SaltyAF ago

OK....I get that Jews just seem to find funding for whatever they want. I get that for a 2% minority they seem like they are in every gate-keeper position. this case, it sounds like the left is attacking him, and he's answering like a Patriot. I don't drink that brand of coffee, and I've never tried it. Don't plan to. Black Rifle Coffee does not trigger a Nazi accusation in me, nor a Jewish one. Silencer-smooth coffee does not give me visions of prison camps and ovens. Guns stopped the Nazis, and the Nazis were pro-gun control.

Seems to me like, Jewish or not, the guy is on the right side of this.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Marku1 ago


Uncle_Tractor ago

Yitzhak Shamir, commander of Lehi, thought his brand of zionism was so close to naziism that on at least two occasions, in 1940, he tried to form an alliance with nazi Germany. And later on, the Israelis decided Shamir's brand of zionism was good enough to make him PM.

Just saying.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Oy Vey, Shut It Down, The Goyim Know!

Animals9 ago

All I needed to know is that you are a jew.

Fuck you.

ViperCarbz ago

Man, the guy sounds like such a beta cry baby.

ItsOk2bArian ago

I love you NF'ers I wrote a disgruntled email to BRCC and got: "Your request has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

We are experiencing higher than normal volume of requests at this time.

We definitely received your message and will respond as soon as possible!"

Im choosing to assume Voat Goats have something to do with the "higher than normal volume"

Whitemail ago

Let's just all claim to be Jews at this point, so none of us can be Nazis. Then we could also keep non-whites out of our countries by calling them Palestinians and claiming Palestine doesn't exist. Look at a map of Central and South America. Do you see a place called Palestines? So all of these border jumpers who are Palestinians need to be shot.

SayTan ago

You are buying a new Charger of Peace...The jew car dealer wants 3k less than the goy and they both use the same jew accountant and banks. What did you prove? The goy car dealer went to the jew car dealer's son's bar mitzvah and they have shared season tickets to sportsball events.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Part of this is cultural. Make sure your kids know the basics of doing business, how to set up a business etc. Don't let it continue into the next generation.

8_billion_eaters ago

Why am I not surprised?

Disappointed, but not surprised.

MrDarkWater ago

Of course.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I don’t think we’ve earned or deserve to be compared to Nazis by any stretch of the imagination.

No, absolutely not. These kikes aren't worth a Nazi fingernail.

dontmindthemess ago

Just another piece of shit, pedofile, rapist, terrified, greedy fucking shady JEW!!! Fuck them and their goat piss coffee. If you hear their piece of shit sub-human names (goldstein, silverburg, childrapist, cannibal, etc) charge them triple and wipe your asshole on their food/order. Get it wrong 4x, and fuck them every time.

SayTan ago

What difference does it make? You either like a product or you don't.

Doglegwarrior ago

Ok fuck this company up the ass. Why the fuck are jews so fucking revolting and disgusting at every fucking turn they literaly cant fucking help themselves a jew is always on the wrong side of an issue every fucking time!

ErrorHasNoRights ago

No wonder they got so much traction on /r/The_Zionald.

NosebergShekelman ago

HAhahahaha I knew my fellow jews were in control of the niggerkike coffee company oy vey and shalom to israel. You silly goys should've known

LettItBurn ago

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.

Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis.


CouldBeTrump ago

But surely they're /ourJews/, based MAGApedes, just look:

We believe in freedom of speech too.

MrDarkWater ago


Of course. Why am I surprised? Or is this feeling vindication? Or true enlightenment?

I am a Nazi.
Do yourself a favor. Listen to George Lincoln Rockwell speeches, and then read his books.

SaltyAF ago

Uhh...look...during WWII, there was a Polish Catholic Priest named Maximilian Kolbe. Father Kolbe was an outspoken "anti-semite" or so people thought. He pointed out that there seemed to be a global Jewish conspiracy that was threatening the world. Kolbe was WOKE, in more ways than one.

The rest is hearsay for you guys, but first-hand for me as to where I got the information.

The story goes that Father Kolbe was asked by his flock if they should shelter Jews. His answer was, OF COURSE, they are human beings. So his parishioners sheltered Jews, and so did Father Kolbe. Father Kolbe was caught and sent to Auschwitz.

