the better. Death is not an ending. It is a new beginning.
16750702? ago
16746219? ago
Aside from"the sooner the better," I don't disagree with you. And yet we chose to come here, knowing what a pain in the behind it is.
If we intended to do something but ducked out before getting it done, once back home we just facepalm and come back in, like walking into a room and totally blanking on what you intended to do there.
Death is a release of all the yucky stuff of this life. At the same time, we came in here because living this life is itself a thing of value once we're back "upstairs."
16738011? ago
Then why isn't everyone jumping off of a cliff?
16738103? ago
Because they think death is an ending. They have forgotten who and what they really are.
16737190? ago
Good to learn..... thanks
16737014? ago
colloidal silver (while silver is still stupid cheap) - (just dont add salt... LOL) hint canadian maple coins are 4 nines purity
16736799? ago
Avoid mineral deficiencies, almost all health issues not created by environmental toxins, etc. are related to mineral deficiency
16752966? ago
Himalayan pink salt gives you most if not all the key minerals you need
16737023? ago
Dead Doctors don't Lie
16736686? ago
Taking ionic silver and zinc every day creates a secondary immune system in your blood, not a bad idea when the DS is cornered and ready to fail at another attempt of sicking a pandemic on the public.
16737641? ago
I think ionic silver is not the same as colloidal silver. I know someone who makes their own and the measured electric current does not increase with time of process, which it would do if they were making ions. I guess it is still sliver though
16740102? ago
If it is not a constant current generator, then stick to 5 ppm of silver, because processing to a higher ppm means particles get bigger and bigger, and are less bio-available. Constant current generators are quite expensive, though...
16741158? ago
This may not be the place to discuss it, but ppm may not measure a true colloid I believe. There is massive disinformation online I am sure
16738414? ago
The particles are smaller, I highly recommend Mother Earth Minerals if you can't make your own, particularly their Selenium which can be extremely toxic when supplemented, but not in this form.
16736728? ago
true, I used to make colloidal silver (I have a Silver Lungs machine) and take it........I am fairly sure that Apex Water is even better than Colloidal Silver
16736781? ago
I can't take colloidal silver, but I can take the Mother Earth Minerals silver with no problem. Will check out Apex water, thank you.
16736585? ago
I've been looking into c60 (carbon 60, buckyball molecule). Supposedly there are anti-aging effect with it. Still looking at more results from other sources, but I'm seriously considering it.
16739881? ago
look into a substance called shilajit. It is a natural substance suppose to be high in C60.
16736631? ago
there are concerns about C60, it is highly electrically conductive and it gets past the blood brain barrier ....there have been people that have come out and said that it can therefor be used as a pathway to affect your brain and thoughts....... MK ULTRA (I haven't had enough time to study it, but, it's a man made elemental product and I have concerns about all those type of things)
16736838? ago
Also, if you look into Dr. Scott McQuate's book translating the Bible using the Sumerian Lexicon, it indicates that the tribulation is simply us humans unzipping from the genetic manipulation of the hexagram, and "re-penta-ing" our cells. Religious people often comment that C60 will prevent that process from happening.
16736628? ago
I've tried a few different brands of C60 and would highly recommend the C60 Purple Power brand. Also, don't drink or smoke with it or you'll feel horrible, otw it's miraculous stuff!
16736487? ago
All this talk and not one mention of Wim Holf? You don't need all this special water and food. Just breathing and exercise will cure 99% of everything! He'll he walked to the top of Mt. Everest in shorts and ran a marathon in the desert without water!
16736505? ago
He's badass, I am a subscriber to his channel
16736664? ago
I am as well, its crazy how no one has said anything about him in this conversation. He's the only actual proven cure for most. Everything else at this point is conspiracy and theories.
16737289? ago
Remember that conspiracy just means "not mainstream thought". Q is thought to be a conspiracy.
16737759? ago
16736454? ago
Thank you - I'll check into the other ones but there is no way a few drops of peroxide contains enough oxygen to have any impact on a large human body.
16736523? ago
I take 20 a does make a difference~
16736856? ago
Do you take molybdenum to help drive the dead yeasts/bacteria/etc. fully out of your body?
