rebel55 ago

How about videotaping someone going medieval on their monkey asses? Up close and personal with a war hammer? Nigger blood and guts flying everywhere. That would be a great deterrent.

rebel55 ago

Would not want to stereotype the fucking apes. God forbid the media poryrays them as they really are. Why are they so afraid to show the truth?

Holonomic ago

Don't give two fucking shits what that pile of faggots and niggers are doing. I LEFT that shithole so I wouldn't have to deal with their vacuous stupidity, why would I want to re-live that bullshit here. Post this shit in /Meanwhileinreddit, or wtf ever it's called.

I know you've been here4 a while, but come on man.....I gave you a "+1" anyway.

Beaversquats14 ago

Bring back the hanging tree.

Food_Stamp ago

Chicago used to be a nice place for humans to live, back before the civil rights movement destroyed america.

bagano1 ago

Think they had trains running there direct from Mississippi? Explains a lot.

Super_Cooper ago

YouTube isn't letting me see the comments either. Perhaps they are being made kosher also?

con77 ago

happens 100x a day all over the country. Treasonous msm covers the truth up

muffalettadiver ago

Stop censoring truth. Censorship on this level is like trying to censor reality which is exactly it. These savages are not being stopped by local law enforecement so the people of New York must take this into their own hands. Do you want more sharia patrols? SOMEONE WILL STEP UP MAKE SURE IT IS NOT THE MUSLIMS.

I know this post is about feral niggers, but think of the lack of power for this shit to go on. Who will fill that vacuum?

Mathurin1911 ago

That may be one of the most confusing videos I have seen. There is violence, then talking, then violence, then more talking.

Anybody familiar with ape patterns have an explanation?

con77 ago

pick a side Asian people

lanre ago

But the video of a white woman calling someone a chink is just fine.

vladtep ago

Yes, it is, since this is our country.

goatboy ago

Is it time for some good old fashioned ethnic cleansing yet?

ShillKiller007 ago


goatboy ago

Should we start with Mutually Assured Destruction or leave that as the backup plan? I have seen good arguements for both positions.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

I'm up for mutually assured destruction myself. Let the inner cities rot and die without food and water for a couple months. Let the weak die. Let the liberals get a dose of true reality of humanity for one moment in their life before they're taken by the swarm. We can rebuild after the storm. Humanity has proven adept at that.

meglomaniac ago

This is one of those times that I wish that more people understood what they see with their own eyes.


Protect your fucking race, get in there and start throwing. Its 20 on 1, the second it turns to 20 on 5, the niggers will run.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Technically it was black people attacking Asians. Which just goes to show you that they hate everyone, and proves that the idea that their resentment is born from some kind of historical injustice is a lie.

goatboy ago

Tell them we will respond to violence and crime with cleansing or global extinction.

Ricoiyte ago

people are leaving comments on youtube and their getting deleted too. I saw one about the asian guys jacket being part of a "chinese tourist starter pack" and it's gone now

fuckfuckfuck1 ago

They always attack in packs

WDM213 ago

Like rabid wolves.

Concealed Carry is the greatest equalized know to man.

ShillKiller007 ago

It's the monkey way.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

You can take the orangutan out of Africa, but you can't take the Africa out of the orangutan.

Wulfgar ago

It's because of videos like this, black people act like this.

- Blue Mark wisdom, current year.

bagano1 ago

I'm not surprised. I deal with this everyday at work. The black community in America is just out of control. Liberals can keep calling people racist for calling them what they are, but more and more people are seeing they are full of shit. If I were Mr. Yue Lei and his girlfriend/sister, I would get the fuck out of Chicago. The Red Line is just a shit stain. Chicago cops are a joke. I just visited there and thought they cleaned it up but guess I was wrong. If you drive into Chicago from the south, you can see these fuckers at the stations in hordes ready to invade the city. You just know that's the last place you want to break down.

That really just should not happen. How can you even trust riding the subway there anymore? I mean, those little fuckers could push you onto the rails. Some of those stations, there's the wall and then there are the rails, you're trapped if you're mobbed by those fuckers.

I'm surprised the dumbasses didn't steal his $1,000 Canada Goose jacket, to be honest.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

According to the one story posted, he said he's going to be moving out because he doesn't feel safe there anymore.

You can have blacks in your city or you can have prosperity, but you can't have both.

hang_em_high ago

Remember when they were playing the "knockout game" and running up and hitting people and even old ladies from behind? Someone that wasn't a hate crime or even really reported on.

another_dot ago

local MSM calls them "teens" if to imply they are the same as all other races.

hint: they're not!

sore_ass_losers ago

Teenage hi-jinx.

boekanier ago

They don't want people to know that niggers are savages?

