pimplepeter ago

yeah tell me about it... the fucking "freedom has a price" or "we are protecting your freedom" memes are unfucking believable

pimplepeter ago

You absolutely nailed it.... Most modern military bros are the kids that got made fun of in their groups of friends in high school and I don't mean in the bully sense. Think about it. With the exception of the "military family" guys. Or just some low IQ white corn midwest boys. It's always the guys in high school that were the weak links in their groups. Never the alphas or "thinkers". Just think back to your friends/people in high school that went into the military. One guy I can think of in particular for me was a kid who hung out with everyone, but all kids would talk shit behind his back and debate whether to invite him to hang out. Also, he got addicted to counter strike, which probably a propaganda another contributing factor.

dirt_reynolds ago

Too bad. I'll never buy your products now.

Drakgan ago

If you don't drink only Kona coffee, you're a commiefag.

selpai ago

Was his account really removed? I thought putitout said voat couldn't do that.

Chiefpacman ago

He wiped it. A tad concerning but the guys account was deleted, and he did ask us and tell us.


selpai ago


Chiefpacman ago


And here is puts statement you can find his username there https://voat.co/v/Voat/2959815

My bad I meant to Lincoln but I wasn't sure if I was spelling his name correctly

@blackriflecoffee seems to not work

Edit- forgot the co lol

selpai ago

That's a shame.

elitch2 ago

But chlorine gas is really painful.

I think you are overlooking the important things.

elitch2 ago

That's a myth. Zyklon was a de-lousing agent.

It's specifically designed to not kill people.

Chlorine gas, on the other hand, is super easy to manufacture. It is also 100% fatal. Painful, too.

Spud4ever ago

Too little too late - fuck 'em , afaic !!!

combatveteran ago

Voat is overreacting. What the hell do you want them to do? In a perfect world, short of closing down, what would be the best thing?

Chiefpacman ago

To be honest, I don't drink coffee. I don't really care about them. Pretty disappointed that a supposedly conservative company would go after another company that supports constitutional rights.

We as a community may have overreacted a little bit. But I kind of love it, don't fuck with the voat ore you get the goat horns.

Walk1 ago

This person seems to want to get VOAT on a black list of some sorts and give us a bad name. It happens to people trying to speak the truth.

Chiefpacman ago

Good on you. It seems like they would handled this situation better. Very bad PR to the type of people that they're brand advertises too. Conservative old school people.

It's frustrating to see even conservative companies fucking us over. Reminds me of when Yeti stopped funding to the NRA or when Cracker Barrel stopped selling Duck Dynasty Goods

Chiefpacman ago

I acted like I was a long time customer/knew the family. Maybe that helped.

I don't even drink coffee lol.

EyeOfHorus ago

This E-mail by them is an attempt to shift the blame and act like they were being reasonable all along and that Putt was the bad actor.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Fuckyounigger ago

They are Jews anyways boycott continues forever

ScrewdriverOo ago

They still can be sued for the false DMCA claim and I hope that Putt tells them that. Hello@Voat would have been a better way of communication than issuing a false DMCA claim with cloudflare. They seem completely inept about the law so I would suggest to them they go and actually talk to lawyers next time.

Failtoplanplantofail ago

Jew manipulation

8H9E20R12O5S19 ago

I hate people that play off the veteran thing. I know many veterans and they don't brag about it the ones that you see bragging about it I'm telling you how badass they were are usually 90% talking out their ass.

Chiefpacman ago

The ones talking about it often spent two comfortable years in a German base. Agreed.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

They are copy and pasting the same reply to everyone

SubspaceDistortion ago

This should be the top comment.

pimplepeter ago

i can't believe they are a company in the first place. "Hey guys, lets buy some coffee, attach a gun logo, and pretend to be militaristic. There will be nothing special about our coffee except for the added aggression factor. GENIUS. LET'S DO IT."

obvious-throwaway- ago

I wouldn't take free money from a kike, much less give them any of mine for their most likely soy laced bile they call coffee.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

It's real simple (((Faggots))) , you mess with goats you get the horns.


gabara ago

"and their posts removed". That's still problematic (sic).

SocksOnCats ago

Too late, jews.

AmericanJew2 ago


DasReich ago

We asked them to remove the user and they did.

