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Adrianmc ago

Yep, standard 'invert the truth' tactic. Practically everything is an inversion of the truth. (((they))) are behind it all, of course.

6,000,000 Ukrainians starved to death by Jew bolshevics in the 1930s .... becomes 6,000,000 Jews killed by Nazis a few years later.

Utter fucking scum.

alele-opathic ago

'invert the truth' tactic

It's actually called the 180 degree rule, from filmmaking (which is also a Jewish creation). In a film, if the camera crosses the 180 degree line formed by two subjects in a conversation, it confuses the viewer as to who is who. Also sometimes referred to as 'flipping the script' (also from film, obviously), but 'flipping the script' doesn't always imply polar inversion or foul intention.

Adrianmc ago

I think the same principle is at play. It's playing on an understanding of the human mind, how it works, and how to manipulate and control - to bypass the conscious mind to the subconscious level where programming takes place. That's all Neuro Linguistic Programming is too, a direct route to the subconscious and as you say in itself isn't evil but can be used in that way. Repetition is an essential element too

samy90a44 ago

Interesting conjecture! - In light of this, does my longstanding muse speculation that "Hitler would have been better served if he had gassed 12 MILLION of the hook-nosed bastards instead of only Six" fall into this Rule?