Also can we invite Alex Jones here?


You mean I can finally say, “Nigger” or “Illegal alien” without getting banned now? Great!

AOU ago

You're not fooling anyone.

I can live edit a page and make you say whatever I want.

Try again, SBBH turd.

AOU ago

lol, I am.

Your kosher turd club is already well known for raiding and flooding shitposts.

AOU ago

You were happy to raid phuks with me.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Didn't know you enjoy pulling stories out of your ass.

Crensch ago

I stand corrected, and I'm happy to see it! Thank you trig

Crensch ago

Atko ago

He used to be my cofounder, he believed in Voat when everyone else thought I was crazy, but I have not seen him in 4 years...

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/Voat comment by @PeaceSeeker.

Posted automatically (#12308) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

AOU ago

lol what?

Please don't classify me with these basement dwelling turds.

lord_nougat ago

It doesn't really exist. We're just figments of your imagination.

Nadeshda ago


daskapitalist ago

Welcome aboard you bigger maggot!

Tallest_Skil ago

Truth is more important than freedom.

AOU ago

Ask Atko.

AOU ago

Tsk tsk...

We are the team behind Voat, ask us anything! (announcements) submitted 2,5 years ago by zook

zook [S] 22 points (+22|-0) 2,5 years ago (edited 2,5 years ago)

Shadowbanning is already implemented (we have seen it as a very effective tool against spammers). We will have a weekly list on the site that shows the people that are shadowbanned plus the reason. With this list, it is harder to abuse shadowbanning, but the tool itself can still be used against spammers (they usually do not know the functionality of the site and therefore will not see that list).

AOU ago

Yet another Fake News, cnndude.

I never claimed Voat shadowbanned users.

I said: "Unlike voat, poal doesn't have a shadowban tool", which is really different. And when you called me a shill trying to troll, I provided a link to a voat comment made by a voat admin claiming they had such tool.

Voat is the refrigerator that Putt left unpowered for days, and you are the toxic bacterial infection that spoiled its leftover dishes. All you do now is try to contaminate anything added inside. Just like your SBBH turd friends.


I believe he cited a source on that. I however don't see this drama as being positive for anyone. Even if thats correct and voat does have that who cares? Its puttitouts platform and he can run it how he sees fit. Why not support all free speech platforms. I go on notabug phuks voat and poal, obviously I spend the most time on poal because I have to maintain it but I support all free speech platforms and see no reason why they can't all succeed. We are all doing something slightly different but at the end of the day our end goal is the same.


There are currently only 2 rules on poal, one is keep it in an appropriate sub and no pedophilia thats it. You can put what ever the fuck you want in a shitposting sub or a NSFW sub, come post porn wtf anything you want. Just keep it in the appropriate sub. That is it.


What would you suggest the rule be? I'm of the opinion that if I make specific rules and set them they will be abused. I take things on a case by case basis. If you have a better idea I am all ears, if you know how to create a system that can't be abused I am all ears.


So your saying cleaning up spam when people are sliding the front page of whatever into oblivion with things like goatsee is censorship? I'm seriously curious where your line is?

Doglegwarrior ago

Yep welcome jewniggerfaggot

I am always worried it will be shut down. But it seems to be going strong right now... it disgust me when you see a semi controversial topic and the comment section is always shut down.. the libtsards live in an echo chamber that is constsntly censored for them while we have to go and search for a website like this so we can say what we really think and feel.



Honey_Pot ago

Glad you enjoy the Honey Pot.

culofiesta ago

I found another site that so far seems to be free speech. It's not a discussion board but they have forums and the majority of people are anti liberal. So far it seems uncensored though a couple babies have been whining for more moderation because there aren't enough liberals.

AOU ago

Coming from a SBBH turd, I take it as a compliment 😂

AOU ago

Notifications, you obviously don’t know how they work. 😂

goatboy ago


On this we do not equivocate. There will be free speech or total global extinction!

Freedom of thought and expression are not negotiable.

