MrPaul ago

Christmas is in the heart. Manipulative and selfish people will never understand. In fact, it may be better to get all the useless symbols out of the way, forcing those who profess to keep the spirit of Christmas alive to put or shut up. It's some lights and a tree, not the redemption of the human condition, were talking about here.

watts2db ago

And even in communist china there are christmas decorations especially in the shopping areas

Plavonica ago

I dunno about the godless doing this, more like (((godless))). I'm an atheist and I fucking love Christmas. This just smells of kikery.

MockingDead ago

Jew York is jew york. I bet they didn't take down the magic jew string up in the air!

Approved ago

You can't call them godless; they worship Molloch.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

There is the small enclave in Manhattan that is lighted for tourists ( do not want to turn them off now would we). Broadway is the hub of tourism and Rockefeller Center. But OP is correct. When I left last week the shopping malls and buildings had no decorations on the exterior as they usually do, and nothing much on the interior if any. Personal homes in the boroughs are lighted, but none of the street decorations went up this year. Same for the villages in LI. Some people kept saying Christmas seemed dead, not understanding why. Same is true inside buildings, occasionally a half hearted Christmas tree in a corner but no other effort.

And part of the reason why there are not the live Christmas trees on sale has to do with certain people in city hall and their stupidity about climate change. Whoever said they saw Christmas trees being sold all over Manhattan just wants to argue and is not telling the truth. Manhattan has for years now had very few sellers of Christmas trees, which is now basically gone. They should really get out of their little bubble and look around the rest of NYC. Will bet they do not drive and just go from their job to their little hole apartment and back via subway. But people who drive and really get around will see the difference in the five boroughs. This is not a coincidence. If it was one area that would be something, but it is all over. There really is no festive Christmas decorations outside a small area of Manhattan. Strange how a few see no difference and several see a big difference.

satisfyinghump ago

I see tree sellers and Christmas decorations on Broadway, where are you looking?

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

The people who shop in stores have changed drastically. The illegals have their children shit the stores up, throw toys and clothes around. They have no manners at all. Let the children loose in stores. Parents pick over everything and drop on the floor. When you looking around basically no whites and one or two Blacks are in stores, everyone else is illegal and speaking a different language. If all I knew of children is what these brats do, I would not want to have any. Even with the over abundance of cameras they have now put in all the stores, these illegals and their brats still find ways to steal. Shopping in NYC is a shithole experience, with the people from shithole countries and their anchor babies overwhelming the place.

NeedleStack ago

OP is full of shit.

I live in NYC and there are Christmas trees still for sale every other few blocks at all the same places in my neighborhood alone just like every year. Decorations are up.

The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is there in full glory.

Midtown has their decorations up like every year (one building's facade even burned because of their decorations), the Christmas tree at Tompkins Square and Washington Square Parks are there.

Feces_the_clown ago

Oh I'll bet there are plenty of menorahs festooning the windows.

huhu11 ago

Christmas has nothing to do with the bible. No where in Bible does it say we should celebrate anything at this day or even period. Some holidays in roman empire celebrated this day summer and winter crossing, thought was good idea to integrate it with christianity for political reasons.

Christmas tree has to do with pagan culture too, wiccans used christmas tree to worship. Idolize which goes against bible. Never say Christmas has anything to do with god or bible pure lie. Just a shopping event. Fake christians who are brainwashed by the shopping culture is very disturbing.

Shadowman1 ago

This is a bullshit post there's Christmas stuff everywhere in New York

NoKiddin ago

They are saving the money meant for decorations for funding illegal migrants.

Musaab ago

Don't worry. There will be some good celebrations during the next Ramadan, insha'Allah :)

OhGoodLord2 ago

Not even Rockefeller Center? Damn.

NeedleStack ago

Of course the tree is there this year and like every year. OP is full of shit. I live in NY and yes, there are Christmas trees still for sale every other few blocks at all the same places in my neighborhood.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

Bullshit. Where is your neighborhood? Notice you said NY and not NYC. Doubt you even been to the place, because what you say just is not so.

NeedleStack ago

I live in Manhattan, dumbass. That's as far as I'd go with doxxing myself.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

Like I said, you either don't live in NYC or don't venture out of Manhattan and the little bubble in your area. There are FIVE whole boroughs and the huge shopping malls in LI. That is what the OP talked about. Still not convinced you know NYC because its a huge lie that live trees are sold everywhere and every other few blocks. You must have been watching something on TV from years ago. It just aint true, not for many years.

NeedleStack ago

I never once said live trees are sold everywhere. Look at every single one of my comments in this post.