16737156? ago
I take a mineral supplement (Dr.Joel Wallach's) that contains it, but I don't take it individually
16736448? ago
Drink purified water. Do sun-gazing 45min either 1st hour of sunrise or last hour of sunset. Eat green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs. Don't eat carbs, sugar. Substitute for sugar: Xylitol (Birch Sugar) Eat only once per day for 45min (3 portions into one)
16736354? ago
They know how to cure cancer:
16736543? ago
....that's why they buried everything associated with Royal Rife
16736650? ago
Exactly! It's amazing what you discover when you do the research. And, if Rife could create this back then, there is no reason why it can't be rediscovered just like everything else. The problem is people trying to monetize it instead of just releasing it into the wild for the benefit of everyone. It's like the old man in Australia that figured out how to boil water with sound waves....he's waiting for a financial backer instead of putting the information out there to benefit humanity. This too will be buried I'm afraid. Hopefully, someone else will rediscover it. This guy figured out because he was a saxophone player.
16736675? ago
and just think, if you and I know about these things and other things that have trickled down to us...........what the hell have they kept locked up tight, that we have never heard of??
16737465? ago
Hemp oil cures cancer.
16762166? ago
Right now, I am very confused, do you mean plain hemp oil, (I can find that evrywhere) or CBD oil?
16762261? ago
Check out this video, 1 hour and worth your time if your concerned about cancer, and want to know about hemp oil. I sent this link to a good friend of mine that was diagnosed with leukemia and prostate cancer a few years ago. He decided to give it a try, and he is cancer free today. No joke.
16762475? ago
Yes I know him. Reason I was asking that question is because I think this oil wouldn't be allowed where I live due to regulations. Cannabis content being too high...
16762807? ago
It's not allowed where my buddy lives either, but when it's your ass on the line...
16763282? ago
... you catch a plane -while those are still allowed Hahaha!- to where it is available and bingo! Anyway, when the NWO is defeated, it will be available to all. Hopefully very soon!
16764519? ago
Agreed Patriot, agreed.
16765892? ago
I can't wait! That will be a planetary party!
16736221? ago
For the time being i'll stick with my well water. It's awesome, I can't stand to drink town water or bottled water.
16740416? ago
I LOVE my well water. Bonus is, the water is ALIVE
16736213? ago
Another natural cure that was used by our ancestors was Borax. Do a dig on the historical research. It was dubbed a poison because it worked so well. Just like anything else, too much can be toxic which can turn anything into a poison. But, it is one of those things that was twisted by those who could not monetize it as a pharmaceutical.
16736336? ago
and Boron (Borax) increases testosterone
16739913? ago
I use an ionic boron supplement that greatly helps my arthritis.
16736382? ago
16736586? ago
16736172? ago
and Exclusion zone water (EZ water) [PROJECT CAMELOT: H302 EZ WATER WITH JEF HARVEY & SECRET GUEST] ( (2014)
16737187? ago
The mystery woo-woo about 'spinning water' to make 'energised water, living water' etc - I wonder if the micro (or nano?) bubbles in a spun water produces a significant exclusion zone surface?
16736084? ago
Yeah, it's called eating mostly fruits and vegetables (especially vegetables, especially leafy greens), significantly limiting carbs, drinking distilled water and eating very little red meat (and NEVER eat the blood).
Do that and you'll be eating the way his designed your body to eat and you won't get sick.
16737820? ago
Distilled water sucks the minerals out of your bones. I hope you're adding some minerals back in before you drink it.
16810012? ago
Untrue. I've been on distilled for years. Yearly blood tests show no mineral deficiencies.
16738382? ago
Thank you for your response. Yes, distilled water removes "minerals" from your body, but it only removes "inorganic" minerals, and those are minerals that not only do you not need. But you don't even want. Inorganic minerals are found in the soil, they are what plants eat, then plants convert them into organic minerals, and we eat the plants. It's a cycle.
Anyway, here's a copy pasted response to another guy that includes some more information. Distilled water is one of the greatest cover ups in the history of human health, and it's not surprising that it's been slandered. It's a powerful part of a healthy body.
"No. There are not. But many people have been told that.
Distilled water DOES "leach" minerals from our bodies, just like soap "leaches" dirt from our dirty hands. The trick is this... the minerals that distilled water leaches are "inorganic" minerals. They come from years and years of us drinking water that has little minerals of rock inside it. Our bodies have no ability to remove these minerals (since we were never intended to drink water that wasn't pure). So they build up over years and decades and they cause all sorts of problems in our bodies (including skin discolloration, liver spots, poor eyesight, basically all the signs of aging).
Distilled water is negativily charged. It travels through our bodies and "attracts" the unwanted inorganic minerals, which we have not other way to remove, binds to them, then removes them from your body.
Check out youtube videos with older people who drink distilled water. They loook DECADES younger than their peers.
