Zizara42 ago

It's a shame they have to do stupid shit like this. Half tempted to start an anime discussion sub myself with loli and shit banned since the other subs here seem pretty dead but I would probably just end up caught in the crossfire.

theoldones ago

you would indeed get caught in it, you're sort of actively doing the thing in that case

we're actively smoking out loli accounts right now in fact.

this apparently includes, possibly you. i would advise not indulging in that temptation.

Zizara42 ago

I'm not interested in loli. Just want a place to discuss anime, which has been a cornerstone of stuff like the chans since their inception. Not like I don't understand the suspicion though given the circumstances.

theoldones ago

we have anime subs


Zizara42 ago

Huh, didn't find that one when I went looking. Thanks I guess.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Ina_Pickle ago

How were they planning to take all 500 of us with their pitiful 3 invaders?

Splooge ago

Oh shit, there was a third invader? I know of the jk faggot and his "yes my lord" butt buddy, but I didn't see a third weeb. He must've dropped off early as fuck.

bootmii ago

Another push factor is the new investment Reddit's taken.

MyDrunkAccount ago

I enjoyed the multi-day battle with the v/theawakening reddit powermod admins.

Weeellll....but that wasn't a Voat battle, that was a Q battle which took place during the tail-end of a massive "reddit invasion." Voat doesn't "battle" invasions/migrations so much as it treats them as recruitment opportunities with mental health screenings. Many of your Q brethren had to be put down by the Voat health screeners in order for your core group to become strong enough to fight back against your masters. Your welcome.

Karbuster ago

And yet all they can do is post half assed shit memes and call everyone who doesnt suck Qs cock a shill

SearchVoatBot ago

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Helbrecht ago

I know right? I completely missed out on this.

Oh well. Back to harrassing QRV, I guess.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@men13 sucks baby dicks

anamazonslittle ago

Some more pro-pedo comments in anther thread

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Nice try fellow jew. We all know you are just trying to mask the white genocide agenda of selectively enforced anti birthrate laws.

anamazonslittle ago

"The jews do it so that's ok?"

What kind of argument is that?

Splooge ago

Good find, I missed that one.

Hahah, trying to hijack the (((agenda))) to make it seem like an anti-pedo stance is just some kikery. That's just precious, I'm sure right after the rabbi finishes sucking off a bloody baby dick he'll announce that he's anti-pedo.

anamazonslittle ago

The commies do the same shit. They throw in a bunch of voat buzzwords to give a liberty-sounding veneer to their bullshit.

"Why's the government telling me what I can and can't do? Why don't they dismantle the central banks! And all banks while they're at it so we don't have to trade our labor for wages!"

theoldones ago

added. thanks

Justsomebullshitname ago

Interesting timing for the proposed private subs system change. A way to invite in and allow to fester that which can be used to smear Voat?

theoldones ago

i wouldn't automatically rule out the ringleader on reddit making that exact plan

the plans got scrapped, but he still would have been able to say the public posts first talking about it. if that's the case he might have planned to run the community over here

yellowthread ago

I missed the memo. 2 or 3 guys showed up a while ago and left, now we circlejerk for days, that about right?

BlueDrache ago

The invasion was about as limp as their useless soycocks.

racistbigot ago

i hope they all feel this way.


Splooge ago

wE'Re NoT fUcKinG biGoTS


ItsOk2bArian ago

500 my pale hairy ass Sound of you fucking GOATS 1 Do I hear a 2?

16684725? ago


theoldones ago



NosebergShekelman ago

500 people? Seriously, its probably 40 of us with alts. haha shaloms

holofan4life ago

Holofan4life has risen. I may or may not be an old goat who has registered the reddit anime hero's name. The funny gits didn't think to do so earlier when they had the chance.

“In actual fact the pacifistic-humane idea is perfectly all right perhaps when the highest type of man has previously conquered and subjected the world to an extent that makes him the sole ruler of this earth… Therefore, first struggle and then perhaps pacifism.”

– Adolf Hitler

Tzitzimitl ago

look at the content they post on eddit(make sure you go further back than the banning) they are nothing but brainless, souless, pointless content bots that reddit uses to pad out their activity reports that justify their investors donations

fysi003 ago

What if there's a private features in voat? I know the admin are trying to make this features. I think I read this before.

This degenerates will go private first and farm voats, after they have enough points they make their sub a public and invade the v/all. Is it possible to avoid this?

Maybe to avoid this once the subverse is created as a private in can never be a public sub.

Then the three parameters are "Submission Contribution Points (SCP)", "Comment Contribution Points (CCP)", "Total Upvotes given" will become "PrivateX Submission Contribution Points", "PrivateX Comment Contribution Points", and "PrivateX Total Upvotes Given".