While there, the Jews staged a daring escape--several were successful. As punishment, the Nazis picked out 10 men to die by starvation to show the rest of the camp that escape would not be tolerated. One of the 10 men, a Polish man, cried out, please no, I have a family. Father Kolbe offered to die in the man's place.

Now here's the kicker. The man was Jewish. Between 5-10 years ago, I read this account on a website dedicated to Father Kolbe. The website had detailed information on the man for whom Father Kolbe had died. I used to frequent the site often to quote it. The details on the Polish man were WELL documented and undeniable--he was Jewish.

A little while later, the site was taken down. I went to check the wiki and it had been changed as well to omit the fact that the man was Jewish. Whoever controls that Wiki will not allow that information to be added. They request a reference, (the site I mentioned) that had had its domain bought out from under them.

Many modern-day Jews are appalling. They absolutely hate Christianity and will permit nothing positive to be said about it. To them, it seems like a threat to Judaism. And in a way it is, not in the holocaust anti-semitic sense, but in the sense that Christ fulfilled Judaism. If Jesus was Messiah, what he taught was true. And if what he taught was true, (good Samaritan in particular) it is not ok to legalize your way out of not seeing all men as your fellow man instead of seeing them as cattle and animals--the exact words the Nazis used against the Jews--rats.

If you bring up the fact that Jews act like godless assholes and treat people like shit everywhere they go, Jews start crying about being victims not perps.

There is going to come a time when Rev. 3:9 will become obvious.

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

But at the same time, Romans 9 through 11 talk about the Jews as the natural branches and gentiles as ingrafted. There is room for Jews if they repent--and many will before the end.

I urge you to put Naziism behind you. It includes a luciferic side that does not serve you. When it comes to Jews, follow the example of St. Max. Love your neighbor the way Christ taught us, regardless of whether or not they are Jews. Doesn't mean you don't tell the truth, but even if they fuck you and treat you like shit, you treat them with love--the love of Christ.

I know that doesn't make sense in the light of the human ego, but we have to walk by the true light of Jesus Christ--not by our own little wills.

The end of the St. Kolbe story is that the Nazis couldn't kill him. He would not starve. All the other men died, but Father Kolbe just kept on living. Finally, they poisoned him to death. The Jewish man he died for was present at his Canonization.

You have a choice. It's easy to be filled with hate for the Jews. It's hard to walk by the light of Jesus Christ, but it is worth it in the end. In fact, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

MrDarkWater ago

Being a Nazi is about live, not hate. Bring a Nazi is about the 14 words: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. That has nothing to do with persecution or hate. It's about love of our people and a declaration of not letting others get in the way of our people.

I don't strive to be like saints, priests, pastors or any other men. Christ is who I'll try and embody. Remember the money changers in the temple? What was Jesus' reaction?

It's fine to put faith in Christ, in fact it's right, but don't think God hadn't planned for us to stand to to the devil and fight for righteousness. I'm done allowing the devil to control the limits of my fight. Sure some who now call themselves Jews can/will change, and it's except then as brothers (though I'd keep an eye on them, prejudice is a utility), I mean ... that's what early Christians were and did: left Judaism to follow the Messiah.

Take my earlier advice, listen to/read George Lincoln Rockwell. Peace, and God bless you.

The_Crusader ago

Lmfao. This is why I love voat.

There's always someone who says "but the jew thing is jist paranoia/conspiracy theory" and then everytime, it really is the Jews!!

redpilldessert ago

Well have black rifle spoken out against whites yet?


Literally... every dam time

RumpRangerRick ago

Fucking Jews. Every. Fucking. Time.

Jews are why we can't have nice things.

TestForScience ago

Silencer Smooth coffee is connected to the Nazis?
What the fuck are they talking about?

Frostgrip ago

Cleverness combined with a lack of morals.....

Warm up the ovens.

Logwarrior ago

For fuck's sake, I'm as Wrecked Right as most of you, but cut Evan some fucking slack. He served at the same time as I did, he gutted it out, and was SF. He turned his hobby, roasting his own beans, into a business teaming up with Matt. He worked for it, and it's not like he's rolling his ass in gold.

nozeno ago

For fuck's sake, I'm as Wrecked Right as most of you, but cut Evan some fucking slack. He served at the same time as I did, he gutted it out, and was SF.

Did you serve with him? If not, how do you know he isn't just making it up?

