15199625? ago

What?! :O Fuck that, no more cash from me. They're going hungry tonight.

15188495? ago

BINGO!!! I’ve been literally begging people to not respond to shills. Have even said they’re “probably” being paid to cause dissension among true Patriots.

Thank you Anon for posting this.

Downvote & ignore!

15184123? ago

Proof? Sources?

15184105? ago

Don't feed the trolls means something....

15174517? ago

Ooh! Was wondering where those various nefarious characters went!

Was kinda hoping we were not looking at a Tet type thingy!

But kinda was (contrarily) hoping it would be a Tet, so we could Rat-a-tat-tat some Moles & Rats! Kinda got me a little ... frisky! (Down there!) Was that naughty of me?

15172382? ago

Not my money. Let's all reply.

15172141? ago

Right. That's why Q subs are anon.

15171827? ago

This post is the exact reason why we shoved all you boomers into voat. Have to keep your child like asses in check.

15171817? ago

You got a source for this lunancy?

15171611? ago

This is so true. When you reply to a shill, you get a reply back that entices you to, again, reply back. So when a shill gets a reply, they want to keep baiting you because you seem up for it.

15170878? ago

Take my 50 cents you fucking shill.

15170757? ago

The most obvious paid posters I've ever seen were on GLP. DrPostman, Duncan Kunz and Astronut personas. They each had an agenda and would debunk 24/7.

15167833? ago

I just realized that the q-tards on this forum have shit for brains, and eat shit for every meal. Ain't nobody getting paid to hang out in this God forsaken place.

15165552? ago

Can we please stop making threads about them?

15165547? ago

It is easy to ignore the shills. There are so many asshole here that like to nitpick every comment they don’t like and tell you how wrong or stupid you are because they have a different opinion. They show how ignorant they are each time they attack a comment!

15165294? ago

I hope it's not a shill who posted this cuz he just made fifty bucks.

15164391? ago

Yes- don't reply to them

15164616? ago

You just replied to one of them...

15164045? ago

Anyone have the link where I can get paid to be a troll? I'm sick of doing it for free.

15163513? ago

I'm on the wrong side - that's some decent cash.

15162974? ago

Hillary Clinton's Army Of Shills. $1M.

According to The AntiMedia, Hillary Clinton-aligned Super PAC called "Correct the Record", started in 2016 to pay an unknown number of pro-Hillary shills/trolls/fake users/astroturfers, to spread positive news about the Hillary Clinton/Democrat Party and counter anyone posting negative information about Hillary. Including shills comment and fake shills discussions. And these shills aren’t just ragtag trolls living in their mothers’ basements — they are industry and campaign professionals.

• Source at https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-25/hillary-unleashes-million-dollar-professional-internet-troll-army

• Archived at http://archive.fo/eUI0E

• Source 2 at https://theantimedia.com/hillary-clintons-internet-troll-army/

• Archived source 2 at http://archive.fo/T2GPz


• Related article exposing a astroturfers/shills paid by Hillary Clinton. Such as Stephanie Cutter at https://theintercept.com/2016/02/25/tv-pundits-praise-hillary-clinton-on-air-fail-to-disclose-financial-ties-to-her-campaign/

• Related article exposing an astroturfer paid by Hillary Clinton at http://archive.fo/pT8yD

For those note familiar with "astroturf", in politic it means a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support for a political candidate. "Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants." In other words, shills ;) Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing

15177284? ago

Antifa are astroturfers paid for by Soros et al.

15162945? ago



15162251? ago

sheikel for lying? sounds kinda jewish if you ask me

15162280? ago


15162246? ago

one troll down below put. "we dont care if we get down voted or not. liar! then he/it says we just got to make sure it looks like our posts are popular. well a down voat makes it fall from the top of the list and gets seen less. that is then unpopular. so the best thing to do to a shill or troll is down voat and do not engage. as i type i dont respond to any comment i make a new one. ignore any responses. too bad for newfags. they came late to the party all the food is gone! im going to pass this info on all q live forums... spread the word everyone lets starve the bastards!

15162289? ago


15161846? ago

you know what even on this post telling us how they get paid people are still engaging the shills! look below they rope you in each time. i will do my best to ignore no matter what. i would love to starve those demons to death! its my new mission. instead of attacking them...they get the big cold shoulder. but can we down vote so they disappear?

15161871? ago

Downvote if needed. Use your discretion. If it's just a comment, ignore mostly and downvote if needed.

15184273? ago

I prefer to set the record straight sometimes. Other times it's not worth responding to. In any event I make use of my constitutional right to speak.

15161971? ago

i had one the other day egg me on cuz all i was doing was down voting it....now i know why! no money for the losers on a down vote. i bet they only get paid if we engage. cuz you can do hundreds of posts but if we dont engage i wouldnt pay them. so they need to get us posting back and forth

15161991? ago

Exactly anon/ STARVE THEM! Shill Starvation Syndrome lol SSS

15161833? ago

TY! did not know that...