Drink distilled water. It's just pure 100% water, that is it. It's what rainwater is. It's how god waters the earth and his children. And it's been the victim of one of the greatest smear campaigns in history. "
16741943? ago
I have a dehumidifier running in winter. Most days it condenses 2 litres of water from the air. I guess that's fairly pure. I've been throwing it away! What a waste. From now on I'll save it for my lead-acid batteries.
16810049? ago
I don't see any reason why liquid condensed from the air would be pure. It would likely be water mixed with any other substance in the air that condenses around the same temperature as water.
16743009? ago
I would estimate its pretty pure as well. Yippy can buy a ppm meter on Amazon for less than 10 bucks just to make sure.
16737981? ago
That's a myth. You get more minerals from your food if you're eating properly. But, if you're worried, you can add pink Himalayan salt or sea salt to it.
16740159? ago
I use celtic salt, it is very good. But Himalayan is very good also.
16736161? ago
Of course you are absolutely right, but there are things in our environment that greatly affect us that aren't strickly dietary ...... polluted air and water and our exposure to EMFs , Hydrogen Gas water seems to affect a lot of the ill effects of those things by neutralizing almost all free radicals
16738575? ago
I haven't done any research on hydrogen gas water, but I appreciate you sharing your viewpoint.
16738594? ago
get ready to be shocked (I was) I couldn't believe I hadn't heard about it before......tons of videos, testimonials and the like, the Japanese are way ahead of us on Hydrogen Gas
16735920? ago
MMS. Another oxygen delivery method is MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution Now MMS2, No mixing with acetic acid for activation required.
16750655? ago
I have some of this MMS, but I haven't started taking it yet. Is there anything I should avoid in my diet other than Vitamin C??
16757247? ago
He said any anti-oxidants. Vit-C just happens to be most common. You can drink orange juice several hours after dose, but best stay off it.
16761042? ago
good to know, thanks for the reply.
16735596? ago
I agree with this. Pharmaceutical industry has attacked natural cures for over a century. You'd never see this in America, but some years back 60 Minutes Australia did a segment of a man on life support cured from both cancer and the H1N1 virus with just Vitamin C, while his doctors tried to kill him.
16753656? ago
I can confirm ex pat here lived in au for 5 years. I was at a health / nutriton store and was talking to the homopathic dr i asked about liposomal vit c and its perscript based she said because it cures cancer. Then she said if i wanted some come see her shed she that i got some its in a small vial and you only need a drop or two per dose. 50- 100 per bottle. Fist bump for this post. Also work done be dr and lip vit c and sun light to cure everything guy won noble prize dont rem his name but hes got like 99.9 % sucess rate.
16754621? ago
Linus Pauling
16740282? ago
I can cure more on a walk to my backyard than most pharmacies in the country. That is what you get; when you trust a doctor more than grandma. Seek out the healthy old folks. They have much wisdom. Learn from them, while you can.
16743771? ago
Soooooo true - even if you're not a gardener/forager! Bare feet on the earth is chock full of healthy energy. People doubting, look up "earthing" ;)
Learn to find medicinal weeds/mushrooms/etc while you're soaking up the earth's goodness, and you'll really be cookin'!
16749593? ago
Sun as well. Love to sit in the sun. THEY even try to poison us with sun screen to keep us from the sun. Yes, one must respect sun, this guy thrives on it. When weeding my lettuce & cilantro. Some of the weeds tasted better than the lettuce. Soon will be snacking in the gardens again. With winter locked in, went back to sprouting. AMAZING and FRESH goodies on my kitchen counter. Sprouts contain much magic. THANK YOU for responding.
16763694? ago
Yep, and they even try to block the sun with their little chemtrails. But nothing can stop the sun. NOTHING ;)
Love me some sprouts. We just started making bagels using almond flour & they're amazing w/sprouts - much like just about everything else. Nothing compares to homemade either. My seeds sit on a small disc of orgonite while doing their initial soak.. hehe
16779016? ago
THANKS for the orgonite tip. Going to try chick pea & green pea flour. Homemade is the best. Often quite easy. Often surprisingly cheaper. PEACE to you and yours. Garey
16808069? ago
The protein flours are waaay more filling as well. The love always comes through on homemade stuff, with bonus points for knowing everything that's actually IN it.. lol <3
16739825? ago
Buy some rose bushes (heirloom roses best) and make your own (strong) Vit C. Rose hips (those round balls after the petals fall off) can be made into syrups, teas, etc. Very excellent form of C...much stronger than citrus. Plus pretty flowers.
Goog/utube/etc for instructions.
16743844? ago
Thank you - I really need to do this! And, I was just reading how the petals can be used for Flower Essences & Aromatherapy/Essential Oils.
