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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/videos comment by @NietzscheanMind.

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NietzscheanMind ago

The video was just removed by youtube !

If you downloaded it, do your duty and upload it everywhere !

WezeBWoke ago

It seems that the root of the problem is the black community is the same answer we hear over and over
is the unwillingness of Black Leaders i help their own people. There is some great examples that stand out yet

When had a chance to speak to black leaders about this subject and mentioned please remember, the Asians and Latino folks do not have white mans guilt as the white libreals in gated communities have.

A solution minded hands on approach that employs measurable results is the slow path out. The black leaders acknowledge that the black leadership issue a very sensitive subject and its like a a cleric speaking against an Imam and they will get the same Danial Pearl treatment.

To these leaders I implore them that the Asians and Latinos will pass them like they are stand still and they will relegated to a 3 world existence like a Mad Max sequel. The Black community is not accustomed to realizing the other races the will not be so accommodating.

4647386382 ago

whites create, Asians duplicate, blacks desicrate

capnflummox ago

Fucking niggers.

Doglegwarrior ago

I coulsnt makw it all the way through that video.. fuck

StanTheTRex ago

Required viewing for anyone on the fence about getting a gun for concealed carry.

Bitethehandthatfeeds ago

If only we could open carry in my country.....the U.K......maybe one day

Botanist ago

Correction - around coloureds and white women never relax, as they are on the same team now. Never say shit to a white women, as they use the coloureds as muscle against white guys, and have done for generations.

The niggers and the white women desrve an enternity in hell, to say the least, for the white mans lives they have conspired to destroy.

What’s worse the nigger? Or the white woman? I see them both as natural enemies and neither has the right to say it’s an ally.

ViperCarbz ago

Mozart nigger hate mix.

nigger_plz ago

Thought that was Mozart. Did the dude in Silence of the Lambs use the same music I wonder. When he beat the fuck out of the guard and used his face as a mask to escape.

Whiteflourguy ago

All NIGGERS should fucking die period. Burn them alive

CalmRules ago

I move to Eastern Europe for new job, and to escape the globazi scum in my country. Have met about 200 other scandinavians that say they escape their country too. We live like kings here and the beautiful women litterally throw themselves at us (im not stupid, i know why) and the curse of feminism has not taken a deep root here.

However, we have all been lied to as ive seen like 20 blacks and 3 arabs so far while ive been here a few months.. granted my work is pretty close to the local police station. Though i have been told that the boat people tend to leave pretty quickly.

F_Tard_Fred ago

One thing is for sure one can never tell when a nigger is going to go full chimpanzee on you. There is something deep down in their DNA that is defective.

bezzy ago

Thanks for posting this I was about to sleep now im lifting in my living room at midnight

Ocelot ago

Kill all niggers.

Crikes ago

Arm yourself today!

Decentralize all the things!

merchant_meme_folder ago

Stop using the "12% of the population" meme.

Black males aged 18-35 commit the majority of violent crime which is less than 5% and those are only crimes they're convicted of.

Flirp ago

Lower that age a bit more. Nigs be starting before they're 10.

LoneCipher ago

You fuckers keep blackpilling me with this shit.

Can't I just assume everyone is the same as me, and pretend the world is safe by default?

MDE_Refugee ago

Nice reddit larping

uvulectomy ago

Nope. Then you end up like a lot of the people in OP's video. Or worse, like those two girls in Morocco.

Marku1 ago

if i meet a niggerfaggot, i just tell them i work undercover and the animals actually believe me, so fucking stupid it is actually unbelievable... these animals in my city actually believe it..... sad shit is some niggers come over and start ratting out other niggers immediately.... fucking sad species.... let them just die already

telleveryoneyouknow ago

i dont understand why white people have grown so soft? are we so brainwashed that we literally just dont think this shit happens? or when it does happen, why the fuck are people so calm and sedated looking? where is the spirit of survival and domination that is NATURAL? wtf

bob3333 ago

Because we're the victims of our own success. We've built societies where this wasn't the norm. Where being more intelligent and productive advanced your prospects, not whether you were able successfully take from others by force or theft. It caused a false sense of security.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

You guys had better save this video before it gets taken down by youtube, and do so quickly.

BeefBourgignon ago

There need to be more white male vigilante groups.

Watching this makes me so angry.