ChillingOut ago

it's just called niggers, savage is implied.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Oh my goodness, I had no idea black people could be so violent. They must have grown up in terrible socio-economic conditions because education and media told me that we're all exactly the same on the inside, except for jews of course; they're apparently way smarter than the rest of us.

sore_ass_losers ago

I recognized these CWB guys, here's the back-story. Wrigleyville and Boystown aren't even the worst parts of Chicago.

'CWBChicago tonight has secured cellphone video of Saturday evening’s mob attack in a downtown subway station that left three people injured, including a man who reportedly suffered a broken eye socket. (You may view the video HERE.)

Surveillance images of six men wanted in connection with the attack were released by Chicago police late on New Year’s Eve. Nearly all of the suspects have been identified, according to a police department source.

The attack at the State-Chicago Red Line station followed two hours of “large group” disruptions along the Magnificent Mile.

On social media, friends of suspected offenders have been cracking racist, anti-Asian jokes about the violent attack, which some are blaming on a group of young men who call themselves “Duhh Boys.” Widespread comments suggest the man in the video was targeted for his Canada Goose jacket, which the attackers failed to get control of.

Others have called the suspects out for their alleged behavior.

“mfkas Saying duhh boys jumped on ppl for a coat. Dt n they gon get arrest,” wrote one Facebook observer.

Following a series of similar violent attacks on Michigan Avenue and Chicago Avenue this spring, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson chalked the events up to "kids do[ing] goofy things."'


Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson

Eddie "one standard deviation" Johnson

sore_ass_losers ago

Oh yeah, they had an Irish guy, but he had to resign in the wake of the Lacquan Johnson killing. (Some cop shot this 17-yo pos black kid who was menacing people with a knife.)

WDM213 ago

And he kept bitching that the arrests his guys made wern't be prosecuted.

He may be running for Mayor.

Splooge ago

Following a series of similar violent attacks on Michigan Avenue and Chicago Avenue this spring, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson chalked the events up to "kids do[ing] goofy things."

Oh yeah, super goofy, just like that one time I put a whoopie cushion under my teacher's chair. Those mischievous youth and their silly pranks!

This cuck deserves to be shot with his pets, along with anyone else that feels the need to defend or minimize the behavior of these filthy niggers.

chrimony ago

This cuck

Guess "Eddie's" race and try again.

Splooge ago

Oh for fuck's sake. Of course. Of-fucking-course it's a shitskin.

Why am I not surprised in the least? Serves me right, assuming that a Chimpcongo police official would be anything other than a crime-promoting coon.


Maybe people should burn his house down, and murder his children for the whole town to see. Totally goofy!

Grunge ago

huge media sites like reddit and the MSM are encouraging this type of behavior by censoring it. Same shit when ISIS was in full force around the globe, they want it to happen.

vladtep ago

Get those niggers out of here. Now!

Splooge ago

There are decent hard working non-nigger farmers making use of Africa's plentiful natural resources. They shouldn't have to deal with monkeyshines anymore than folks here.

Pack them all into a room and gas them wholesale.

vladtep ago

It's more of a euphemism.

You know what I really mean. lol

jthun2 ago

welcome to america, chinese people. they are your problem now. signed, whitie

sore_ass_losers ago

Where's Bruce Lee, or even Jackie Chan, when you need him? He'd have sorted things out.

BumFightChamp ago

The Chinese army will put them into concentration camps if they get full control of the US.

GapingAnus ago

Considering the only thing keeping Israel from being swept into the sea is billions of US taxpayer dollars, the Chinese invasion couldn't come soon enough.

obvious-throwaway- ago

When white people leave all the big cities, those places are going straight 3rd world.

mattsixteen24 ago

They aren't that good at the knock out game.

HighEnergyLife ago


ruck_feddit ago

Apes have a monopoly on these kinds of videos. Legal, justified concealed carriers need to be caught on camera more often. Nothing scares the left like viral security camera footage of an armed mother gunning down the three nogs or illegals that broke into her home or tried to carjack her. Videos like that are a feel-good story for goats and normies alike.

Nutkase ago

There is a reason you don’t see this kind of thing as much in gun friendly states. When’s the last time you saw a video of a mob attack in Texas? Now think of how many you have seen from California with a similar population? If they know some random stranger might shoot them they think twice.