This link says he joined the National Guard, then left active duty in 2015.

This one says: "Founder and CEO Evan Hafer served his country for 20 years. He began his military career as an infantryman in the Army, then graduated to Special Forces, and eventually worked as a CIA contractor from 2006 to 2014."

What Special Forces schools did he attend? What units did he serve with? Was he a 'CIA contractor' for 8 years, or a Special Forces soldier for 20 (or could both be correct)?

If he retired with 20 years of service in 2015, that means he signed up in 1995. How old is he?

He could be completely full of shit.

Logwarrior ago

To answer your questions: 1. No, I didn't personally serve with him any of the times I went to Iraq. I may have passed by him at Abu Gareb in 03-04, or Cropper, or Bucca, but I don't know him. 2. The National Guard has a bunch of SF soldiers. Not all states have SF units, but there are quite a few. 3. He very easily could have been an NG member, and contracted with CIA. Being an SF member already, it would have ensured his clearance was up to date, his SIPR would probably still be active, and he most likely did the same crap he was doing on deployment for more cash. Hell, Big K construction offered me a cool 300k a year, with an apartment on 3rd Ring Road if I'd take my retirement, and work for them.

So, he could be full of shit, but I doubt Matt Best, and the rest of the crew would partner up if it wasn't true. You need the man's DD214? Or NGB 22?

nozeno ago

Thanks for the input; that all sounds reasonable. I would like to see some independent verification of his claims - you probably know better than most how many fake-ass poseurs there are when it comes to military service - but it's irrelevant.

It would just be hilarious if he turned out to be a cook, as someone claimed in another thread (without any proof of course).

mitoriomyt ago

I took a look at his photo on his company bio.

Methinks he's full of shit. He looks to be about early to mid-30's.

If he enlisted at 18, he would be about 38. Jews don't age well, so I'd be expecting wrinkles.

This fucker most likely lied about his background. Any researcher willing to dig into this more?

BlackRiflesCoffeeCo ago

We cum on our beans

middle_path ago

You're going to make this a lot worse I bet.

PatriotLady1 ago

Starfucks was started by a Jew. I'm betting it's difficult not to get your Jew on in the AM no matter what the brand.


Am I living in inception the movie world? Is everyone jewish when they need to be and white other times? ARe we ALL part jewish now?

1Sorry_SOB ago

Am I living in inception the movie world?

We all feel your pain.

vladtep ago

Yeah jews are 2 percent and niggers are 14 percent of the population.

I see jews and niggers everywhere and barely any white people.


dontforgetaboutevil ago

Yup.. every fucking time. Goddamn these assholes. Can't even post on a website without some faggot company trying to ruin things. It's not even actual content and I think their dcma is probably bogus. If I was put I'd get a lawyer consult to see what kinda teeth it really has.

solvire ago

Who buys this coffee anyway. If you gotta use guns and tits to sell coffee can it really be that good?

Support your local roaster. Know the owners. This should be a rule for ALL YOUR CONSUMER BULLSHITTERY

Cleanhobo ago

HAPPY Hanukkah from VOAT.

lissencarak ago

haha it's really there

wow it really is EVERY TIME

KosherHiveKicker ago

@Puttitout - This could be why ((( The Black Rifile Coffee Co. ))) are being such pricks about that total deletion of the account name on this site.

FreeBreivik ago

DMCA is for copyrighted works not trademarks:


realmonster ago

Well I guess now we know why the CEO couldn't be reached, the secretary was expecting the call. The dmca kikery was deliberate.

No more combat cocoa for me, I'll just have to make some that's actually good

jewsbadnews ago

nice name lol

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Looking further black rifle coffee co does not have a wikipedia page which seems highly unusual, they must be trying to suppress any mention of their company they don't have complete control over.

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I prefer my coffee less Jewish.

DesertFox33 ago

Since when can Jews not be Nazi's?

PhilKDick ago

Like Soros

blumen4alles ago

I am going to create the Jewish Heritage Registry, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh, Jehovah, etc) has directed me to make a list of its chosen people. It is worried it lost track of some and it wants them all accounted for. Yaldy likes accounting and numbers. Not sure why it wants the list though, I just do what it says. It did say something about cleaning up the planet in an earlier conversation we had in my dream.

fr33europe ago


Simonsaysgoat ago

Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Why the fuck are they even trying,to be here?! Like we wouldnt find out!?! Nigger kike rifle coffee!

