syntaxaxe ago

Can you faggots go be niggers elsewhere?

I wouldn't even care if you came here, except we've all seen the posting on Reddit about you weebs wanting to change Voat, to make it your own and de-Voatify it. You are the beating heart of Reddit, thinking you have the right to make us what you like or to run us off. You belong on Reddit, and have only tried to find a space here because Reddit is shit... but you are Reddit; you are shit.

So, can you go be fags somewhere else?

Btw, Israel has been involved in numerous terrorist attacks against the United States, including 9/11. Intelligence has a well-documented biological component, which has been clearly affected by the evolution of separate breeding populations in different physical/social environments for thousands of years - i.e. the reason third-world ethnicities live in shitty nations is because they are naturally too dumb to prop up strong, productive civilizations. Africans will never reach the intellectual state of ancient Greece, let alone the technological state of modern European and East Asian nations. Your government is run by a largely Jewish donor class, your news media is run by Jews, your education system is directed by Jews, your entertainment industries are run by Jews... and their ruling class consistently acts with strong in-group preference, even while they inform all of white society how terrible it is to consider your race an in-group. You are losing a war that you didn't even know you were in.

FuckredditKenobi ago

Welcome niggers

I'm surprised no one has told you but


SearchVoatBot ago

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Duchozz ago


HillBoulder ago

The cancer has metastasized and is spreading. Time to amputate.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Mumbleberry.

Posted automatically (#22749) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Bomberfett343 ago

Together we shall rise from the ashes of Reddit and forge a new dawn

Drunkenmoba ago

We shall find you and ensure your ashes join those of the other useful idiots.

anamazonslittle ago

Fuck you niggers, go steal and rape in your own hoods.

Decidueye ago

A new dawn will come whence you emerge from the forge and dumped atop the ashes of Jews.

Jkisaprank ago

r/animemes user here. Upvote this.

FuckredditKenobi ago

Hey dude ima let you know that isn't how it works

cantaloupe6 ago


If you’re to the right of Chairman Mao you'll eventually be censored off Reddit. Consider the Reddit community now thinks of you as a part of all that is wrong with the world - did you change? Or did the moral panic now come for you? Would you say you're mischaracterized by others - do you do the same? Why shouldn't everyone be free to speak?

freedumbz ago

What are your thoughts on this video?

theoldones ago



MadWorld ago

Fuck off nigger!!

bonifacio ago

YES! YOUR MAJESTY! (Is Code Geass still relevant with the kids these days?)

Bomberfett343 ago

My rally cry has started to stall your going to have to head back to Reddit restart the signalling with a new post

Mumbleberry ago

We'll be waiting, pedos.

bonifacio ago

I can't do it from here (at work) unfortunately.

Bomberfett343 ago

We can make it relevant on the V/animemes board

theoldones ago


no you can't.

Jkisaprank ago

It's plenty relevant in these harsh times. Reddit is definitely starting to look an awful lot like brittania.

Gigglestick ago

GTFO The seven deadly sins came here a long time ago you fucking retard. Go away.

bonifacio ago

Well, The Order of the Black Knights did started as a bunch terrorists I guess...

Jkisaprank ago

We gotta gotta hit the order where it hurts. I need 2 more upvotes. 2. Orange arrow this and Ill centralize the operation and move the upvote thread to v/animemes

Mumbleberry ago

All the arrows are blue here, beggarfag.

bonifacio ago

That could work, we just have to convince people that v/animemes can be whatever we make it. They're just kind of scared of Voat because of it's reputation.

Jkisaprank ago

We need around 500 people to seriously oppose the voat user base. We could spread the message using word of mouth but I have a feeling soon they’ll come looking for this site. I’ve reached the karma threshold by the way, I’m moving the upvote thread to v/animemes

Samsquamch ago

Lol you guys and your 500 number, bring all of them. It won't be enough.

everlastingphelps ago

You need more than 500. We are Spartans. We don't jack off to cartoons and then sometimes fight fucks like you off. WE DO THIS FOR A LIVING.

theoldones ago

oh you sweet summer child

welcome to hell.

bonifacio ago

I don't even think "opposing" is the word here. It's just that, well, if the same people from r/animemes come here, then it's just r/animemes! It wouldn't change anything... Anyway, looking foward to your thread there.

