SearchVoatBot ago

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NosebergShekelman ago

I put on my ghillie suit and crawl around in the weeds of Voat. These invaders are in the wrong part of town. My wife's boyfriend is even helping me.

Mumbleberry ago


infyrno ago

FUCK REDDIT, they are shit

Shartdownunder ago

Fucking amateurs.

Good luck getting past our immune system Nigger fagots

Boycott_Israel ago

Shit spreads like Californians to Arizona.

Raxotic ago

take over voat

Wtf? Thats retarded. Go to your subverses you like and just post there. End.

AttackHelicopter ago

It's not that they're here posting. I don't give a damn about that. It's their stated intent to fuck up Voat. It's not really a threat, since they're incapable of doing it, I just don't understand why they would want to even attempt to sabotage the one place they've acknowledged they won't be censored on. It's incredibly moronic.

shmuklidooha ago

But then they'd have to risk being triggered when they visit /v/all, and we can't have that no siree!

lord_nougat ago

There would be no problem if that was the case.

ItsOk2bArian ago

W A R !.....wait theres only like 500 niggerfaggots here...really? I love you guys TOGETHER!!!

BumFightChamp ago

pretty sure if we have a buncha fags on here, it will sort itself out

Goys-R-Us ago

Goddamn these faggots. Leave us alone you fucking demented SJW retards.

tomatotomahto ago

wow...that's crazy

NosebergShekelman ago

Do these retards understand what this memes?

oligarchsalamander ago

Yeah we're cancerous. So cancerous that you're all scrambling to get in here and use what was created. Fuck off communist scum.

Splooge ago

>only like ~500 active users


SmokeyMeadow ago

I apologize to you for underestimating the forces of voat. You win for now, but I seriously hope you guys have a plan to defend yourself if reddit decides to ban r/animemes and the site gets swamped by weebs.

My plan is codenamed "Weaboo Curbstomp."

Splooge ago

Did one of the weebs actually say that? Fuck them, bring it on.

The plan is the same -- and they'd better expect a whole helluva lot more than "about 500 active users."

thelma ago

Only fucking retards want to look at anime.

I either ignore this all together or downvote such postings. Depends on what day it is.

yewotm8 ago

I thought there was a strong crossover between anime and redpill

SubhumanDeplorable ago

If their are only a couple hundred boats active, then i must be on a govt shortlist to run the govt one day. Awesome. Gina, you did this. Kentucky gals should fight for their roots, not abdicate their place in HISTORY. The greatest country ever to be broken by cowards with our own elected officials all for worthless pieces of fiat.

eyeswide0pen ago

They can assimilate or go back to faggit. I still lurk over there and r/conspiracy is also talking about coming over. Some said they couldn't come over because they saw the word nigger. Good thing voat has an immune system for these niggerfaggotkikes.

fuckmyreddit ago

Get those creeps outa here. It's just like America. Everyone wants to come here and shit the place up.

The_Crusader ago

So this is what all the drama is about.

Those who come to voat with delusions of changing it are the ones who end up hurt in the end. So good luck to them? I think it's time for anudda shoah.

beece ago

Fleeing censorship, they come to censor.

kkkrystal ago

ik it's not really important but that is one of the ugliest anime characters ive ever fucking seen.

theoldones ago

done. as best of an understanding as i can discern

Barbarian ago

Hell yeah! Been awhile since we've seen some action around here. FUCKING BRING IT FAGGOTS!

6cd6beb ago

I haven't been here long but I've seen a couple of these.

Q was the worst but I don't think it changed much. TBH I think that may be supported by admins because a softer voat can grow faster and be more marketable; just a guess though.

The guns folks seem like they didn't really cause much of a stir at all.

ThrashCan ago


Sorry my Voat protect mode has a hair trigger.

Conway ago

Oh no, they may attack us with their bongs and dildos.

hankylanky ago

Hilarious. To Redditors, the entire point of doing it is because it would be so easy. They quote the measly numbers of you idiots there are here on Voat.

FlappyJappy ago

they never learn, failures at everything

ForTheUltimate ago

Cancerous? who are these nigger faggot kikes?

knije_tahou ago

The jews are the synagogue of satan. Seed of the serpent. Blood drinking baby eaters. Child molesters. Hitler should have actually killed them.