Where X = Private subverse name.

This Private points will never add to the public sphere point like SCP, CCP, and Total Upvotes Given.

Octocopter ago

You cant farm anything in private/hidden subs. only when its visible to /all can you get points.

theoldones ago

I think I read this before.

community didnt like it, pointed why that would be a bad idea. implementation halted

Korinthian ago

Figures its faggoted pedos that cry about censorship then turn right around to try to censor voat.

Norm85 ago

Invaders should at least put in a half arsed attempt and last a bit longer so we can all have a turn mocking them.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it starts off apparently on reddit, where r/Animemes had one of their main loli meme posters banned by an admin. why? who knows, reddit just bans people. that's how mafia works over there.

EDIT: @SIayfire122 found a ban reason. reddit has new anti-loli rules

if you want the deep lore on this a chinese censorship company acquired reddit recently

theoldones ago

they were talking about that, and i did see those reports. wasnt sure 100% it was connected or not, or that changes would be happening this fast from the deal.

these chinks are efficient.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

chinks need to sanitize the site for chink advertising companies, so that means no more loli or other questionable content. I read some translated novels and comics from china sometimes and they're weirdly specific about censorship so expect a slow random but efficient crackdown on any number of things.

Seventh_Jim ago

I don't get why they wanted to start shit here. We have loli subs. They stay in their black corner most of the time and we shit all over the folks that use them, but unless the content is illegal, we won't actually kick them out.

Why the fuck would you come to a new society and then just start shitting everywhere, raping children, and trying to take over? Are these pedofags muslim or something?

ItsOk2bArian ago

Sometimes the answer is the question

SearchVoatBot ago

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SIayfire122 ago

I did some investigative work and he was banned for this picture because of some new-ish anti-loli rules on Reddit.

Feel free to include this in your post if you care enough to.

facepaint ago

I hate loli, but that looks nothing like loli. That is a solid C or D cup working there.

Ina_Pickle ago

Not a fan by any means, but I don't find that even a little offensive. Have seen more skin in a parenting magazine.

Octoclops ago

She has boobs, how is that loli?

theoldones ago

added. thank you

MrPim ago

Me too. A good migrant invasion is always fun. And it's just now Friday night. It would be an amusing way to spend the weekend.

16666832? ago

Thank you!

Jippymausen ago

What's bad about newcomers to voat? They would get redpilled.

Octoclops ago

I agree in general but from looking at their sub it seems like there's like 2 or 3 of them.

Splooge ago

It's an issue when they come with the express purpose of kicking out the current populace and replacing them with their own. That would include you by the way. You're a niggerfaggot so you'd have to go, because, you know, it's not okay for plebbit to censor them, but A-okay for them to come here and censor us.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're annoying

16666846? ago

These are people that get off on sexualized anime of kids.

Jippymausen ago

We already have loli subverses

theoldones ago


Octoclops ago


theoldones ago

unchecked immigration brings problem cases.

voat is NOT "open borders"

Tb0n3 ago

Yes. Yes it is. That's the whole god damn point you retard.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Lol, only ~500 users active here... I guess if you're only counting the Qtards that might be true.

Obrez ago

What's funny here is that we are the chemo we need like 90% of the time, look at QRV, they came here and refused to assimilate and now even the Qoomers are mad at trump, Q, and hate jews, the zionist cucks that came here have been converted and the rest outnumbered, half the "true believers" are SBBH trolls and JIDF and the other half are too old and stupid to understand what has happened.

The same is true for the weebs that will settle on voat as reddit decides they don't like them, the most centrist and right wing weebs will stay, get even further red pilled on the holocaust and kikery and go out and spread the truth among the other weebs.

BitChuteArchive ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/XW45xVbROK9J - ( It's time for a Stardust Crusade. Justice for u... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/63wBK8YKHV7r - ( In honor of /u/holofan4life, here's 380 memes, ... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Wz7sIFGLu0SY - ( HoloFan4Life did nothing wrong )

Crensch ago

Need a post like this for every invasion. Thank you.

SandHog ago

Indeed. I'm disappointed I missed it.

Splooge ago

You can always go into the linked threads and downvoat to make sure the weebs stay buried. The farther down they go, the less likely they'll be to return. Make it clear that any attempt to resist the Voat Immune System is futile.

SandHog ago

Good point. I'll do that.

Splooge ago

We all have a part to play, friend.

MrPim ago

While this is dark. The invasions keep getting slightly more hilarious as time goes on.

Captain_Faggot ago

Just wait until the people who fold napkins in the wrong way are banned.

Mumbleberry ago

Well done sir.