Bomberfett343 ago

Yes my lord

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @BlueDrache.

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Jkisaprank ago

Upvote this and reply.

Jkisaprank ago

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Bomberfett343 ago

Indeed so my friend

Jkisaprank ago


Bomberfett343 ago

So this is a very strange situation we are in

Jkisaprank ago

Yep we need more people

Bomberfett343 ago

Im generally a lurker so ive got no real contacts to help with this

Jkisaprank ago

Just google “anime girl sign meme”, put the message on the sign using ms paint, and post to r/animemes. If we gain enough traction we might just be able pull off an invasion of voat.

Bomberfett343 ago

The call to arms has been made my lord

anamazonslittle ago

Damn, you even talk like a faggot.

Jkisaprank ago

Excellent post. upvote this comment and reply we're so close having enough karma to submit.

Splooge ago

Heyyyyyy there buddy.

Just stopping by. Noticed it's been about ten hours since you posted this comment.

Any closer? No?

I'll just leave ya to it. Feel free to respond, it's fun. We like to have fun around here.

BlueDrache ago

Good luck with that, nigger.

Jkisaprank ago

r/animemes user here. Upvote.

Bomberfett343 ago

Wow much salt very wow

Lal ago

I like the April Fools joke at the end of the post

Vvswiftvv17 ago

If you still use Reddit at this point, we really don't want you coming over here and faggoting up the place.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I still use reddit. And facebook. Someone has to red/blackpill the normies.

There will be casualties. I'm willing to fight for what I believe. However, as Patton said, "No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country. He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country."

So distribute the pills intelligently. Don't just go out there guns ablazin talkin bout "Da Joos did Nine Eleven!" Be tactful, be subtle, and most importantly realize that everyone in general is a narcissist in that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. They have to come to that conclusion on their own. So just lay out the evidence. No need for arguments; the facts speak for themselves. Truth is on our side.

But getting banned is tantamount to dying in the information war. So tread intelligently.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

We've never been enthusiastic about heavily moderated platforms, but the precedent set by the reddit administration has made it abundantly clear that if we wish to stay out of quarantine (or worse) we have had to compromise those principles and to our great distaste give certain "celebrity" redditors preferential treatment.

Read, we were willing to put up with all the bullshit up to now but they went too far this time.

And they all seem to have come up with their own wording around the same basic theme.

There are users who abuse the platform and actively try to make it a hostile place for others. These days they're consolidated in the political subreddits and they are here only to attack and harass others. Some of them are welcome in the mainstream political subs because people agree with their particular brand of hate. There are others who are not so welcome, and as a result they're seeing their gathering places on reddit banned and quarantined. They're increasingly moving into r/subredditcancer to abuse our subreddit as a platform to harass others.


There are users who abuse the platform and actively try to make it a hostile place for others. These days they're consolidated in the political subreddits and they are here only to attack and harass others. Some of them are welcome in the mainstream political subs because people agree with their particular brand of hate. There are others who are not welcome, and as a result have become so hateful that they're seeing their gathering places on reddit banned and quarantined. They're increasingly moving into r/SubredditCancer and abusing our subreddit as a platform to harass others.

So basically they became an area for more conservative folks to post shit. Yeah, not sure most of these folks are going to be welcome at voat for long since they seem to find the folks who are on the "Voat side of Reddit" to be abusing their sub.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Are you kidding? Having an influx of libtards and soft right types into Voat from Reddit would be fantastic fun!

At least it would break up the constant stream of Q cult posts.

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

Open borders then Let the Reddit wave #4 begin

Highonfire ago

Reddit is cancer.

fuckmyreddit ago

Go back. Voat is a trap.

HillBoulder ago

I think you're a trap.

vladtep ago