SaneHPOPiSwear ago

I wonder how big the ovens are that they use to roast their beans?

ArcAngel ago

hopefully big enough the all fall in

1Sorry_SOB ago

Not big enough for our needs.

C_Corax ago

For good measurements sake. There's a bit of an email/social media campaign going on right now to get a response from black rifle coffee. Are you all sure this is the sort of topic you want on the front page right now should they decide they'd want to listen and perhaps check Voat out?

Jewed ago

I'm sure Putt can make an update account set username='fuckbrc' where username=... statement really easily.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Yep, I'm not pretending to represent a company. I'm making a statement about a company.

BentAxel ago

And these guys are US vets? Or are they Israelis?

WhitePaladin ago

Both ?

BentAxel ago

I'm not certain but I don't think you can be both.

jollux ago

Isn't stolen valor illegal? If we could uncover them lying about being US vets, that'd be the end of them.

Warnos44 ago

I'm wondering the same. Last I checked most heebs are very allergic to serving in the US.

solvire ago

I had more than one jewish battle buddy in the military. They are rare but so are their ratios in society.

ArbeitMachtPepe ago

GI Jew!

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Yeah, I knew Jews in the military. They were underpresented, but that’s not really surprising given they tend to be from the urban, professional classes which are underrepresented regardless of religion.

CameraCode ago

By religion, Judaism has by far the lowest rate of military service.

Also, appreciate this answer I found when searching for the answer. Lol Jews always get so defensive whenever someone points out facts about Jews.

As a Jew, what I really want to know is what % of redheads there are in the army. Additionally, what is the subset of green-eyed redheads? How often will they work together? Or even see each other? Does each redhead think s/he is the only one in the army, or at least in their local section of the army?

The % of Jews serving does not indicate much. How many are placed together, where they can support each other.

solvire ago

What kind of statement is that lol.

There is probably larger number of redheads represented in the military because they want their miserable existence to be snuffed out sooner. I saw tons of those monsters roaming around my unit. Way more than other demographics by ratio.

slwsnowman40 ago

I knew of one at Recruit Training, he enlisted to play the flute.

solvire ago

Skin flute... Yep. I know the type.

captainstrange ago

the meat flute.

slwsnowman40 ago

We all suspected he was a flaming faggot before that, no one could ask because of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, but everybody knew. Best part is he confirmed it (by admitting to enlisting to play the flute in the band) instead of stating "open contract" (almost always code for radio/wire).

oddlike777 ago


alalzia ago

Some nationalities didn't go to concentration camps to suffer but to learn , and they learnt well how to be proper Nazis .

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

The Jew cries out with copyright bullshit while he burns you with shitty coffee.

talmoridor-x ago

Stop buying drugs, idiots.

Simonsaysgoat ago

But coffee is the perfect,hot beverage. Fuck the tea drinking fairies. I also drink at least a gallon of water a day so

fr33europe ago

I love coffee

Simonsaysgoat ago

Me too and not a sugared up version of it. A bit of cream is all you need.

fr33europe ago

I just drink it black.

I love it

Simonsaysgoat ago

You like your coffee like you like your men? Nigger faggot! Haha i too enjoy it straight up if its a good roast

fr33europe ago

I like my coffee like I enjoy my women.

Ground up and in the freezer

Simonsaysgoat ago

Its not good to keep coffee in the freezer

BumFightChamp ago

A bit of cream is all you need.

yeah, I bet you love that cream, don't you?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Sure. Organic heavy cream is the best in coffee.

BumFightChamp ago



Of course you would

Simonsaysgoat ago

Im not sure what your getting at here.

BumFightChamp ago

I'm saying you like Jizz from a dick, how is this hard to follow

Simonsaysgoat ago

Wow, I hadnt connected that. Maybe because Im not a fairy faggot like you @BUMFIGHTCHAMP you fucking nigger faggot

BumFightChamp ago

Maybe you are a dumb nigger faggot with absolute shit reading skills?

Simonsaysgoat ago

Haha your gay!

BumFightChamp ago

no u

Simonsaysgoat ago

I think your username is shining,in this thread

BumFightChamp ago

cream always rises to the top

the_art_collector ago

Based mormon.