Behuvius ago

Title Correction: Never Relax Around Niggers

nig_ger ago

im black and i dont even relax around other niggas

Shouldagonedeeper ago

Another way of putting this - never relax around people with too much melanin in their skin. That's ridiculous. Go take some LSD and maybe then you'll see how it all is.

kammmmak ago

3 hr acct -6 CCP.

uvulectomy ago

Also a degenerate drug addict, judging by the their commentary.

Octoclops ago

If people have to be drugged to see things your way, you're probably wrong.

1cd1233 ago

I heard it said that if we all went & killed 1 nigger today our problem would be over by tomorrow! I also heard it said that someday we may have to fix our own problems. When is hunting season, one may ask?

pgd7 ago

If you are able bodied, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your community to be able to defend yourself and those that are vulnerable. Eat healthy, lift weight, arm yourself and know how to use said weapon if and when necessary. Do not let your neighborhood become a third world shithole.

merchant_meme_folder ago

I lift but the important thing is having a gun or on you at all times.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Also, it appears that some of these victims were distracted, whether it be fiddling with their phones, something w/ their purse, or maybe listening to music. Always be aware of your surroundings. You should be able to hear someone running up on you, be prepared, be vigilant.

Flirp ago

Right!? So many instances of these nigs running up to their victims. I hear someone running I look around and assess the situation. It's a good thing to always be aware of your surroundings at all times.

speedisavirus ago

There were several where the clerks should have been able to goodify the niggers.

1cd1233 ago

So I'm only 7 minutes & 33 seconds in and I have come to the determination that every nigger I saw should be dead including family. Exterminate rats & roaches. Even the little ones, throw them on the BBQ & feed to your dogs.

uvulectomy ago

Why would you poison your dogs, though?

1cd1233 ago

Yeah, thought of that after post. I love doggies. Fresh meat, undefiled by flame or smoke. Did I save myself I hope?

Flirp ago

Falcons and magpies love dead rats.

speedisavirus ago

Notice how the niggers almost always blind sided their victim? Never relax.

High_Sierra_Trail ago

Their behavior is predatory. They can't be trusted any more than a wild dog.

Doglegwarrior ago

Wait one fucking second.. the fucking cops should have drawn weapons and started shooting.. guyz we need to start honey potting these niggers.. this is legal.. we need to get some beta pussy cuck guys and girls get them to get drunk and go into dangerous black areas and we need to happen tonhave 3 or 4 concealed carry permit holders following them??? Yes?

KublaiKhan ago

This is the premise of Death Wish. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. The only issue is that with cameras everywhere nowadays. You’d get found out after a couple of legal shootings. The funny thing is, I don’t think it’s illegal if they actually are the aggressors.

Jagon ago

this is really what needs to happen. make them angry and draw a gun on them. claim they attacked you out of nowhere, no witnesses.

Climhazzard ago

Hey whites, check out these blacks.

  • Posted by David Horowitz.

NietzscheanMind ago

Whites, Jews and Asians, all three groups the clear winners of millions years of evolution as proven by their IQs, must logically form an alliance against the violent useless losers parasites who are breeding like rabbits before the whole world turns into South Africa.

bob3333 ago

Jews are intelligent, but they have no loyalty or honor. That's what makes them so reviled. You cannot afford an unloyal ally.

Climhazzard ago

I don't disagree with you, but I wasn't talking about races or intelligence, and how does NietzsheanMind have three upvotes for something not completely relevant to what I said?

I said, "hey, look at who made the post," now I have a downvoat and the person who responded about Jewish IQ gets 3 upvoats.

It truly does make one wonder.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

id rather join forces with the blacks to exterminate the jews tbh

Octoclops ago

Lol good luck with that

NietzscheanMind ago

Perfect video. Every white and every Asian on this planet needs to see it. Then it should be clear to all whites and Asians that they have to ban evolution's genetic failures from their societies. Or spread some virus : the ecological solution ! Too many people on this planet anyway.

Improbablyanasshole ago

So you go around calling people Nazis on this site,

and then you promote Eugenics.

What a faggot.

Shouldagonedeeper ago

I agree with your sentiment. I left reddit because they oppose anything that doesn't fit their agenda, but voat is full of racists and neo-nazis. Voat is still better, because free speech should still include those whose views I oppose.

