A lot of people have mentioned on this site that "you can never truly own your land as you pay property taxes." Well. . .you can.
But it's hard and in some places (with leftist judges coughCaliforniacough) It still may not work.
*Note this is hard, and the government is not going to want you to do this, and in some areas judges may rule against you (so don't do this in socialist/degenerate states/cities and you should be ok)
1) Get 3 certified copies of the origional land patent and 1 certified copy of record of government survey (if available) for the legal description of your property. Request "best copy available" from national archives. Expect to pay $30 for a copy and get it in 1-3 weeks.
2) Record 1 of these certified copies of the origional land patent with the county recorders office. The recorder number will be the land patent number you will refer to in your Declaration of Land Patent.
3) Determine the legal description of your property (from tax statement, deed, real estate contract, or tax assessor´s office) to which you are an assign. Get property description narrative (get range #, township #, section #, get quarter section in metes and bounds)
4) Research the assigns (i.e. heirs, owners), on the property back to the origional issue of patent. Discover the chain of assigns pertinent to your portion of the land patent and attach to your Declaration of Land Patent.
5) Prepare a Declaration of Land Patent and update it in one name. It cannot be updated in two names, nor in the names of a husband and wife, otherwise it will cloud the title in case of a divorce. Other equitable arrangements can be made to further sub-divide the ownership or allodial title of the property, or it could be put into a trust. Declaration of Land Patents must be updated in the name of a real individual, not a legal fiction. No legal "persons" are allowed to hold title to property, you cannot allodialize property in the name of a trust, corporation, or non-profit.
6) Record the Declaration of Land Patent in either your county recorder´s office, register of deeds, or with the bureau of records and conveyances of your common law court. Notorize or witness all documents. Do not send checks or cash. Use postal money orders or gold/silver certificates. Note: conveying title with negiotiable instruments voids the allodial title.
7) After filing, send a copy by certified mail return reciept requested as a Notice of Declaration of Land Patent to your bank or mortgage company, or to any parties with equitable interest in your property including the county tax assessor.
8) An alternate method to notice the other parties would be to publish a Notice of Declaration of Land Patent in a legal publication in your county (once a week for 3 weeks, or for the full 60 days.)
9) Post Notice of Declaration of Land Patent at the 4 corners of your property and leave them posted for 60 days (witnessed)
10) They have 60 days to challenge your claim to the allodial title, or forever keep their silence. An allodial title is the highest title to property.
BlackManOnVoat ago
I looked it up the other day, and you cannot do this with a trust.
B-------D ago
This is something I dove into quite a while ago. I am an outright land owner and would love to remove my property from "The System" and be free to do what I want with it free of zoning and taxes and other silly nonsense. Below are my sources...
Bing11 ago
As long as your leakage doesn't impact me (ex: doesn't leak into my property or the air I breathe) why should I have any rights to complain?
B-------D ago
Exactly. I can poision myself all I like right? I could see a situation where if it is PERMANENT damage to the area like radioactivity or some chemicals then that should be banned since we are not immortal and future generations are denied that resource.
BlackManOnVoat ago
Interesting idea, although most people wouldn't put a meth lab or toxic waste on their land lol People would just live there.
I forgot to mention that you could also just grow certain crops and the U.S. gov will exempt you from property tax (they'll just call it a subsidy). I think I assumed that people already know about that though.
Astroqualia ago
This sounds like more "infinite money in strawman accounts" bs. Be wary, the strawman accounts are tricking people into committing wire fraud.
lanre ago
I did some reading and while in theory I don't see how the government can steal your land (unless via eminent domain laws that were already on the books) if they gave it to you, it looks like on reality it doesn't work out.
If you can find a case where someone has won that would be great though.
B-------D ago
There are lots of people who try to use the idea to get out of PAYING for their property purchased with borrowed funds from a bank. It does not work that way.
BlackManOnVoat ago
Well, yeah, that wouldn't work at all.
B-------D ago
Yeah. I tried to explain to them how they were wrong... ha ha. Good times.
BloatedVoatGoat ago
This could be big for agricultural land. You have to have a lot of it as a farmer and pay through the nose for schools that leep gettitng voted in by numbers but paid for by acres of land needed to keep an operation.
BlackManOnVoat ago
Thing is, most farmers get paid subsidies or are exempt from property tax by growing certain crops on their land. So most farmers really wouldn't want to change that if they are already paying nothing.
muffalettadiver ago
So who's going to do this and report back?
70times7 ago
Not saying it isnt worth it, but you will pay far more in lawyer fees fighting it up the courts, then just relenting and paying the snakes their shekels.
BlackManOnVoat ago
That is a possibility too. But there is an option if people want to go that route.
Mylon ago
That's fundamentally the whole point of taxes. They're evil, but the alternative is paying security, mafias, bandits, or succumbing to the occasional looter. Generally tax is the least painful option.
NiggadermCQ ago
I'd prefer a respectable lawyer get the money over the government, even if it costs a little more.
elitch2 ago
What nonsense you tell yourself.
A slave in your own mind.
Doglegwarrior ago
Yep you said what i was thinking these slaves these sheeple it is sad.
Mylon ago
Please tell me the alternative. That you stay awake 24/7 and shoot anyone that comes on your property?
elitch2 ago
How about not living with spics, niggers and other assorted shit skins?
You think that's what life was like, before the massive police state?
Go read some literature from the 1800's.
ZeroFuggzGiven ago
Fuckin saved. I bought my place out right, I ought to own it.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
I believe I read cases where even in California land patent rules. Do you know of any cases where it failed?
BlackManOnVoat ago
I have heard of cases where this failed, but I really don't remember the exact details as this was a while ago (years). This is why you'll have to get multiple lawyers as they'd be able to figure out any and nearly all pitfalls that can cause your own case to fail. Also now, in 2019 we already have activist judges (California, Hawaii) already violating the constitution to stop the president from enforcing the constitution. It's very likely that they'd easily try and stop you as well.
clamhurt_legbeard ago
People will always try.
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BlackManOnVoat ago
I'm not sure, I haven't looked into that part yet, I just remembered hearing about this years ago and recently people have been bringing the whole " you can't own your own land" thing up on Voat, and it reminded me of it. I'd implore you to get multiple lawyers in on this and see what you can do.