TexasInfidel ago

I WELCOME an engagement,I purposely uncover once they start the grunting and nut-grabbing. The hands in the pocket gets a fair warning they will win a bonus "round" just for carrying a bitch ass .380 Dont fuck with a Vet


it should be "dont fuck with anyone" every human* should be strapped. (* Caucasians ) I would love to be able exercise my right to defend myself. Mmmmmmm. someday.

TexasInfidel ago

Its a game changer once you kill for the first time,dont over think your keyboard


yeah, I can imagine that. I understand where you are coming from. I'm not that keyboard guy though. I plead the 5th.

TexasInfidel ago

I sorta hear you . . . . .

ShineShooter ago

Do it every day, who is stopping you?

eronburr ago

Hmm, can we use the nignog's bosses new bill against them?

Cory Booker and Kamala Harris just presented

Maybe we can have this bill used to redefine lynching to mob assault ( it'd double it's usefulness in future generations by making "blacks lynched by whites" seem more like assault than murder )

At least with lynching there's apparent cause for outrage, these nigs are just exercising their right to be niggers.

satisfyinghump ago

Could you imagine what would happen if something like this happened BUT their victim was someone who was concelead csrrying... and she/he shot 2 or 3 of them? I feel that these sorts of attacks should dwindle.

SexMachine ago

It has happened. The shooter is doing like 15 years because he said nigger online and the fact that he shot niggers who were attacking him made it a hate crime.

2Weird2Live ago

Source info?

SexMachine ago

They were recording a BLM protest and they were attacked by the mob because they wouldn't answer questions about who they were or what they were doing. Then the mob swarmed them and they ran. One of them was armed and fired into the mob chasing them.
Clear cut self defense.....

Except, they said nigger online and had 4/pol/ in their browsing history. That means that they were "white supremacists" even though one member of their little group was a spic.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

I'm not sure which incident he is referring to, but I recall -- perhaps a different one -- an incident in Alabama where a young man was jumped by five black men. (I think it was at a BLM rally or something.) He shot and killed them all. By his account, it looked like a reasonable case of self-defense. Well, anyway, he was convicted and was sentenced to life in prison. He's probably in with a bunch of blacks who are pounding his ass to mincemeat now.

People shouldn't think that guns are the first solution or that living in "red states" with liberal gun laws is an advantage. That will only go as far as the corrupt justice system will allow. Guns are always the second solution. The first solution is always always always always always the same advice: stay the hell away from blacks as far as is humanly possible. Don't go where they are. If they come where you are, leave. Don't work a job where you interface with blacks in the public. Get your kids out of integrated public schools.

SexMachine ago

Well, you could live in a red state, but be in a Dem run city, like Houston, Austin, or Dallas.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

This is true, but don't forget that even federal charges can be brought out against you: such as the Proud Boys, RAM, etc.

RustyEquipment ago

Looks like New York. They can only carry paper weights

capnflummox ago

The title literally says it's from Chicago.

RustyEquipment ago

haha i saw NYE

I SEE NY and immnediately think shithole.... i wasnt far off

capnflummox ago

Not far off at all... But in this case, NYC is "Second City" to Chicago.

RustyEquipment ago

i automatically assume any city with sky scrapers is as shitty as new york....

i go for wide open spaces...

capnflummox ago

someday Soon™

CameraCode ago

Except guns are illegal in Chicago. Anyone living there does not deserve it, but really needs to wise up. Although the likely hood of them being a leftist who deserves it is pretty high in Chicago.

capnflummox ago

Guns are not illegal in Chicago. Jesus Christ, fuckface.

meglomaniac ago

CCW is a bit much to even own a gun, but most pro gun people are in favor of identification and training/requirements.

Especially since most guns on the streets are because they were stored poorly and stolen.

ruck_feddit ago

Residents with a CCW can walk around with a handgun in Chicago. I know Chicago tried to fight it a couple/few years ago, but it didn't play out for them. But you're right, Chicago is a blight on Illinois (a state which is a blight on the USA).

WDM213 ago

Illinois CCW costs ~$300 for 16 hours of prerequisite classes, and another $150 for the permit that's good for only 5 years.....Requal is ~$75 in classes and yes another $150 renewal fee.

Close to $500 for the "privilege to carry" is Not Practical for the Honest Low Income Guy. That's $1000 per couple or Heads of a Household to protect themselves and potentially kids.

Then there are many restricted gun-free zones for all of us "law abiding" citizens.

That means----- Not on Public Transportation!

