hankylanky ago

-236? Is that supposed to be impressive? I've managed to pick up over 2900 downvotes from you idiots here on Voat and it's done nothing but made me stronger.

Whitebear ago

Anime porn is basically legal child porn. People that get turned on by cartoon children are degenerates.

Drakgan ago

Are you shiting on animu?

16672165? ago

jollux ago

gold in the furnace

R4G3 ago

White people are pretty scary when they work together to stop something

Fixed it for you, faggot

lord_nougat ago

They are afraid of hard-ons, too!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@men13 likes to molest children

drstrangegov ago

I bed the don't get their bonuses this month at the effa bee eye.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

As I read that, the opener to this video is all that comes to mind.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Step 1: Stop caring about your up and down votes

Step 2: Stop crying because le evil nazis here make /pol/ look like /mlp/

Step 3: Post stuff that isn't shit


Walk1 ago

In Voatland we VOAT out those that don't stand for American principles in the least.

Tallest_Skil ago

Go away, you fucking Q-LARPer.

derram ago

Well, at least you're all being honest about it now.

16668045? ago

What's this about? Is that aged?

mralexson ago

I like anime but this guy is a fag

2fast4u92 ago

The only question that remains is- Do we now shit up their little safe space too like 4ch did to Tumbler? Or call it good. I have a few burner accounts on Plebbit that aren't banned yet

jollux ago

we could go in and mass report them so that the new chinese mods close their sub

JamalVoater ago

You white muthafukas crack me up and sheeit

StevenPoint ago

You faggots got context?

Krymsin ago

I love voat for this reason exactly. Weeds out the useless fuckwads and keeps it Deus Vult in this mother fucker.

bourbonexpert ago

I for one will not create a Reddit account just to fuck with him.

I’m just glad it’s gone

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

I was just over on their shitty sub. You faggots are fucking awesome. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.


friendshipistragic ago

True anime shitlords fear no downvoats

Libido_Kamen ago

Yeah, I'm sensing that some shekels were distributed.
Anime and other otaku media is literally the only oasis left of non-Jewish media.
Meanwhile, I bet you consume (((American))) media without a second thought. The only media that isn't cuck as fuck or Jewish as fuck that's been made in the last 100 years has been otaku media. The value systems it presents are inherently anti-Semitic.
The only reason some on the left even think they like anime is because there's been a Jewish and Korean spearheaded operation to market it to them.

mattsixteen24 ago

I bet it turns out it's someone from voat, hehehe.

Dortex ago

No idea what this is about.

uvulectomy ago

-236? Those are rookie numbers!

Landrictree ago

Yeah, I'm alittle disappointed honestly.

bearandbird1988 ago

Wait fellas...I want to remind you that we're in a turf war with the left over anime. Anime is one of the only non-Jewish forms of effective media left. It's not our enemy, so take it easy with these boomer headlines.

anon_00269b ago

It was a false attack to create a false retaliation to flood voat with.

bearandbird1988 ago

Those were my thoughts. Might be wrong, but the prose on a lot of these comments suggests bad larping.

anon_00269b ago

They sound like the same person talking about back to each other

Ina_Pickle ago

You clearly did not read their post over on reddit. Anime may be your friend, but those dildos aren't.

bearandbird1988 ago

Are the you the little cuckold shit that downvoted me? Where the fuck is your discretion? Do you realize you've proved my point?

Ina_Pickle ago

First... "muh internet points" seriously? It's easy to tell who has been here awhile and who has just joined because no regular user gives a fuck about points. We all get the downvoat occasionally. Shrug it off.

Second: you must not know me. Hi, I'm Ina, the woman who has been bitching for years about redditors bringing their reddit culture over here and fagging up the place.
The downvoat was never meant as an "I disagree" button. That stifles debate. The downvoat is for sending off topic or CCP farming type comments to the bottom of the comment section. Also to curate V/All

So no, I didn't downvoat your retarded ass. But thanks for giving me another chance to complain about newfags like you and downvoating assholes all in one go.

Feels good.

bearandbird1988 ago

Jesus Christ, you're a fucking loser. I don't give a shit about voat etiquette or your role in the voat mythos. Apparently no one gives a shit about points, but they do give a shit about their worthless voat reputation and voat lore. I care about the downvote because it's a gesture of insult. And I'm just making sure that your inferior brain doesn't presume itself good enough to slight me like that. If it wasn't you, then cool- we're done. Resume your role as untouchable that I wouldn't normally lower myself to talk to you. Fucking peasant.

Ina_Pickle ago

Damn. Just how low IQ are you. You sound like a fucking nigger.

Muh points.

Muh respect.

What next? You going to shoot someone because they beat you at basketball?

Go fuck right off back to MDE redditslag.

bearandbird1988 ago

Ha, says the ape re-projecting the insult I made to its intelligence. Also, keep downvoting me ape. You're definitely establishing your authority and making me respect you by doing so. And why don't you fuck off to reddit? I'm obviously your natural superior, so it only makes sense that whatever stomping ground you imagine to be yours becomes mine.