Thrus2 ago

Personally I don't give a shit if you push the boundary of speech or not, I care if there is something interesting to discuss and people that can think for themselves to discuss it with. The words you pick to use are up to you but the choice of what ones you use rarely has a positive influence beyond the context you use them in..

lial ago

stay put!

ArtJonesForCongress ago

A much more distributed model is needed eventually, but this is certainly a nice place to have. Is anyone working on a distributed model for hosting thoughtcrime?

thantik ago

The fun boundary to push here is honestly going against the grain and watching people who consider themselves somehow different from "the left", get triggered just as hardcore and REEEEEEEEEEEEEE just in a different dialect. You can tell who the NPCs are and those who think for themselves. They are just as bad as Redditors are.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Amen fucking towel head nigger faggot jew!!!

memememema ago

I Came here because I wanted freedom and to rebuild a fractured mind. Thanks society for cracking my young mind into a thousand pieces.

Nadeshda ago

You are going to be okay!

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

This place is honeypot meant to concentrate the enemies for easier future elimination.

Just kidding.

Or am I..?

I am !

(that's what I would say if I tried to hide the truth)

(that's what I would say to confuse you )

(I'm confused too now)

fuckmyreddit ago

Just #walkaway.

Saufsoldat ago

the community loves it when I push the boundary of speech.

Bullshit. Try disagreeing with the echo chamber and see how much "the community loves" it.

sguevar ago

So you are claiming that your CCPs come from sucking our dicks and kissing our asses?

Downvoting for the misleading premise you gave.

Saufsoldat ago

Go ahead, disagree with the predominant opinions on /v/politics or /v/news and see how people react. You're just buttmad about the fact that this has become and echo chamber.

sguevar ago

If I put a comment that got downvoted but not deleted or I didn't get banned how is that censorship?

Fuck off faggot.

Saufsoldat ago


Still buttmad. Nobody is talking about censorship, just about the fact that voat has become an echo chamber and that nobody will cheer you on for going against the group think.

sguevar ago

buttmad... (G.G) simply pointless. Faggots gonna fag.

Saufsoldat ago

Thanks for proving my point.

lord_nougat ago

You victoriously whined about downvotes! Congrats!

Saufsoldat ago

Where did I whine? OP made a demonstrably false claim about the nature of voat's community.

lord_nougat ago

Did he?

I may have missed that, I'll have to reread things in the thread again...

smokratez ago

I can and have always been able to say any fucking thing I want here, and not only that, the community loves it when I push the boundary of speech.

I wouldn't say that.

You got shat on here.

sguevar ago

He was still able to say what he wanted, the comment did not get deleted and he did not get banned.

smokratez ago

I am only pointing out what a faggot he is.

sguevar ago

I see.

shawnfromnh69 ago

If there are muslims around then goats know about poles and don't turn their backs on them.

another_dot ago

reality....what a concept!

smokratez ago

Also this place is a honey pot. Meant to make you reveal your power level in public getting you fired or some shit like that.

Nadeshda ago

reveal your power level in public

This is an interesting concept, please tell me more?

sguevar ago

Spamming much?

smokratez ago

Not at all.

Wulfgar ago

They gather us here so we are isolated, easily identified and easy to deal with when the time comes.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Free Speech is timely and timeless. It cannot get old.

SparkS ago

yea... but kid urself... this place is a joke too... not as big as others but it is... even though some good principles stood at its base and were satisfingly applied... not to mention there are problems hgere too.. like np... u cant post adults fucking kids... probably some unregistered crimes and so on... ofc these shits preety much get over the heads of that putt or wtfever... personaly i didnt tried and probably ud just get donwvoted if ud post porn or wtfever in other categories unrelated to that... and i totally understand that... cause that crap would be non-sense... anyway this free line wouldl get much much thicker if this community would be bigger... freedom shrinks where numbers grow... thats why killing ur opponents is usually good..

AOU ago

It's the old model! Free speech or no speech!