15161775? ago

eventually all the shills leave once i tell them they need a new job cuz soros will not be paying them soon. one dude right there stopped arguing. its totally about the benjamins. i noticed they are not posting hardly as much. i think the money is drying up

15164575? ago

Do people tell you you're not as smart as you think you are?

15171845? ago

Don't feed the animals. The boomers still have yet to realize they were placed here so they can't fuck the movement up with their bigotry and hilariously low i.q. It's scary to see how mu h boomers lie just for some likes in this echo chamber.

15161790? ago

Try not to engage with them.

15161730? ago

do they get paid for down or upvoats? and how did you find out how much they get paid?

15161764? ago

Best thing to do is ignore them unless a down vote is needed.

15161596? ago

This is my standard reply to shills. Seems to drive them crazy.

Warning: Soros Shill Detected. Every post he/she/it creates earns as much as $1 per comment. Starve the Soros Troll®.

15161509? ago

Dang we need to become double-shills (Like double-agent). Cleverly done, one could take their money and spread truth.

15161598? ago

Lol. I like it!

15163108? ago

I guess we need to add the homeless to this too!

Los Angeles group charged with paying homeless people to forge voter signatures

Prosecutors have accused the defendants of soliciting hundreds of false and forged signatures on state ballot petitions and voter registration forms by “offering homeless people $1 and/or cigarettes for their participation.”


15161291? ago

Since 15 years ago shills in China have been called “五毛” which literally means “50 cents” per their payment per reply.

15161608? ago

50 Cent the rapper has been shillin for a long time

15160985? ago

So many times my voice has been taken as a "Shill". There must be a way to easily tell. Like ending each statement with > or some other symbol.

15161019? ago

It's simple. Don't be shillish and no one will mistake you.

15161604? ago

Sometimes the truth sounds like "shilling". That's the danger of it all. Open your heart first before you use your mind to decipher the message. God will tell you.

15162830? ago

If not shilling, sometimes the truth also sounds like concern trolling. If everything you find disagreeable or offensive is "shilling" or "concern trolling," you're probably a liberal. You have to be able to think critically.

15161629? ago

I agree. I always think anything negative is shilly. It's not always the case. Just usually.

15160730? ago

Proof or get the fuck out, faggot

15161218? ago

Yeah, I miss the days when almost every thread was full of links. Now it's just commentary. v/pizzagate is good at this so I go there sometimes for a reminder on my resolve to fuck shit up concerning crimes against children.

Proofs, anons - that's the best way to differentiate shills. I'll be working on this myself. I've got some good stuff on PayPal CEO who wants to stay young forever taking teenage blood intravenously. BRB

15163167? ago

I'll wait

15160668? ago

Shittin on Qtards, ... yep I must be right cause Ima cynic. O an I hate fukn Jews too.

15160645? ago

I'm a cynic so I must be a fuckin genius.

15160323? ago

My favourite are the Qtards who "won't let the shills have the last word". Maroons.

15160202? ago

Hmmm...must be a payoff involved. Why else would they be here? I disagree emphatically with the man-made global warming hoax and would never waste my precious time arguing on a Climate Change board with some airhead who spouts nonsense about carbon credits and reducing carbon footprints.

15160259? ago

BINGO!!! They wouldn't!!!

15160174? ago

In the wider context of voat, you are the shills.

You are interlopers who don't participate in any meaningful way on the other subs and refuse to assimilate.

What is your pay scale? lol

15164745? ago

You are interlopers who don't participate in any meaningful way on the other subs and refuse to assimilate.

i have mostly given up on this. honestly, its an echo chamber, mob vote rules when you have another opinion. its often attacks then, downvoating, mocking. no fun. Q people are kinder. free speech doesnt mean you have to flame everybody whose writing you dont like. kindergarden.

15165094? ago

Well, you're probably a nigger lover.

You have "other opinions".

You are the shills.

15165303? ago

You are also intolerant of other opinions probably even worse since anyone who questions anything is automatically a "paid shill" in your minds

not in my mind, i can well discern between a shill, a serious doubter, and a trolling racist goat. generalization is a human disease, but its painfully frequent on voat. sick.

15160242? ago

I really don't mean to disrespect your platform. It's just that...… compared to Q and Trump kicking ass on the DS everything else seems really boring and played out. I am here to support Q and the movement, not to chat about kittens or the weather. If that's your gig that's cool. Its just not mine.

15160355? ago

chat about kittens or the weather

See, you don't even know what we do here.

15160392? ago

I am so sorry but I really don't. I think by posts I read that its about bashing "niggers and kikes". Is that correct?