Ina_Pickle ago

Call me and ape and yes, I will downvoat you. You are no longer contributing to a discussion You are Reeeeing like a SJW fag because your fee fees got hurt.

You talk a lot, but with no substance. Same problem as every other millennial. More words doesn't make you sound intelligent if the point you are trying to make is faulty and/or lost in your word salad psychobabble.

I am getting ready to start my day. Will get to you on any other bullshit you want to come up with later this afternoon. Have a good one.

bearandbird1988 ago

Oh, I see what this is about LOL...The ape got offended when "boomers" was used derogatorily in my first comment. And I don't know what point there is that I'm making that had a chance to get lost on you. My only point right now is telling you what a pathetic ape you are. And don't make fun of my high verbal I.Q. I get self-conscious all the time that I don't talk and think like a female boomer gorilla. I'm jealous of those that live subjectively in a world where something like my last reply to you comes off as a "word salad" or "psychobabble." The problem with you fucking boomers is everything. Delusional, self-entitled, petty, selfish, brainwashed pieces of myopic trash. And you're definitely ugly too- I can tell. Down-voting someone's backlog on voat is the greatest method for asserting dominance, so you better get on that if you wanna teach me a lesson.

Ina_Pickle ago

No. I just think you are a wind bag and a moron. My parents were the boomers. I'm one of the rational set after theirs that every seems to forget about.

bearandbird1988 ago

Can you rewrite that last sentence?

bearandbird1988 ago

Not the point. It's the rhetoric I don't like. Anyone referring to anime as degenerate or leftist thing is playing a divide and conquer game.

sguevar ago


tastelessinvective ago

Why can't they do anything organically? Why does everything have to be some sort of raid?

Nutkase ago

What did I miss?

Ina_Pickle ago

Not much

Firevine ago

What the fuck did I miss?

VasicName ago

They are getting banned for loli and are thinking about migrating to other sites like voat. Motherfuckers won't last a day.

Whiteymcwhitebelt ago

Voat is a shithole, but its our fucking shithole and we keep it free

Mayhawk ago

Sparta underestimated again I see

lemon11 ago

Their (((mods))) are memory-holing posts as I refresh, like the Voat's Maginot Line warning and the "Eurabia" thread. https://snew.notabug.io/r/Animemes/comments/aoi2fx/guys_we_need_to_do_this/. I am laugh.

Firevine ago

What absolute niggerfaggots.

BenKekJr ago

I love you fags.

lord_nougat ago


NosebergShekelman ago

I can smell the faggy jew dripping off this sumbitch through my computer oy vey

NosebergShekelman ago

Thank you niggerfaggot, and fuck anyone who gets pissy about your direct link, because I asked for it

HillBoulder ago

Where is that voat goat meme with the nigger chariot?

flashrucker ago

This is what happens when strong men ban together. I am going to assume mostly white.

Fuckyounigger ago

Oh man he has no will to live he could have at least made another account like all of you other fucking shills

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

voat is pretty scary when

no fagtard, it's the chemotherapy kicking in

Grunge ago

they can't do shit without their censorship, dumb commie fucks.

R4G3 ago

Censor this, reddit faggots:


fluhthreeex ago

HAH! Good thing they can't talk here! Fuckers!

Hysterics7787 ago

It's different and you know it's different. Don't pull this holier than thou bullshit.

On Reddit you will be systematically censored. A small group of individuals shaping the narrative with silence you and ban you from subreddits. On Voat, it basically comes down to a community vote. If the only problem with Reddit was having negative karma I don't think there would be nearly as many people on Voat. That's not the case though. If you oppose people, even when providing evidence and sources, if it goes against the narrative you will be banned. Period.

You might get downvoated here for going against the 'hivemind' and yeah that comes with account restrictions, but generally speaking if you do it without being a pretentious passively aggressive child you won't get downvoated into oblivion. Your comment here is a great example of that pretentious passively aggressive behavior.

Instead of using your words to express yourself clearly, you're playing this childish game. It's pretty damn transparent too. You're trying to say that Voat is no better than Reddit because at the end of the day those people "can't talk here" which is in your eyes the same level of censorship that Reddit experiences. However, that's objectively not true. While there may be mild similarities they're two entirely different beasts.

When I first came to Voat I was a pretty different person, I was against racism and I would regularly express that. However I didn't screech about people being literal nazis. I rationally debated people. That rational debate has led me to realize that I was wrong, and I'm man enough to acknowledge that I was wrong. Voat didn't downvoat me into oblivion because people could tell that even though I disagreed with them and even looked down on them, I wasn't throwing out all sorts of logical fallacies and wasn't just screeching about moral righteousness. They saw that I was using reasoned debates, just with faulty reasons, and they explained why I was wrong and in great detail. Those conversations would never have been tolerated on Reddit. The people here who changed my mind with reasoned debate, sources, and evidence -- they would all be shadow banned from Reddit. The reason I left Reddit is because my account was shadow banned, and back then I was at worst a centrist and had some fairly left leaning beliefs -- but I wasn't far left enough for Reddit so they banned me.