Hold on

22trilionAsecond ago

Voat is a honeypot.

I bet there is a file out there that ties my published beliefs with my personal info.

Adminstrater ago

If Voat gets too popular, you just know that the media is going to frame the supposed moderator of /v/milliondollarextreme for murdering school children. They've done it before.

New_years_day ago

Want some tissue, faggot? :-p

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

I have to admit sometimes it is easy to take voat for granted.

inspiretk ago

hahahaha I hear you!!! Check out 8chan, it's even more hardcore there

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Kill all the jew children! Mail the bodies to:

ThoseFeels ago

It's time to genocide the Jews, it's not a joke anymore.

Dixy_Lee_Ray-Ban ago

Yep! Gas them till the actual number is 6 million.

Edit to make it more positive.

retardicus ago

Wtf? Be real, what do you think this place is? It's a goddamn zoo. You don't think every word here is constantly pored over by a round the clock team of analysts? We're animals in a zoo. They're studying us. The reason everything else is censored is so we all come here. We're corralled into one spot for the convenience of tptb. We fell for it. If we were so smart we'd know that they have an underlying tactic of playing both sides of a controversy. And when the 'anti semitism' dies down, one of them stirs it back up. We're being used. Studied. They are gathering data. Here. On us. How do you not know that? And you call yourself an anti semite. Hitler would have gassed you first.

mrfetus ago

I really don't like you anti-NatSoc fuckwits.

retardicus ago

Puff. Be real. There's no natsoc here. That's my point. Natsoc is about pride and dignity. You fuckwads have turned it into hate and beer.

mrfetus ago

That why the Alt-Reich /pol/ movement is separate from the neo-nazi stormfront movement. We strive for a nation for our people, to care for and provide for them. We're not degenerate drunks.

Don't tear down what you don't know.

retardicus ago

Oh shit. You said /Pol/. Land of traps and gore. Ok. Enlighten me. What are you doing to advance your people? Aside from these different 'movements' with different names. What do you do? Make memes about niggers? Fight queers in the street? What do you do?

mrfetus ago

Land of traps and gore.

That's not /pol/.

Are you white and non Jewish?

retardicus ago

That's not pol? You want to know how this all started? I got upset watching some gook beat a dog to death. That was right after watching some muzzie make a girl put a cellphone on top of her head so he could smash it with a big ass log. I wonder if she's dead now or just retarded. This is the shit I sift thru looking for news about child trafficking arrests. Anywho, thanks for your interest in my geneology. I'm Irish, Dutch, with a twist of American Indian. I'm athiest. My ancestors were Catholic. But enough about me. Let's talk about you.

mrfetus ago

Let's talk about you.

I like meatloaf, Jews, and pizza- basically anything you can put in an oven. I'm white-white.

I'm a vocal advocate of the cause, I've built a small community. It what I can do. I'm also politically active. What are you doing?

I stopped going to 4chan along time ago, I was talking about infinitychan. The shills destroyed 4chan, I remember that.

muzzie make a girl put a cellphone on top of her head so he could smash it with a big ass log

Fucking Christ man

retardicus ago

Well, good. I think I already said this, I wish the cause was viewed positively. The meatloaf and Jews gag is pretty funny, but it's counter productive. This whole 'fed up' mentality is like driving a car with the emergency brake on. Are we the good guys or not? We got to start acting like good guys.

mrfetus ago

I agree.

Joking and bitching on the internet is what keeps me together in my waking life.

Nadeshda ago

So you use an alt account with very low contributions to this site to bring us this breaking news! So tell me how am I to know you are to be trusted and not just acting like your name, lol ?!?

Hitler would have gassed you first.

Okay never mind, it’s self explanatory, lol!

retardicus ago

Well. This is my account. I don't contribute. I lurk. Because I find the subject matter interesting. What I'm trying to convey, simply, is that a majority of people who claims to subscribe to the ideology of Hitler would not be approved by Hitler himself. This is rudimentary. I don't care if you trust me or not. This isn't about me. The message is clear. Don't talk about it. Be about it.

