Cogninaut ago

Are these the German soldiers in US uniform caught behind the lines during battle of bulge?

maxoverdrive ago

It's so fucking fun to watch this. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube - they're all scrambling desperately, no matter the cost or the price, to shut down anything they consider "anti-semitic"; and yet, people just don't give a shit and continue to post anti-jew/anti-Israel/anti-fed comments, completely without abandon, and not caring in the slightest if they're called "anti-semites".

This is a beautiful, beautiful fucking thing....

Niggertown ago

I don't think the Jewish brain is capable of separating fact from fiction to be honest. 2000 year of inbreeding does that to a person.

Ocelot ago

Marquis de Sade would feel actual revelry when he could see a gallows in the concentration camp. His faithful followers, the S.S. hangmen, have the execution fever some days. There is actually some variety, not just the monotonous shooting or bludgeoning. Something that someone likes to photograph. One bets rounds of beer on how long the delinquent will hold out. He's not to die early.

When that came near, he was unbound, and when he had recover somewhat, it was maiorem diaboli gloriam! [tn: for the glory of the devil, a perversion of Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, for the glory of God.]

thebearfromstartrack ago

People who PUBLISH lies as official truth should be executed. Fake news....DEATH. STOP WASTING OUR TIME trying to MANIPULATE us!!!

hankylanky ago

So you idiots are going to stake your denial of the Holocaust on a few altered photos (dubious in them selves). You'd better get going on doctoring more. You're a few million behind.

coinphrase ago

Who said that? Oh I get it, that's your straw man.

DoomCracker ago

Im with ya on the holohoax but this is certainly not proof. The second one is a shitty painting. The "artist" used the first set of images as reference. It isnt like those manipulated photos that get posted here occasionally.

coinphrase ago

Evidence that clearly shows a photo of German soldiers turned into a painting for Life magazine where it is claimed that it was a real life scene of jew holocaust victims... not proof?

goatmensch ago

They steal the photo, lie about it, and then defraud history.

Goys-R-Us ago

Eli Weasel, Simon Weaselthal


MiMx ago

Did we even land on the moon?

SmashMeleeFemDom ago

No we did not. Look up the van allen belt. Impossible to get through it with paperthin vessel. And why haven't we been back on the moon in 50-60 years? Fuck off

ice007 ago

Yes we did. And trying to associate people who know the truth about the Holocaust with people who believe absurd shit like flat earth or moon landing hoaxers is a tire strategy that doesn't work here.

Ocelot ago

Flat earth and moon landing are two entirely different things.

MiMx ago

lol sure

coinphrase ago

I think we did once, but for sure there were faked moon landings by NASA.

Durm ago

The placement of the feet gives it away as a contrived copy. It always explains why the feet don't jibe the ground correctly and look odd in the derived work.

OniNoHanzo ago

So the picture is from 1944, the sketch is from 1945, then a magazine article was printed 1946. Timeline checks out goyim

oldzeke ago

It just implies that the sketch artist had seen the photograph elsewhere.

Oh_Well_ian ago

looks traced and not sketched from memory

ThePrettyBeebz ago

Woooooooow. Let me get this straight, youโ€™re saying the holocaust never happened?

ice007 ago

It's interesting to compare the NASA fake the moon landing idea with the historical question of - did Nazis systematically murdered millions in gas chambers.

People on both sides will debate the moon issue in good faith and no one goes to jail. No one even suggest that we should put "moon is a hoax" promoters in jail.


Because historical truths don't need to be protected from people asking question. How about the gas chamber issue? The gas chamber promoters won't debate the evidence with people asking hard questions. And they demand that the people with questions be put in jail. And hundreds of people actually are in jail right now for asking questions. Why the difference? Because historical claims that are false need to be protected by putting questioners in jail.

And why do the false historical claims need to be protected? Because the gas chamber myth is critical to maintaining political power for certain people by ensuring that those people remain on the very top of the victim-hood hierarchy. Victimhood status engenders political power.

Why did the most famous holocaust victim (Ann Frank) actually NOT die in a gas chamber, but instead died of typhus. People don't die of typhus overnight. People with typhus take weeks to dies. Weeks in which they are completely useless for labor. Why wasn't she put in a gas chamber? Why are the Nazis alleged to have killed millions in gas chambers using Zyklon B, which is an insecticide? Insects and humans are completely different. You don't use a chemical designed for killing insects in order to kill millions of humans. That would be totally stupid and inefficient. Nazis are accused of many things, but being totally stupid and inefficient is not what they were known for. And the Nazis DID have stockpiles of chemical weapons (in case they needed to retaliate to chemical weapons attacks by the Allies). They would have used those chemicals (specifically designed to kill humans) if they were gassing millions of humans in gas chambers.