Merlynn ago

Ok,so why is it always an "invasion" that "needs to change the total demographics of Voat" and never just "hey,they're not using (insert board here),why don't we just go over there and do stuff?" It's not like real life with a limited amount of space. All they have to do is respect the rights of others to speak their mind. Why is that so hard?

johnny2shoes ago

If voat never changes its stance on free speech why wouldn't other communities be welcome here?

cyks ago

because they don't want to be welcomed. they want control

bourbonexpert ago

I don’t get it. Do they really think they won’t get goated?

memememema ago

communism is disgusting.

theoldones ago

doable i think

mralexson ago

Lol gay

LibertarianForChrist ago

Calls us cancerous. Is literally going to become the definition of a cancer.

arjayim ago

Usually browse logged out, but I had to drop a few downgoats for this one. Cannot tolerate an invading army.

I am far milder on the weebs than most goats. If they can find refuge from Eddit censorship on Voat without disturbing the rest of us, fine. But that is not their intent, so they can fuck right off.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

There's only 380 thousand of them - and one goat is easily worth 1000 reddit fags. No worries.

To Arms !!!

Crensch ago

I posit some goats are worth more than their entire Army.

Mumbleberry ago

Who made that brilliant cartoon about the q-tard invasion? I can't find it. Wanted to post it the vote farmers reddit acct as a warning.

Crensch ago

What did it look like?

Mumbleberry ago

It was long, had one goat in a suit and a bunch of others as celtic? warriors. Wait, I did have it saved;

lord_nougat ago

It's aged well, it seems even funnier now!

Mumbleberry ago

I'm glad I saved it, wish I could remember who made to give them credit.

Crensch ago

I think that was dumb comment bot.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Indeed it is true.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Holy hell, goats just kinda burst out the gate on v/animemes.

crazy_eyes ago

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

i hate this shit

PaddyMcInfidel ago

Silly faggots. They are marginalized by reddit yet think they can overtake voat. Good luck.

Matador_Pants ago

Half of the little dipshits will end up miserable and red pilled in weeks. Let the little faggots come take a shot. They're so fucking obvious it's criminal; no one here will be fooled and allow a takeover. Just ask (((them))). The reddit fags too far gone will always be that way, but there's plenty more who will end up being flipped by voat. Truth has a fucked up way of cutting to the bone of a topic.

Let the little dorks come play!

Fuckyounigger ago

War has been declared by me let’s get em you fucking faggots

WokieDokie ago

Well i can't help on that one. not enough dough to downvote...

Mumbleberry ago

Make a burner acct on eddit and fuck with them there. Link to relevant eddit post;

Hand_of_Node ago

[–]SharkTRS It's alright to want to dream, it doesn't mean reality is mean[M] 1 point 10 hours ago

Locked due to controversial discussion in the comments.


NeedleStack ago

@Mumbleberry Ew, look at what Jkisaprank said over there:

Make a comment on the upvote thread and I'll give you a vote. If that's not enough just drop a comment about how much you hate women and minorities on /v/askvoat and you'll get plenty of votes that way as well.

theoldones ago

Mumbleberry ago

Time to make a few burner accts there and mess with them

Bigdeal ago

Only 500 people use this site?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i mostly use imageboards such things are necessary

satisfyinghump ago

Here's a way to fuck with those faggots, create voat accts that are the same as their reddit usernames and subscribe to the weeb group and post about how much they enjoy being a cuck

Mumbleberry ago

You misspelled "enjoy sucking cock"

LoveRight ago

Same thing really

Guardbuddy ago

Ironically, by doing this, they only prove our arguments against immigration.

Gigglestick ago

By Folder he means drawers.

chemlord11 ago

Is that a challenge?

Gigglestick ago

Only one that you'd be accomplishing.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Good let them come. The Aryan army will grow.

chemlord11 ago

I don't think these people know what they are stepping into. I may be newer then most but even I know the average Anime viewer is too left to last on this site there is a reason the Anime sections of this site don't have much traffic lol this coming from an anime fan myself.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

Let them come, the thing about the truth is that it has a way to get through to people, if they are exposed to it they will come around, I'm here for free speech, not to make an alt right echo chamber.