Kike liar, @Puttitout specifically stated:

The peculiar situation with this DMCA request is that the user @BlackRifleCoffeeCo permanently deleted their profile on 2018-10-10.

So the "terrible things they said" had already vanished.

Chiefpacman ago

To be accurate, I think that everything that the user had said is now deleted.

The account was deleted, but prior posts were visible

ScrewdriverOo ago

Has been gone for a long time. This just goes back to what I was speculating about them possibly trying to create an account here to shill their coffee. They wouldn't be making money off of me because I only drink American made coffee. They might have made money off of my cousins but they really love the first and second amendments equally.

toldyouso666 ago

You know in you heart of hearts that voat's lost now. Your post about Black Rifle Coffee confirms you know it. I joined the same time as you and removed my old account a while ago. Get out while you can, man. It's too painful watching a good site slide into shit. I still lurk out of morbid curiosity. I want to see if it follows the Digg/Reddit pattern of going to shit.

Just bail while it's good. Don't worry. There will be another site for all of us nigger faggots soon enough.

tokui ago

The kikes started it.

Finish them.

Adminstrater ago

I am glad that are not pursuing legal action.

fuzzysaucer ago

Nice backpedaling and trying to shift blame. Mess with the goat, get the horns (sorry). Ironically, a BRCC store just opened up near me and I was gonna go check it out and possibly make it a regular stop. Yeah... nah... fuck that...

jollux ago

Keep an eye on it and see if there's anything fucky about it

Thrus2 ago

Those in charge were likely never even told Putt called. There is so much spam calls to companies trying to talk to those in charge that most often the people at the phones are told to discard any calls that they are not told to expect for those folks. It sucks but it is the reality thanks to shitty cold-calling marketing departments.

Even being in IT there is rarely a week that goes by that I don't get someone trying to be a new vendor for printer supplies. I would tell the front desk to drop them all but I expect that some of them would fool people into giving out info about the machines and then us getting nailed by some of the shitty toner pirates out there that will ship and over bill for a toner with anything that sounds remotely like a yes. but they bill enough to be stupidly high priced and profitable but low enough that taking it to court to fight isn't worth the cost. Ignore them and they put a ding out on the company's credit.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,what's the policy on forgiving and forgetting again?

Whitefagoyit ago

The internet never forgets and never forgives.

Merlynn ago

Yeah,that's the one.

MinorLeakage ago

Why would a site dedicated to free speech want to openly discuss something!? HOW COULD WE HAVE KNOWN?!

Merchant_Menace ago

Fuck with voat at your own peril, I suppose.

Whitefagoyit ago

We the Chan's now?

Merchant_Menace ago

That'd be weird

Thrus2 ago

They had no expectation that Putt would put the DMCA notice up as a front item on the site for every user to see, they expected to do this all in the background with nothing seeing the light. Putt shined the light on what was going on and the community responded with a response back to BRCC.

admin2 ago


There NEVER was a DMCA notice, if you read the document, it was a trademark infringement notice, a laughable claim. Read it yourself.

MrDarkWater ago


riffwraff ago

The decision makers (CEO and COO) are both kikes

clamhurt_legbeard ago

They aren't suing because we called their bluff and their claim is frivolous.

They're also liars.

Chiefpacman ago


elitch2 ago

Too late, bitch. You already fucked up.

@puttitout should sue your ass for improper use of dmca.

tendiesonfloor ago

Yeah, he'll end up winning a $50 gift card to Amazon while a couple of jew lawyers on both sides make a couple of million off their clients. Great idea.

elitch2 ago


The legal system needs a good dose of fire rope guillotine.

OogaBoogaRifleCoffCo ago

Don't attack us, we just want to make some money off the goyim oy vey

L3D ago

Reminds me off https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/960/143/d7a.jpg except opinions it is legal threats

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

God that guy is an insufferable kike.

cantaloupe6 ago

That looks like what was wanted, a communication as to what they were expecting from Voat. Not everything has to be legal issue. The secretary was just stonewalling, but that is what they do.

16010082? ago

My opinion as well.