NietzscheanMind ago

Psycho Nazis killed tens of millions of whites and Jews ! Fucking assholes !

Eugenics was practiced by France in several colonies (some islands like Reunion Island). But then my country went soft on blacks, and now those islands are a horrible mess : tons of useless unemployed violent black youths breeding like rabbits. We should simply go back to logic : low IQ monkeys should be neutered at the very least.

Ocelot ago

Few Jews were killed in WWII you fucking imbecilic kike. I wish every slimy Jew had been slow-roasted for hours. Then we wouldn't have to deal with all these niggers.

ignorantoptimist ago

Well you kikes don't want niggers in israel either, so I understand your shilling and also your agreement on this particular issue.

uvulectomy ago



In a concealed carry state, someone could have legally ventilated that subhuman piece of filth.

glassuser ago

In a concealed carry state, someone could have legally ventilated that subhuman piece of filth.

That applies to pretty much every clip in the vid.

uvulectomy ago

And if that happened more often, the number of incidents like these videos would see a very large drop.

I_Always_Lie ago

IDK man, nigs don't really learn anything based on stats. They live in the moment. Nigger brain : you gots the gibs, me wants the gibs, chimpout!

glassuser ago

They don't have to learn everything. Hard to assault people when you are dead.

uvulectomy ago

Niggers know enough to leave the GA airport in Compton alone because it would lead to federal charges. If they can figure that out, they can figure out that "finna rob wypipo" = bullet in the fucking dome, and stop doing it as often.

It's conditioning, just like any other animal. No statistical thinking needed.

I_Always_Lie ago

Niggers have nothing to gain in them moment by fucking with an airport. You're not seeing the immediacy of nigger crime. They didn't figure anything out. They exploit an opportunity in the moment. Gibs! Gotta get dem gibs! Again they live in the moment. You're giving way too much agency to the nog brain.

uvulectomy ago

I'm giving no such thing to the nog brain. There's tons of expensive shit at even the most podunk airport in the middle of nowhere. Even retarded niggers know this. But the animals are conditioned to know that the penalties for making a play there are far higher than anywhere else, so they avoid it for far easier quarry.

If more people shot niggers who try to rob them, then the others, being animals, would be conditioned to think "attack whitey = get shot in the face". They're animals, so it's always gonna come down to risk vs. reward. Take away the reward and replace it with the risk (or consequence) of a bullet in the face, and the animal will pick a softer target.

Basically, project strength and use it if necessary. Because that's the only thing niggers understand or respect. They think whypipo iz weak n' sheeit, so that's why they do what they do. But shoot more of them when they get violent, and that perception will slowly start to change. Again, not because of any ability to think or reason, but simply due to the conditioning of their animal brains.

I_Always_Lie ago

I see your point.

togCirt ago

Well. I am sorry, but it was the Americans who created this American system. Be careful what you wish for. You voted for it, you supported it, now enjoy it.

HAESisalie ago

I totally voted to bring these animals over in the 1700's.

Jimmydean1537 ago

This is the main reason why I left a major metropolitan city and moved way out rural where the population is mainly white. I have seen comments here saying we whites shouldn't move to rural areas and flee but to fight back but fuck that. We fight back the media and Jew judges will destroy us with racists accusations or jail time.

Now I see more blacks even here out in rural America and I just can't seem to escape the groids. I don't care if this black is not like the other 90% of them. I don't care if they too are fleeing their own races destruction of civilized society. I DON'T want to see ANY blacks, period.

I'm done with them and their bullshit, I'm done with their color, I'm done with their IQ levels. I just want to live in a calm white society yet cannot because so many fellow whites, even out here still virtue their commie crap about not all blacks and blah blah blah. Fuck this and fuck you Nigger/Nigger lover.

Damn it feels good to post this comment here on voat.

Blunt_Echo ago

I pretty much did the same thing. Moved FAR away from any major metro areas to a small town that was all white. Now the nignogs are stating to move in for some reason. I don't even know how they found this town.

There's going to be a purge soon—I can see everything falling into place. I don't think the future is looking too bright for jews, muzzies, and nigs—or the rest of the degenerate crowd for that matter.

Jimmydean1537 ago

Yeah they spread like locusts, not much we can do but stash more money for just in case moments and keep avoiding the groid.

badwordsarefunny ago

Jesus Amen brother.