Zanbato ago


talmoridor-x ago

A jew selling drugs. Imagine my surprise.

RampancyLambentRaven ago

GTASA hot coffee all over again. Drink tea. All proceeds go to Asia and not Jews or Europeans who pretty much are Jews.

AffirmativeApartheid ago

Did they get orders from their IDF handlers to fire up a legal minefield with this place? I suspect the username that they are so up in arms over was one of them and this whole mess is 100% manufactured by the kikes over at nigger rifle coonjuice.

middle_path ago

I need to agree with this. An account goes by the name of a company, then deletes all its posts, then 3 months later demands all the deleted comment be scrubbed even harder?

Why? Either the intent was to attack Voat, or it actually is an idiot from the company and he wants to be 100% sure his harmful opinions aren't released to the public.

ArcAngel ago

there is FREE speech here. they will censor it, or buy it & shut it down soon,

CameraCode ago

Tea is the real White man's beverage.

gosso920 ago

One billion Chinese can't be wrong!

Gorillion ago

Into the harbor with you!!

MrDarkWater ago

Thanks to the yellow man.

I'd say the white man's drink is whiskey or drinking from a waterfall in a fjord

CameraCode ago

Lol it was mostly a joke. I do think tea is quite healthy, however. Certainly a fermented beverage would be the real White man's drink, be it whiskey or beer or mead.

wt1984yb ago

The real white man's drink is pine needle tea or mead.

MrDarkWater ago

This is why we lose: because we never stick together.

fr33europe ago

The tone of the post I read in regards to this from the blackrifle account seems to back this up.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

@puttitout stop calling these Jews, there going to dox you

Shortest_Skill ago

He was doxxed ages ago, his shit is even on wikipedia last I checked. There's a faggot that comes on here and uses his real name in an attempt to look scary. It's common knowledge.

CameraCode ago

Honestly it sucks that it happened, but it's good in a way. I will support him even if he's doxxed, and our goal should be to be able to openly support websites such as this and values supported on Voat without fear.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

I went to look and what do you know the kikes even put their brand on voat's wiki page.

Chempergrill ago

Holy shit you're not kidding!!

Gorillion ago

Now that's a gold star of quality I can get behind.

Is there a central list of all services and products the rats disapprove of?

CameraCode ago

"Illegal right-wing extremism"

Lol it still blows my mind that literal opinions and nothing else are illegal in some countries. You literally cannot legally think certain things.

Yes I used literally twice, so what.

blumen4alles ago

The history section is mostly about how reddit sucks. Hilarious. The wiki doesn't say anything about how Voat is anti-semitic. I guess people just have to figure that out themselves.

jewsbadnews ago

Holy shit! lmao! shut it down!

blumen4alles ago

Oh shit you are right. Atko too. Well there goes one of my conspiracy theories regarding the sticky.

freedumbz ago

Fire up the ovens boys. We got work to do.

The_Venerable ago

Stop giving your money to jews you cucks.

Frostgrip ago

They have manipulated control of virtually all media...which directly affects every other form of commerce...not to mention global finance.

CameraCode ago

It is very important that we conservatives/ Nazis/ right leaning people do not give our money to people just because they pander to us. We must do our own research every time and make sure we can support the companies/people and not just take their word for it.

Cleanhobo ago

Done. So who is starting WHITE RIFLE COFFEE COMPANY?

canuhunter ago

on it

ArcAngel ago

happy to come work for you. (can i carry my gun at work?)

dawnbandit1 ago

PM me for coffee advice, no joke.

fr33europe ago


I am shamed.

Korinthian ago

We should be able to take it for granted that any given american company is manned by whites. Its just another point for the jews that they are nothing if not insidious, conniving, subversive monsters. I dont blame you

1Sorry_SOB ago

They are so sneaky and clever about making money it's really hard.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

They will say NOTHING about being a jew until its convenient for them to do so and usually, its after the fact

So you're absolutely right.

New_years_day ago

I was literally going to say that the owners are probably jews....jesus h. Fucking christ these motherfuckers are like cockroaches

ArcAngel ago


SolidFoundations ago

You know.... This leftist tactic of accusing people of being nazi's could be a very effective tactic of finding out where all the jews are... We could subtly, acting as SJW's, reveal the jews in our society...

magol ago

Jesus Beautiful Christ

NosebergShekelman ago

Yeah but I say that about almost everybody

1Sorry_SOB ago

We can be just as successful and entrepreneurial once we get over the taboo of racial cohesion.