15160406? ago

Yes, but we also explain why. lol

15160161? ago

I have been accused of being a (fag fag fag fag fag) shill many times and it's completely untrue.

But I could use the money if I'm going to get called a shill anyway... Where is it you get this money from? And please don't just say "Soros" -- I am wondering where the actual application is?


15160121? ago

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15160044? ago

They hate when we slay them 😂 don't worry about them getting money, it'll probably be seized by uncle Sam one day soon anyway. Prepare anons, second wave of shillary on the way. To smart to fall for these tricks.

15160060? ago


15160034? ago

QRV = Qtard Roleplay Voat (+1$) :D

15160014? ago

0.21 yuan a post in Hong Kong I believe. Phone click farms.

15159996? ago

Shit, my ass would be rich by now.

If nothing happens on "D5", it's over.

15159947? ago


15159716? ago

Or reply the shit out of em, and starve the one who's paying them.

15159963? ago


15159708? ago

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15159682? ago

This submission was linked from this v/WhiteBeauty comment by @obvious-throwaway-.

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15159652? ago

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15159599? ago

Keep the shills posting. It's their master's footing the bill. The shills are merely mercenaries trying to feed their families.

15159297? ago

Shit we're all gorillionaires!

No you're a bunch of dumb nigger faggot kike lovers.

15159290? ago

Finally real people down voting garbage posts by Qtards.

15159254? ago

LOL wait till he figures out he's the shill.

15159107? ago

Thanks for the tip. I usually try to show that the shills' opinion is not the opinion of voat's and/or 'voaters' by replying to them, but I won't any longer!

15159268? ago

We are all learning. Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful that Hillary is not trying to re-educate me in a nice camp. I am thankful that MI is handing the DS their asses. God Bless the USA!!!

15159304? ago

Yes! It'll be a joyous day when h-dawg puts the shackles on. God bless to you and God bless our great country!

15159513? ago

D5 coming soon! Big day!!!

15159074? ago

Someone is bullshitting you. You boomers are so gullible. If someone were paying, we woud've found a way to perfectly game it for our benefit, and ((( their ))) loss.

15159008? ago

Funny. That is how we should treat kkkers and antifa. Starve them. Don’t report on them. Mockingbird relishes promotion the kkk.

15158895? ago

I don't believe it. I've been shillin' hard since reddit and I've yet to be paid. Anybody looking to hire a down on his luck shill? I can work weekdays, weekends and even holidays.

15159299? ago

I hate shills but this is pretty funny😂😂. Gotta have a sense of humor as well.

15159208? ago

So you're literally just a complete waste of life then? Confirmed? Don't even get paid to be a moron? How sad and pathetic.

15159440? ago

Thanks for the 50 cents. I just shilled you hard.

15171841? ago

why not .... it's like giving to the homeless.. 50 c here earned.

15171832? ago

what the hell ... here's another $ 0.5..

15171826? ago

Hahaha... you're welcome to another 50 cents.

15158887? ago

FUCKING qTARDS. I want my $1 now, please.

15158847? ago

15158728? ago

But, you can also torment them and make them dance for the normies, so that they look like bafoons.

15158779? ago

I know how fun that can be. I have an IQ of around 138. These shills aren't that bright. I really liked trolling them and calling them out on their weak arguments. However, as fun as that may be, I have learned that for this movement, my enjoyment comes second to the cause. It's like feeding the birds, feels good while your doing it, but you just end up with more shit at the end. And..... your food turned into shit that you now deal with. Not good.

15159391? ago

Yes. Better to use whatever we can bring to the table for the purpose of advancing the truth by analyzing current events and researching Q posts and other relevant topics. That being said, sometimes it’s worth engaging someone by logically dismantling false arguments. That is often instructional and helpful to people honestly looking for truth or trying to understand. If we have logic and truth on our side it’s wise to use it even if it means dismantling the shills from time to time. But it’s not the main focus or shouldn’t be.

15159485? ago

I LOVED doing just that. I won't do it anymore though.

15159927? ago

Whatever you do it’s good to have you as another weapon in the arsenal

15159991? ago

Just another spoke in the wheel

15158647? ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#10811) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

15158508? ago

How much do they get paid per aww post?

15158358? ago

Stephen Colbert gets paid, Cher gets paid (in a way), Hannah Montana get paid, Don Lemon gets paid. . .why pay the people who get programmed by them? At this point, they're eager volunteers.

15158316? ago

They have to pay off their student loans (for an education that left them with no employable skills in a fair, just and equitable society) somehow, and surely get paid double for leaving the last comment in a thread.

Once their employers' assets are seized (or, just as likely, once their employer reneges on what was promised and lets them know they have an army of lawyers to beat down any push back), hopefully they'll find a way to re-educate themselves and go after the people who brainwashed them and hijacked their compassion into self destruction.