I said they have been selling live trees in my neighborhood (outside bodegas, hardware stores, and some of the bigger supermarkets like Key Food) for years (including this year).

It's weird how defensive and in attack mode you have gotten over this topic. I hope you find peace, buddy.

bagano1 ago

Live near Detroit and Christmas decorations are everywhere and it's practically Little Baghdad here. Sure you're not high on your own supply? Can someone verify whether or not this guy is full of shit?

I think the younger generation doesn't go as overboard with the decorations anymore if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that, we've got other shit to worry about.

VeryOffended ago

I don't think they're full of shit. I live on Long Island and the Christmas decorations are abundant as ever where I am on private residential houses. However, there is NOTHING on business buildings. There used to be.

I lived in NYC and there were never really decorations except for commercial buildings (in Manhattan). Idk what's going on there now.

However, individual Christmas tree sellers/plots are lacking on the island this year. Island houses are decorated, businesses aren't, and I don't know of any place that isn't a large national corporation to buy a Christmas tree near me.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

I think the younger generation doesn't go as overboard with the decorations anymore if you ask me. Nothing wrong with that, we've got other shit to worry about.

No, lmao, we just don't have kids of our own. That's seriously the only difference. Young people with children put up decorations. The reason there are less houses on the streets with decorations is 100% a sign of how fewer children we're having. It's not about priorities, or having other shit to worry about, it's strictly a result of our generation having less children. Compounded by many of the children being brought into single mother households where the single mothers "got other shit to worry about". Like drinking wine.

bagano1 ago

Shit logic going on here. Having kids means you decorate more for Christmas? RIGHT.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

It's funny because I actually recognize your username from being a daft cunt so often. Yes, if you have children you're more likely to decorate for Christmas, if you can't wrap your head around that you might just be black because that's some fucking low IQ mate.

Feel free to open your eyes and do some exploring on your own. You'll see that of the younger generation, it's the families that put up decorations.

The fact that you read what I wrote and somehow concluded I meant having kids meant you decorate more is just yet further proof that you're genuinely fucking stupid.

Here, I'll quote my own comment so you can get it through your thick fucking skull.

Young people with children put up decorations.

Did I say more? Nope.

It's not about priorities, or having other shit to worry about, it's strictly a result of our generation having less children

Let's play basic logic time. If I state that young couples with children put up decorations, and young couples are having less children, would there be A.) More houses decorated for Christmas or B.) Less houses decorated for Christmas.

The answer is B.) Less houses decorated for Christmas. Yay, basic logic!

Honestly man, I'm used to people of your intellectual caliber on Youtube, Reddit, and Facebook, but its' straight up insulting that someone as stupid as you is on Voat. The best part is, judging on your bitchy attitude; you fucking know you're dumb as bricks.

bagano1 ago

You have mental problems trying to play fucking lawyer with me. We're not in court, and I know exactly what you meant. Fuck you.

SaneGoatOySwear ago

Quit it with the projection mate. What I said makes perfect sense and you reacted like a mouth breather. It's not the first time I've seen you act like this either, so I told you off. Deal with it, kid.

Honestly though, what a world you must live in. Everyone that disagrees with you and actually has some self confidence -- ya they're all mentally ill. You seem to think an awful lot about yourself.

bagano1 ago

Mentally ill, it is. Worse yet, you justify and rationalize it.


SaneGoatOySwear ago

Injecting unnecessary commas into sentences to try and sound more intelligent actually makes you sound like an idiot to people that understand grammar. Just an fyi.

bagano1 ago

Stupid fucking cunt, don't make me cuss you off some more.

bagano1 ago

It's proper grammar you dumb motherfucker! Fuck you, go back to smoking your meth you trailer park shit.

VeryOffended ago

I live on (in...whatever) Long Island. There was a lot that sold Christmas trees about a mile away from me since I was born. People were asking on an app where this lot went and where they could get Christmas trees this year. Home depot was the #1 reply.

I didn't really think too much about it this way until your post. There was a bit of emptiness and longing when I drove by the empty lot even though I didn't/don't know why it's empty.

Let me tell you, I hate NY. I've lived here my whole life. I spent 6 years in Manhattan and now I'm back where I was born. However, Long Island is a sad place inundated with illegal immigrants in certain areas. It was once beautiful land. Mostly farm. Growing up, there was little traffic. Now it's gridlock all the time. Long Island is hurting. It's not the wealthy place the media makes it out to be. There are few extremely wealthy areas, but then there are places like Brentwood and Central Islip (the home of MS 13), and the rest are working class people who are devastated over what their land has turned into. It's gorgeous with beaches and amazing parks. Fuck Nassau County. It's closer to NYC and the people who spout nonsense here live in mansions. Suffolk County is fighting right now. The votes are recorded, but we're still afraid to speak in public...bc we're in downstate NY. We may be shunned. The only people here who will speak openly are the blue collar people. I'm not blue collar but I respect them more than anyone in the state. They're the only ones I don't have to watch my tongue around. I'm so infuriated by everyone else pretending.