We can have white people stores, neighborhoods, coffee companies, even our own run by a white man.

theshopper ago

kill them with fire.

Conway ago

For being less than 2% of the population they sure do get around.

BlackRifleCoffeeInfo ago


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Please contact with any concerns or questions someone will be available to help you

fluhthreeex ago

Why did you not do something about this sooner? Were you unaware of this accounts presence on Voat?

BlackRifleCoffeeInfo ago

Black Rifle Coffee Company wanted to wait to get the best jew lawyer before it attempted to take down voat

fluhthreeex ago

before it attempted to take down voat

False. They're not trying to take down Voat.

BRCC is taking down an account infringing on its trademark from a public social media site.

Why? Because they want to distance themselves from it. I would imagine they allege it doesn't belong to them. Is that true though? I have no way of knowing for certain. I tagged the account as a troll as soon as it came on my radar though... it was pretty obviously one (was it you?)

Regardless, the account is posting "GAS LE JEWS" and they're a fucking business. This is what any company would be doing in response.

The same goes for companies (and some people) on Twitter, FB, Yelp, Reddit, and most other sites. You steal their username, they take it back.

Why the fuck did this thread bring out all the retards on Voat? Is this the emotional "They're attacking the hive--REEEEE!!!" phase?

Cum_control ago

Idk retard why did this bring you out?

jewsbadnews ago

How the fuck does 2% of the population own everything? It seems like I live in Israel, not America.

gosso920 ago

Do you know the difference between Gentiles and Jews? Gentiles buy Viagra. Jews buy Pfizer.

1Sorry_SOB ago

How the fuck does 2% of the population own everything?

Racial cohesion for you goy is amoral and obscene. For Jews, it's how they get ahead.

vladtep ago

Because they're way more than 2 percent.

FuckBlackRifleCoffee ago

Yes 2.2% of the adult US population.

vladtep ago

If you believe that, I have some beach front property in Oklahoma you might be interested in...

Jwolfsen ago

There are a lot of cryptos, but still how many could there be in the US? Certainly less than 5-10%?

vladtep ago

A better question is how many pure blooded Europeans could there be in the US? Certainly less than 20%.

What fills in the difference?

GapingAnus ago

How the fuck does 2% of the population own everything?

A fundamental hatred of the out-group and the nepotism towards the in-group. The lack of desire for both but especially the second is why you will never again see the same for white people.

Frostgrip ago


bb22 ago

I figured they were Israel-first Neocons. But nope, full-on kikes. That's the only likely reason they'd be pissed about something on Voat.

Cleanhobo ago

They made the account... I bet they are pedos.

New_years_day ago

Of course, use an "american 2nd company" to try and subvert a "1st amendment safe haven"

AR47 ago

New_years_day ago


Aldebaran7937 ago


Guardbuddy ago

Isn't it strange that all these Jews occupy important positions despite being a global superminority?


BenyaminScheckelberg ago

Oy don’t you remember the 6 million of us that were killed? We lost 10 million Jewish lives. For 34 million to perish like that is a catastrophe.

Attac ago

More strange, that it seems like there doesn't seem to be a super duper conspiracy around BRCC. It's just a fucking coffee company that anyone could have branded, but goys were just too lowIQ to actually do it, and now cry because the JewMasters take the charge. Why not grow some balls, work hard and smart and compete with (((them))) in this level-playing-field.

getshanked ago

Pretty simple really. The Talmud teaches them how to cheat and steal. Most of the world operates on mutual principles of diplomacy, but for Jews the concepts of keeping your word, closing deals, compromising, terms of agreement, honor, integrity, dignity — these are all just silly goyim rules. There is no limit to a Jew’s capacity to lie, cheat, betray and steal their way to the top.

magol ago

well in some eastern european counties they have a saying "if a jew doesn't lie, he doesn't eat" but then again i bet not all of them read the talmud and you could do the same but actually be a friend and not pretend to be one.