Nadeshda ago

You are condescending a bit but text can be misleading.

Yes, you do not contribute much, not even many measly upvotes on subject matters that apparently interests you ?

Yes, many here would not be approved for a life of discipline and self control this is true. Your lack of contribution is what concerned me, as clearly you have things to say but perhaps fear or alternative reasons hinder you. You are being monitored regardless you know this right?

retardicus ago

Right. Monitored. And maybe that's why I don't contribute or upvote. I don't really want to be a part of the community. I browse here and at pol seriously for the news. I'm waiting for a happening. I rarely engage in conversation at all. I don't say anything until I think there's something that needs to be said. I'm white. I've never been into white pride until now, when it seems white people are being undermined and mistreated. Funny side note, when I typed 'white pride' right now, auto suggest displayed 'white privilege'. I like black people. I like Mexicans. Jews, as people are ok too. Point being, flinging shit at each other doesn't advance the cause. Everyone here pretty much agrees on the issues. Material here is by and large, preaching to the choir. Continued snarky memes about minority groups only enforces the stigma of whites as hateful people. it's counter productive on many levels. It feeds the enemy. It justifies their perceived victimhood. Wordy, right? One more hypothetical. If for some reason, nobody posted all day, say, everyone fell ill or went on vacation at the same time... You wouldn't even know it. Voat would still be full of stories about violence and cartoons about merchants. Brought to courtesy of the adl, who would use the material to cry about later.

Nadeshda ago

It’s sad you don’t want to be part of the community here, there are some fine goats around.

Lol, yip white privilege, what a joke indeed. Our heritage is being erased before our very eyes as if we never existed in certain places of the world. Just creeping in slowly like stalking cat to pounce!

The lazy entitled whites who striggle with no identity just getting sucked into this lunacy. Adopting other cultures as a mesms of coping and being accepted but forgetting who they are. Willingly robbing themselves of belonging to someone greater then themselves.

I agree with you on many levels but I do hope that you contribute the more positive reinforcing side. We all need to, really.

If we are on show then let’s hold on to what is good and build on the future. Even though we both know it will get worse and worse, let us at the very least stand for something. Just my thoughts here and possibly very romantic and seemingly unpractical but furthermore, I thoroughly endorse living in reality first with our loved ones and those we hold dear.

It bugs the crap out of me that the war is digital; because being fully engaged in it robs us of our humanity; reinforcing bad social skills, poor irl camaraderie and stimulates anxiety.

Woa didn’t mean to say all that, but okay... lol.

Anyhoo, nice meeting you and I hope to see you around, have a great weekend!

retardicus ago

Hey. Yer alright. I read that twice. I just want to sorta clarify one thing. When I said I don't want to be part of the community, I didn't mean that to sound like I think poorly of the community. I know this place is full of good people. More what I meant is, I'm not really a community type person. If I occasionally take issue with the redundancy of this place, perhaps that means I'm spending too much time here. Anywho, thanks and blessings.

jnola2 ago

This is profound.

retardicus ago

Deep ain't it? Roll your pants up.

ThoseFeels ago

No one stops me from saying the truth here.

I presume my data is being gathered no matter where I am on the Internet.

Yes what you are saying could be true, but here you are just the same

retardicus ago

C'mon scrow. 'could' be true? Is that what you really think? Puff. And yeah, here I am, just the same. That's why I say 'we' and not 'you'. Giving away our attitudes and power levels is like giving battle plans to the enemy. They know us better than we know ourselves. I'm going to give away a battle plan right now. You know what would really scare the shit outta them? I mean really shake em up? If suddenly one day this place was full of kittens and drag queens like faggot ass reddit. If the rhetoric fell off the radar, they'd go apeshit trying to find it. Too bad I had to say it. Now they know.

ThoseFeels ago

You're making some sense.

