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Asetro1234 ago

I will get downvoted for this, but here goes. Why are the top bankers, film producers and University professors all jewish if there is no difference between the races? Are the jews then naturally superior to whites? I am in no way saying i like the jews. May they burn in hell.

kirk_lazarus ago

Infesting something that other people built is not superiority

alele-opathic ago

Infesting something that other people built is not superiority

They are responsible for the creation of banks, cinema, and modern forced schooling. The origins of banking are well known around these parts, but:

  • Jews actually invented the cinema+movies+the surrounding industry to support it. The first incarnation of a movie theater was actually called a Nickelodeon, and originally was hosted in various Jews' houses (to escape prosecution for infringing on Edison's patents on the projector). They charged a nickel to watch (hence the name), and would screen - you guessed it - porn.
  • Our modern school system is actually imported (against our will, and at the control of Carnegies/Rockefellers), it used to be called the Prussian system. It is typical of Jews to chip at the edges, and roll victories into other victories (they call it falling dominoes). Like they did with Gay Marriage, and the income tax (this is very hard to source, but essentially the world fell 'as dominoes' beginning with Britain), our current schooling system is the result of a memoryholed coup in now-Germany following a lost war in the 1800s (memoryholing still in progress, save what you find). In our case, Michigan fell first. Then, the whole of the North fell. Then, post Civil War, the South fell. And so fell the world.

This is why I have a possibly unhealthy skepticism that Americans will do anything about the ZOG. You would have to undo almost 2 centuries of slave programming.

jthun2 ago

Jews didn't invent movies. You are right that they bypassed Edison's patents and set up the first porn companies.

alele-opathic ago

I think I painted with slightly overwide brush strokes there - I also stated that Edison's patents were on the projector, instead of the camera.

I apologize - I rush these a bit nowadays as it actually takes a lot of time to put these together for the 4 or 5 people who will ultimately see it.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Your efforts are appreciated, now, lets start gassing them already, for real this time.

kirk_lazarus ago

Thanks for taking the time to write that. I didn't know it had been going on for so long so that's interesting to know.

I share the same pessimism. People that have no moral backbone will go along with anything.

"Oh the gays want to build a strip club/bounce house for kids, well who are we to say no? Muh separation of church and state."

Returning to Christian morals renders the elite powerless. They can't win the game if nobody plays