andrew_white_forever ago

This time we do it right, 110 and never again.

SigniferLux ago

Have trust in your volk. We will shake off this disease called kike. Just give it time. Once freedom of speech is widely established, we will win. Just look at this place and the amount of people it has converted, simply by being a place that does not censor.

In reality that is all we need right now. The moment free speech is re-established, the kike will have lost. And this time it will be permanent. Even they know it, and have been calling for their own to stop. Kikes will not survive this century.

Action_Bastard ago

Organization will help transition away from Zionists. If there's enough of us we can organize to create a society within a society. A market within a market. A nation within a nation. How many of US do you think there are? We could start a serious discussion right here and now. Moving people around gathering us to one area would be most helpful. Probably not doable. We need land, an economy, financing, a Constitution, and a political ideology in which to platform on.

Having land in which to base our operations on is essential in controlling our environment and gives us a starting point in which to expand. The more of us together the better our power in votes and control outside our system.

The Jews control the banks? We need financing. We can't rely on what we have in the US. Major CC and Paypal deplatforming free thinkers. So we'll need to start our own financial network. Bitcoin like and paypal like.

Now we can have an economy. WE come first in business and trade, always. We always seek to attain leverage that works for our interests.

A constitution for our values and laws and goals.

A political platform so we can reach out to others and expand our area of influence.

There is a way out and its through attaining power and control. Which right now we don't have. We're disorganized and inconvenienced. The Libertarian Party has been around since 1971 and has never elected a President. Why is that? Their platform is bad? Worse than the other 2 really? Its because its rigged. Gotta face it, we got fucked before we even knew we got fucked. We don't have representation that represents us. If we want to stop the pendulum we will have to create the party that will. And for that we'll have to beat our opposition that's in control of financing and media.

MJtheWizard ago

Keep waking 'em up, and don't let the small get you down.

keksupreme ago

nice try jew shill.

so many kikes on this site recently

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Member for 4 months...

keksupreme ago

ok? nice kike post by the way

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Just trying to figure out how it's a kike post. Do you have a reason or are you just replying because jidf pays you to?

keksupreme ago

your original post is the kike post

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

I'm asking if you have a reason for it being a kike post. What classifies something as a kike post and why does my post fit that? I'm fully willing to hear you out if you have reasonable logic.

jollux ago

We haven't even begun to swing right. You have no idea.

ThoseFeels ago

Even Sam Hyde is quite obviously a Jew.

I can't take how alone and secluded I feel in this fight.

Aside from hannity and Limbaugh (who are zionists) every last CONservtive voice on radio is Jew. Unbelievable.

Why do we not have any strong, charismatic white leaders? Why?

vladtep ago

Yes, Sam is very jewish.

The facial features, the personality, it's something you can't unsee once you see it.

Weev from DS as's all jews man.

Voopin__Voopin ago

Sam who? Hyde?

Parent deleted comment....

vladtep ago


Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Spot on, brother. We need a war. These fuckers & their pets need to go.

bagano1 ago

I disagree. The Jews are scammers, always have been. They fuck everything up so much that it soon becomes impossible for people to ignore. That's the problem with greedy people who think they owe nothing to their community.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

You think we will kick em out?

bagano1 ago

They're scammers and have no shame about it. People are wising up. Remember when the Bernie Madoff thing broke out and news anchors were letting things like "Jews aren't supposed to rob other Jews" comments slip? They basically were admitting they are fucking thieves. Worse yet, they have no morals and back up every dirtbag who doesn't have them.

I'm not endorsing it, but I can see how they get booted from countries. I'm sorry.

whatisbestinlife ago

if you think you are a good person seize as much power as you can and dictate from your position or find someone who can. when you give up power to unknown entities you only invite destruction.

Shekelstein6M ago

The moment you give up you lose. But as long as you keep on fighting hope remains.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Welcome to my world, and congratulations you figured out way suicide rates are skyrocketing.

A_M_Swallow ago

If you want to stop Muslim immigration try redpilling the Jews. The more wideawake Jews are beginning to notice that Muslims are anti-Semitic. High light the sections of the speeches made by Muslim leaders that call for the destruction of Israel and death of the Western Jews.

Bolux ago

Dumbest post award

A_M_Swallow ago

No craftiest.