You'll never get banned from Voat unless you're actually breaking the law.

Also I'm largely responding to your second comment here, because at first glance the comment I'm actually responding to could be taken as a joke, but when you elaborate in your response to Grunge it's very clear that you view Voat with contempt.

which is fantastic, and why they should be welcomed here.

Everyone is welcome here. Just as everyone here is welcome to criticize others.

come, try to change my mind.

About what? Supporting "artistic" depictions of underage women in sexual poses?

I'd rather see news, sources, citations/references though, personally.

About... "artistic" depictions of underage women in sexual poses?

if their sub ever became a problem the same could be done for them

Pedophilia is always a problem, mate. Regardless of whether you think it's not pedophilia simply because they depict it with a pen and paper instead of actual photography, the intent is there. I'll support freedom of speech for all sorts of stuff, but depictions of underage women in sexual poses isn't one of them.

fluhthreeex ago

It's different and you know it's different. Don't pull this holier than thou bullshit.

Can the preaching, nigger. Please, tell me again how your rhetoric used to be shit and now its developed "all thanks to Voat".

Instead of using your words to express yourself clearly, you're playing this childish game. It's pretty damn transparent too. You're trying to say that Voat is no better than Reddit because at the end of the day those people "can't talk here" which is in your eyes the same level of censorship that Reddit experiences.

No shit. It's something I've already expressed a million times and don't feel like repeating over and over. As long as my message was transparent then the mission was accomplished. Fuck the "pretentious passive aggressive" behavior, you've gone all-out "pretentious aggressive". Great. Fuck you. Look at my comment. Do you see it "down-voted to oblivion" as you stated? No. Wrong, nigger. Maybe you're not so good at predicting the future after all, and don't understand the "mind of the crowd". Even if you did it doesn't change the fact that limited speech and free speech are incompatible. Prove me wrong. Even if your comment is sitting with upvotes it doesn't change the fact that you didn't get them without sucking every dick in the room here for it.

I don't care for your crowd pandering "Reddit Bad, Voat Good", "This Guy Hates Voat, I Love Voat Fellow Voaters" now listen to the long story of my alleged transformation and awakening at Voat.. nor do I care for your poorly drawn conclusions galore in response to my second comment, mate. I don't see it as needing a response, only stating it for what it is and moving on.

About what? Supporting "artistic" depictions of underage [animated] women in sexual poses?

Do you regularly browse their sub? Did you check out their sub? The link to it I archived showed none of that. You're either a regular or are going off the words of others. I'm not here to speak on the legality of what you claim they post (IANAL). I do believe it's one of the subs that PewDiePie has pulled memes from before, so I would think that places a semi-"approved" YouTuber was pulling things from wasn't a bad one.

You claiming to know the age of an animated character is amusing.

Pedophilia is always a problem, mate.

Was that ever a part of the conversation? What are you trying to do here? Broadcast your familiarity with the "problematic sub, animemes"? What are you, some SRS infil? ...and now I'm going to go on the words of many others and ask if you haven't heard or are pretending you haven't heard that there are or were a massive amount of links to women of questionable age (actual pictures) on the site in some lesser known subs.

If it is posted it can be dealt with. Pissing on new users is not particularly a good idea. Considering what you did put in your circle-jerk-ish paragraphs, would you not say that people coming here to "change voat" is not a bad thing--meaning, you were essentially once one of them. But no, piss on the new users and then pull out a "you're wrong and you know it, mister!" when someone speaks out against it. This clowning is unreal.

the intent is there

Do you know the legality of those pictures? Unless you are a lawyer and an expert in this domain you really need to fuck off with trying to define anything as it relates to what they're posting. I don't think it's going out on a limb here to say that what they've been posting is legal in most countries, as they are posting it on Reddit.

SandHog ago

Well put.

Grunge ago

well they can, but they will just be called out on their shit, which would never be allowed on their little safe spaces and they'll be in for a shock.

fluhthreeex ago

they can, but they will just be called out on their shit, which would never be allowed on their little safe spaces and they'll be in for a shock

which is fantastic, and why they should be welcomed here.

come, try to change my mind. do it. am i afraid of new ideas, thoughts, or opinions? no. why should anyone else be? it looks like they just post pictures, which is what most people here seem to love anyway.

I'd rather see news, sources, citations/references though, personally.

the Q brigade was handled by taking the Q sub out of /all, if their sub ever became a problem the same could be done for them

Hysterics7787 ago

Also as a side note, the Q subs regularly fill up the "Most viewed in the past 24 hours" section. I used to actually enjoy that aspect of Voat, seeing what Voaters thought was most interesting. Now it's basically "The most outrageous clickbait from Qforums in the past 24 hours" and it's nearly all complete horseshit without a shred of evidence. Now whenever a new user comes to Voat they're hit with a list of Qtard delusions. That's bad enough, I don't want new users to also be met with a wave of loli bullshit.