Long Island is the Cali of the east. Once gorgeous, but now invaded. Plenty people here who are woke and devastated bc their families go back generations. They're outnumbered, scared, and hopeless.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

The people who shop in stores have changed drastically. The illegals have their children shit the stores up, throw toys and clothes around. They have no manners at all. Let the children loose in stores. Parents pick over everything and drop on the floor. When you looking around basically no whites and one or two Blacks are in stores, everyone else is illegal and speaking a different language. If all I knew of children is what these brats do, I would not want to have any. Even with the over abundance of cameras they have now put in all the stores, these illegals and their brats still find ways to steal. Shopping in NYC is a shithole experience, with the people from shithole countries and their anchor babies overwhelming the place.

o0shad0o ago

I wouldn't blame the disappearance of that lot on an anti-religious movement. Real estate prices on Long Island have gone sky-high, and empty lots are few and far between. Anything that isn't needed for parking is built upon.

I would opine that christmas displays nowadays are more about commercialism than about religion. Governments aren't allowed to do anything specifically christian, and their budgets are already blown anyway. The lack of decorations is definitely a sign though.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

People make money off of empty lots in NYC all the time. They would not stop renting temporarily to make money off an empty lot. Does not have a damn thing to do with government budgets either. They reuse the same Christmas decorations each year.

NeedleStack ago

Since you mention it, there are plenty of decorations in the city despite what OP is going on about. And there are plenty of trees being sold in my neighborhood (like every year).

Have you seen this article about the middle class leaving NYC? It's so effing true.

NY sucks and I can't wait to move. It has totally changed from when I first moved here years ago. It's not home anymore at all.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks for the article! The food pantry part was eye opening. I remember spending a couple hundred dollars on food that wouldn't even last a week. I actually went to Queens a couple times bc the grocery stores are so much cheaper there.

Definitely move as soon as you can. I want to get out of NY entirely eventually, but leaving NYC unfogged my head almost immediately.

NeedleStack ago

You're welcome! Jackson Heights is good for grocery stores. I had an eye appointment somewhere near Bay Ridge once and found a huge Asian supermarket that sold stuff I regularly buy for a lot less. If I lived closer to that supermarket I'd shop there all the time.

Yes, we're moving out of this savage, low IQ, full-of-assholes shit hole ASAP.

VeryOffended ago

Sorry this reply is so late, but the Asian grocery stores were the best! If you can get past the chicken feet and intestines (unless you're into that), you could walk out of there with $50 worth of fresh food that would last you a week and $25 worth of any other kind that would last you more.

In Manhattan, even going into K-Town (midtown) could save you major bucks. Not on any sort of fresh food... but so much else.

toobaditworks ago

Speak or be spoken for.

VeryOffended ago

Easier said than done here. I'm not trying to sound defeatist, but when the majority of your friends and family speak and joke from another narrative bc it's like talking about the weather as an ice breaker, that's easier said than done. I know those are faking it and I know those who truly believe it. Maybe I'm coming off arrogant saying that.

However, liberal talking points are like talking about the weather here. We're all supposed to agree. It's not worth losing friends and family over. That's why I mentioned blue collar long islanders. They don't care and you can discuss and say anything.

toobaditworks ago

Well good luck.

OhGoodLord2 ago

Long Island is a lot like SoCal, it used to be the White Middle Class American Dream. Buy a house, send your kid to a decent public school, kid learns a skilled trade or gets a useful degree, rinse and repeat. They're trying to replace all that with Spics who can't think and have no self-control. They are ruining everything. Report illegals where you see them, stay fit and take care of yourself, and pray or meditate. That's what works for me & helps me stay somewhat level. I have so much anger about what's happening to this country right now.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks for your response. It calms me even just knowing someone here on voat gets it. I'm assuming you're from Long Island from your response. Even if you're from SoCal, your response is comforting.

Truth is, I love Long Island. I truly do. I remember what is was like. I miss it. I see acres being cut down for garbage cutter cutter housing or commercial strip malls/shopping centers monthly. I am angry.