Justsomeone ago

The will probably just jump shit and become "right wing", and start attacking the left.

All of this without changing their end goals and even means of getting there.

The jew hides in plain sight.

Runwithscissors ago

there’s a reason it a two party system because Jews have controlled this for decades.

Chempergrill ago

This is why Trump had to support AIPAC and Israel.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Which is why the only recourse is the indescriminate murder of all Jews, especially young Jews, infant Jews and baby Jews.

They can't continue dominating with their evil tactics if they don't have a next generation.

I fully support the mass killing of baby and infant Jews.

Kill all kikes. All of them.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Hello fellow Jew. The goyim know you are staging this speech on Voat.


You're not helping.

6gorillion ago

You're a faggot.


Does that mean you’ll suck muh dick?

JopharVorin ago

Left-winged jews battle right-winged jews and all the goys are caught in the middle.

7e62ce85 ago

Our political organization might be of interest to you, we have banned Jews on a constitutional and philosophical level from inception:

Doglegwarrior ago

I live in san antonio we are majoirty hispanic the white the black then other races at the bottom of our population is jews. Who is our mayor ron neuremberg a fucking kike.

CuckleberryFinn ago

They already played the neocon card. The kikes are running out of cards. I think the #1 issue right now is the media. Once media reports truth again they're ass is grass.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Cool black pill, baby.

fr33europe ago

The right?

Who gives a shit

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Kill all traitors to the USA

Mylon ago

This is why democrat and republican are false choices. All of this nonsense going on today about "conservative values", and especially Q's "vote republican" nonsense, is all about shepherding the pissed off people from one pen into another. Nothing really changes.

The real danger of the "alt right" is their refusal to fall in line and follow the traditional conservatives wherever they are lead and that's the reason there's such a strong effort to demonize them.

iamthecircus ago

Name the jew. Keep naming the jew. Repeat.

StoneAgeTribeman ago

Right. There are 2 peaceful options, both are long term.

First is to spread the word, live a good conscious life, promote ethnic nepotism by helping people like you (goyische altruism is horror to Jews), have many kids and educate them on the topic. Accumulate wealth and become influential. Basically, the Jews in the USA are the new WASPs. They accumulated wealth and that allowed them to make media companies to shape the public's views.

Second is to accept Judaism. At least that way your genes are pretty much guaranteed to survive, especially if you manage to emigrate to Israel. Israeli Jews have the highest birth rate among industrialized nations.

albatrosv15 ago

Woohoo for genital mutilation cult! Heil lucifer too.

vladtep ago

Second is to accept Judaism

  1. Jews are not white so no, you're "genes would not survive"
  2. Peace is for women and the elderly. Not even desireable in the first place.

StoneAgeTribeman ago

I disagree. I think peace is preferable to war. I also think young men are "good" for many other things.

vladtep ago

No, they're idiots.

The problem is instead of fighting, these idiots are sitting around pontificating with their little bird brains, wacking off and playing video games.

But if you insist, let me know how peace works out for you (it wont').

StoneAgeTribeman ago

I agree most of them are idiots, but that's because they're brainwashed by modern culture. They simply don't know better. They consume mainstream media and that's what they're taught. Few people manage to escape from the "matrix" as the circumstances for that are not available everywhere.

vladtep ago

Young, dumb and full of cum.

If modern culture was destroyed, they'd have a hard time being brainwashed by it.

It has never been different, merely a misallocation of resources.

The problem now is that even the old men are fools.

vladtep ago

You're smarter than most, that's the problem.

vladtep ago

It won't be done politically.

The same thing happens in every revolutionary movement, even in non-white countries. They "win", strike a compromise with the current government and things go back to business as usual. The same operation is underway in France.

It starts out authentic like "tea party" until insiders infiltrate and turn it into a joke. By the time anyone in the group takes power, it's toothless.

Even an "actual" revolution would have to take care that all the old henchmen are removed.

Phantom42 ago

The Right is Truth. Society is on a pendulum because (((they))) made it that way.

totes_magotes ago

If we don't stop acting like everyone else plays by the official rulebook, we are already lost.

vladtep ago

Yes, one cannot be a law abiding revolutionary.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Sometimes the moral thing to do is break a law. Some laws are immoral.