Can we make this into a tshirt or something

Turnagain ago

If you feel good on Voat, you should try

Jimmydean1537 ago

Looks hilarious, thanks Ill check it out

Goat-Master-5000 ago

If you do live in a white area, then pay very close attention to any Section 8 Housing in the it's a Trojan Horse for large numbers of feral blacks.

If you find Section 8 in your (white) area, immediately buy it and turn into farmland.....if you can.

DeadBeatNigger ago

I hate to say it, but in spite of all the spics, West Texas was literally the only perfect place I've ever been to. Everyone was super nice, not a single nigger for a thousand miles in any direction, and no liberal whites anywhere. The spics are the only downside, but they were all integrated, unlike anywhere else I've lived, where they get drunk and slam their cars into everything. Racism is also openly accepted against niggers in W. TX. I'm moving there ASAP.

TexasInfidel ago

Good luck with all that,there is heavy covering of watermelon bbq sauce all thru west Texas.They are chill as fuck when you open carry." They dont wont no smoke"

DeadBeatNigger ago

I'm from Atlanta, born and raised. Atlanta may not be the nigger infested dump it was ten years ago, due to faggot ass hipsters, but Georgia in general is absolutely infested! I even looked into states that had cities with all black populations, so I could laugh at them. I hung my head in shame when I ound out that Louisiana and Mississippi don't hold a candle to GA. Georgia is literally (I'm using that word correctly) the blackest state. So when people from out west whine about their nigger problems, I just laugh. You go out to W. TX and see one nigger and it's like seeing a sasquatch. I had no issues with the beaners, I'm not gonna say they were white-washed, but they were definitely texified, and it seems that, due to forced integration, and a biological need to blend in, their skin gets lighter with each generation. In GA, they're squat little mesoamerindian looking fucks, and they smell like tortillas and raw soap. I'd rather live in a place that's only half white, and half shitskins, but one hundred percent right wing and crime free, than live in a place that's one hundred percent white, and zero percent right wing, with a coming swarm of shitskins criminals.

iLuvJews ago

In California the hispanics are almost black in terms of committing crimes and violence and they're much more organized than black gangs and super racist against whites, and they have positions of power in most government and school organizations and will do whatever they can to destroy whites people's lives and other white people go along with it because they don't want to be the next victims or get on their bad sides.

It's pretty disgusting.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Yeah because California is a fucking shit hole gibs-factory that's full of Jews.

iLuvJews ago


DeadBeatNigger ago

Gibs, like "gibs-me-dats". It's something niggers say, when they want free shit, but you say no and they snatch it away from you before shouting, "gibs-me-dats". The last time a nigger told me "gibs-me-dats" was during middle school, before I knew how to fight, and it stole my juice box. Now I'll piss in a niggers flaired out nostrils IF THEY TAKE MY FUCKING JUICE BOX AGAIN!

The last time I can remember seeing a nigger tell someone to "gibs-me-dats" was when a nigger said it to a Colombian kid who played hockey, at my high school. The Colombian kid later found him walking on Bayshore Blvd (Tampa), had his sister stop the car, and he got out and beat the shit out of him, then got back in his sisters car and drove off.

iLuvJews ago

Ah, ok.

Tanks for gibbing me dat answer.

sabinah ago

NH is the Whitest State in the Union. Midstate(Lakes Region) and Northern tier very few. Town I live in of 3300, ZERO Blacks. Moved here 15 yrs ago from Va Beach, Va, because of the Blacks. No regrets.

I_Always_Lie ago

If I'm not mistaken, they vote liberal. Only a matter of time.

PossibleTheory ago

It's cold.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

nah, liberal whites are the most racist of all. they'll just vote to sabotage other areas...

Jimmydean1537 ago

Good pick, glad your safe

MDE_Refugee ago

I feel you so bad, I'm going to university and every time someone does a BLM esque project or something I just want to stand up and show them this shit. The issue with niggers is that the smart ones are outliers, not the norm. Not to mention they're socially allowed to be tribalistic and whites aren't. Pisses me the fuck off. Not to mention in every class that one black student was stupid as fuck and struggling despite people helping them. But teachers consider their existence "brave" in itself so they get to slide by a lot of the time.