16739688? ago
16736946? ago
liposomal? 'spherical..? mmm - thinks: buckminsterfullerine (carbon C60) ? interesting
16738381? ago
This is a very basic explanation (1:49):
16737283? ago
Kinda. It’s just encapsulated in a lipid membrane. C60 is only nm in diameter. Liposomes are much larger.
16736511? ago
Here's another natural cure for viruses that isn't widely known: Oregano Oil (in tincture form). I use it for colds and other viral infections. It costs about $20 for a small bottle -- found in health food stores and on-line (and it lasts a long time). This stuff also super-charges your immune system.
Warning! This is a very strong hot oil so only put it under your tongue and chase it with orange juice or another strong beverage.
16739662? ago
IMHO, Doterra Essential Oils are the best. Pricey but they test their oils for purity. Lotsa fakes out there.
Please buy a book on how to use oils, or find utube information. Some are to be taken externally, some internally, some need a carrier oil (like coconut oil) to be used properly. This is God's medicine...use with knowledge and caution.
16736302? ago
No one want their turf infringed on, they are no different than the mafia.
16743770? ago
84 Natural health doctors dead and counting....
16751172? ago
They were murdered
16752854? ago
Yes, Q told us about that.
16745455? ago
Were they sick before that? You aren't really selling me on the natural health approach to my health.
16747027? ago
Most committed "suicide" after they publicly challenged pharmaceutical narratives
16737541? ago
I am interested to consider that the best alt health things are the most very most heavily derided, ridiculed, fear mongered, and warned about? I wonder why? (....I do think I know)
16737778? ago
Are you afraid to post your posit?
16735415? ago
Thanks for the info anon! Anything that works and keeps money out of Big Pharma's pockets is good in my book.
Also, I've been slowly working my way up in the amounts for Jim Humble's solution. It has knocked out my chronic sinus infection that never seemed to actually go away. And, a wonderful side effect to that is that my tinnitus has been getting better too.
16738482? ago
If you want to really stave off cancer, take a look at the Blue Zones and their diets. It's the locations around the world where much of the population live to be 100+.
Dan Buttner, the guy who discovered the Blue Zones has a great cookbook too. Some of the recipes are available online for free and they are awesome!
16738617? ago
I've come across those areas in research but haven't dug into them much yet. Thanks for the reminder.
16736066? ago
It worked with my sinusitis too.
16735458? ago
that's great to know.......I know someone with tinnitus~
16736147? ago
Keep in mind that there are various things that can be the cause of tinnitus. I've long suspected that mine was due to sinus issues. I knew that because when I first wake up in the morning, before sitting up there was no ringing. So this may or may not work for them. I would suggest using the chart from Kerri Rivera's book. If you don't start out slow and work your way up, it WILL cause diarrhea if you move up in the amounts too quickly. Kerri developed a system for helping autistic children and adults based on Jim Humble's work. I'd also suggest looking at some of her YT videos too. Very enlightening.
16745929? ago
Note that this PDF is actually free, not "free but pay us with your personal information/email."
It's just page with a lovely download link.
16736174? ago
16735397? ago
Thank you for the info. As a 40 yr. cancer survivor you can never have enough options when confronting cancer . The FDA and AMA need to be more receptive to alternative cures as we have been in the 21st century for some time now.
16751191? ago
FDA & AMA are bought & paid for.
16745706? ago
I've seen this work for a couple of people. Eliminates inflammation also which can be crippling.
16746235? ago
Thank Q. I've been hip to hemp for 40 yrs now. I believe Marijuana will be one of the hidden cures Q speaks of.
16751208? ago
Time to legalize it all!
16736881? ago
Clinical grade deuerium depleted water is a smart strategy when oncogenesis is an issue.
16736562? ago
Look into fasting
16738149? ago
Yes, that is emerging as a solution for weigh management as well. Intermittent fasting.
16739016? ago
It's fantastic. I'm down 35 pounds on intermittent fasting supported by red tea detox. The first 25 of them melted off at the rate of 3-4 pounds per week.
16752867? ago
16735472? ago
three of my best friends died from cancer treatment (not cancer, but the damn witchcraft treatment)
16742584? ago
My Father, my Sisters Hubby both died from the treatment not the disease. My Sister in law was waiting for Obamacare approval and I gave her a book(Outsmart your Cancer. She finally got the approval after 3 yrs, went to the Drs. and found she no longer had cancer. Of course they said wrong diagnosis. I havn't been to the Dr. since I lost my insurance under Obambi care and am healthier than I have ever been. I did diagnose myself with probable cancer, used several ideas in the book and it went away.
