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Mumbleberry ago

Farming voats here too;

starseedwakeup ago

Let's get down voating

lord_nougat ago


Mumbleberry ago

Uhm, you can't. Stupid newfag.

starseedwakeup ago

Thanks for heads up, I need two more contribution points. (Which I am absolutely not asking for, I'll earn them legitimately as this site intends that I do).

WhitePaladin ago

Message Putt and nuke their subs

VapidGopher ago

That would be censorship though. How effective is gore on here to repel them? 4chan uses it occasionally if there are too many shills. Well before the jans there started becoming pro censorship.

WhitePaladin ago

Its not censorship, youre playing by their rules if you think that, they can spout their bullshit everywhere, but we only have this website.

xobodox ago

Commie faggots are never satisfied with the current lies and deceptions. They create bigger and bigger cons to keep the illusion of the fraud going.

middle_path ago

From 3 months ago?

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's how it works, MP

Mumbleberry ago

Yep, using an old post to farm ccp

middle_path ago

Oh, so it goes unnoticed. Just noticed the stuff at the bottom of the post.

Mumbleberry ago