FuggBenis ago

This gib me lot of hoep in my case aganst Finland :DDD

Futt ago

Why voat feels the need to air out this issue publicly is beyond me

Really? Not only are you taking legal steps to have a user erased, but also to have posts and comments purged, from a site devoted to free speech and open discourse - and you are baffled as to why that would be a topic for discussion here? You really thought @PuttItOut would just start quietly erasing people and pretend nothing happened? Well I guess that's how some other sites would have done it.. I for one am damn happy this is not how it's done at Voat.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

You really thought @PuttItOut would just start quietly erasing people and pretend nothing happened? Well I guess that's how some other sites would have done it..

Exactly this. That's how every other site handles DMCA takedown requests. Into the memory hole.

Phantom42 ago

Futt for Second-in-Command!

CameraCode ago

Just fucking be a good goy and quietly do what we say and shut up! Don't you know we are the Chosen People?!

CowWithBeef ago

Why voat feels the need to air out this issue publicly is beyond me

Because it is how disputes are resolved in a free and civil society. Puttitout treats us as free men and has strict limits set on his own power. Maybe BRCC should take a break from LARPing as constitutional rights advocates and read the constitution. Privacy, free speech, jury of peers, no compelled self incrimination, the right to own arms, the people as a political body; the whole document is a pretty sweet deal for citizens, and it's essentially how we live here on voat. The fact this concept is beyond you is unsettling with how well you've monetized those ideals.

Black rifle coffee, you've proven your customers are suckers.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Shit... this is bad news. I figured it was a signal of the end when the 'Voat was sent an angel' sticky was up for so long. Did Putt maybe rename the account to something else where the comments have moved to? But @toldyouso666 is probably on to something. In fact I cannot reply to his comment. Or see any of his comment history!

Rotteuxx ago

When you delete an account you can either anonymize the posts/comments or leave them up with your username still showing.

The account page won't show a history since the account is no more.

toldyouso666 ago

You downvote, but where did all the comments from @BlackRifleCoffeeCo go? They're gone without so much as whimper. Just "poof" they don't exist. And just like that voat became a site where comments disappear with nothing more than an email to the admins.

toldyouso666 ago

You really thought @PuttItOut would just start quietly erasing people and pretend nothing happened?

And yet, there he is on the front page telling voat that voat can't be the free wheeling site is has been. That it needs to comply with the law and asking you how you think he should go about shoahing accounts and posts that others request be shoahed.

toldyouso666 ago

You downvote, but where did all the comments from @BlackRifleCoffeeCo go?

klobos ago

Just because voat has a user with the name of a company doesn't give them the right to issue takedown notices. Their legal dept knows this and didn't give a shit.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Sure they do.

They're seen publically as a right-wing company, and are concerned that posts on a right-leaning site could cause confusion to people reading them (or just looking for a reason to smear a right-leaning company).

It's exactly what trademarks are for: to protect the public image of the company.

Crackrocknigga ago

I dunno, I can see their side of it as well. I'd be upset if someone hijacked my company name and was using it to say controversial things that could cause outrage and loss of business.

At the same time though, it could have been done with a letter from a company rep instead of a legal threat.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'd be upset if someone hijacked my company name and was using it to say controversial things

How about truthful things? Why should anyone be upset about that?

When is Voat supposed to get a cease and desist from Skil, the power tools company, for all the anti-jewish speech I've done?

AmericanJew2 ago

I don't know why you're getting downgoated, your post is a legitimate point of view.

BlackRifleCaffeineEnemaCo could have and should have handled it completely differently, but at least I can understand why they sent the takedown. Were they in the right legally? I'm not a legal scholar on DMCA and neither are any of these other keyboard warriors here, so I am taking their opinions with a grain of salt just like yours.

Don't be afraid of the hivemind aryan faggot nigger brigade that Voat has become, just speak your opinions and fuck the internet points.

Crackrocknigga ago

I just don't get why these fags whine about the media misrepresenting people's point of view and lying, yet don't understand that maybe this individual doesn't want someone else saying bullshit on behalf of his company name. Yes, he's a Jew but in this particular case it really doesn't matter much. It's not like he's publicly speaking against voat or trying to get us shut down, he just doesn't want his company name on here which I can respect. I don't however respect the pussified way he spoke through an attorney but to each his own I guess

MrDarkWater ago

Laws don't protect people from being upset

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"Upset" is not how the law works.