16736289? ago
I agree the treatment is worse then the disease. I quit my chemo after a month of cobalt treatment, that was in '73. I would never do the chemo and rad again,ever.
16736176? ago
The Rx symbol is the eye of horus. The Rockefeller foundation made modern medicine
16738938? ago
If that’s the case then you’re sinning everytime you brush your teeth, wash your hands with soap, put ointment/medicated bandaid on a cut, use eye drops, have a tooth pulled or take a Tylenol for aches and pain.
Sounds to me like you’ve fallen victim to the man made portions of religion(almost all of it). The portions that are designed to control. (Can’t eat pork, wear more than two types of fabric, consume coffee etc)
Jesus never turned people away for healing...guess he’s a wizard or some shit...and a sinner...
16739365? ago
He healed them, not man. Also you might wanna look up his dietary laws. They arent mans.
16738833? ago
No. It’s not. The sin is in the evil power that controls the system. Curing someone of a disease using matter that our entire universe is made of is not a sin. If your goal is to heal people and prevent pain and suffering then how can that be a sin? The sinners are the ones with selfish and nefarious reasons for doing the healing.
16739402? ago
How are you healing? Prayer, laying on of hands? Or pharmakeia?
16735392? ago
What’s the best hydrogen bottle? Or do they not work?
16735569? ago
from what I've been able to research, hydrogen gas stays in solution for a relatively short time, you need to buy a hydrogen generator. My brother just texted me, while I was typing this, he has had terrible neuropathy from high blood sugar.....after using hydrogen water for 2 days ---ITS GONE~! that's amazing, he just texted me, what a is the link to what he bought (I don't sell anything, I just like the idea of people getting well) ... LevelUpWay - Model 2019 - Glass Hydrogen Generator Water Bottle SPE PEM Technology Water Ionizer from Amazon
16736797? ago
Please look up making hydrogen water at home using a magnesium rod, water and malic acid.
16737125? ago
I've seen it, there are videos that show how, but (and I have not researched it thoroughly) there are some concerns about making it that way as opposed to making it through electrolysis , which you can also make a device to do that yourself, though it's simple, it's a little more complicated than most people would attempt
16735319? ago
Also Alkaline water is good. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment. This water can make you dizzy if your body is very acidic too so be careful!
16740338? ago
So simple So true learn about alkaline foods & drinks for good health. BONUS you will lose weight if you have any extra
16738399? ago
Hey, Tom Brady swears by his alkaline diet, including only drinking alkaline water. The guy is going to play until he's at least 45.
16735185? ago - ( Project Camelot interviews Jim Humble, the man ... ) - ( MMS Documentary - Jim Humble's Miracle Cure ) - ( The many benefits of Hydrogen Water ) - ( Mr. Oxygen: "99% of Disease Can't Live in Activ... )
16750791? ago
awesome videos, thanks for sharing!
16735114? ago
If you drink tap water make sure you have a special filtration system to remove the Floride. Floride is poisoning everyone in the US. It attaches to your pineal gland in the brain. There are natural treatments to help rid your body of this toxin, including adding much more citrus fruits to your diet.
16750852? ago
Add wheat grass to water, soaks up the fluoride. Toss it out then drink.
Or get a Berkey
16751175? ago
16752034? ago
Berkey water filter, it’s a gravity filter. (Just incase SHTF) Need to add the arsenic/fluoride filter. It’s the only water I drink.
16752128? ago
Thank you!
16747095? ago
My son and sister are Flouride intolerant, they break out in hives. No flouride toothpaste for them.
16743160? ago
Keep in mind both anti-depressants & mainstream toothpaste contain Fluoride.
For those interested in homemade products (another way to flip big corp's the bird), here's one for Fluoride-free toothpaste I'm a big fan of. It's been almost 6 months & my teeth are constantly free of plaque & I feel great. Another bonus is that you can make yours taste however you want using the essential oils of your choosing. I recommend spitting it into the trash due to the coconut oil though, heh
16742519? ago
You have to get a shower filter too
16742988? ago
damn, I thought that might be the case. Ugh!
16738720? ago
What about our sugar consumption? I believe that fluoride is bad for us, but feel that overall, sugar is much more destructive.
16741940? ago
Sugar elimination is a hard go, but after all the detox symptoms (about a week) have passed, your aches and pains will be gone. Eliminate caffeine at the same time and you’ll feel like a new person.
16748942? ago
I just did a week long diet/cleanse. No dairy, no bread, no sugar, no caffeine/coffee/soda. No fruit, as they have sugar. No alcohol. I felt great, but it is a lot of work preparing the food. Also lost 8 lbs.
