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anamazonslittle ago

Some more pro-pedo comments in anther thread

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Nice try fellow jew. We all know you are just trying to mask the white genocide agenda of selectively enforced anti birthrate laws.

anamazonslittle ago

"The jews do it so that's ok?"

What kind of argument is that?

Splooge ago

Good find, I missed that one.

Hahah, trying to hijack the (((agenda))) to make it seem like an anti-pedo stance is just some kikery. That's just precious, I'm sure right after the rabbi finishes sucking off a bloody baby dick he'll announce that he's anti-pedo.

anamazonslittle ago

The commies do the same shit. They throw in a bunch of voat buzzwords to give a liberty-sounding veneer to their bullshit.

"Why's the government telling me what I can and can't do? Why don't they dismantle the central banks! And all banks while they're at it so we don't have to trade our labor for wages!"

theoldones ago

added. thanks