If this place got taken out and nothing took its place, or if this place turned into read it, then they would not know where the eye of the storm lies. They would not have a nucleus under a microscope, but instead a counter-Semitic gas that permeates all places

But isn't there power in unity and common assemblence? If we didn't have a central watering hole, wouldn't )))resistance((( be more likely to die off?

retardicus ago

I don't really know what I'm saying. I don't have a plan or any real alternative. I only know that I occasionally get the feeling that this daily routine is counter productive. There is a limit, I'm sure of that. When enough people are posting enough 'hateful' things.. certain counter measures will be taken by them. But those will be done in secret.

cyks ago

In the meantime, Trump is still President.

retardicus ago

Amen to that.

a_fucking_dude ago

Way to suck up to the admins while doing a testimonial for the site, bruh.

ThoseFeels ago

I felt like testifying.

slumbermachine ago

Just wait until icann censors the domain name. Voat will cease to exist unless you know the ip.

Enemy_of_time ago

You definitely can not say anything you want here and get any kind of love in return, except for the love of getting trolled.

You say something that only slightly differs from the opinions of the "top dogs" then you get down voted to the negatives and then you're silenced.

"I doubt that, you niggerfaggot" oh yeah? It happened to me on my first month when I shared an opinion about the quality of posts here.

ThoseFeels ago

I just don't agree with that being 'censorship', that's you just being unpopular. I have seen first day posts not crafted to appease anyone go straight to the front.

Enemy_of_time ago

Oh I'll gladly accept down votes for an unpopular opinion. But this guy went into each and every post I'd ever done and down voted them, is that not censorship?

ThoseFeels ago

It is not.

Enemy_of_time ago

Explain how one angry user that disagrees with my opinion and knocks me into the negative ccp so I can't submit any posts and only comment 10 times a day isn't censorship. Especially after I'd built it up to the hundreds.

Yes it is censorship, disallowing a person to share their opinion because you don't like is censorship.

ThoseFeels ago

Because another person could do the exact opposite for you if they like what you say. There's no censorship, but that doesn't mean its fair.

Enemy_of_time ago

I'm not sure why you're refusing to accept this, but I've clearly expressed to you that is exactly what censorship is.

Redcobra ago

Newfag here thanks goats!! OP >>> spot on Unbelievably informative site!!!

QualityShitposter ago

Fuck you. Have an upvoat.

04982309482039482034 ago

There are actually very good reasons why people here like to push the boundary of free speech.

1) People who want to censor will not be able to endure that level of free speech. That way they can't get a foothold on this site. They cannot corrupt this page from within, it's just too disgusting for them to stay here in great numbers.

2) Even initially stupid expansion of free speech will eventually lead to meaningfull conversation later.

3) It ensures that people who come and stay are mature enough for meaningful conversation

It's like the perfect immigration policy, every shitty person is chased away almost in an instant.

Chad88 ago

Even initially stupid expansion of free speech will eventually lead to meaningfull conversation later

Are you saying that meaningful conversation doesn't happen here now?

04982309482039482034 ago

It does. Allowing any bullshit leads to meaningfull conversations.

If you censor things you don't like, you'll kill the meaningful conversation that will arise from it.

Voat does have lots of meaningful conversations, BECAUSE of their free speech policy.

Chad88 ago

Yeah I agree it just sounded to me like you were dismissing all of the current conversation as stupid and meaningless my bad.

Uncle_Tractor ago

4) Many of the regulars came here because they were kicked off other platforms for speaking their mind.

04982309482039482034 ago

While that's not wrong, point 1 to 3 are a defense mechanism that protects free speech on this page, while 4 is just an observation.

mrfetus ago

Are there dark sites?

TheBuddha ago


mrfetus ago

Any you'd suggest?

TheBuddha ago

No. You'd visit them and spread cancer.

Try torch. Seek and you shall find. Torch will lead the way.

mrfetus ago

Good sir, I assure you I'm fully 14/88 compliant and my posting history speaks to that.

I'll check torch out, thx.

TheBuddha ago

Torch is what you need.

lord_nougat ago

You TORCHered him!