Gorillion ago

Most of the world operates on mutual principles of diplomacy

Among whites, sure. Majority of other cultures have different honor codes, and weight honesty/promise-keeping differently. They only play performatively our game because we're in charge (at the moment). They exploit loopholes whenever they can, even without jew ear-whispers.

getshanked ago

True, it’s not an exclusive trait of Jews, but cheating and stealing in non-white cultures is unremarkable and unsurprising. Massive numbers of people in Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America are poverty stricken and desperate. For our Middle Eastern friends, they make no secret of hating the West.

I think the reason Jews stand out as particularly offensive abominations is because duplicity is so viscerally objectionable: playing victims when they are the slavemasters, being white but also Jewish, making homes in the West whilst trying to dismantle it, claiming to love America then saying you’re gonna bleed it dry (Netanyahu), campaigning for immigration but not in their own state. This kind of snakery stands in stark contrast to the Christian ideals in the West, of basic decency and honesty. And they keep getting away with it because incredulous Christians and Boomers cannot comprehend that people can be THAT deceitful. The other thing is that in spite of their positions across all elite institutions, Jews are only interested in consolidating more power between themselves, whilst dispersing the power of others.

I’m gonna stop because I’m gonna go on all day about this.

Aldebaran7937 ago


Simonsaysgoat ago

We operate as though others are honest as we are. The rest of the world will lie cheat and steal if,given the opportunity. Whotes are the,most developed human and they cant compete so,they must lie and cheat and steal thier way up

MrDarkWater ago

We are like the Starks in game of thrones.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Holy fuck....

MrDarkWater ago

The red wedding was modeled after a real dinner when Scottish nobles, the Douglases, went to dine with the king of England, where they were served a boar's head and then killed.

Simonsaysgoat ago

No shit? Huh. I need to read more about this. I have a faint memory of learning about this but can hardly recall

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's some sauce: (Pardon the Time Inc. entertainment news):

"Martin himself claims to have drawn inspiration for the Red Wedding from an infamous episode in medieval Scotland. In November 1440, the principal men of the Black Douglas clan went to dine with the young King of Scotland at the Great Hall of Edinburgh Castle. They had guarantees of safe passage. Not unlike the realms of Westeros, Scotland then was riven by feuding noble families — and the Douglases happened to be at odds with the royal court and those in league with the King. The dinner seemed a moment for rapprochement until the following, narrated by Martin to Entertainment Weekly, happened:

Then at the end of the feast, [the King’s men] started pounding on a single drum. They brought out a covered plate and put it in front of the Earl [of Douglas] and revealed it was the head of a black boar — the symbol of death.

Most accounts describe the decapitated animal as a black bull, not a boar, but in any event, the slaughter of the Douglases that followed — dubbed the Black Dinner — is scorched into Scotland’s historical memory. Four centuries later, it stirred Sir Walter Scott to pen these lines of doggerel:

Edinburgh castle, toune, and towre,
God grant thou sink for sin;
And that e’en for the Black Dinner,
Earl Douglas gat therein."

Aldebaran7937 ago


Simonsaysgoat ago

Which is why we need,a,race war. Whites are also,the most,accurate

Aldebaran7937 ago


Simonsaysgoat ago

Send em all back the whence they came...then nukes?

Aldebaran7937 ago

Go harder... raise the volume by to 11

New_years_day ago

They are master of taking advantage of forthcoming changes on the ideological and political landscape. I will give them that, but they are fucking evil in so far as they make the changes or force them and then capitalize on them.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

You are over thinking it. In group preference goes a long way.

Gorillion ago

Yep, they clearly have access to quick financing too. They sniff out a new trend emerging with the goy, they can quickly exploit it while someone else, actually connected-to and interested in the new trend or idea is still filling out the business loan application

Remember how quickly that fucking Ezra Levant YT channel popped up fully funded, recruiting known "alt right personalities" around the web? I can't even remember the name of it now, only that a mega-jew ran it then did a special "Let's all go to Israel" week right when people were starting to demand the personalities address the JQ. Then those gay guys outed the whole "hush money" deal for those who don't want to follow the internal rules and walk away.

captainstrange ago

This is why it is the saying goes "always seize the treasury."

in lieu of that, build a war chest.

Iamthelightning ago

Rebel Media. You can still get the episode of the Gavin McInnes show on Compound Media when he was in Israel and he started questioning the whole thing as some sort of brainwashing trip. It's pretty funny.