Anyways Voat as a long history of dealing with borderline pedophiles, they're not tolerated here. It is what it is. You're not going to rally up sympathy for those kind of degenerates by going on about 'muh censorship'.

Disagreeing about politics is one thing, but I'm pretty sure that even a fucking communist piece of shit would acknowledge that preying on children isn't to be tolerated. It's sort of a human universal. Something that we can all set our differences aside to agree about. Even if they're not actively preying on children, if they're getting off on the idea of preying on children they're basically a ticking time bomb. You can't view them from a rational perspective, or make excuses for them, because it's akin to mental illness and the mentally ill do not behave rationally. It's easy to say oh it's just loli anime there are no actual children being harmed, but promoting that in the first place is crossing the line. This shouldn't effect normal people because normal people don't fantasize about children.

It shouldn't be some convoluted issue that we have to hash out. They get off on the concept of diddling young children. Denounce it or acknowledge that you embrace Evil.

fluhthreeex ago

Thanks for the reply.

LOL'd at the first paragraph. Agreed. Wish there was a way to solve this... They came to Voat exactly how the animemes troll did, essentially: spamming and farming up-votes. If the animemes posters were to get banned from Reddit, they would all go somewhere regardless. A lot of people here didn't get banned for posting illegal content. I don't know anyone here, actually, who was banned for posting illegal content on Reddit.

I've heard. You have to remove the content. However we're not necessarily talking about something that's illegal. IANAL, and don't follow this, but from the links I saw ages ago the courts had decided that drawn pictures aren't considered illegal.

Whether it is or whether it isn't, I think it's funny that people on a site (although I think most people were just doing it for the humor of it) while advocating genocide for Blacks and Jews would call this (https://archive.is/cyUOt - the few pictures at the top from 1 day ago snapshot is what I saw) morally reprehensible, evil, and something that needs to GTFO.

IIRC, the sub is a place PewDiePie has pulled memes from and talked about a few years ago when he was recommending Anime.

Do you know the specifics of their ban? I would imagine either they gave little to no information or to them it was "offensive" content.

Hysterics7787 ago

A lot of people here didn't get banned for posting illegal content. I don't know anyone here, actually, who was banned for posting illegal content on Reddit.

My point was that the only people who will get banned from Voat are people who do post illegal content. While Reddit will ban you for pretty much any variety of wrongthink.

However we're not necessarily talking about something that's illegal.

I know, but I just can't sympathize with them. I realize that it's not strictly illegal. However it's one of those things that I feel shouldn't be tolerated and I think I did a pretty good job of explaining why in my previous comments so I won't bother repeating myself. It's a personal opinion. I can't really begrudge you for defending them as you're not technically wrong, it's not illegal behavior. However like I said before, I feel it shows intent and highlights a pretty severe mental illness which could easily manifest in illegal behavior. There's a ton of shit I personally disagree with that I would go out of my way to support people being able to talk about. I can't emphasize that enough. I'm not one of those "Free speech for me but not for thee" people. However, "artistic" depictions of underage women, I mean look into the "loli" community a bit, they're supposed to be depictions of women age 4-12 specifically. If you're beating off to the concept of a twelve year old you deserve a bullet in the head. That's my personal opinion. So I won't be spending any time defending people I genuinely believe shout be used as fertilizer.

I think it's funny that people on a site

Yeah I get that. Think about how in Prison, child predators are almost universally looked down upon and end up brutally murdered on a regular basis. In a room full of criminals, people who prey on children have no friends. Really think about that for a minute. Like I said in a previous comment, this is something that I feel people of all political beliefs can get on board with. Doesn't matter if you're Antifa or the Alt Right, you should be able to recognize that fantasizing about sexual relations with children is pretty fucked up. Also a lot of people here don't really promote genocide of Blacks, most of us just want White countries for White people, and Africans have a whole fucking continent they can have. Same with Asians. The only people who really don't have a homeland are the Jews because they've managed to fuck over every nation that has accepted them, having been thrown out of hundreds of countries in their history as a people. Even then, most people here wouldn't promote the genocide of Jews especially if Jews would stop fucking with the rest of the world ( but I doubt that's going to happen. ) Blacks only threaten us because of their proximity, if they were in Africa they wouldn't effect us whatsoever. Jewish people on the other hand... There's a pretty solid case for them pushing the genocide of whites, do these animeme kids have a similar defense for why they require images of children to beat off to?

I don't care for your crowd pandering "Reddit Bad, Voat Good",

Well I used a fair amount of specifics in that "pandering" which you could attempt to argue. I explained in detail how censorship on Reddit works compared to what you perceive as censorship on Voat. Instead of summing that up as pandering you could explain what aspects I was incorrect about?

I don't like the way a specific aspect of the site is currently implemented. Be specific, or GTFO nigger.