15159492? ago

Post a link, or you're full of shit

15162150? ago

A link to all the personal experiences anyone who's ever been a paid activist for a Soros org? Just ask your colleagues, they're constantly making promises that they don't follow through on, esp. for protests: sure they paid to bus across state lines, got us lots of alcohol, pot (and cocaine for the coke whores), and food, paid for us all to sleep 4-5 to each hotel room.

What they NEVER do is pay the $25-45/hour we're promised (in addition to travel expenses) and then used our good natured genuine care for the environment and culture (etc.) against us and let us know that we had no legal recourse because being bused across state lines to protest is illegal.

15158312? ago

Hell, where do I sign up? How much do non shills get for each insult that a Qtard hurls?

15158254? ago

I don't care if they get money, the info is more important. If they benefit from losing an argument, I don't really care

15158278? ago

Its important not to pay them because it will just encourage more Shillery.

15158303? ago

Our truths and our want of justice is their encouragement to shill.

15158433? ago

It's our WQKE

15158629? ago

Thanks for the $ in replies. It's so easy to get from you boomer tards

15158250? ago

How could they ever prove they posted what they claim they posted? I tried to find an anonymous comment reply I did in the past, you can't look it up in your account. Screen shots? That could be anybody.

15164844? ago

i guess the easiest proof would be to take a shot of the post in your comment window, and then one after you posted it.

15158247? ago

The Jewish Internet Defense Force makes a lot of shekels for sure!! They are all paid by American taxpayer dollars

15158234? ago

They are grossly under paid and should have formed a union. Some are pretty good writers and very keen on how to trigger us boomers (we are just a little slow on the uptake). Being called every name in the book and a member of every bad organization that existed I learned in time to ignore them. I did notice they stopped short of calling us devil worshippers and baby raping murderers, probably too close to home to be projecting that kind of stuff. When that kind of Evil is finally revealed it will be all over for the practitioners and those who knew but said nothing . . . MSM, Hollywood, shills worldwide your time is running out - tick, tock. "They won't be able to walk the streets."

15158248? ago

Well said Patriot

15159149? ago

You sure that wasn't you commenting on your own sub again?

15158107? ago

And how exactly are these comments and replies verified by whomever is supposedly cutting the checks?

15158103? ago

Where? How can I sign up? Also, how would this be profitable? Most of us doubters keep getting down voted and restricted to 10 post a day. So the most we could make is $10. Awfully huge conspiracy. But, I am willing to sign on. Point me in the right direction please.

15164891? ago

10$ x 30 days is a nice little side income. and dont forget the replies, the better you trigger, the higher your pay.

15164981? ago

$300 a month is a nice side income? Are you shitting me? I make more than that in a day working. I'm sureost everyone can say the same. If you're worried about being trolled by someone for $10 a day I don't see that $10 is a strong motivator.

15179876? ago

Most of these cretins are baked ex hippies who make nothing, which is why they lack basic critical thinking skills.

15165129? ago

interesting. i live on 1200 bucks a month, for me, 300 bucks is a nice side income. see how different our realities are? never forget that in your reactions to peoples comments.

15158093? ago

Can you prove these rates?

15158082? ago

No we don't. We get paid a straight $27/hr which includes a 5 posts, 50 comments, and 20 assists (coordination with other Visibility Experts, as we're called on paper) minimum per hour quota. Our time is divided between twitter, here, reddit, and facebook. We have to use the accounts they give us so they can check that we're meeting the quotas, so we don't actually spend much time here because they don't show up. The only time we're here is to drop links to spheres that we do control, or at least have influence in, like the conspiracy subreddit, if it's kinda related.

We honestly don't care if our comments get replied to or not, DV'd or not, because it's literally all about making it look like our ideas are popular, and everyone wants to feel like they're part of the "correct" group. It's actually super effective against everyone except the contrarians, but they don't believe anyone, anyway, and everyone else gets tired of their "SSN is a slave tag, you're born with debt against a bond with your name on it" bullshit. Like homeless dudes yelling at the wind.

It's a pretty sweet gig. Work from home remotely 9 days per week, meetings/"training" once per pay period at the office (ever wonder why shill posts seem to subside some days?), benefits are pretty decent, most weekends off. And you get to make crazy posts on the internet to see how many dummies follow you. It's actually kinda fun, like a real-life-LARP vidya.

Gunna hit the gym, not clocking in until 3.

15171747? ago

Yes, it's the best job I've ever had. I like doing the evening shift, because I get a nice full glass of red wine ready, settle down, and earn my $. The training is interesting, because I had no idea that people are so naive, and easily lead. Anyway, this is unpaid overtime I'm using here, so I'll clock in officially in about 8 hours. Speak to you all then !!