Landrictree ago

Yeah, but these are weebs.

BillyBobBoJangles ago

All the more easier to redpill, Japanese culture is the most nationalist on the planet.

Crensch ago

I don't know that any of us would have taken notice if they hadn't tried to upvote Farm.

NeedleStack ago

Feels good man. Been a long time since we had a little fun with an all out assault. See you and @Mumbleberry over there.

thedirtypuma ago

It would make loading and unloading pretty unpractical but I do kind of want one

NeedleStack ago

Yeah, it's just for decoration. :)

thedirtypuma ago

Have you ever knitted a holster before?

NeedleStack ago

No, but I may someday for fun. I was thinking of knitting guns and grenade toys just for fun.

thedirtypuma ago

That would be cool. :)

Gigglestick ago

Why is there a sock around it?

lord_nougat ago

Why isn't there on on yours?!

prairie ago

Why not? It's not a finicky pistol that will jam from being suffocated.

slwsnowman40 ago

Because it was shivering from the cold.

NeedleStack ago

It's a crochet sleeve. Crochet and knitting are my bag. :)

cantaloupe6 ago

It's nice.

chronicdisco ago

You should see the bag she crochetted.

everlastingphelps ago

I always love how a bunch of fucking tumors think they are going to come here when we fought off fucking /pol/ without even realizing we were being invaded.

shrink ago

This place IS /pol/. It just isn't cuckchan /pol/. This is like a river bragging about fighting off, you didn't, it's already incorporated, so nobody cared.

Grunge ago

dumbasses don't realize that leftists/libtards desperately NEED censorship. Without that and control over the media, they have absolutely nothing.

Gamio ago

They always need you to be permanently silent so they can speak. Thats the joke about places like Reddit, you can have a differing opinion and even present facts to support what you were saying and undermine what they are saying and they'll just downvote you so that your comment is hidden or brigade you so most of your comments are hidden, have you banned etc.

lord_nougat ago

Conversely, without the censorship, some of them turn into us!

AttackHelicopter ago

/pol/ is still here, nigger. <3

WilliamCutting ago

No seriously, I am a one as well. It was more that everyone came holding a "GET OUT JEWS" signs and everyone here already had "GET OUT NIGGER" signs. We all looked around and just realized we are preaching to the converted.

crazy_eyes ago

still makes me laugh

jthun2 ago

The soy factor is rising.... I can see the neckbeards creeping in as I type.

Cat-hax ago

The niggerfaggots won't last

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

There are enough of them to stand a chance against 380,822 potential refugees?

the donald and those Q idiots said the same shit and they could hardly ever get a few thousand people here at any given time

sguevar ago

Rofl show me where to defend the community to those redshitters.

Voat will stand strong!!

sguevar ago

Already there!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

these retards never learn their lesson

Rotteuxx ago

Reporting in !

ItsOk2bArian ago

Ha Ha Is that how the commies do it? Should make the fight easy

lord_nougat ago


12angrymen ago

I've been a member for a very short time but in my experience anyone who comes here looking to 'prove' that we're all a bunch of 'Nazis' in very short order either wises up or tucks tail. The reason being is that unlike their marxist masters we're not lying. Their shit only thrives where they're allowed to lie into an artificially created echo chamber.

Shartdownunder ago

Fuckin on point mate.

cantaloupe6 ago

It'd be great to redpill them - they don't realize that everyone right of Mao is a heretic - and that's what they've become.

Eurocuckistan ago

this is why the chans have always been great red pilling tools; black holes of truth.

and this is why we will prevail, for we only accept the truth and nothing else.

J_Darnley ago

If they want to swear off their reddit habits then I will welcome them and their weeb memes.

Javik2186 ago

Splooge ago


Itsdone63 ago

You wanna get lynched?

freedumbz ago needs some redpills

freedumbz ago

I can't wait for them to privatize it and/or remove CCP requirements

Mumbleberry ago

The mod is MIA, they can't

theoldones ago

head mod: "activity in the sub once more? cool! lets just see what...NOPE!"

webrustler ago

There's been a downvoat deluge since several weeks.

ohnoitsaninja ago

Being made by the japanese, anime is full of "racist" "sexist" content. It'd be a shame if their anime sub were filled with examples of it.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Thousands of pictures of Mr. Popo

ohnoitsaninja ago

i would have preferred this to all the nazi shit

Pwning4Ever ago

Anime has a lot of not-so-lowkey loli in it, incest is also a theme that i've also noticed.

riffwraff ago

Anime also has a lot of not so lowkey nationalist dog whistling. Saga of Tanya the Evil, Attack on Titan, Drifters, Jojo, Goblin Slayer, Jin Roh, and many others come to mind.