VeryOffended ago

I would like to add that the decorations are not lacking around me. Houses are lit up and the neighborhood is beautiful.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

OP was talking about shopping malls buildings and street decorations. Am sure they said commercial properties and streets, don't know how people missed it was aimed at merchants and real estate owners. Glad your neighborhood is lighted up though. Gives a sense of community.

RemoteViewer1 ago

Theres a reason they call it Jew York City

THSenior ago

You faggots are bullshitting. I saw trees for sale for weeks. It’s days before Christmas there aren’t anymore on the streets. There’s decorations too. Complain to your councilman if you think the budget is too low. Money for decorations doesn’t come out of your mother’s wide pussyhole.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

Gross, profane Idiot. Merry Christmas Grumpy

bagano1 ago

Ah, thought this guy was full of shit. Thanks for the confirmation.

THSenior ago

PS - take a civics class you chomos

englishwebster ago

depressing isnt it.

was christian, went atheist, went back when i learned there was literally nothing to atheism

middle_path ago

So not because you found Christianity to be correct, just because atheism was boring?

englishwebster ago

because i looked at the results of the belief or lack thereof and realized that any type of religion is better than no religion at all from the perspective of the individual.

the only thing atheism has going for it is a self sense of smugness that comes from being scientifically correct about a book that was written before science was even a thing.

middle_path ago

That's certificate an interesting perspective. I'm not an atheist, but it does seem you care less about truth than personal benefit.

englishwebster ago

truth is in the results. atheists technically have no reason to contribute to community or act in a certain manner that on its face seems weird, such as monogamy. since religion calls the shots on the family unit and how it is formed, and the family unit is the bedrock of any society its easy to see how Christianity creates a world very different from Islam for instance.

When most people talk about "truth" they like to go after the easy targets like how the earth could not have been made in seven days. thats just people wanting to feel smarter than someone else.

middle_path ago

Well, people can have morals without religion. I've found nature a better guide for morality than religion ever was. Just being told what to do by some guy in robes doesn't really convince me.

I also think you're missing a beautiful opportunity to learn from a bunch of religious and mystical systems.

englishwebster ago

ive learned from a few in my days, but thats besides the point. and yeah, dawkins' argument that morality does not rest with religion stands. but what im talking about is the family unit and the requirements necessary for a successful one and how atheism does not provide any guidance in that regard.

its kinda important. to what faith do you follow?

middle_path ago

I don't follow a faith. I'm my own guiding light.

You're right about the family unit, but I couldn't bring myself to bring my son up on what I believe to be a lie. I do think the bible (and many other texts) have great worth as allegory.

englishwebster ago

and thats where you are looking at it wrong I think - everyone defaults to science mode and says "well of course bushes cant burn in a desert, the whole thing must be bullshit".

i encourage you to see the social value in religion which is immense - in a way you are already following it by having what i presume is a monogamous relationship. contrast with islam which is ok with polygamy and incest.

middle_path ago

But there is an obvious benefit logically to monogamy. No need to follow a lie when the truth is just as convincing.

I think religion is a tool, not a truth. I am only really concerned with truth.

englishwebster ago

But what you see as true is actually lie. from a purely biological standpoint which says the only true measure of success is to have as many children as possible with as many women as possible.

so if you are going to live idea that science is the only teacher then you better start getting busy at the local singles bar

middle_path ago

That's not true at all. Many animals mate for life and as I said, nature is my teacher - not science.

It's fine if you don't agree, but logic dictates that monogamy benefits our species more than polygamy. Look at baboons vs bonobos.

englishwebster ago

sure, but look at the proclivities of the most primitive of us and see that the family unity is barely there. you cant pick and choose from the best of nature and say that you are following nature. thats dishonest

middle_path ago

It seems you're upset that I came to the same conclusions without religion. If it works for you, that's fantastic. It doesn't work for me.

you cant pick and choose from the best of nature and say that you are following nature.

Sure I can. Nature is diverse and humans are not specialist like insects. It is our nature to learn from our past mistakes and those of others.

We practice restraint from natural urges all the time. We want to harm someone who talks ill of us, we want to fuck pretty ladies when we're in relationships, we want to eat food that we know will make us feel terrible. Ironically, we're still following nature by learning that these actions will not benefit us in the long run.

Squirrels bury nuts for the winter and we perform appropriate actions for our future selves. There is only a paradox because you don't understand properly.

If you want to bicker all night, we can stop here. If you cannot accept the truth that only the ignorant need religion for morality, then we're done. I am a living example. My wife and I lost our virginities to each other, we're in a very happy long monogamous relationship (16 years), we don't lie, steal, or cheat. We're raising our child with good morals so he can go off and do the same.