Again, I've been very specific. You haven't even really said what it is you don't like either. You insinuate that these people can't talk here, but no one was banned. If I was to go to Reddit and start talking about my personal beliefs I would actually be banned and that would be on top of a massive number of downvotes. So I don't really understand your criticism, and you don't really go into much detail. So... be specific, or GTFO nigger?

The link to it I archived showed none of that

Yeah... because it was banned recently. Have you looked into this stuff at all? They were all talking about it in their sub. They can't post those memes anymore. If that sort of stuff continues to get posted and the moderators don't shut it down then Reddit will ban the sub altogether. That's my understanding from having seen their discussions about it. So it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't see any of that?

You claiming to know the age of an animated character is amusing.

Again you really need to do some research. Loli is a depiction specifically of a female between the ages of 4-12 and they specifically have flat chests to indicate this. That's not my opinion. That's more or less the definition.

Was that ever a part of the conversation?

Yes. Again, feel free to do some research about what you're talking about before you write out essays that essentially highlight that you don't really know what you're talking about.

What are you, some SRS infil?

No, I just don't support pedophilia.

Do you know the legality of those pictures?

I went into great detail about what I said, which is why I spoke of intent. I understand it's not strictly illegal. However I do not require a Government to tell me what is right and wrong, and I'm pretty disappointed that you do.

fluhthreeex ago

That's was you? Regardless. I responded to a different voice.

It's odd you're unaware that a prevailing opinion on this site is that, while among that all Blacks should go back to Africa--yes, they should be gassed, and also that Israel and all Jews should be Gassed (Hitler was only wrong because he didn't do what they claimed he did).

Really think about what? This isn't a room full of criminals so I'm not clear on what you're getting at. We can talk about the psychology of criminals if you'd like and how people in prison like to have a hierarchy, think some of them are better or worse, whether they are or aren't, and the eternal question of "whether some sins are unforgiveable", but I don't think it's necessary, productive, or relevant.

I was very clear, but can elaborate on this more if you want:

My point in chiming in was and always will be that limited speech/participation and free speech are not equivalent. It is something that has always bothered me about this site, something that Putt admits is possibly too harsh but I get the idea he feels it's a "necessary evil", and something I'll always speak out against. I've seen too many people post unpopular opinions and be down-voted to oblivion to not be able to participate unless they post what the hive-mind wants to hear.


They were all talking about it in their sub. They can't post those memes anymore.

Like I ask you "do you know the specifics of their ban? I would imagine either they gave little to no information or to them it was "offensive" content."

feel free to do some research

I'm not going to go visit Reddit unless I really, really feel like it. I don't.

I'm framing this and always have framed this in the context of free speech.

Hysterics7787 ago

This isn't a room full of criminals so I'm not clear on what you're getting at.

I made two separate analogies to explain the point. It shouldn't matter where you align morally, everyone tends to agree about this stuff regardless of political affiliation or social standing. You should at least recognize the point I was trying to make instead of getting hung up on the analogy? I wasn't being cryptic.

My point in chiming in was and always will be that limited speech/participation and free speech are not equivalent. It is something that has always bothered me about this site, something that Putt admits is possibly too harsh but I get the idea he feels it's a "necessary evil", and something I'll always speak out against. I've seen too many people post unpopular opinions and be down-voted to oblivion to not be able to participate unless they post what the hive-mind wants to hear.

But that's the format of the website. Upvoats and downvoats. It's supposed to essentially be user curation. Free speech also includes the right to disagree. There are websites like Gab with a different format, that wouldn't have those issues? I just find it weird that you would want to come to a website designed like this, then complain about the very structure that website is based off. It's not like it's some conspiracy, you're complaining about a fundamental aspect of the website. I'm not saying you don't have the right to feel that way, it just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If I had the same set of beliefs I'd probably be on 8ch or Gab. I'm also not saying you don't belong on Voat, I'm just saying it doesn't really make sense to me. Is what it is. People disagree about stuff.

Like I ask you "do you know the specifics of their ban? I would imagine either they gave little to no information or to them it was "offensive" content."

Fair enough I was probably unnecessarily snarky here.

I'm not going to go visit Reddit unless I really, really feel like it. I don't.

It's funny how much hate there is for Reddit on this site considering how often people talk about it thus showing that they're visiting it. I feel you. I avoid going there, but I wasn't about to write a bunch of shit about all this on mere hearsay. I mean, I actually started doing that, then checked myself and was like no if I'm going to spend the time responding I'm going to spend the time looking into it because as I'm sure we can both agree on there's a lot of bullshit that gets promoted everywhere and we shouldn't just trust post titles and what the hivemind seems to think. So I went over to their sub and looked around a bit, It seems to be a similar situation to others like T_D where the admins told the moderators of the subreddit to do a better job of "curating" the "problematic" material their users were posting. It's another push of censorship on Reddit, but it's not one I really give a shit about for the aforementioned reasons. I have zero sympathy for those sorts of people. General anime memes, I don't care. I've watched anime. There's nothing inherently wrong with anime. Your waifu isn't real though. But there's nothing horrible about anime. The loli shit though, the way that they themselves define it is pretty fucked up and I realize it's not illegal but that doesn't stop that guttural instinctive feeling I have about those people. I'll fight for all sorts of peoples freedom of speech. I'm not going to fight for borderline pedophiles. Again, people disagree about stuff. Is what it is.

fluhthreeex ago

I elaborated in the rest of the paragraph.