16749356? ago
Nice! I detox about every 3 months. It’s the only thing that helps my fibromyalgia. After Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, I was due.
16740235? ago
Sugar destroys health. Great water; avoid sugar; you will feel better over night. Eat REAL foods; good to go.
16737218? ago
1) If Q/Trump have the "cures". Why haven't they released them? He's been in office for over 2 years now. What's he waiting for?
2) Why hasn't any other country released or confirmed these findings? You're telling me EVERY SINGLE SCIENTIST and scientific study in the world is part of the deep state?
Come on. I get that people are desperate but geez, don't be so naive and gullible.
That's the exact reason the deep state exists because you people believe idiotic things like toe fungus is actually planted by the deep state to spy on us and rocks are working with jesus and will soon take over the world for the betterment of mankind.
16739069? ago
I'm glad you're not in charge of anything important. That's like step 5, you absolute fuckwit. We are on step 1, make the public aware of the presence of evil (D party wall funding). If someone doesn't know they are sick, they can't be cured.
I assume your retarded lard-ass is typing from mommy's basement in U.S.A. Well, they're the 2nd smartest country in the world, so either they would be the ones to release it, or China would. No need to stifle creativity in other areas that are too poor, broke, hungry, or being raped.
Take China, Aus, and UK for example. All 3 have corrupt leadership which is currently blocking release of this tech. Who the fuck else is gonna release that shit? Russia? Is that why we're here?
You should uninstall yourself from life, or at the very least learn that you're sufficiently dumb enough to need to never open your mouth.
16739478? ago
That's your best answer? How long are you going to be on step 1? His term is more than half way over and not one inch has been moved so far. No to mention that year 4 all resources will be entirely spent on the election.
You really believe there is some magical fairy tale ending here. How childish, naive and gullible you are. I mean you really have to go out of your way to be that fucking dumb. There are 5 year olds that can see through the Santa Claus hoax, but you sir, are a special breed indeed.
You know what, I have some GORGEOUS piece of swamp land to tell you. Call me in the next 5 mins or it'll be gone. I have other buyers you know! It's going to go up in the next 5 years 1000%, so call me now. I'll sell it to you cheap too.
16741117? ago
Shill tactics mean zip, zilch, nada.
16744695? ago
Zip, zilch, nada - why..... that kinda describes Q proofs that have actually come true, but hey, attack me for pointing it out why don't you. Can you please answer/explain any of the following?
Where is the FISA report?
Where are the election fraud arrests?
Where are the arrests of the DOJ/FBI people who lied and committed treason?
Where were the Jan gitmo arrests?
Red wave/Red October?
July 2018, the month the whole world will know.
Nov 11 - America reunited.
Dec 11th.
"MONDAY". (& ofc Monday came and went without so much as a whimper)
Goodbye [Mr Rosenstein] x 500, yet he's still there along with Mueller.
Trust Sessions. Oops, he quit. Trust Grassley. Ooops, he left too.
Meanwhile, illegal immigrants fully voted in the Nov election with 0 ramifications. Not even a peep. Immigrants are still coming across the border at alarming rates especially California and Texas.
Who's the shill now?
16748118? ago
You are! "... not one inch ..." ?
16751332? ago
Every president replaces the previous admin's staff and loyalists. Obama fired a bunch of GWB DOJ, FBI, judges, etc.. To be more accurate, Obama fired and replaced MORE people in the government than Trump currently has to date, at least from the records that are available.
Do you have any idea how many judges Obama fired and replaced? Ever wonder why all the top FBI and DOJ people were Obama loyalists? It's because he fired (or they stepped down) most of GWB's appointies for those roles.
Now to the next point, have any of the ones Trump fired been arrested? NOT A SINGLE ONE. Until then, you haven't made a case for jack shit. Arrest ONE of them and then get back to me.
YUGE difference. Please try again.
16737041? ago
pineal is important
16736381? ago
Good time to go into dentistry.
16735698? ago
Many filtration systems don't remove floride. Check the specs on type you use -- it may not remove all you think it does. And I just noticed the filtered water I buy says nothing about what chemicals are being filtered out! Jesus!
16736867? ago
Yep. Flouride filters are unreliable and can degrade in their effectiveness very quickly. This can be verified by testing. Also many filters end up adding alumina into the water. No bueno.
This "biophysics of water" podcast gets down to the atomic and subatomic level of why flouride is a problem.
16743235? ago
You know what's sad? I've complained to our city about their Fluoride addition, and they told me they don't have a choice - the STATE level EPA makes them do it.