15160144? ago

9 days per week. Trolled. You dumbasses will believe anything. lol

15164607? ago

OP is a troll. What demographic takes this stuff seriously?

15165183? ago

Faggots and boomers.

15162372? ago

Pay period, my mistake. I'll update my post.

15162053? ago

Could be a typo. Just sayin.

15159114? ago

BS. Link or you're full of shit.

15162561? ago

Here's who I am today.

You'll notice all the hallmarks. An account with a decent Community Score, inactive for >1 year, and as a bonus a ton of rep in right-wing subs. They probably paid extra for that. I'm probably going to make some fluff posts for the next little bit in some of the larger subreddits this account has karma in, just so if someone check the post history, they don't see a large gap. I can bang that out in less than an hour.

15158861? ago

The only part I kinda question is the line about making your ideas seem popular and “everyone wants to feel like their part of the correct group.” I really think this is very true among liberals. So much of what they say they believe is because they are basically weak. They have no real sense of self or confidence in truth, regardless if it’s popular. Liberals just want to be in what they think is the “In crowd”. That’s why they love Hollywood and glomming on to the rich and famous. They are weak people in and of themselves and essentially lack true character. But most people on here boards are here because they believe in things that are not necessarily popular but are nonetheless true. We don’t look around seeking affirmation from stupid and blind people. While we may not all agree about everything including Q, we are here(most of us, and of course excluding the “shills”) because we care about real, serious, consequential ideas. We care about the course of his nation and a battle literally between good and evil. So let’s leave the cliques and popularity contests for the small minded liberals who still act like they’re in junior high school, vainly looking around for affirmation from the “right group.” That’s why, regardless of your “training” and presence here you really done (and will never) matter that much.

15164962? ago

Liberals just want to be in what they think is the “In crowd”

kinda stupid, the idea that only liberals want to be part of a crowd or popular. socializing is human nature, dude, not a partisan issue.

15162591? ago

I assure you, liberals also feel like they belong to their group for moral reasons, including fighting those evil republicans.

15158932? ago

"Work from home remotely 9 days per week"

You don't question this part?

15164731? ago

Or how about the $27/hr. No one is going to pay that much money for something like that.

15165663? ago

I still find 27/hr more believable than there suddenly being two brand new days of the week!

Poof! Let there be Trumpday!

Poof! Let there be ThedonaldDay!

15168977? ago

They edited it to say 9 days per 'pay period'.

...and please don't give them any ideas about creating new days. :p

15159066? ago

Actually I do question that as well. I honestly have no idea if this person is telling the truth but what does it matter? My point is that whoever they are and whatever they do, they won’t matter to me and most others here for the reasons I stated.

15158850? ago

It's effective against sheep, not goats.

15165000? ago

yep. goats troll, not shill. they are on a war path against the stupid Qtards and dont realize their own stupidity. too sad that they enjoy spreading bad vibes, i love them anyway, heheh, just talking with most of them is tiring, an ever repeating stereotype, yawn.

15165356? ago

Also goats are too busy sucking down Social Security and playing LoL and WoW to get paid anything,

15158480? ago

Do you ever feel any remorse about the direction you might be steering the world?

15162666? ago

Like I said, it'll all a game. You think the world will end if liberals get power, they're convinced the world will end if you get/keep power. Actually, playing off the "good vs. evil, us vs. them" is one of our most successful tactics.

15163085? ago

No it wouldn't end the day Liberals take power. The course of humanity, slow moving hulk that it is, would be steered in a direction that will affect the next generation, not you. You're taking full advantage of an easy lifestyle while ruining the ability of future generations to access that. Nihilism is purposeful ignorance of repercussion. "It's all a game". You will be judged. You will pay a toll for your easy lifestyle. Probably not in this life.

15163200? ago

I hope you're wrong, what with me burning the candle at both ends.

But you seem nice, and not all yell-y. Best of luck to you.

15163954? ago

Don't worry too much. It won't be fire and brimstone. Just a shittier world you and I will respawn into. Things will suck a bit more on every level and we as a species will have built that. Extrapolate that cycle a thousand more years and where are we? We do reap what we sow.

God isn't top down authoritarianism as the Bible portrays it. He is your fellow man. When you look another human in the eyes that is God. Love you. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you decide to earn a living in a way that doesn't trash the future, because we are both going to have to live in that future.

15159120? ago

Only a retard would be steered by others. Looks like you qualify

15158908? ago

Highly doubt 'they' do; 'they' are TRAITORS.

15159315? ago

And therefor....

15158408? ago

Believable LARP. Do you counter your own shill posts when you get off work? Otherwise why type this out for us?

15162748? ago

Because it's pretty lucrative, if anyone's looking for a job.