Putt admits is possibly too harsh but I get the idea he feels it's a "necessary evil"

There may be a better solution. Some people like to solve problems by discussing them. Complaining, protest, and free speech is the essence of Voat and fundamental to some countries.

It's funny how much hate there is for Reddit

It's along the same lines as FB.

Your waifu isn't real though.


2fast4u92 ago

Which one? There are like 3 Q subs shitting up /all

fluhthreeex ago

hm yeah true... kind of nice when they were in the private one

Ina_Pickle ago

We did welcome them. Gently even. Those were some weak redpills.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Probably does not realize you can be negative points in the hole but you can still have your say, and it won't be removed.

Fuckyounigger ago

You kind of just blew my mind because ranking is simply SORTING without a choice and voats are a way to rank and we as the user can up and down voat shit but we still have the choice to choose how it is displayed to the fullest extent and that’s all that you need for free speech FUCK

SmokeyMeadow ago

Let me just add my downvotes to the dogpile.

EdSnowden ago

Can someone fill me in? I haven’t been on much today and clearly I missed something

cyks ago

Joe rogan just did a podcast with Tim Pool and it was deleted from his channel

library_of_stupid ago

faggy cartoons

I disagree.

Pubiclouse ago

What's the name of that one?

Wahaha ago

Little Red Riding Hood, the Japanese version.

Shishamo ago

Jin-Roh I believe.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/TheAnimeReich submission by @friendshipistragic.

Posted automatically (#22791) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

friendshipistragic ago

I think I’ll repost that on v/TheAnimeReich

chemlord11 ago

Good we need more stuff like that there I think the reddit fags might have stumbled upon that one too

friendshipistragic ago

I put a link out on the new sub.

starseedwakeup ago

I'm about ready to make a reddit account to softly red pill these people. Its not their fault they're like this, they have been taught to be stupid by (((them))) with all of their disgentic and degenerate culture ruining. Anybody interested in coordinating someway to do this with me? It will help us a whole in the long run I think. It's inevitable that they are going to flood here when reddit censorship picks up more. The more people we red pill in preparation of that, the better our site will be and the wiser the population and (((they))) have less control.

Workman ago

This. I'm not saying treat them with kid gloves when they act like faggots, but sometimes you've got to remember that at one point or another we were all blue-pilled. Now, some worse then others, and there is such a thing as a lost cause. But we all struggled to come to and accept how things really are.

One-Way_Bus ago

What's the context?

racistbigot ago

some animefags from reddit are upset about loli being banned and they were trying to ccp farm on voat.

fluhthreeex ago

the qtards did the same thing here, and those of them who go deep into it could be described as mentally ill. in reality they're falling victim to a gov't/mil/intel psyop

One-Way_Bus ago

Lolifags need to be gassed. They're pedos that will eventually commit rape on little girls and boys.

Fuck that niggerkikefaggot for ccp farming.

unlimitedrulebook ago

Lolifags need to be gassed. They're pedos that will eventually commit rape on little girls and boys.

Vidyafags need to be gassed. They're hybristos that will eventually commit violence on women and children.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

You are brainwashed about ((age of consent)). Nature has its own called puberty.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @anamazonslittle.

Posted automatically (#22811) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

uvulectomy ago

Show any sexual intent near a child in my presence, and I promise you won't make it to the hospital.

One-Way_Bus ago

Yeah, and if you lolifags approach my children my wife would kill you first even before I get the chance to strangle you.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Not a lolifag. Age of consent laws are designed to stunt white population growth. You are condemning your descendants to oppression and rape by foreigners by delaying their reproductive cycle and shortening their fertility window.

anamazonslittle ago

But brains aren't fully developed until 25. 18's a fair mix between being puritanical and being a gassable pedo.

talmoridor-x ago

"Pedos" are just people you're jealous of.

12angrymen ago

I once saw a bunch of goats on farm near where I live. I went over and was petting a baby one that seemed to like me, at first no big deal, then it's mom came over and watched from a little way off. No problem me and the goat baby were having fun. I tried to feed that goat a tuft of grass from my hand. You wouldn't think a goat male'd be all that intimidating but you'd be wrong; if that fence hadn't been there those horns of his would have knocked my head right off if the sound of them hitting were any indication.

Eurocuckistan ago

They're feisty little creatures and you cannot turn your back on the dominant ones. They'll niggerfaggot you to the ground.

I have a few goats, great animals.