They have no legal basis to file a trademark infringement claim.

Crackrocknigga ago

I don't know enough about trademark and intellectual property law to speculate and I don't think you do either.

Think of it this way: if there was an online account with your business name attached to it saying shit we need to give every 3 year old puberty blockers so they can decide their gender, wouldn't you want it to be known that those aren't your opinions and prevent further false statements on your behalf?

I don't agree with how they went about it, but I do sympathize.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't know enough about trademark and intellectual property law to speculate

Since you're so ignorant, I'll educate you.

Black Rifle Coffee Company's trademark is to prevent any other company from using its name to make money in its stated goods and services.

Here is a list of their stated goods and services:

  • Beverageware, namely, insulated coffee and beverage cups, mugs; thermal insulated container for food and beverages

  • Coffee; ground and whole bean coffee; expresso beverages; coffee beans; ground coffee beans

  • Online retail store services featuring coffees and beverageware; wholesale distributorships and wholesale ordering services all in the field of coffee; on-line ordering services and on-line retail store services all in the field of coffee and beverageware

  • Coffee roasting and processing

Prove 1) which of these four categories, 2) voat is making money on 3) through the existence of a deleted user named u/blackriflecoffeeco

If you don't, you lose. Your "sympathies" are meaningless in Trademark disputes.

Crackrocknigga ago

What you didn't mention is the right one would have to use the name would be "fair use" and I'm not sure fair use covers assuming the company and making public comments.

WhitePaladin ago

What a dumb fuck.

AmericanJew2 ago

Stfu aryan faggot, OP is asking legit questions and trying to figure out what the deal is, you are just being an asshole.

Crackrocknigga ago

That's just like, your opinion man

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Because that has nothing to do with this.

Do you think it does? Are you trying for a nominative or descriptive fair use exception?

elitch2 ago

No. They are completely abusing the dmca in a way that opens them to legal action. Pretty fucking stupid move, on their part.

admin2 ago


There NEVER was a DMCA notice.

If you read the document, it was a trademark infringement notice, a laughable claim. Read it yourself.

elitch2 ago

I really don't give a fuck about the legality of it, to be honest.

The legal system is kiked all to fuck. These things shouldn't exist.

GreyGears ago

Well, it's a banknigger's company.

They only care about laws as long as they play in their favor.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Jews only care about things that are in their favor to benefit themselves and no one else. While this can be said for people in general, putting themselves first, its only the Jews who do so without empathy for literally anyone else in the world.

NosebergShekelman ago

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Womb_Raider ago

I can't really blame them. I wouldn't want to be impersonated, yet people here have done it to me.

ScrewdriverOo ago

They were established in 2014. The user account was created 4 months ago. Voat has been in the news quite a bit since I started my account. Any time before 4 months ago they could have created their account here and parked it. They chose not to. It's 100% their fault for not acting sooner to secure the name. People have impersonated me and I find it funny as hell. I loved it when manchild created an account that looked similar to mine and I replied to every post they made mocking them. Fun times, I wasn't butthurt about it. I guess I just have thicker skin than most other people.

Womb_Raider ago

So you support lies and deception? You like fake news? Says a lot of your character and integrity.

ScrewdriverOo ago

What part of what I said is untrue? You seem to jump to conclusions pretty damn easily. They were established in 2014. When securing a name, you need to make sure if that name is widely available on social media platforms. Voat has been in the news quite a bit since the fattening, like when your account was created. They chose to do nothing until just this month. The account was created in September of 2018. They could have came here until the day before the account was created to create and secure the account. They chose not to. This is entirely their fault.

DMCA is not to be used as censorship. A DMCA is a legal form that has real legal consequences if misused and abused. A Trademark complaint isn't under the scope of a DMCA. They were being assholes using one. Their legal issues would be with the user that created the account, not Voat, not Cloudflare. Them filing a DMCA claim against cloudflare is what seems to me, something an SJW would do. Your defense of someone using illegal tactics is actually surprising. It's alright for a supposed pro Second amendment corporation to use their power to take on someone illegally (knowingly filing a false DMCA claim is illegal) but it's not alright for anyone to call out the bullshit.

