HenryCabotLodge ago

If you stare at the boundaries for a long time and see the word "audit", you probably have a tax problem.

ExpertShitposter ago

What if the jap doc is a troll?

xenoPsychologist ago

how about if it only moves when in peripheral vision and/or when my eyes are moving?

Gorillion ago

LOL, I thought it was broken at first. Seems like I'm doing well on the sleep front for a change.

antistatist ago

Is there a high-def source for this? I set it as my desktop background but I don't like all the jpg.

Ina_Pickle ago

It moves quickly when I focus on the bottom 1/3 of the image, but slowly with pauses when focusing on the center.

tassels ago

If you see the doorway, that means the blotter you just took was real.

Neral ago

If this could just stop moving for five seconds I could figure out what the hell I'm looking at!

Deflo56 ago

If you look at it with slanted eyes it looks like Pearl Harbor.

Merlynn ago

I don't need a picture to know I have a mental issue. It's called sanity.

BumFightChamp ago

If it's moving, you're gay, if it's still, you're alpha

Walk1 ago

Its moving continuously for me. Its because of the Jews and leftists that I am stressed obviously.

RayPinpilage ago

Damn it...everyone is right and i am nuts!!

MadJack ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Sanest goat around....

QueuTard ago

I can make it stop and go at will. Do I get a prize?

lord_nougat ago

That just means that you're bisexual.

Chiefpacman ago

Sounds like jew mind tricks

15593631? ago

Is this a gif? Oh Damn

OppressivePatriarch ago

If you cannot wait until the end you have ADD.

jollux ago

a japanese neurology professor Yamamoto

lmao that's like saying "american neurology professor Smith"

jollux ago

You're degenerate, but reply to this comment when you come back because I'm curious lol.

iLuvJews ago

If it moves, it means you're gay.

bourbonexpert ago

If the ball moves to the left,you’re gay. If it moves to the right, you think Justin Bieber has pretty eyes.

KVD ago

I duct taped my phablet to my cat, so it's ouch constan ouch ly moving.

Wulfgar ago

It's not moving for me, but the voice in my head claims it's spinning quite fast.

Firevine ago

Moves a ton when I look at the instructions. Hardly moves when I concentrate on the image.

I know my old ass isn't well rested...

FuggBenis ago

wtf i dont have mental problems?


talmoridor-x ago

Perfectly still to me

middle_path ago

I just came and started farting. What does that mean?

Also, it slows down or stops depending on where I focus.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Impressive image. And yeah, it moved. My sleep cycle sucks.

bambou1991 ago

Oh! Someone should put a redpil at the end of the text.

prairie ago

The movement is based entirely on your eye motions. Hold your eyes still and it stops. Look around at different points on the image and it moves.

getshanked ago

It’s not moving at all for me.

lord_nougat ago

Perhaps you are not actually alive!

chemlord11 ago

What does it mean if I can control if I see it move or not? When I first saw it it was moving slowly then I thought illusion and then it stopped. After reading the words at the bottom I looked again and thought "it should move slowly" then it did......

lord_nougat ago

That means that you have brain tumors.

chemlord11 ago

good I was worried I got rid of them for a moment.

lord_nougat ago

That would be terrible. You'd lose all your super powers!

EyeOfHorus ago

depends on how much fills your view.

truthwoke33 ago

The image is designed to move as you read the text. You can make it move on demand. Neat looking but faggot click bait shit.

talmoridor-x ago

not reading all the words at once

NPC detected

C_Corax ago

This post belongs in /v/gifs

MetalAegis ago

What if you can control the speed at will by concentrating on it?

lord_nougat ago

That just means that you're possessed by demons.

MetalAegis ago

I thought maybe it was that I was insane but still sane enough to know it, thanks for the clarification I'll scheduled an exorcism post haste.

Greasy ago

It's moving a little... And slowly... And continuously.

Ilisyer ago

"If you this image appears to be moving, you are having a stroke and will be dead in the next 5 minutes... unless you share it with 10 other people." - Professor Abraham Lincoln, 1866

lord_nougat ago

Doctors hate this one little trick!

ExLibris ago

This is an optical illusion, the 'movement' of the image is caused by the motion of your eyes. Notice that if you read the text underneath, you can see plenty of 'motion' from the image, whereas if you stop and focus on one part of it, the motion grows still.

It's more likely to tell you how caffeinated you are than the state of your mental health.

Rabbi_Adolf ago

Make it stop moving!!!!!!!

ForTheUltimate ago


I_Always_Lie ago

Mentally ill but I already knew that.

Hand_of_Node ago

Maybe you're the sane one?

PuttItOut ago

It's like I'm fast forwarding.

You did this to me Voat! ;)

Astupidname69 ago

Anytime BAE

talmoridor-x ago


SIayfire122 ago

I'm surprised you can even make it out at all. I figured it'd be just a blur for you.

Morbo ago

Q predicted this.

zyklon_b ago

Q says go to Voat and Putt is boss of Voat meaning @Puttitout is 110% Donald Trump

anamazonslittle ago

@Pu++i+ou+ confirmed.

zyklon_b ago


soae ago

I can make it start or stop. What does that say about me?