Have a Merry Christmas.

englishwebster ago

just realize where the mentality you got came from, and how they got it themselves. not from science, thats forsure. Merry Christmas

Doglegwarrior ago

Can we just start calling it


AmaleksHairyAss ago

You know wha't Godless? Teaching parents to lie to their children as part of a commercialized mockery of a pagan Winter Solstice celebration.

I celebrate Christmas, but you've got to stop lying to yourself.

Der_Untergang ago

It's called Christmas because it's about Christ.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It's called Christmas to pretend it's about Christ.

Der_Untergang ago

Yeah, no it's not lmao. Use a search engine fool.

LuvOurPotusDJT ago

And these are the places that are actually 'decorated'. Shopping malls have none really.

KryptoKoins ago

Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus or Christianity for that matter. It is Saturnalia worship of Saturn and Baal. The tree the evergreen tree is a follicle symbol of Baal. Basically it's Solar worship. The sun goes down in the sky every day until the winter solstice on the 21rst there it remains for 3 days when it rises again on the 25th it starts it's yearly cycle again. some many many years ago the constellation Virgo "the virgin" rose just before the morning sun did on the 25th. That's where you get born of the virgin. But that predates the Jesus Story by thousands of years. This is a pagan holiday and they have made it and materialistic disgusting event that most people dread.

blam4fun ago

About 2500 yrs before Jesus, there was Osiris-Dionysus. Osiris Greek representation, Dionysus, appeared about 1500 yrs before Jesus. A description of Dionysus matches almost exactly the gospel descriptions of Jesus. The Virgin Birth, Mother's name Meri/Mary, 12 Disciples, Crucified, Rose from the Dead, Star in the East, 3 Wise Men, Sun God/Son of God. Christian Churches tell you nothing about any of this, for obvious reasons. Knowledge is power and we're not supposed to have any of either.

KryptoKoins ago

That is true but one thing that can Never stay hidden is the Truth. Doesn't mean that God is not real if you open your mind and your heart you will feel God and you will know truth.

doginventer ago

Zeitgeist Debunked: Jesus Is Not A Copy Of Pagan Gods

blam4fun ago

You got me. A YouTube video has debunked this? YouTube is never wrong! What could have steered me so wrong?

doginventer ago

Don’t know, you didn’t post your sources

BumFightChamp ago

Uh Baal just means the word King...

daskapitalist ago

You realize that Christmas is a pagan holiday, and adding said holiday is /explicitly forbidden/ by the Christian Bible...right?

Scald85 ago

Go back to Sweden or Switzerland or Holland or some other miserable protestard pit.

daskapitalist ago

That's not an argument.

zxcvzxcv ago

I find it interesting how the op relates the word 'godless' to the word 'hannukah' in his post.

Artofchoke ago

New York isn't New York anymore. 9-11 destroyed it. We lost the war for NYC. Grieve and evacuate.

lord_nougat ago

I saw the writing on the wall back in y2k and got out early. Sad, really.

Artofchoke ago

I guess you can appreciate seeing the rightness of your decision constantly being reinforced. When there's another weird ban, another mosque, another exorbitant tax, another violation, we see it from elsewhere.

They can't abuse us anymore, we're out of reach.

lord_nougat ago

Well, I wish. For some reason I'm in Los Angeles now... out of one frying pan, into another, dirty stinky frying pan. But I'm not willing to give up on the place yet, because that would be like surrendering to the enemy and just giving away our homeland. I've got family from these parts going back millenia, give or take, so it feels more personal.

But yeah.

Artofchoke ago

Yeah, my tribe is there. Ancestors in that ground since way before it was called 'America'. I was ward of the state, too - New York is my mother.

At the same time I couldn't let these carpetbagging cunts use, exploit and restrict me. The level of micromanagement is insane.

Never cede land, ever. They aren't making any more. Any indigenous person will tell you that. Still hurts. Maybe things will come back around one day. :/

VeryOffended ago

My last relative living in NYC died last year. I lived there for some years before I had to get out bc of severe depression/confusion over life. I'll Always love NYC for what is was to me. I lived it, and now that she's gone and I don't have any need to go back. It's nostalgia for me. I know great aspects are still there if I'm willing to ignore the bad. However, to me, NYC is for the young and confused. I'm settling down in life. Those who stay are doomed even if they don't think so. Ironically, they think they're the best and feel that you and I are confused and ignorant.

Artofchoke ago

Perfectly stated.

KryptoKoins ago

RIP we lost America that day.

suckysucky5dolla ago

No, we lost America when the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment came into existence. 9/11 was sadly the icing on the cake.