Thrus2 ago

You seem to have skipped one of the steps involved with using a throwaway.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

What if the point of using a throwaway was satirical to begin with?

Inquiring minds.

Thrus2 ago

Well then it would be a satirical_throwaway not an obvious one.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Well, I never claimed to be the most clever at making names. I'll make sure to ping you next time!

Thrus2 ago

long as the ping isn't coming from soapdox go for it, I think I have been banned from there enough that I just blocked the sub to stop the notices from showing up routinely.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I don't think I've ever posted from SBBH.

I've been sent moderator invites a few dozen times over the years, which I always found interesting since I do not post on SBBH.

Thrus2 ago

Not soap box ban hammer, I'm talking soap DOX ban hammer, the one with the interesting ad that they used to run. For a while I was getting banned weekly for different things, interesting since that means they had to unban me to reban me and I never used the sub.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Thanks /u/obvious-throwaway- for allowing me the comedy and confusion of wondering why the hell /u/Rotteuxx and his bitch bulldog pet /u/Le_Squish to comically try to railroad thinking I'm you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rotteuxx ago

When did I allude to you being that user ?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I asked you if you were confusing me with someone else because of what you kept saying during our conversation. You kept acting like we were continuing some conversation from before, just like Le_Squish.

Le_Squish was 100% assuming I was someone else based on the link I included. I suspect you were, too.

If I'm wrong, then accept a sincere apology.

gabara ago

Le_Squish ago

Basically one account is used to comment and the other is used to post. But OP is a idiot and only thought to disavow ownership of the other account as a last resort and not a first line of defense. When I called op out on it, he blamed it on my being a woman trying to manipulate him. Both accounts need gas.

gabara ago


Rotteuxx ago

I asked you if your group was the same that operated the sanegoatiswear account.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

And since I am not affiliated with the group in question, you mistook me for someone else.

Rotteuxx ago

I didn't mistake you for someone, I inquired.

Nice try though

obvious_throwaway1 ago

You can call it whatever you want, the fact that you still think I am someone I am not means you mistake me for someone else. No semantics. Period.

Rotteuxx ago

How can you say I think you're someone else if I asked you instead of accusing you ?

obvious_throwaway1 ago

Why would you ask if you didn't think I might be someone else?

Lets not play semantics. Asking if I am someone else implies the suggestion is already in your mind that I could be, which is still thinking I am someone I am not. I think we can both agree to this, it's pretty neutral to accept.

Rotteuxx ago

Because you mentioned being a shared account, same as putt reported sgis to be.

You can push paperback psychology on me all you want, i'm not the right user to try that with. Asking is not accusing, an interrogation stems from curiosity, not a belief.

obvious_throwaway1 ago

I think I made a mistake in over-simplifying it. This is not a "shared account". It's an account that is almost entirely used by one person to WRITE THE POSTS, but the IDEAS, INFORMATION, AND EXPERIENCE is contributed by others and then re-written by me.

I think it's pretty unfair to compare that to some account used by say a dozen people to log in and post, but if you want to bundle them together as if they are the same thing then I suppose I can't change your mind.

obvious-throwaway- ago

They are just trying to get paid,

Rotteuxx ago

Lol, nice anon post, hard hitting evidence !