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englishwebster ago

depressing isnt it.

was christian, went atheist, went back when i learned there was literally nothing to atheism

middle_path ago

So not because you found Christianity to be correct, just because atheism was boring?

englishwebster ago

because i looked at the results of the belief or lack thereof and realized that any type of religion is better than no religion at all from the perspective of the individual.

the only thing atheism has going for it is a self sense of smugness that comes from being scientifically correct about a book that was written before science was even a thing.

middle_path ago

That's certificate an interesting perspective. I'm not an atheist, but it does seem you care less about truth than personal benefit.

englishwebster ago

truth is in the results. atheists technically have no reason to contribute to community or act in a certain manner that on its face seems weird, such as monogamy. since religion calls the shots on the family unit and how it is formed, and the family unit is the bedrock of any society its easy to see how Christianity creates a world very different from Islam for instance.

When most people talk about "truth" they like to go after the easy targets like how the earth could not have been made in seven days. thats just people wanting to feel smarter than someone else.

middle_path ago

Well, people can have morals without religion. I've found nature a better guide for morality than religion ever was. Just being told what to do by some guy in robes doesn't really convince me.

I also think you're missing a beautiful opportunity to learn from a bunch of religious and mystical systems.

englishwebster ago

ive learned from a few in my days, but thats besides the point. and yeah, dawkins' argument that morality does not rest with religion stands. but what im talking about is the family unit and the requirements necessary for a successful one and how atheism does not provide any guidance in that regard.

its kinda important. to what faith do you follow?

middle_path ago

I don't follow a faith. I'm my own guiding light.

You're right about the family unit, but I couldn't bring myself to bring my son up on what I believe to be a lie. I do think the bible (and many other texts) have great worth as allegory.

englishwebster ago

and thats where you are looking at it wrong I think - everyone defaults to science mode and says "well of course bushes cant burn in a desert, the whole thing must be bullshit".

i encourage you to see the social value in religion which is immense - in a way you are already following it by having what i presume is a monogamous relationship. contrast with islam which is ok with polygamy and incest.

middle_path ago

But there is an obvious benefit logically to monogamy. No need to follow a lie when the truth is just as convincing.

I think religion is a tool, not a truth. I am only really concerned with truth.

englishwebster ago

But what you see as true is actually lie. from a purely biological standpoint which says the only true measure of success is to have as many children as possible with as many women as possible.

so if you are going to live idea that science is the only teacher then you better start getting busy at the local singles bar

middle_path ago

That's not true at all. Many animals mate for life and as I said, nature is my teacher - not science.

It's fine if you don't agree, but logic dictates that monogamy benefits our species more than polygamy. Look at baboons vs bonobos.

englishwebster ago

sure, but look at the proclivities of the most primitive of us and see that the family unity is barely there. you cant pick and choose from the best of nature and say that you are following nature. thats dishonest

middle_path ago

It seems you're upset that I came to the same conclusions without religion. If it works for you, that's fantastic. It doesn't work for me.

you cant pick and choose from the best of nature and say that you are following nature.

Sure I can. Nature is diverse and humans are not specialist like insects. It is our nature to learn from our past mistakes and those of others.

We practice restraint from natural urges all the time. We want to harm someone who talks ill of us, we want to fuck pretty ladies when we're in relationships, we want to eat food that we know will make us feel terrible. Ironically, we're still following nature by learning that these actions will not benefit us in the long run.

Squirrels bury nuts for the winter and we perform appropriate actions for our future selves. There is only a paradox because you don't understand properly.

If you want to bicker all night, we can stop here. If you cannot accept the truth that only the ignorant need religion for morality, then we're done. I am a living example. My wife and I lost our virginities to each other, we're in a very happy long monogamous relationship (16 years), we don't lie, steal, or cheat. We're raising our child with good morals so he can go off and do the same.

Have a Merry Christmas.

englishwebster ago

just realize where the mentality you got came from, and how they got it themselves. not from science, thats forsure. Merry Christmas