Is that fucked or what? They would prefer not to, but told me the state is forcing them.
16741808? ago
Interesting, thanks, but it's "fluoride" - nothing to do with flour.
16743247? ago
TY for posting this. I always misspell this as well, so that's a good way to remember the vowel sequence... lol
16741282? ago
Oh man, thank you for this. I have an expensive whole house Pelican system & have been suspicious about that for awhile now. Damn.
16736119? ago
Distilled water is the only way to get pure 100% water. Buy a countertop distiller.
16736269? ago
Aren't there issues with long term distilled water drinking?
16738318? ago
The argument against distilled water goes that distilled water has such an affinity for ions, that it will strip the good minerals from your body, leaving you deficient. When this is argued, the stripping away of undesirable minerals is never mentioned. But if you look for objective scientific data, backing up these claims, you won't find it. I have looked and looked. What I have found is that on many forums where it is discussed, there are anti distilled water schills, droves of them, ready to tell you how bad it is. But it isn't. As the anon below points out, pop some Himalayan salt in if concerned. I just drink it straight, unless I put bicarb in for a particular reason, or iodine, or borax or whatever.
16743201? ago
Thank you for the clarification. I've been debating on getting a countertop distiller & this is helpful. Do you have a recommendation regarding the home distillers?
16750178? ago
Convert a pressure cooker to a still with copper pipe and a homemade condenser set up. Always distill some white vinegar first to clean any oxides out of the tubing, even if it's only been a day or two since use. Cheap to set up, can make a lot of essential oils and hydrosols apart from distilled water of course. Reverse osmosis set ups get a lot of fanfare, but I have not tried it. Buying distilled water to see what it's like is easy but expensive for long term use.
16738282? ago
No. There are not. But many people have been told that.
Distilled water DOES "leach" minerals from our bodies, just like soap "leaches" dirt from our dirty hands. The trick is this... the minerals that distilled water leaches are "inorganic" minerals. They come from years and years of us drinking water that has little minerals of rock inside it. Our bodies have no ability to remove these minerals (since we were never intended to drink water that wasn't pure). So they build up over years and decades and they cause all sorts of problems in our bodies (including skin discolloration, liver spots, poor eyesight, basically all the signs of aging).
Distilled water is negativily charged. It travels through our bodies and "attracts" the unwanted inorganic minerals, which we have not other way to remove, binds to them, then removes them from your body.
Check out youtube videos with older people who drink distilled water. They loook DECADES younger than their peers.
Drink distilled water. It's just pure 100% water, that is it. It's what rainwater is. It's how god waters the earth and his children. And it's been the victim of one of the greatest smear campaigns in history.
16738367? ago
That's genetics not distilled water unless you are comparing twins, one drinking it one not.
16738674? ago
Of course genetics plays a part in a person's overall health. But so does what you put into your body. The food we eat matters. The water we drink matters. In fact, I would say for most of us our food and water choices will play a larger role than our genetics, which we didn't choose.
16736469? ago
Plenty of people online badmouth distilled water drinking, saying it is dangerous and demineralises bones etc, but I can tell you from research and long term distilled water drinking I have done, that it is beneficial. Just not something you discuss with a doctor expecting them to condone it, and I say that as a health professional.
16737666? ago
You can always supplement to get those minerals back. The BEST way is to use himalyan pink sea salt -- use it in everything you cook. Problem solved.
16737768? ago
We get our minerals from food. Distilled water actually pulls the metals out of your body that are just sitting in your digestive tract.
16736570? ago
I worked in a hospital pharmacy, therefore a "healthcare professional". I can also flush a toilet but that doesn't make me a plumber.
16736944? ago
If you are a pharmacist who set foot on the ward, then I would call you a healthcare professional. I'm a N.I.C.U. nurse, and you should know that western medicine doesn't take kindly to "alternative" modes of treatment, even the drinking of pure water. Congratulations on the toilet flushing, make sure you wash your hands.
16737413? ago
That’s because the entire industry is as corrupt as our MSM.
Drs make deals with the devil all the time.
16738442? ago
I used to think the medical industry didn't want us to know about these things solely because it interfered with their profits. But it's even worse. They want us sick, stupid, and un-spiritual, with calcified pineal and pituitary glands, fluoride in our thyroid instead of iodide, and adrenal glands that aren't working properly.
16741238? ago
That right there was what triggered my waking up to their intentions. What you just said.
I highly doubt anyone can stay asleep once understanding our "leaders" simply do not have our best interests in mind.