Counter my own posts? On most platforms, I don't even read or reply to my inbox, unless I think I can get someone spun up and make you all look bad. Voat's harder to do that, no one really feels like they need to defend their honor, but on reddit/facebook: super easy. Ever seen memes of "stupid things liberals say?" If you pay attention to liberal memes, I've created over a hundred of those for this shit you guys say.

15158347? ago

Unless KD changed quotas you're wrong.

15158074? ago

Good, no replies and no up or down votes. Give them zero attention.

15158085? ago

Definitely down vote them!!!

15158353? ago

People tell me different things here.

15158443? ago

Use your critical thinking skills to defeat the SHILLS!

15158063? ago

That’s my only issue here on voat. Too much engagement with obvious shills. They are winning right now on this board because the message and debate about serious topics gets lost in the never ending back and forth with the shills. We should just downvote and not respond. We are never going to change a shills mind. All the petty arguing with them only makes it more difficult for newfags to learn what this movement is all about.

15184168? ago

Disinfo must be refuted. That is one of the reasons for 1st amendment. You don't appear to understand how this speech thing works.

15167566? ago

They are not winning. They are obvious. Voat is immune to shills. They can't blend.

15163767? ago

Yes, and being an anonymized message board makes it impossible for us to know who to trust or build relationships. Coincidence?

15162125? ago

You seem reasonable. Unfortunately you have joined the wrong cult and the wrong site.

15159141? ago

This is exactly right. I know I’ve engaged them too many times. Low hanging fruit from a rotten tree. The best thing to do is just ignore them as if they were being shadow banned lol. Just leave them alone. It’ll piss them off and they’ll go bother someone else.

15168039? ago

But down vote them first, then ignore them

15159203? ago

I doubt they’ll actually go bother someone else as they’re getting paid to be here. The ridiculous back and forth with them will not fill the comments here diluting the message

15184191? ago

Your premise that they are paid to engage can't be accepted just because you say that. Be reasonable.

15158108? ago

I agree. I am now reformed from my shillery. It was fun but..... time to get serious.

15167810? ago

Me too. It was fun but time to let it go, unless someone wants to pay me to keep attacking shills.

15157960? ago

Shillstoo, Read ''Pound Shills Too.'

15157952? ago

I want this job! Where do I sign up?

15157858? ago

If anyone needs a good shill and is willing to pay me $1 a comment please DM me. I'm available over the weekend.

15157834? ago

I get paid NOTHING. I do this because I enjoy watching you faggots lose your shit.

15157861? ago

Sounds like you are losing your shit here, buddy

15157890? ago

You just paid him .50$

15157700? ago

How much does a shill earn when we upvote their comments and or submissions?

15157723? ago

The shill gets their wings

15157666? ago

Shill Lives Matter

15157690? ago


15157762? ago

Shill kids need to eat too.

15157794? ago

Roaches check in ….. but they don't check out! Shills log on but.....

15157874? ago


15157597? ago

Dear OP,

How did you realize the shills get paid $1 per comment and 50c per reply?

Please be precise.

15162119? ago

ya its jooossss we rent space in your pea brain..run hide the jooooooos are controlling everything............lol idiot

15166744? ago

Yes, Jews are the most treacherous people in human history.

You've been told to fuck off and never return 1,030 times over the past 3,200 years... always for being lying, thieving, greedy little inbred fuckers.

Jews are a blight on humanity.

15213458? ago

do you realise how messed u r?

15169341? ago

and i am telling u to fuck off

15159248? ago

Totally agree. Do they think POTUS or Q agree with their racist sentiments? True patriots are (or could be) anywhere and of any race. Many of these people making those comments are problematic shills trying to give the whole movement a racist or anti Semitic rep. They will lose as well.

15165038? ago

the racist shit is mostly goats, i sense.

15162133? ago

right, and when u bring this to their attention they call u a kike lol

15159981? ago

Wrong, Europeans founded the US.

15157609? ago

Read the comments below, I updated my title after more intel

15157845? ago

The Q movement has no skin color. Those trying to divide us by attacking Jews are also shills. They want to create hate and division. Anyone that rallies to the banner of freedom is a patriot. WWG1WGA

15158845? ago

If you think people are getting paid to drop truth bombs on (((them))) then you're a fantasist. They do controlled false flags... not just educate people to their ways and hope the revenge comes rolling in.

15159223? ago

The individuals that control false flags, like Soros, include some that are Jewish by birth, but these individuals are also Jew haters because of the values and freedoms promoted by Israel are the same as those promoted by America and Christianity..

You can't lump them all into one basket. It would be like saying all Americans are evil and attacking all Americans because many of the worst liberals are Americans. OR blaming the world's problems on men. The overgeneralization in order to place blame is something liberal shills do in order to create division.