6gorillion ago

I think we can probably call it most laws are immoral these days.

ragnarrockwell ago

It doesn't matter if things are on a pendulum and we "go right". The Jewish end goal of white genocide/open borders in white-only countries will continue.

The wall will never be built, because the globalists will not allow it, and they have more power than the President. Mark my words, even if Trump somehow lasts to 2024, that wall is never being built.

Europe will never stop mass migration into their nations, at least not until the EU collapses. By then however, it may be too late to prevent or reverse the demographic decline.

vladtep ago

Even if it was, one can be sure that door on the "big beautiful wall" would be open 24/7..

Yuke ago

I've got to admit, it's going to take something monumental to shift us away from Jewish control, and that is a very real thing that we live under right now. They have planted themselves in all the right places, took control of all the right things and have money out the wazoo. The only way this changes is if it changes very soon, 5-10 years max. Without that, the chokehold that we are currently under gets tighter and tighter and tighter until we are no longer, and we won't be able to do or say anything on a wider scale. The only other option is taking to the streets, which I'm sure is inevitable at some point.

For those looking to red pill, I reccommend hitting the free-speech angle, talking about what is deemed acceptable, racist, politically correct etc. From there you can say why that is all happening and so on.

vladtep ago

The only other option is taking to the streets, which I'm sure is inevitable at some point.

That is always the first and only option, per Thomas Jefferson and our nation's history.

The problem is that most men are not up to it.

All the measures we're currently trying were proven ineffective over decades and decades by our forefathers.

Yuke ago

That's what I'm alluding to. Whether today's people would have the balls or would they be too scared? I think they'd be too scared for a long time until they eventually felt like they had to take to the streets.

vladtep ago

Yes, they are scared and I wish to God that they'd all just admit it so that we could help get that part sorted.

Quit making bogus excuses (not you personally) about how "we can't win" and all this other nonsense because you are personally scared.

We need to promote a culture of physical and military training first and foremost. We need to promote some kind of religion so that they are ok with dying for a GD cause.

I don't care about an man's ideology so much, as long as he is brave and capable.

I think that many leftists could eventually make great soldiers. They may not be capable at the moment but they are viscous, daring and rebellious.

Then look at the conservatives...all most of them care about is everyone knowing that they did nothing to fight back.

Yuke ago

I think most of the fear is situated way up the chain. If Jews control the financial world then they have the power to cripple entire nations. Politicians fear that the most, I'm sure. Regular people are more afraid of losing their homes and jobs and so forth, because they are imprisoned by the system they have created for them. And that is referring to those that are awake and would want to do something but feel they can't. The rest are fast asleep NPC's that haven't got the slightest clue about any of this.

vladtep ago

True, which is why they must be liberated from the need to pay bills.

When the bills stop coming in the mail, we're free.

Kinda hard to evict a man from his home when no one has had a job in a year and it's survival of the fittest. All of a sudden being a slimey little landlord isn't where it's at. lol

syntaxaxe ago

That's why a free internet is so important. That's why we are so important.

Normal people, freely sharing information, providing evidence and reasoning, searching for the truth and helping those who are searching. That's the only thing I can think of that would turn the tide. If the future Right is just a handful of well-funded mainstream outlets, they will win the same way they've been winning for more than a century. But if the future Right is a decentralized movement made of a collection of groups an individuals fighting for themselves and each other, fighting for reality as the evidence shows it to be, we've won. There's no way to direct that beyond where the proof directs it. There's no way to infiltrate it in any meaningful way.

A freed internet and freed minds. We'll win back the culture, then we'll win the war. Their system, always based on greed and arrogance, is unsustainable. We will always find them out and always fight, eventually, if information can move. And the truth remains while a Zion built on lies must eventually crumble.

Keep fighting.

ProudBoy1 ago

I know idiots who think libertarian Jews are le based but they are a trick also. Jews like Michael Malice for instance will tell you they understand all the problems (race, taxes, unresolvable differences... but then their solution is to do nothing, smoke weed, watch porn and mind your own business because muh NAP. They lure in disaffected white guys and convince them to be ultra individualistic and let everything around them be destroyed.

speedisavirus ago

Because you are a low IQ faggot.

