President of France - Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron (
submitted 6.1 years ago by 2946192?
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15868810? 6.1 years ago
Wtf Is this Photoshopped? What’s going on here?
15868895? 6.1 years ago
He was visiting the French territory of Réunion. Later turned out (shockingly) one of them (possibly both) has a criminal record
15870253? 6.1 years ago
he's for da niggaz ? @Crikes @SmokeyMeadow !? @truthwoke33 @GreatestOfAllTime
15881926? 6.1 years ago Reddit is censorship
Welcome to reality
15882956? 6.1 years ago
what happened to France ? @madmalloy @thewebofslime @qwop
15886387? 6.1 years ago
Last I heard, they were trying to storm Macron's mansion.
But don't worry, he's a devil worshipper, too.
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15868810? ago
Wtf Is this Photoshopped? What’s going on here?
15868895? ago
He was visiting the French territory of Réunion. Later turned out (shockingly) one of them (possibly both) has a criminal record
15870253? ago
he's for da niggaz ? @Crikes @SmokeyMeadow !? @truthwoke33 @GreatestOfAllTime
15881926? ago Reddit is censorship
Welcome to reality
15882956? ago
what happened to France ? @madmalloy @thewebofslime @qwop
15886387? ago
Last I heard, they were trying to storm Macron's mansion.
But don't worry, he's a devil worshipper, too.