Again not at all practical for the poor honest families, or suburbanite commuters.

ruck_feddit ago

Illinois CCW costs are all over the place. $150 for the permit is correct, but classes range drastically from $75 to over your quoted $300. Many places offer couples discounts. Everyone I know with a CCW in Illinois (anecdotal, yes, but we're talking dozens of people) is about $300 deep once they have the permit. The couples I know are usually in for around $500. It's a lot of money, yes, but half of what you proposed. We're talking $5 per month for the peace of mind.

The last I knew, the renewal process wasn't entirely nailed down as CCW is still new to Illinois.

As for carrying, if you have a CCW and are not carrying in Chicago and on public transportation etc etc etc, you're an idiot. Carry something concealable, obviously, and don't visit stores or restaurants that don't allow carrying. I would gladly explain the bloody nigger issue to a cop instead of explaining what hurts to the EMS people.

WDM213 ago

That was my cost of entry early on in Feb 2014 and just now renewing for 2019 onward.

My point was even with a permit carrying legally is still annoyingly restrictive.

And yes I carried concealed everywhere before, as I do now. Just once step further away from going to jail for it.

To add insult to injury the city of Chicago has no gun shops or shooting ranges to qualify.

ruck_feddit ago

The earliest to qualify for CCW definitely payed a pretty penny. "Instructors" were coming out of the woodwork and charging whatever they wanted. I read about several cases of instructors cutting corners on hours and EVERYONE to ever take the course from him gets their permit revoked.

You definitely sounded like you knew the situation in IL. My breakdown was more for the unfamiliar and the literalists among us.

How far out of the city do you need to drive to find a LGS or gander mountain or something?

One more; what do you need to do to requalify/renew it?

WDM213 ago

4 hr. refresh on laws/revisions, then back to the range for a stupidly simple live fire test.

Std silhouette- 10 rounds each @ 5, 7, & 10 yards. Must hit 70% inside torso/head.

Honey_Pot ago

Wait until Pritzker unveils his turd. They want a "approved" list and a State DOJ, like calif.

SpunkyPsychoHo ago

Firearms are illegal on public transportation in Chicago. Even a valid carry permit would be invalid for this video.

CameraCode ago

Didn't know that, thanks.

ruck_feddit ago

I didn't mention the FOID card. $10 for 10 years. You need one to buy a gun or ammo. Illinois is the only state (I believe) that has FOID cards.


Exactly. All this video demonstrates is for blacks to start beating on people more often.

Mylon ago

No, those videos are awful. They incite lynch mobs that twist every detail of the video to remove the fight or flight factor and try to make every action in the video one of premeditation.

Like when the store clerk shot a robber after he was down. Without the video, the police would have written it off as a criminal off the streets. Thanks to the video, it turned into 1st degree murder case against the clerk.

Scandinavian ago

Everyone who participated in the video above should hang from a tree. Like, yesterday.

Mylon ago

I was referring to videos where people defend themselves. They're easier to twist and use to drown out the perp's rap sheet.

ruck_feddit ago

A justified shooting is a justified shooting. Firing on someone running away means two things: it's not justified and you are a shitty shot for letting them get to that point.

CameraCode ago

The amount of people saved by videos proving that a shooting was justified far outweighs the amount of people charged with murder for what was previously thought to be a justified murder.

Besides, maybe learn to finish off the robber before he has turned his back and fleeing or down on the ground. Although I don't know what you're talking about, some maybe the video would help.

CatsControlTheEU ago

Uh? So if that guy did actually rob the store with a weapon then it really shouldn't be '1st degree murder' rob a place and get shot dead...sounds common sense to me.


I'm sure there is a balance to be reached.

eulogyjones ago

Good ole Chiraq

Pluviou5 ago

It's Chiraq for the number of murders and Chicongo for the number of pavement apes. Good ole "diversity" and "marginalized" minorities.

lord_nougat ago

I want to see the one where they try this and get beaten senseless. Shot is also okay, but seeing that one retard who was trying to pick a fight with everyone at a gas station and then tried to jump a guy and then got groundpounded appropriately was just so satisfying.

Blunt_Echo ago

Dem Chyknees wuz being raycis en sheet...

sosat_menya_reddit ago

Reddit is censorship

Welcome to reality

NietzscheanMind ago

Not only reddit : youtube removed the "Black crimes matter" video we discussed there :

Thanks to voat, it had gone from 200 to 4000 views in a couple of days. Youtube was scared it could go viral !

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tubesbestnoob ago

Reality is racist

Welcome to niggerdom.

derram ago :

Mob attack on Chicago CTA Red Line platform - YouTube

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