Crikes ago

Everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

idle_voating ago

Redpilling people on jews is a delicate task that I'm unfortunately not very good at. The only reason why I was able to be redpilled on jews was because of my experience of jews being bullies in school and at good jobs where they had the numbers to do so. They're definitely worse in workplaces than they were in school.

Here is a good thread containing lots of information about jews.

VicariousJambi ago

Hey_Sunshine ago

From what I've been able to gather, the key to red pilling folks in public or the work place is to allow the person to draw their own conclusion. Frame the discussion by making innocent observations and ask the person leading questions

Logic, reason and good oration are our greatest weapons in these situations. Train these skills as you would with a rifle and they'll come around.

I am redpilling 3 black males 1 black female, an Iranian male and 2 white guys in my place of work and getting positive results using the above tools. Today, we (well... I) are discussing how giving women the right to vote was a mistake and it's going great.

We can do this.

Hail victory brother

fuckmyreddit ago

You people seem to think the redpill is only about Jews. Well, buddy, it's way bigger than that. You need to open your mind by using both sides of your brain. Something is missing. Bigly.

Bolux ago

And don't shout fuck the Jews in a public house my wife says its not very nice.

alele-opathic ago

the key to red pilling folks in public or the work place is to allow the person to draw their own conclusion.

This is called the Socratic method.


This was the original way to learn, before the 'firehose method' of pumping kids full of answers they never desired, became popular. This is the most effective way to learn, as things learned in this manner will never be forgotten.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Great reply!

Hey_Sunshine ago

Logic is a helluva drug.

idle_voating ago

Could you give some examples of good innocent observations and leading questions? I'm worried about the anti semitic card and its consequences being pulled on me.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

  1. Did you know that nearly 100 of our elected senators and congressmen have dual citizenship with Israel?

  2. Did you know that Communist Bolshevik Jews starved 10-30 Million Christian Ukrainians in 'The Holodomor' of the 1920s-40s?

  3. Did you know that there were '5 dancing Israelis' on a rooftop arrested for filming 9/11 before it happened?

  4. Did you know that Israel has a wall and does not let in other races?

  5. Did you know about the open-air concentration camp conditions that Palestinians face in Israel and that they are treated and killed as 2nd class citizens openly?

Helbrecht ago

I've used some of these on otherwise intelligent, reasonable people. The brainwashing is strong.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Did you know the Holocaust numbers are greatly exaggerated and this is backed up mathematically with the numbers provided?

Helbrecht ago

Pointed that out, too, along with the "gas chambers" with wooden doors. Same result.

WilliamCutting ago

Most of these aren't leading questions as much as statements. The problem with that, is than people want to know why your talking about this subject.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

"Why do you think communism is bad?"

"Which single country benefitted the most from 9/11"


Hey_Sunshine ago

Of course lol will have to wait though, break is almost over. Gimme a few hours and I'll get back to ya

dawnbandit1 ago

an Iranian male


Hey_Sunshine ago

Yeah, he picked up on the JQ fairly quick. Ran into some trouble cos I was.. a bit too forward with my opinion. He immigrated here back during the Iran/Contra stuff, so he has been drinking "equality Kool aid" ever since.

I guess...I must've scared him a bit when I went full on "the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have" angle cos he started on the whole, "freedom for all" spiel(sp?). Started saying how he has no hate for any race or religion, yada yada yada... But I stood firm on my condemnation of (((them))) and started quoting the talmud. Walked him through the arithmetic and logistics involved in burning and gassing 6 million bodies.

Eventually, I got him to take a look at sites like and

Talk with people, instead of talking at them. Have a discussion and know your facts.

We are winning

HulkInformation ago

True the deep state are the established rulers and for a very long time it hasn't mattered which political party won. Currently, while you may be unhappy that Israel still exists, the deep state is taking a beating. It's up to us to prove that is valuable to politicians otherwise exactly what you said, we'll go right back to where we were.

America was saved at the last minute from leftist totalitarianism. That doesn't mean things have balanced out, it means there is a shitload of work still to do.

Beta_Ray_Bill ago

Expect more ballot harvesting in other states as well. Dems have legalized ballot stuffing so even if the right does grow it's still screwed.

