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SmokeyMeadow ago

I assume "some pretty horrible things" translates from Jew-speak to "the truth."

DeathBalls ago

I get it from their perspective though, we can call them jews all we want, but at the end of the day they're a bussiness who want to make money, getting associated with the truth might have hurt sales

SmokeyMeadow ago

They should have just STFU, because they were actual Jews trying to blend in with the Right. Now we all know the company is owned by a kike. I wouldn't drink their swill if they issued an engraved apology. They courted a side that is pretty damn sick of Jew tricks, and then tried to pull the same old Jew tricks. It was a bad move on their part, and more than a few of us will remember only this interaction.

recon_johnny ago

Jews? Didn't know. They were being shilled on Fox, etc.

They can go fuck themselves with a crucifix. Fuck the Jews.

SmokeyMeadow ago

You might have missed this gem during the inundation of coffee meme threads.

And of course they hide behind false patriotism and use our veterans as props. The most surprising thing here is a Jew using our troops for something besides a bullet sponge.

recon_johnny ago

Yep. I missed it. Goddammit. Usually, I can sniff (heh) these out, but whiffed this time. Actually thought it was a decent alternative to Jewbucks.

I owe much to the folks here. It's changed my worldview.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Seems like the latest Jew thing to do, is to slide in with your "alternative" company when the mob online is revolting against one of the larger entities. We saw the same thing happen with, when it was revealed Torba is a Jew. It's kind of funny because their best efforts at fitting in are hampered by the inability each of them seemingly has to resist having an "well actually I'm Jewish" moment. They always bring that out eventually. They use it as an excuse is why. It's their go-to deflection.

recon_johnny ago

Yes, you see that behavior on Twitter, especially--but now it seems putting up a company so they can get shekels for being a controlled opposition is the go-to.

Personally, am glad they can't resist the "well, I'm a Jew" bit. Seems to be a good way to call them out to the light. I think you have to be subtle, though....don't make it the first response, but do a little investigative, and then spring the trap.

jollux ago

All you have to do to bring them out is call them a nazi.