I'm doing Borax in my water 1/8 tsp into 1 liter spread out over the day) and my dreams are starting to be nice & vivid again.
Do you by chance have a recommendation on what Iodide is best? I got a dropper bottle that I later realized had Potassium Sorbate (ewww).. :'(
16741838? ago
I use a molecular iodide, I don't know if it is the best, as ideally we would eat foods to obtain it. Like eating seaweed.
16744209? ago
I do try to use sea dulce flakes on as much as possible, but am still open to supplementation. So thank you.
16736360? ago
Ya. Causes hyopnaremia. Not good.
16736371? ago
Hyponatremia. Sorry.
16737626? ago
Drinking distilled water has never given me hyponatraema, nor hypocalcaemia. Homeostasis I presume.
16809896? ago
I often slam 40 oz or more of distilled water before a long workout. I've never experienced hyponatremia or any symptoms of it.
16736414? ago
I thought so. You need to add minerals back to distilled water in order to balance it out.
16737819? ago
Incorrect. You're spreading misinformation. We get our minerals from the food we eat. Distilled water is just rain water.
16809905? ago
You are correct.
16737853? ago
And, bird poop.
16738923? ago
Distilled water is just rain water without the bird poop.
16737677? ago
Himalayan pink salt does the trick. Easy!
16735429? ago
Fluoride destroys your thyroid. You should also use fluoride-free toothpaste.
The other problem with tap water is that it contains high levels of pharmaceuticals. You are drinking and washing with high amounts of high blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, anti-depressants and birth control.
These are some of the reasons many suffer with infertility.
16736137? ago
When you add plasticizers, frequently used in plastics, which mimic estrogens, we have answer, why there is so many socialists among young population, decreased birth rate...
16744175? ago
Soy in our diets is adding to the feminization of men.
16742533? ago
Turnin' the frogs gay!
16750907? ago
Mercury made male birds nest with male birds, caused extinction in that species. Study from 1913, wish I could find it again, should have saved it.
16735579? ago
Have fun with your rotting teeth.
16738739? ago
Another myth. Fluoride does not help your teeth.
16737704? ago
I like to rub fluoride on my butthole.
16737380? ago
You are brain dead. Wake tf up.
16735776? ago
16735727? ago
homemade toothpaste solves the problem.
16735649? ago
You get enough floride protection from toothpaste -- it's not necessary for the water supply.
16735361? ago
Boron binds with fluoride and removes it from the body.
16739591? ago
Yes it does, I add it to my water every day. You can also add Borax (20 Mule Team) to your bat water. I do this as well. Some people I know make their own boron from borax. I don't do that, but they swear by it.
16737645? ago
The easiest way to get boron is just a Borax solution.
16737272? ago
I read that when eggshells are immersed in vinegar, dissolved (days?), (and filtered), then the result is calcium acetate (?) which from a few drops in fluoridated water, will chelate, settle out, fluoride ? Sounds a bit cumbersome but said to work.
16738224? ago
Do you have the link to the article?
16735751? ago
Top food sources of Boron:
16740191? ago
CHICKPEAS are an amazing food. Buy BULK(dry) and sprout & cook your own Tasty, Crunchy if you like. Even healthy desserts are possible. Cooking and creating in the kitchen can be FUN
16742502? ago
I need to do the sprouts. Thanks!!
16735468? ago
Thank you
16735421? ago
Iodine helps as well, your thyroid needs it too.
16759727? ago
Whats a good way to get iodine into my diet? Right now I'm holding off on some more of the "fringe" stuff here, but tonight I'm going to the store and buying all of the food suggested here. Nothing wrong with more nuts and fruit in my shit diet.
Is there a natural way to get iodine into my diet?
16809736? ago
Lugol's iodine. Buy a bottle, it is a red liquid. Use the dropper to put 1-2 drops on some thin, veiny skin every 1-2 days. Ideal spots include the back of your hand, tops of your feet, or on your wrist.
The fact that it tastes like horrible plastic death suggests it is not meant to be eaten in that form.
My first few days of using iodine, my sweat smelled like chlorine as the iodine displaced chlorine, fluoride, and bromine in my body.
16735028? ago
Truth! MMS is amazing!
16735053? ago
research Hydrogen Gas is amazing as well
16734806? ago
This post is nothing but spam.
16741947? ago
Amen sister
16735442? ago
Media Matters much?
16734960? ago
your reply is nothing but ignorance
16735038? ago
Triggered spammer^
16735079? ago
Triggered Moron^^^
16735449? ago
^^ Bot
16735959? ago
16734664? ago : : : :
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