Conway ago

In my lifetime the "right" were the tyrant nanny state party that the left is today. I think they take turns in an effort to keep people from wising up.

crazy_eyes ago

what the fuck are you talking about? Show me some examples of the right being a nanny state

Conway ago

One that has been around forever is the morality bullshit. Abortion laws, liquor laws, stuff like evolution being taught in school, more stupid shit like nativity scenes, school prayer, Ten commandments, 55mph max speed, Reagan and his war on drugs, Affirmative action(Reagan had a chance to kill it), And they constantly attacked personal privacy with mass surveillance increases for "security".

Some of it good some of it bad but, It all adds up to us having less freedom and rights today than we had 40 years ago.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah i guess the war on drugs is a great example that i had not thought of

Absynce ago

left hand right hand, same body.

you all are played by both sides. Go up, not left or right.

carlip ago

"not as bad obviously"

im not going to pretend to know how old you are but, do you know who was behind the Patriot Act?

Conway ago

I was thinking before that... Patriot act was clearly both.

DavidHogg ago

You mean the Happy Hanukkah Act of 2001?

kaonashiii ago

I think this has been true throughout as well, choose this OR this. Illusion of choice.

tassels ago

They support the exact same policies for anything that matters, but nobody will notice because


Doglegwarrior ago

Obahma and bush jr ... or hussian and the idiot... had almost identicle policies the idiot tried tondestroy education and helped the housing bubble along with clinton and hussian tried to destroy health care and europe with the migrant invasion

tendiesonfloor ago


58% of this country would be black if it wasn't for abortions.

AR47 ago

Margaret Sanger needs a momument

MrPim ago

You really cannot draw that cnclussion. If there were no legal abortions everyone's behaviors would have changed. It is very possible that black pregnancy rates would have dropped resulting in fewer blacks being born. When you change history the resulting timeline is very open to varying conclusions.

slwsnowman40 ago

No, their actions wouldn't change if abortions were illegal. Their actions might change if you take away the gibmedats.

Glory_Beckons ago

It's okay to murder White babies, because that helps us manage the nigger infestation without being called mean names.

We shouldn't be managing the nigger infestation; we should be getting rid of it entirely. Or, at least, not subsidizing it in any way, so the rot stink spreads until everyone can see the real nature of the problem.

Besides, arguments like this are based on the false assumption that niggers would not abort their babies if we didn't pay a doctor to do it for them. Without our intervention they would (and did) find other ways. There would just be more dead or barren negresses.

Trash_Panda ago

You're so full of shit. The black population has fluctuated between 10-12% for the past 200 years. It's only now that the black population is beginning to overtake the white population at 14% thanks to abortion/birth control and leftist gimmedats.

6gorillion ago

I think you are the dumbest faggot I have encountered today, nice work.

Approved ago

50% of black pregnancies in America end in abortion, and that percentage has been steady for well over a decade.

In contrast, 1/10th of white pregnancies in America end in abortion.

Without abortion, blacks in America would become the majority.

Trash_Panda ago

How retarded do you have to be to look at statistics in such a blunt-force interpretation? First, you're not accounting for the fact that white pregnancies happen less because they use more birth control (or just fucking sterilize themselves). Second, blacks have the highest abortion rate AND birth rate, you think maybe that has anything to do with the fact they know the government is going to house them and feed them and give them money for every baby they pop out? You think societal conditioning has anything to do with the rise in promiscuity and premarital sex? Like how the majority of black families used to be in two parent households or the great depression before welfare that saw a plummet in birth rates? No, that's just crazy talk. Damn, common sense isn't so common nowadays with all these smooth brained mother fuckers.

Approved ago

Second, blacks have the highest abortion rate AND birth rate, you think maybe that has anything to do with the fact they know the government is going to house them and feed them and give them money for every baby they pop out?

Exactly. If abortion were made illegal tomorrow, the black birth rate.. which is already the highest... would DOUBLE.

And every one of those new black babies would be fed and housed using your tax dollars.

Meanwhile, at your house... where you have to pay for your own damn kids yourself... there would be two cats and a dog as "fur babies".

Trash_Panda ago

K you're right the Jewish bankers are just dumping billions of dollars into abortion advocacy because they're on your side and it's good for you. Good goy! I've seen the errors of my ways.

Fucking retard

Approved ago

Name-calling isn't an argument.