15160169? ago

You are exactly correct. Media Matters who set up PACs like Correct the Record are the ones who get paid. Media Matters is made up of Soros progressives jews and gentiles. JDL are more conservative jews that actually hate Soros and BLM, etc. They also hate Islam. Like you said, you cannot lump them all into one basket.

15159932? ago

With that logic you could never bomb ISIS because one of them might be the nice guy that just bakes the bread.

Boomer alert.

15160015? ago

No, because the ideology of ISIS and the leadership of ISIS want our destruction. Anyone that joins their ranks has signed on to killing us. They are all guilty, they made a choice..

I'm saying don't blame people for what they can't help, like being born into a certain race.

15164531? ago

Don't blame jews for wanting to destroy the White race - they couldn't help being born jewish...

15160092? ago

And (((they))) want our destruction... it's in their book... it says it clearly... do you listen to anyone here on voat when they drop truth bombs on this stuff or do you just revert to your (((programming))) and ignore it all? Honestly... for all intensive purposes they are a more sophisticated version of ISIS that has infiltrated us from the core out.

15160307? ago

I read what people say the Jews believe, then I look up what is written and its never the same thing. It reminds me of what the atheists say I believe from the Bible.

15160697? ago

Ladies and Gentlemen... this man is either illiterate or a kike... place your bets.

15165107? ago

Jared Kushner and Ivanka are Jews. Do you really think Q would be involved in a movement targeting the President's family? Jesus Christ was a Jew, if you think all Jews are bad, you cant be Christian. George Soros thinks Jews are evil and targets them as did his fellow NAZIs. Muslims believe it is their holy duty to kill Jews. Be careful of who you follow.

Patriots have no skin color, we unite with anyone that stands with us on the side of freedom against tyranny. WWG1WGA

15168267? ago

Patroits have no skin color.. so when the USA is 80% non white it will still be a fantastic place to live in. STOP SPREADING LIES KIKE. THE WHITE MAN MAKES THE NATION

15161889? ago

My bet is kike. I have seen that pilpul before.

15160083? ago

Ever read the Talmud? It makes the Koran look like a Bible. lol

15159826? ago

Very good comment and yet downvoted. Shills are everywhere.

15160037? ago

Because it's not a good comment... with that logic you could never bomb ISIS. That logic will be the death of the west.

15158073? ago

Actually, stoking the racism against blacks is extremely important.

15158873? ago

Agree... they want to save the west... to then flood it with 3rd world and blacks... retarded boomers still brainwashed from all the (((propaganda))). The ethnostate WILL BE the saviour of the west.

15157856? ago

I agree. We (global) are Q.

15157695? ago

The comments look like you and your alt are talking to yourself.

Please answer the question: How did you realize the shills get paid $1 per comment and 50c per reply?

15157705? ago

"They are all JDL (look it up) and get paid $1 per post and .50 per response. About a year back one of us infiltrated them and learned how they operate."

15160213? ago

They are not JDL.

15160268? ago


15163710? ago

"they're X"

"no they aren't"

"oh yeah???? prove it faggot"

You LITERALLY created an entire post to push your retarded theory. It is on you to prove it. Fucking basic bitch qtards.

15160416? ago

The burden of proof is on you.

15157479? ago

Thanks for the tip

15157506? ago

They get .50$ per reply. I will never give them fifty cents ever again! Let them STARVE!

15171893? ago

Come on, please. I have a whole family of little shills to support..

15157655? ago

I hope you realize we can see you talking to yourself.

15157473? ago

They are all JDL (look it up) and get paid $1 per post and .50 per response. About a year back one of us infiltrated them and learned how they operate.

15184233? ago

No we don't need to "look it up". The way it works here is if you state what you call a fact, you are expected to supply a source for said fact.

15160752? ago

This is our tax money, no? Isn't this what the anti-semitism laws are for?

15160542? ago

Damn, where can I get this money? I could be making some real money.

15160681? ago

Se my response to 15160672

15184247? ago

Faggot cunt nigger kike dyke, oh but I repeat myself.

15160045? ago

JDL are not left. Sleeping giants, media matters are the ones that employee. Job requirements:

  • Must be very familiar with Twitter and other social media platforms, and how to use these tools to shape the public debate.
  • Must have a strong interest in media and understanding of the effects conservative misinformation has on our public debate.

15160354? ago

Dont tell me how to do my job.

15159999? ago

Yes of course you did smh

15159886? ago

Where's this nonsense coming from ?

$1 per post

15163681? ago

Delusional fantasies

Some people get pissy at Q for delays, and complain

Others create elaborate fantasy worlds where they're fighting off hordes of highly paid shills (little do those fools know they'll soon be dragged off to gitmo!). Sounds like fun, even if its clearly the less mentally stable of the options

15160019? ago

Out of his ass.

15159984? ago

Its 100% the truth. I can hire you but we need to see your work for free for 2 weeks first. Its how we interview.