Legalize-Murder ago

I had one that would try to ram anybody who had their back turned, they also piss on their own faces. Crazy animals, kind of fun though.

lion4liberty ago

I bet he tasted pretty good regardless of being piss faced.

collegetoker ago


Drunkenmoba ago

If they think being downvoted is scary, wait until the day of the rope. They'll find out what real white men can do when working together with a moral compass and a driving urge to protect their families.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Here fucking here

MaximilianAldorfer ago

It’s “hear”.

Hate_Speech_Survivor ago

Day of the Rope = The Ultimate Mass Downvote

Intrixina ago

Well, when you think about it - that's exactly what it will be. Worldwide*, too.

*The civilised world, that is.

Gigglestick ago

I want to think of op as some gigantic Paul Bunyan style aryan, but it’s probably just Greg from accounting.

Hate_Speech_Survivor ago

Our man Adolf was a painter. From humble beginnings...

phuk_hugh_hall ago

We do love our rage boners.

Derpfroot ago

In the coming war, goats will be the most feared. For we attack with fearless precision and do not relent until the enemy is demoralized.

Hate_Speech_Survivor ago

successfully gassed

everlastingphelps ago

Ovens at temp and ready.

knuck887 ago

Ah, you beat me to it. I just made a similar post.

Kudos everyone

Fuckyounigger ago

Did you call them faggy and degrade them verbally in the title? That MIGHT be why you failed time to say all that shit you need to say in the world here so you don’t murder a nigger in real life when he does nigger stuff

SkrutinizeYou ago

I like how he uses the word 'scary' to describe being down voted.

These people care so much about internet points it actually dictates who they are.

Whitebear ago

I like that about voat. You can have a conversation on here that is 20 comments long and neither user will upvoat or downvoat the other and just have a conversation. Voting has it's place, but I am glad it doesn't lead to to mob mentality.

shmuklidooha ago

My guess is that it's part of a machine learning algorithm. The algorithm fears that if it scores too low, it will be replaced with a newer version.

Intrixina ago

That's because those clowns have nothing that they can define their lives with. Most people will be good with at least 1 thing that they do - be it their job, a hobby, a sport, or some sort of interest.

These clowns, on the other hand, have nothing that they are good at, so they attention whore by being degenerate fuckwits - whether that is via being an actual whore, broadcasting their mental illness (while they all have mental illness, some of them take it one step further and add extra ones to the pile to attention whore), or persistently claiming they are a victim.

DanijelStark ago

LOL , its truly retarded someone would care about virtual points ... flush these parasites out from the system .

IrbyTremors ago

Just like the points, they are nothing, and they mean nothing.

StevenPoint ago


Closet karma whore "I hate something until I dominate it because I'm a nihilistic defeatist faggot"

Blacksdonttip ago

I think the scary part is him being faced with opposing, critical or even, gasp, offensive views without a bunch of faggot mods sanitizing the comments to ensure all views fall in line with the "correct" narrative. How fucking spineless and maladjusted do you have to be to be "scared" of words on a screen.

RollinDaGrassTyson ago

Social validation has always been a thing, internet points is just a new mask.

Far2Long2 ago

I would think it's a she rather than a he.

Or maybe IT'S MA'AM.

pimplepeter ago

hard differentiate a soy boy faggot from a chick

Whitebear ago

I live near a super liberal college in NY. I see so many faggots and soy boys in the grocery store by the college. It is fun to people watch.

pimplepeter ago

we all got downvoted... must be a reddit soy boy faggot in the house

Whitebear ago

He missed mine .

jollux ago


pimplepeter ago


oligarchsalamander ago

40% chance it's a WO'OF

lord_nougat ago

Or a MA'AA!

oligarchsalamander ago

If this is a goat joke, we don't take kindly to goat jokes round here.

lord_nougat ago

Nanny goat?

TRANNY goat!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

totally a ma'am

pleroun ago

not me, eheheh (plz upvoat)

Blehblehbleh73 ago

gets downvoated

pleroun ago


Blehblehbleh73 ago


ThyCultOfQ ago

I was about to say the same... scary?? Either he's like 7 or I'm out of touch with how retarded these people are.

ARsandOutdoors ago

Out of touch. Do yourself a favor and go walk a college campus. People have so much to say; about nothing important. It's all feels and emotion

Legalize-Murder ago

What a bunch of fucking faggots.

Frankenblock ago

Have an upvoat anyway.

freedumbz ago

Another faggot bites the dust.

16665290? ago

Voat's immune system is a glorious thing to watch in action.

ginx2666 ago

It's like Imperium of Man's policy on heresy (and extra heresy) - sure, sometimes you have to destroy biosphere of an entire planet and doom billions of innocent lifes, but that's better than one heretic slipping by.

Pattern_Blind ago

One Tyranid Genestealer is all it takes to bring down a entire planet and call a Hive Fleet to that solar system or part of the Galaxy. Same thing with reddit fags. Just takes one blue haired fat faggot tranny to ruin an entire community.

I liked the Literal White Immune System remark too.