Womb_Raider ago

You support impersonation and deception.

ScrewdriverOo ago

No, I support people being proactive and doing things within the law. I also believe in free speech. People have impersonated me here and that was honestly nothing but amusing to me. I guess I just don't let little things get to me. I find it odd that people who are overtly second amendment seem to think the first, and what our founding fathers thought was the most important is something insignificant. It's the first in a part commonly known as the bill of rights for a reason.

Womb_Raider ago

You willfully ignore impersonation and deception.

ScrewdriverOo ago

Sure, attack the person and not the argument. Just like all the other NPCs.

Womb_Raider ago

You said it, buddy. It is your argument.

ScrewdriverOo ago

So you can't detect irony.

Womb_Raider ago

Ha. That's the best you can come up with?

Goys-R-Us ago

You're on voat. Nobody knows who you are in real life unless you're stupid enough to dox yourself. They're impersonating an anonymous Internet handle - a bit different than impersonating your real life persona.

Womb_Raider ago

It's the same thing. An imposter is an imposter. Deceit is deceit. Only Jews think so lightly of lies and deception. Are you Jewish by chance?

Goys-R-Us ago

No but then how could you know? That's my point.

Womb_Raider ago

Behavior tells much

Goys-R-Us ago

Somebody disagreeing with you does not automatically make them a jew. That's really lightweight thinking, if you can even call it that.

Womb_Raider ago

It's not to be taken literally. It's rhetorical. We at voat despise their behavior, but some of us (like yourself) are willing to make excuses for the same sins.

Goys-R-Us ago

to make excuses for the same sins

lol. OK.

tendiesonfloor ago

yet people here have done it to me.

Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean faggots are impersonating you.

Womb_Raider ago

Your group is to blame.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Just because you're a faggot doesn't mean faggots are impersonating you.

Direct quote from a passage in book of tendiesonfloor 2:12 in the Old Anals of the Book of Voat.

elitch2 ago

Poor babies.

OvertonWindow ago

I'm waiting on a response from them too. We'll see what they say.

eongoat ago

"horrible thing" please leave my shekels alone!

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm digging for the thread, but during the coverage of the Thousand Oaks False Flag, I noticed two 'survivors' wearing Black Rifle Coffee hoodies. It reminded me of a Vegas victim who was interviewed wearing their gear.

Product placement in fake shootings sounds about as Deep State and Jewish as it gets.

Boycott_Israel ago

Oh, man, Wouldn't that be something. Color me not surprised.

jollux ago

You saw the black rifle reddit AMA, right?


cia contractor

ffs, it's a shell company. Coffee is not the goal here. I guess they got sick of making "dating sites"

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Interesting.... There was a bit of weird product placement and symbolism going on that day.

Stayedclassy ago

I need to hear it from @puttitout

Chiefpacman ago

That's fine, this isn't an official message or anything. I'm just letting you all know that it's clearly a non-issue now

Atomized_Individual ago

Receptionists aren't usually worth a damn. I wonder what the total dollar amount of shit they fuck up is.

Atomized_Individual ago

I had asked the user if he represented BRCC. He said no.

Womb_Raider ago


Atomized_Individual ago

Look it up

Womb_Raider ago

I can't 'look up' your inquiry.

Atomized_Individual ago

Search comments

Chiefpacman ago

Sounds like their full of shit over at blsck rifle coffee.

DasReich ago

They are full of shit, @Puttitout specifically stated:

The peculiar situation with this DMCA request is that the user @BlackRifleCoffeeCo permanently deleted their profile on 2018-10-10.

ucantdothatontv ago

Not too mention VOAT was forced to reach out publicly as BRCC refused to respond privately.

FuckYesJefferson ago

Then they bag it up and sell it!

SmokeyMeadow ago

I assume "some pretty horrible things" translates from Jew-speak to "the truth."

DeathBalls ago

I get it from their perspective though, we can call them jews all we want, but at the end of the day they're a bussiness who want to make money, getting associated with the truth might have hurt sales

hels ago

If you own a company that you plan to franchise then one of the first things you need to do is get a lacky employee to find every forum possible and make usernames that shills would try. E.g, blackriflecoffecompany, blackriflecoffeeco, blackriflecoffee, blackrifle etc. Without the words "black rifle" any other username would be difficult to associate with the coffee company. Even taking "coffee" away and just having blackrifle would not make me think of the coffee company so you'd have to have "black rifle coffee" in the username to make it relevant. It would not be too difficult to make all relevant usernames that can be directly associated with the company.