15161126? ago

Evidently your standards are pretty low.

15161184? ago


15159627? ago

This is why they continue to reply to comments with nonsensical replies that make no sense to the context of the conversation.

15158831? ago

Most of us are trolls, retard. LOL shills......

15160849? ago

No shit. I’ve even made up posts claiming to be paid to disrupt Q. I invented all sorts of details that made the Qtards wet themselves. It made them feel so significant.

15161934? ago

I bet it made you feel even more significant!

15162466? ago

To be fair it’s easy to be emperor of the North Pole.

15165430? ago

Can't say the same about the South Pole lol.

Better not cross turf with the penguin pineal gland cartel!

15158960? ago

Whats a troll?

15160791? ago

Turn off your phone and look at the screen

15160858? ago


15159018? ago

15157842? ago

Not all of us. Some of us are just pissed off ex-Q supporters who do this for fun.

15159883? ago

...Aaand now it's a dollar richer

15159805? ago

Bingo. Wwg1wga. So we can bash the movement all day long cause we're still going where you go lololol

15158714? ago

Some of us are SBBH

15160319? ago

what is SBBH? I see that a lot but don't understand.

15160461? ago


That should help you get a feel for things.

Also, I've compiled some info here https://voat.co/v/QRV/2835670 and fresh just made this post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2866335

freshmeat is friendly, by the way. don't let kevdude tell you otherwise

15160601? ago

Thanks, but I thought Voat is anonymous?

15160864? ago

I'm not sure what kind of question you're asking me.

But, Voat itself isn't necessarily anonymous. Anon has been at Voat for a long time, and there are anonymous subs like v/anontalk or v/qrv. But, you do have an account that you use across the site, which even in subs like this where that username isn't displayed, there's still a link to your username and comments you make in anon subs just based on the coding of the site. Putt can see that IP and username, but other users (hopefully, at least) cannot.

15177218? ago

Honestly, Ive never been worried of being doxxed at all. GOD is in control whether people know/want Him to be or not. And they come for me and off me, I know where Im going.

15181624? ago

Never have any worry, anon.

The Wizzards and Warlocks keep an eye on us. They're here to protect.

15158669? ago

Your mom is fun.

15158099? ago


15158076? ago

You need to step up your game and get real weird with things like @GhostSkin. Study my material and get busy.

15158320? ago

I've been here fucking up shit for months. I've got my own material.

15158978? ago

No you dont

15157958? ago

Exactly. These residual Q-tards really are stupid. OMG.

15158684? ago

You toughened up your mom for future disappointments.

15158870? ago

Your mother is a jew. GG you lose

15158750? ago

What are you in, like 3rd grade? That was so stupid, it was funny. Thanks.

Q onward sheep.

15158034? ago


15158140? ago

Would like fries with that? Would you like to super-size?

15157480? ago

Wow. Nice intel drop. Nice Op.

15165062? ago

OP, you didn't have to resort to responding to yourself. That is just weak dude...

15160972? ago

“Intel” with no sources or any level of verification. Sounds about right.

15160970? ago

Gullible is not in the dictionary.

15159072? ago

LOL typical Qtard replying to it's own sub and forgetting to switch ALTS. LOLOLOL

15171821? ago

I knew this Q shit was fake.

15162056? ago

No, no, upvote this thread to the top so everyone sees it.. rofl

15162085? ago

Good point. Upvoted lol

15160935? ago

Heh. That’s pretty rich. They sure don’t put much deep thought into what they do.

15160577? ago

But it's a low level troll who doesn't have a VPN. Most of us real trolls and shills know how to hide our alts.

15159028? ago

Dude, it still flags you as op in the comments. Don't reply to yourself.

15162159? ago

LOL trying to control your retards? Good luck

15162088? ago

It was a DS hacker. OP speaks the truth!


15160854? ago

This post is made by the local 'trolls', don't pay it any mind.

15158039? ago

It's mainly 4chan /pol/ that it happens. Not so much here.

15160615? ago


15157600? ago

For example I just got paid $0.50.

15160596? ago

Cool, I know how to make comments. How do I go about collecting the 50 cents?

15160672? ago

You need to make a thread and each response gets .50. They like it when we post gay stuff because it pushes the gay agenda and gets people acclimated to hearing about gay perversions. Start with this. What is youe username?

15184221? ago

OK and my name? ShirlyUjest

15184288? ago

Let's make love

15157633? ago

Ayyyy lamo. You're getting trolled OP...

They don't get paid this much. It's much less. Shareblue really keeps the shekels tight.

15157624? ago

Lol. Now $1

15157634? ago

We all have to eat right? (@GhostSkin)

15157651? ago

Starve the Shills!!! Shilly Starvation Station!

15157675? ago

$ Thank you, come again.

15159058? ago

$ .50 booya