If you have a plan for ending abortion and raising the white birthrate without doubling the black birthrate at the same time, then make your argument and share your plan.

Use your big-boy words and your inside voice.

(See how I saved the insults until after I was done making a coherant argument. Try that )

Trash_Panda ago

Yea like I said you've got it all figured out and the Jewish elite is on your side. That's the implication of what you're saying and it makes no fucking sense.

Approved ago

Nobody is on my fucking side. Any "implication" to the contrary is in your imagination.

Now that we've dispensed with your opening logical falacy... do you have ANY argument that doesn't involve insulting me?

Like... abortion becomes illegal tommorrow morning at 9am; how do you prevent a population explosion among the parts of the population that have zero ability for pre-planning, no birth control, and no condoms?

Trash_Panda ago

Abortion has only been legal since 1973, the welfare state has been roaring for 100 years. Yet somehow there wasn't some massive explosion in black demographics. Why? The thing is I'm the only one proposing any facts statistics or logic, you have none. Just dumb logic like "1 abortion = 1 baby" which I already debunked.

Approved ago

Yet somehow there wasn't some massive explosion in black demographics. Why?

First, the welfare state started in 1933, with the election of FDR, and didn't hit full stride until after the voting rights act of 1965 stopped Jim Crow laws in the South, which led to the growing power of the black vote as a solid block for whover promises the most gibs... exactly 8 years before abortion became legal.

Trash_Panda ago

Why do the Jews constantly advocate for abortion?

Approved ago

(1) Because it destroys the fabric of Western society by seperating sex from procreation, turning young women against the idea of family, eliminating families as the basic building block of society and substituting isolated lone consumers in thier place.

(2) Because abortion in the west (when combined with women in the work force as imitation men) reduces the white population's birth rate below replacement levels... with low-IQ savages from who-gives-a-fuckistan to be brought in as replacements for the missing/never born white population.

Trash_Panda ago

Because abortion in the west (when combined with women in the work force as imitation men) reduces the white population's birth rate below replacement levels... with low-IQ savages from who-gives-a-fuckistan to be brought in as replacements for the missing/never born white population.

Earlier you said

Without abortion, blacks in America would become the majority

These are extra steps in the equation that don't make any sense. Maybe you could make that argument for Europe which was predominantly white but it wouldn't make sense in the United States which has a more diverse landscape.

If you believe that they want to exterminate the white race, and that ending abortion would exterminate the white race, it does not make sense that they would continue to push abortion. This isn't coherent.

Approved ago

They are two related problems. Not the exact same problem.

Problem 1: Legal abortion, combined with enforced "women's equality" in the workforce (where 100 pound women get hired as firefighters, even though they can't perform any of the physical tasks of the job, etc ), and combined with things like no-fault divorce and community-property and child-support and welfare laws where healthy families are basically replaced throughout society by single mothers raising children from five fathers... all of which is basically dooming western society to collapse.

Problem 2: 50% of the crime in the US is caused by basically 6% of the population (Black males between 12 and 35), BUT over half of this demographic dies in the womb because of legal abortion, so they stay at 6% of the population, instead of being more like 25% of the population if abortion had never been legalized.)

So sure, you can PARTIALLY solve problem 1 by banning abortion... and then the entire country turns into Detroit/Chicago/Atlanta/Philladelphia within 50 years.

You need a better plan than simply blaming abortion.

Trash_Panda ago

I don't think you understand my point. You're saying the Jews want to exterminate the white race, and they're doing it by advocating abortion and then bringing in migrants to replace them. But you just said earlier that if abortion was ended in the US then blacks would overrun the white population anyways. So your theory doesn't make sense. It's not coherent.

kbearcat ago

end welfare, or at the very least don't consider the children.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

David Duke or some prominent racist figure needs to come out as pro-abortion based on the "most abortions are committed by black women" fact. I think liberal heads would explode.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

David Duke isn't a racist. Have you ever listened to him speak.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Whether he is or not is irrelevant - that is how society has labeled him so he doesn't have any social stock to lose by making a comment that could be perceived as racist - that's my point. And you're going to have an extremely difficult time convincing society at large that a former GW of the KKK is not a racist.

tassels ago

They will never admit the topic would affect them in that manner. Either side.