Before you accept the story that the elites are selling, you might want to see some well researched documentaries from another perspective here:

ice007 ago

In the 1990s, a Jewish American named David Cole traveled to auschwitz looking for evidence of homicidal gas chambers. He created a very interesting video about what he found called "The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz". part 1: part 2:

And here's an interview of David Cole from a few years ago about how the the JDL (a Jewish terrorist group) put out a reward for his murder. He basically had to fake his own death to escape.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Do you know where you are?

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Idk who is more faggot. Faggots or jews.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

If it wasn't for Jews we would have a fraction of the faggotry, so Jews.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

That's an intelligent answer.

StudSupreme ago

Antisemitism is faggotry.

blit416 ago

I agree, picking on Palestinians is unfair. I'm all for AntiJudaism though, those dirty Shylock kike jewbag fucks deserve the flamethrower for what they've done. Truly, if anyone deserves an African-style limb chopping and gang-aids-raping it's those cockroach hymie heeb sheeny queers. Lord have mercy,except on dirtbag moneylender rats.
What were we talking about?

StudSupreme ago

We were talking about your dreams of moolie cocks in your ass and mouth.

Adrianmc ago

Yep, standard 'invert the truth' tactic. Practically everything is an inversion of the truth. (((they))) are behind it all, of course.

6,000,000 Ukrainians starved to death by Jew bolshevics in the 1930s .... becomes 6,000,000 Jews killed by Nazis a few years later.

Utter fucking scum.

ScientiaPotentia ago

'invert the truth' tactic.

It's a (((Sabbatean))) principle of sacred inversion. What's "good is evil and what's evil is good". Just like the Hermetic Gnostic principle of "As above, so below".

alele-opathic ago

'invert the truth' tactic

It's actually called the 180 degree rule, from filmmaking (which is also a Jewish creation). In a film, if the camera crosses the 180 degree line formed by two subjects in a conversation, it confuses the viewer as to who is who. Also sometimes referred to as 'flipping the script' (also from film, obviously), but 'flipping the script' doesn't always imply polar inversion or foul intention.

Adrianmc ago

I think the same principle is at play. It's playing on an understanding of the human mind, how it works, and how to manipulate and control - to bypass the conscious mind to the subconscious level where programming takes place. That's all Neuro Linguistic Programming is too, a direct route to the subconscious and as you say in itself isn't evil but can be used in that way. Repetition is an essential element too

samy90a44 ago

Interesting conjecture! - In light of this, does my longstanding muse speculation that "Hitler would have been better served if he had gassed 12 MILLION of the hook-nosed bastards instead of only Six" fall into this Rule?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Yet another example of Slavic barbarism.

tokui ago

White men killing white men, at thr behest of joos.

Benji1369 ago

I say it all the time,all these social media organizations suspend your account if you spell it the other way

samy90a44 ago

Hopefully Iran will obtain Nuclear Weapons and even the score by dropping the same on Israel very soon..

LostAnotherPassword ago

Prepare to be Operation Samson'd.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Those white men did invade several sovereign nations against their will, laid waste their land, conquered their people and then began to oppress the shit out of them.

That kind of behavior doesn't warrant a lot of mercy.

blit416 ago

Are you referring to to Germans invading Poland? the strip of Poland that was German lands throughout all of history until World War 1, is it the Danzig corridor? where Poles were massacring ethnic Germans until Hitler's forces rescued them from a horrific and certain death? Maybe I misread / misunderstand?

dontforgetaboutevil ago

the strip of Poland that was German lands throughout all of history until World War 1,

Another war that Germany started and then lost. When you lose ground after a war you lost the ground. You can't use it as a pretext for another war unless your a scumbag. As for ethnic germans they should have moved or been repatriated into germany. But ultimately whatever crimes might have been committed there by poland did not justify the deaths of so many poles or the partition and total conquest of their nation by a joint Russian and German attack. A competent and intelligent statesman can resolve issues like this without war. But Hitler didn't even want to. He wanted war and he wanted conquest and he got it. For a time. But in the end he and the germans lost it all.

Moral of the story? Stay the fuck out of other's people countries with your armies.

MrDarkWater ago

It's "Jews", only kikes say "joos"

Shishamo ago

How about juice?

MrDarkWater ago

Orange juice bad

Canuckistani ago

Juice did 9/11!

CameraCode ago

It's "Kikes", only kikes say "Jews". Jk

Warnos44 ago

I think some people think they'll avoid some kind of flag if they get creative about spelling.

Ofc, considering the amount of money they pour into tracing/tracking anti semitism, it's not going to help.

MrDarkWater ago

Sheldon Adleson can suck my dick ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿฅ“๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ

burnthegoyimhaters ago

yah, fuck those scum.

gazillions ago

Well now that they've "globalized" every white country, and only every white country there will be other targets for the future.

Two_Soup ago

hopefully with the internet, we'll all wake up at the same time and work together

gazillions ago

I hope you're right. The ethnic cleansing of whites will require some pretty strong actions to counter.