I highly doubt this is factual. It’s merely an optical illusion.

TheWorstImaginable ago

yea it's the same as all those other illusions. I can also focus on it and make it stop, it's getting harder to make it move by the second. And I'm definitely full retard, that thing should be spinning like crazy.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

It says that you can hold your eyes still, or not, at will, like most people. But unlike most people you're not sufficiently in touch with your body to realize that's what you're doing.

pixelkitteh ago

It only moves for me when my eyes are moving, its still when I'm looking directly at it...

Jagon ago

tiredness make your eyes fidget, thus making the picture move. it is actually quite factual. a regular, healthy person can fix points.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

A tired person can also fix points.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Democrats fix points.

samy90a44 ago

"jmjmt's" (just more jewish mind tricks)

Charlez6 ago

It means you can turn your mental illness on or off at will.

You're a leftist.

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Nope just a late Gemini.

Itsdone63 ago

Damn. My old man would like you.

lord_nougat ago


PuttItOut ago

I think it means you're 'The One'

chirogonemd ago

Nah, you got the potential kid. But you're waiting for something.

iLuvJews ago

You're saying he can dodge bullets?

ibepokey ago

or, more importantly, can he dodge a wrench?

iLuvJews ago

Dodgeball reference?

Next time, on DodgeBall Z

mispelledsomething ago

No, he's saying he doesn't have to.

iLuvJews ago

No obligation then.

lord_nougat ago

Now he can only Fiat bullets, since they bought Dodge.

iLuvJews ago

But in time, he won't have to fiat bullets.

draaaak ago

I can make it start and stop too... and I'm pretty sure there can only be one "The One", so...

8thDeadlySin ago

I can make it start and stop too. Where do the three of us meet to fight to the death?

draaaak ago

I have a pretty good back yard. 7pm tonight work for you? Can we make it a potluck? I don't think I'll have time to cook for everyone.

8thDeadlySin ago

Sure. I just hope I live long enough to catch the halftime show.

I made a pot roast for dinner tonight, I'll bring it along.

oftotc ago


AmericanJew2 ago

Highlanders must fight to the death!

iLuvJews ago

What if you're not an immortal from the Highlands of ScOttland, but the alien home planet?

oftotc ago

Don't walk under helicopters like ever dude. Ceiling fans too maybe.

iLuvJews ago

Good advice.

Workman ago

The "joke" is that it's an optical illusion, it moves continuously for everyone, so anyone looking at it would think they might have mental problems.


Also, if the colors appear to be red and green, then you're healthy.

But if the colors appear to be purple and gold, then you're in a coma and none of this is real.

aecsocket ago

Jokes on you I'm colorblind

Swallowdaredpill ago

What if if you'r color blind?


You will die in 5 days.

revfelix ago

You'd think if this is was all in my head I could give myself a better time of it.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago


DishingShitLikeA ago

Oh GOD. Not this blue dress crap again.

OppressivePatriarch ago

If you cannot wait for the ending you have ADD.

wt1984yb ago

What’s real then?

defcon_alpha_zebra ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Flat earth, apparently. Three of them replied to me in all seriousness yesterday.

TheWorstImaginable ago

There's no way in hell I believe the earth is flat, but there's a nagging part of me deep inside that wants it to be real. The whole dozens of continents thing, the government faked space photos to make us believe there was nothing more to explore on earth, it's just too intriguing to me to let go of. I want to believe there's some kind of Wakanda for whites out there that (((they))) are hiding from us.

Hand_of_Node ago


Here's a comment from Spry, with a timestamped video. I've just started watching. On Erics other video (I abandoned), his first example was "water is flat, right? So how can the earth be round?" Still, I'm going to watch for a bit unless every "proof" requires mental retardation. I'm not totally convinced they're not trolling, but if they're not, it will be interesting to see how they manage these claims.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I thought the water is flat argument was pretty dumb too but after 10 minutes of examples and thinking about things like the suez canal apparently not having curvature I'm starting to wonder.

chrimony ago

I thought the water is flat argument was pretty dumb too but after 10 minutes of examples and thinking about things like the suez canal apparently not having curvature I'm starting to wonder.

Ask Spry or Eric where their flattard model that predicts the solar eclipse is. Here's an example argument I had with a moon hoaxer that was also "agnostic" on flat Earth:


To believe in flattard Earth you have to believe all the experiments and claims conducted by the flattards are legit, and all the experiments conducted by non-flattards are not. But the thing about the solar eclipse of 2017 is that millions of people saw it, and they relied on predictions made by a spherical Earth model.

Then there's the night sky -- the positions of the stars. If you move along on a globe, the stars overhead will change in a completely different manner than if you were moving along a plane. The positions rotate and get eclipsed by the horizon instead of shifting in a planar fashion and receding into the distance. Flattards all the world over can take a picture of the night sky at given times and compare notes. They never do stuff like this because it obviously does not conform with flattard Earth.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I just see you calling people names.

chrimony ago

I just see you calling people names.