Pwning4Ever ago

Attack on Titan, the city is suppose to be based off Ancient Germanic architecture. Don't know how much more direct they could be to the Germans.

riffwraff ago

The whole thing is an allegory for the migrant crisis.

shrink ago

It isn't "dog whistling." That implies subtlety. They aren't subtle about it, they're just casual about it, because "xenophobia" and nationalism are completely normal to them, and that's perfectly fine.

Decidueye ago

Anime knows and caters to their western basement dwelling audience very well.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i have a folder full of anime girls in nazi uniforms, just wait til i get home

Areuyiddingme ago

I wont ask why, but you were right to keep them.

shmuklidooha ago

And here I was hoping to do a nofap.

phillyjoe ago

combating faoggotry with faggotry.

bombs away!

Wowbagger ago

It's incredibly simple to find plenty of Japanese cartoon characters doing a Nazi salute. This will be fish in a barrel.

Walk1 ago

The horde typically likes to invade when they are feeling at their highest, in terms of their leftism. It is best to cunt punt them back to wherever they came from.

AttackHelicopter ago

Their logic is...odd. And illogical. "Let's go to Voat, where we can post what we want in case Reddit doubles down on censorship. We need to fuck up the one place that won't censor us!"

Areuyiddingme ago

It's just a shoddily coordinated plan using useful idiots.

VapidGopher ago

This. If the left loves censorship why do they get upset when they get censored? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Raxotic ago

I don't get what's going on. What's wrong with them coming here to make posts in little anime sub?

starseedwakeup ago

I can't even process this honestly. Reddit is continuing to censor them, why aren't they asking why they're being censored? Why not fight back against Reddit censorship? Can't they see for themselves that censorship is a major problem everywhere and anywhere its implemented?

It's happening to them so they seek to impose that same oppression on others? Why attack people with different opinions instead of conversing to understand another individual and broaden your own intellectual prosperity? The NPC meme is just too accurate. They are sad people.

Although this is probably for the good, they'll come here expecting to pull off a jewish infiltration and then they're just gonna get red pilled and become one of us. Hopefully.

"We're extreme leftist who support removing free speech meanwhile our freedom to speak violated so let's go someplace WHERE THERE IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH and ruin it because they are on opposite side of the political spectrum". Seriously its like they're 13 year olds. Just no understand of others whatsoever. Have they ever done shit away from their phone? They have been trained to be goy so well.

getshanked ago

It’s called internalized oppression, and whites are masters at it e.g. white guilt.

nomadriders ago

They will just get themselves red-pilled

Water ago

Hasn't animemes already had a bunch of rules put on it?

Mumbleberry ago

Farming voats here too;

starseedwakeup ago

Let's get down voating

lord_nougat ago


Mumbleberry ago

Uhm, you can't. Stupid newfag.

starseedwakeup ago

Thanks for heads up, I need two more contribution points. (Which I am absolutely not asking for, I'll earn them legitimately as this site intends that I do).

WhitePaladin ago

Message Putt and nuke their subs

VapidGopher ago

That would be censorship though. How effective is gore on here to repel them? 4chan uses it occasionally if there are too many shills. Well before the jans there started becoming pro censorship.

WhitePaladin ago

Its not censorship, youre playing by their rules if you think that, they can spout their bullshit everywhere, but we only have this website.

xobodox ago

Commie faggots are never satisfied with the current lies and deceptions. They create bigger and bigger cons to keep the illusion of the fraud going.

middle_path ago

From 3 months ago?

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's how it works, MP

Mumbleberry ago

Yep, using an old post to farm ccp

middle_path ago

Oh, so it goes unnoticed. Just noticed the stuff at the bottom of the post.

Mumbleberry ago