Wedhro ago

Unbelievable how people who believe in secure borders and strict immigration laws are so much more efficient at stopping brigaders compared to people who believe in globalism.

pimplepeter ago

literal white blood cells

glassuser ago

I got busy at work and totally missed the whole thing.

robot7247 ago

Seems to still be going on - https://voat.co/v/animemes


fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Never underestimate the power of the word nigger, it really turns off the redditfags.

And constantly naming the jew... that keeps them away too. "The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I’ve been found out.'" - Goebbels

Monte_Carlo ago

It's sad that people defend voat more than their homeland.

Ina_Pickle ago

My homeland is massive. I would defend my small corner of it if needed, but at the moment it's pretty bucolic around here.

16666996? ago

To me, Voat represents all that is great about America.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

We need to figure out how to implement the immune system IRL.

totes_magotes ago

Agreed. One of the most effective internet things I think I've ever seen

Legalize-Murder ago

In their faggy reddit thread they jerked each other off and said it would be easy.

White_pride_cis ago

Everyone says that. Even NeonKike @neonrevolt thought he would come here and run things. Until his anus got curb stomped by those of us who hate censorship

MrDarkWater ago

It's a her

White_pride_cis ago

No amount of duct tape or sniping turns a he into a her. The writing style is that of a man

MrDarkWater ago

It's that of a narcissistic broad

White_pride_cis ago

Typical entitled thot

RockmanRaiden ago

Das rite. He overestimated his importance.

Crensch ago

He underestimated goats.

everlastingphelps ago

It reminds me of that scene in 300. They are bloggers and anime wankers and whatever. We live this shit.

White_pride_cis ago

That is fucking awesome

MDEneverdies1488 ago

That's the best voat comic I've ever seen

Mumbleberry ago

I wish I could remember who made it. Not mine, just had it saved

Crensch ago

I brought more Warriors than you.

RockmanRaiden ago

Well that much is obvious. None of those Q folks even heard of Voat before. Neon was an uppity nigger who thought he could swagger in here and be celebrated with welcome. Instead he faced the goat immune system.

crazy_eyes ago

people care about this place and they are not about to let anybody fuck it up

CameraCode ago

It helps that out favorite pastime (being racist and anti-semitic) is also Voat's immune system.

memememema ago

Constant vigilance.

fightknightHERO ago

i don't "tolerate" the insanity

i enjoy it.

fuspezza ago

In this upside down reality Madness is truth. Only to NPCs you are considered MAD. To us you are awake.

CameraCode ago

Most of the users have some sort of madness or mental problems. I much prefer being here than anywhere else.

starseedwakeup ago

Seriously I am very new and this place has been very good, I can't let those cucks ruin my community like (((they))) have ruined my country (not for long tho)

Blacksdonttip ago

All views are welcome. The only requirement is you be able to logically assert those views. Reasonable minds can differ on most issues, which logical people understand. (Fake, self serving) Compassion can not stand in the place of reason.

hillaryisabitch ago

Altruism: "The concern for the well-being of others that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to self but benefits others." This is how the female mind evolved due to reproduction, birth and nurturing. This emotional reasoning, however, was not designed to lead man-made civilization, in fact, it destroys them.

The type of altruism that women possess was cultivated and appropriate only for use in small family groups which were always protected by males from the vast dangers of outside forces. When this small-group female altruism is suddenly politically given the power to protect the tribe and when it is projected onto these very dangerous outside forces, it can only be disastrous for the tribe.


  • It’s a particular form of madness whereby you spend so much time virtue-signaling your concerns for the human rights of the people who hate you and want to destroy you and will never respect you that you neglect the human rights of your primary in-group.

Helbrecht ago

B..but muh circlejerk!

Blacksdonttip ago

The only requirement is you be able to logically assert those views.

Helbrecht ago

Nah, I get it. I was (trying to be) sarcastic before.

I've seen the hugbox/echo chamber/circlejerk accusations leveled against Voat before, but such accusations are silly.

This place might have a certain ideological bent, but people don't get banned for wrongthink here (with a very few exceptions), at least from what I've seen.

Much more fun to poke holes in arguments and run off the ones who can't back it up.

jewsbadnews ago

ok, this is epic

totes_magotes ago

Welcome to voat. Now shut up you dumb crotchgoblin faggot.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Beat me to the punch. I was gonna say that.

I welcome new people, but this place shall not be overrun by kike nigger faggots.

Pedanticknight ago

Seeing words like faggot thrown around is nostalgic to my childhood. Faggot and homo were two of the most common greetings among friends.

recon_johnny ago

'Sup, faggot?

Pedanticknight ago

Not much queer, doing anything interesting this weekend?

Deezedlat ago

I'm lucky I work in the trades every second word is fuck and usually we call everything a piece of shit some chink made because he couldn't see through the slit in his eye lids

Pedanticknight ago

My department of three used to be an enclave of sanity in a insane liberal world of 500-600 but now the other 2 have left and I'm starting to look for work. When a higher up was being replaced a woman asked if they were going to discrimination against men and only look at woman candidates to "balance the leadership equality". To their credit they did hire a natural leader instead.