Any usernames like "blackriflecoffeesucks" you know are shills and you would not associate posts from that account with the company.

black rifle coffee has jew cum in their coffee anyways.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Voat makes no claims that people are Representatives of any person or company that they name their username after. It should be on the individuals or companies to inform their audience of their social media accounts. Getting lawyers involved is a legal threat.

It won't take much for large companies to keep creating fake accounts, complain about them with legal action and drown voat in litigation until the site has no option but to fold

That coffee company deserves every bit of bad PR from this move. Their first action should have been an email asking for the account to be removed or renamed.

theshopper ago

"It won't take much for large companies to keep creating fake accounts, complain about them with legal action and drown voat in litigation until the site has no option but to fold"

Sounds like Voat needs a law firm or start one up. Frivolous lawsuits are usually easily dismissed.

SmokeyMeadow ago

They should have just STFU, because they were actual Jews trying to blend in with the Right. Now we all know the company is owned by a kike. I wouldn't drink their swill if they issued an engraved apology. They courted a side that is pretty damn sick of Jew tricks, and then tried to pull the same old Jew tricks. It was a bad move on their part, and more than a few of us will remember only this interaction.

Aldebaran7937 ago

"Jews trying to blend" lol look at US ARMY.... West Point teachers. All zionists. Petraeus and co. A nightmare. All juden.

recon_johnny ago

Jews? Didn't know. They were being shilled on Fox, etc.

They can go fuck themselves with a crucifix. Fuck the Jews.

SmokeyMeadow ago

You might have missed this gem during the inundation of coffee meme threads.

And of course they hide behind false patriotism and use our veterans as props. The most surprising thing here is a Jew using our troops for something besides a bullet sponge.

recon_johnny ago

Yep. I missed it. Goddammit. Usually, I can sniff (heh) these out, but whiffed this time. Actually thought it was a decent alternative to Jewbucks.

I owe much to the folks here. It's changed my worldview.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Seems like the latest Jew thing to do, is to slide in with your "alternative" company when the mob online is revolting against one of the larger entities. We saw the same thing happen with Gab.ai, when it was revealed Torba is a Jew. It's kind of funny because their best efforts at fitting in are hampered by the inability each of them seemingly has to resist having an "well actually I'm Jewish" moment. They always bring that out eventually. They use it as an excuse is why. It's their go-to deflection.

recon_johnny ago

Yes, you see that behavior on Twitter, especially--but now it seems putting up a company so they can get shekels for being a controlled opposition is the go-to.

Personally, am glad they can't resist the "well, I'm a Jew" bit. Seems to be a good way to call them out to the light. I think you have to be subtle, though....don't make it the first response, but do a little investigative, and then spring the trap.

jollux ago

All you have to do to bring them out is call them a nazi.

R00STRE ago

Just like muh joo fags hurt legitimate truth by hiding behind ethnicity instead of behavior.

Slowly but surely muh joo fags are waking up.

FrozenFire74 ago

I want to disagree with you, but a business has no obligation to the truth, but merely their own profits. Case and point with examples like Walmart, Home Depot, Target, and Petsmart.

Phantom42 ago

Those businesses harm the people if they are not loyal to truth.

rejectedfromreddit ago

Care to elaborate on those companies in particular?

bambou1991 ago

Is there an other kind of truth?

Aldebaran7937 ago


lets_get_hyyerr ago

"All 6 media companies that control all media in the US are controlled by jews" - @BlackRifleCoffeeCo

Charles, from BRCC - "HO-LEY-SHIT that is so horrible! We can't be associated with that truth!"

Sorry BRCC, you should have just dealt with this in a more effective manner. Not like children.

hels ago

Nigger coffee company acted like a 7 year old who gets hit by a snowball and runs to the principal in tears.

Chiefpacman ago

Maybe I'm behind and y'all already know this..

They probably had quite a day at the office yesterday Haha.

Lots if tweets, lots of emails. We dun good.