That's because you have cognitive dissonance. Rather than address the arguments, which you can't because they are irrefutable and you know it, you fixate on a few well-deserved insults and pretend the argument doesn't even exist! That's why you, too, are a retarded monkey and a flattard.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm not a believer. But yea, just call people names, that will work. In person I'd just punch you out. You're a worm.

chrimony ago

I'm not a believer. But yea, just call people names, that will work. In person I'd just punch you out. You're a worm.

I didn't just call people names. I gave an argument, which you ignored -- more than that, you pretended you couldn't even see it! Not only that, you're a massive hypocrite. Just look these quotes from your comment history:

"Want to seem like an immature faggot? Call your political enemies a childish kindergarten insult."

Talk about lack of self-awareness.

"It's the same with indians, or any race really. My animals tend to slink behind me whenever a drunk indian comes around because they see I want nothing to do with those scab chugs. They can tell when someone is a piece of shit."

"Your brother is a junkie. Punch him out if he talks shit. He's a faggot. Call his whore a fucking cunt in a cordial manner any time she pisses you off. Why tolerate them?"

"I was talking to this fag I know, he's been known to be pretty based on certain things, or at least level headed"

"I had a 'friend' who was a straight up retarded coke snorting FAS drug addicted baby."

"church arson is a pro not a con"

"if you're talking about god, fuck god. If that fucker is real it's a cunt."

"You really are retarded if you believe that shit. I saw a cuck the other day saying how his marriage couldn't fail if he had the lord in his relationship."

Etc, etc. But wah, wah, somebody used the word, "flattard". Boo hoo, did I hurt you're retarded monkey feelings?

TheWorstImaginable ago

haha you're a loser and you know it.

chrimony ago

haha you're a loser and you know it.

Stop talking about yourself. Anyways, congrats on joining the retarded monkey club. And remember, look both ways before crossing the street. Actually, don't, the gene pool will be better off without you.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're a loser. No one will ever listen to you no matter how compelling your argument because you put it forward like a faggot. You have some good points and you ruin it by inserting unneeded insults every sentence. Let your evidence speak for itself and don't whine like a bitch and people might take you seriously. Also don't try to paint someone as something they aren't or a believer in something they don't believe in and you won't instantly get discredited.

And you actually went through my comments like a faggot and copied and pasted 8 different things? You'll notice any time someone actually has something sincere to say I'll respond and debate them without any sign of animosity. I thought you were a faggot before you even responded to me because I saw you responding to people with an insult in every sentence. 7 out of 8 of your examples I'm not attacking someone I'm responding to. All of your responses to this topic have been filled with insults. And the first example you pulled up I'm talking about exactly what you're doing, insulting people with some made up kindergarten tier word so you can feel like a winner. If you can't debate and share evidence without insulting the person you're trying to convince you're a loser. Which is what you are.

chrimony ago

You have some good points and you ruin it by inserting unneeded insults every sentence. Let your evidence speak for itself and don't whine like a bitch and people might take you seriously.

You're a giant hypocrite and a retarded monkey. You can't look past a few insults, which you constantly use yourself.

And you actually went through my comments like a faggot and copied and pasted 8 different things?

It took practically no effort to find these comments -- they were all there on the first page, almost every comment.

You'll notice any time someone actually has something sincere to say I'll respond and debate them without any sign of animosity.

You're a fucking liar. This is your response to telling somebody you: "God is real and he loves you very much. So much that he sent his only son to die on a cross for your sins so that you could have eternal life!" -> "You really are retarded if you believe that shit."

All of your responses to this topic have been filled with insults.

So fucking what. If you're retarded enough to think the Earth is flat, and it's all some giant conspiracy, then you deserve the insults. Maybe it'll help the fools among us to keep their mouths shut, instead of opening them and confirming that they are a fool. Call names in return, insult away, I don't give a shit. I'll still argue logically, honestly, and based on evidence, unlike the 'tards like you and your newfound flattard friends.

If you can't debate and share evidence without insulting the person you're trying to convince you're a loser. Which is what you are.

Congratulations on your self-own, loser. This is my last reply to this particular retarded monkey.

TheWorstImaginable ago

You're such a fag. I can just imagine you getting all pissy about the fact that I'm a flattard when I'm not. You've got your mind all made up, and you're a pissy little fag who has to furiously quote people because you have no power in your life and you come online to try to degrade people. Fuck yourself you whiny little cunt. You're worthless.

MaunaLoona ago

What doth life?

lord_nougat ago

But it do.

Chadsden ago

I’m certain I’m not in a coma... this has to be purgatory

lord_nougat ago

Sorry, Charlie. You're in HECK!

gosso920 ago

Charlie bit me!

Shieldmaden ago

It only moves a little if I blink, if I stare at it it's still or almost still. So. Eye tumor?

Wolfspider ago

It's not a tumor.

lord_nougat ago

I bet it's lupus.

Shieldmaden ago



it's NAHT a TOOMAH!!

King_Leopold_II ago

Who the fuck are you, Arnold Schwarzenigger.

con77 ago

What it spoke to me?