I_Always_Lie ago

Do it. People need to know the jew has weaponized speech and blacks. Can't say the truth anymore and where being inundated with low IQ groids and being made to believe we're all equal.

MDE_Refugee ago

Yeah as nice as that would be I'm not throwing my almost completed degree away. Liberal universities are on a whole other level of leftist retardation.

I_Always_Lie ago

Then you'll get a job and you won't speak up due to fear of losing it. The system will keep you in control. You'll suffer from simmering resentment just under the surface that will lead to an ulcer, heart attack or stroke.

And I'm not singling you out either dude. Everybody has to eat and in today's world you can be thoroughly destroyed by the left for wrongthink.

MDE_Refugee ago

Yeah I know, you're preaching to the choir here. The amount of language policing we have in current year is mind boggling. It's very effective mind control.

downton-stabby ago

What people fail to realize is that there are plenty of people who look at this anti white violence with happiness. It doesn't matter if it's their own race, it doesn't matter if it could happen to them (it won't in their mind), people enjoy it. That's why so many people defend it. A rational person would see through the bullshit, but our world is full of sick fucks who would gladly support others doing this if they themselves can't. You're wise to not even mess with it because the ones that support it don't think or care or fight like you. To them you are the enemy and nothing will change that. Don't suffer fools.

MDE_Refugee ago

Yeah exactly, they're very arrogant so they assume everyone thinks like them. They'll make white people jokes and I'll humor them just so I don't commit social suicide. They have no clue what I'm actually thinking. What's funny is that the right leaning students attract eachother like magnets, it's bizarre but nice. I don't think any of them are on the same level as me, but it's nice seeing at least one other person roll their eyes at PC bullshit.

But yeah, these people are racist as fuck towards whites. Some of the stuff said is rather shocking, but you gotta just power through. I just want the dumb piece of paper.

Jimmydean1537 ago

Yep it really is one of those things where you just have to hunker down and get your own shit done and get out once you have your degree and look for good paying jobs, away from niggers if possible.

I'm sorry you have to deal with these NLM people. They have the insane backing of the media and political atmosphere we are in. Best advice I can give you is to structure your life around never having to be desperate. Stack cash, learn to invest, stay smart about all these insane politics and avoid black areas.

You'll do good I promise.

lanre ago

You can move to Asia and when they ask you about blacks, tell them the truth before they fall victim next.

BlueDrache ago

Asians already know.

lanre ago

I know. But it doesn't hurt to reinforce it. When they see black people act like animals they think they're animals. But already they're facing propaganda campaigns so some may reconsider. So I think it's important to remind them that no, their observations are not wrong.

Damncircle ago

The whole no white world know. But whitty has been told otherwise.

LoveTheFloor ago

Voat is where you belong.

Jimmydean1537 ago

Thanks I feel great here, there's another thing that bothers me a little. I don't watch TV but sometimes at my work they have it on in the background and literally every commercial is filled with niggers and mudsharks. This isn't even an exaggerated thing, its every commercial and almost every TV show has these groids in them.

Yeah I understand they watch TV more than whites now and it just a selling tactic to separate them from their money but damn its annoying as hell.

The other things are the pedos/fags/trannies and other satan spawn in Hollywood but that's a whole other topic for now.

Asia may very well be my next home, by then I hope they have robots to wipe my ass cause who knows when I'll be there next.

Rb8623 ago

You mean like this?

Jimmydean1537 ago

Yep, looks right to me. God damn tired of this crap.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

Why don't you fight back?

In order to cleanse your country from Niggers, you must first "deal" with the Jews.

Escaping is for cowards, and cowards are worse than traitors.

Flirp ago

Retreat to lick the wounds and supply up. Then come back like a fucking hurricane that nobody expected!

Gigglestick ago

I. Abhor. Niggers.

eronburr ago

The first video pisses me off not empathy for her but why so fucking stupid. Some women really are like pathetic movie characters, just amazingly unprepared for anything. "opens door and has no plan for anything but good news", gets attacked and just rolls around like it's done, comes back down and she looks at him like "he won't do this again".

I really have a tough time dating knowing most of the chicks I've met are this fucking stupid. Doesn't matter if you meet at a gym or a martial arts class, chicks really don't value being prepared for as many possibilities as they can imagine. they spend most of their time day dreaming about nonsense.

