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thisistotallynotme ago

Amazing, SBBH is pretending to both support and oppose this news.

This entire thread is filled with SBBH'ers arguing against themselves to generate the controversy. Will it work?

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Jesus, you're right. I usually check accounts when they say something strange, but I didn't bother checking half the responses here because they aligned with my beliefs. ( Shame on me. )

thisistotallynotme ago


as if all your SaneGoat alts (you have like twenty) aren't all posting to SBBH.

Shizy ago

🤣😂🤣🤣 YOU have the nerve to talk about alts???😂🤣😂🤣

How many alts do you have BuilderAnon? I mean type-0-negative, I mean MissleCopterStoped? I can't even keep track anymore!

thisistotallynotme ago

Hoo boy. sounds like a yes to me. I'm about to be spammed by you again to defend srayzie's honor for a nineteenth day in a row.

There goes my thursday.

Shizy ago

I find it funny that someone is spamming your shitty subverse and you're so fixated on it being me, that you have no clue who it really is 😂🤣😂🤣! I honestly wish I knew who it was because I'd ask them to stop pinging me.

So back to the topic of your sock puppeteering, are you going to address any of this?

Or does your vagina hurt too bad?

thisistotallynotme ago

You're begging me to post in your compromised sub, now, in a 3-day-old thread? Boy are you a classy dame.

Shizy ago

Oh poo, your @MissleCopterStoped alt has been outed! Time to chimp out and deflect, deflect, deflect!