ShitlordMadameVader ago

A women who knows all that shit, Fuck You. Stop looking in low places for a woman.

eronburr ago

what's left, farmers only? kek

Notmistaken ago

I remember this one, she had a baby and felt if she started screaming, it would alarm the baby and make it start crying, possibly making this maniac negroid turn on the baby.

Jagon ago

the kid is on the couch

NeedleStack ago

Wrong. He was a stranger who kicked in her dead-bolted door. She stood up to see what made the noise.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

even more pathetic. boom! door kicked in. then what? walk up to the motherfucker without any way of protecting yourself?

ironnickel ago

I always answer the door armed. The question is to what extent. Expected visitors, knife, unexpected visitors, gun.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

expected visitors, gun. unexpected visitors, baseball bat

lanre ago

Probably was sleeping with the guy and thought they could break up amicably. Who knows.

nasce_te_ipsum ago

Break up? C'mon, think about what you're saying; that would require cultural assimilation on his part. They we're never together, Felicia, Tyrone, and Darryl would never allow that of him.

Food_Stamp ago

Thanks, boomers.

HAESisalie ago

Yeah man, like boomers loaded them on slave ships in the 1700's and brought them here! Fuck them man!

Food_Stamp ago

America was consistently 90% white until the boomers passed the 1965 immigration act, thats the point where literally every aspect of american life began to decline. This is a fact.

HAESisalie ago

Boomers were born between 43 and 64, meaning that they were between 1 and 22 years old when that passed. You think they were manning the halls of power. That is a FACT. You guys love to blame boomers for everything, but you don't take any agency for your own lives. That is an opinion, but I am certain it is fact or I wouldn't have given it.

bob3333 ago

But, but, it has to be someone's fault that I'm this way. It can't be ME.

HAESisalie ago

Yep, it is pretty obvious isn't it. Boomers made me play video games all day and do nothing with my life.

oligarchsalamander ago

Millennials elected a black president.

Food_Stamp ago

Boomers passed the 65 immigration act that destroyed our country. Our problems didnt fucking start in 2008 you retarded faggot boomer.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

The oldest boomers were 20 years old when that bill was passed. It was the two generations before them that dropped the ball.

oligarchsalamander ago

the 65 immigration act is fucked I'd give you that.

pizzaequalspedo ago

And the Boomers raised the millenials to be self hating, commie shit-bags so there's that. Great job Boomers

WakkoWarner ago

Because they have been brainwashed for most of their life by their parents and grand parents, by the TV, newspapers and by their teachers, textbooks, books, etc.

It is very hard to break free from social conditioning, especially when by doing so you become kind of a pariah for pretty much everyone around you.

Food_Stamp ago

What do you expect from a generation that was raised by the boomers greatest ally?

bob3333 ago

This is the millenial mindset: "it's not my fault!!! I bear no responsibility for my actions. Somebody should have handed me everything on a BETTER silver platter."

I hope at least most of these victims were of that idiotic mentality. Maybe wake them up a little bit.

oligarchsalamander ago

And the generation before yours had the same exact problem, no other generation that I'm aware of blamed everything on everyone else.

WakkoWarner ago

I'm not a millennial.

oligarchsalamander ago

That must be a relief. I'm just tired of hearing about boomers. The generation that invented the personal computer and the internet, who secured liberty, and the cushy life currently enjoyed by everyone.

I'm not a boomer, but jesus christ. How perfect would life need to be, is the millennial ideal even possible?

Food_Stamp ago

Computers are gay and useless and its really the only thing that generation of faggots ever accomplished. We would be better off if they had never existed.

Ocelot ago

Secured liberty? How in the fuck did boomers do that?

Yeah, millennials are trash. So what? That changes nothing.

oligarchsalamander ago

Boomers did not have easy lives and I'm annoyed whenever I hear that. My only real problem with boomers is that they were all raised more or less right, by military parents, and then did such a shitty job raising kids of their own.

LlamaMan ago

Day of the rope.

Food_Stamp ago

Day of the nursing home is what we really need.

Holonomic ago

Fucking spooks

green_man ago

Published on Aug 7, 2018

I'm impressed this hasn't been shoah'd yet.

WhiteMagic ago

Not enough activity to be on the radar, yet. Might change quickly.

WhiteMagic ago

When I first saw it it had under 400 views and 49 thumbs up the butt.