TheBuddha ago

That was horrible.

lord_nougat ago

I am shame.

mrfetus ago

I see that now. ✋🏻

antiliberalsociety ago

Kiss voats ass to farm points, but you're still a reddifaggot at heart

Rawrination ago

This is beyond my ability. I just upvoat good stuff. Glad there are people out there looking deeper into things. I just hope they're not shills themselves. This whole spy vs spy game gets old to me pretty quick, but I do appriciate the genuine efforts of those like yourself. Looking out for the rest of us.

ThoseFeels ago


Fagtardicus ago

oy gevalt, the goyim know


14526843? ago

True believers donate to v/butts4putts

thatguyiam ago

The censorfags hate free speech so they have paid shills go in every corner of the internet, including here, and post kiddie porn and threats against groups of people so that afterward the censorfags can go to police and say "see all the pedos and hateful racists shut it down!'

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Doctors are highly motivated to conceal the true cause of circumcision death. Neonatal circumcision has no medical indication and is now considered to be an unnecessary7 non-therapeutic8 operation. It is unethical to carry out such operations on minors who cannot consent for themselves.9 Consequently, most doctors who have a baby die after a circumcision would prefer to attribute the results of his unethical operation to secondary causes, such as infection or bleeding, while ignoring the primary cause, which is the circumcision that resulted in the infection or bleeding. It is, therefore, very hard to identify the total number of deaths that occur from circumcision. One senses that one may be seeing only the "tip of the iceberg," with the vast majority of deaths from circumcision being concealed. The deaths undoubtedly cause an increase in infant mortality. Male infant mortality is higher than female infant mortality. It is not known how much of this increased mortality is due to the practice of male circumcision. Several doctors have given estimates of the number of deaths that occur each year. Douglas Gairdner reported 16-19 actual deaths a year in England and Wales from neonatal circumcisions in the 1940s.10 Sydney Gellis believed that "there are more deaths from complications of circumcision than from cancer of the penis.11 There are various figures for the number of deaths from penile cancer ranging from 200 to 480 deaths per year. Robert Baker estimated 229 deaths per year from circumcision in the United States.12 Bollinger estimated that approximately 119 infant boys die from circumcision-related each year in the U.S. (1.3% of all male neonatal deaths from all causes). Be sure to tell any woman to put herself in the shoes of a mother who just lost a perfectly healthy baby boy because she thought circumcision was "cleaner".

Hydrocephalus ago

"tip of the iceberg"


spaceman84 ago

Also, it's a Jewish trick and MANY newborn boys pass out due to shock because Schlomo just sliced his foreskin right off with practically no anesthetic.

If children could remember their first moments of life they would never trust their parents after that. Probably hate them and murder them too.

BleedTheMachines ago

"but its good for hygeine goy! nevermind the botched circumcisions! its so you dont have to wash your dick! cleanliness IS next to godliness after all, you wouldnt want to spread disease to your silly shiksa now would you?!"

massiveprivilege ago

You should pull out all your teeth. Its for hygiene. Food cant get stuck between them if you don't have any. Trust me im your friend.

antiliberalsociety ago

Nice reactivated account


I have four accounts. How many do you have, since we care?

antiliberalsociety ago

  1. I don't need artificial support.


Is that what they're for? Mine are all parodies essentially, one is just to make fun of niggers, the other is to get people asking more about Jews. My other one has a nearly identical name to this one, basically just patenting a new version.

I don't need artificial support either, whatever that means. You're just refusing to use tools in a belt out of stubbornness.

Is having a username that gets people thinking of your stance in a specific way without offering any actual evidence of said stance beforehand artificial support?

worcestershire ago

We have a lot to thank Putt for, but Atko made voat if I'm not mistaken. I remember when we had a black out, putt was MIA and atko swooped in with the save.

Although, that could have been when the real putt had the brain worm implanted... but who knows

NeoGoat ago

And Amalek died for our sins.

Rawrination ago

Is he the Aron Swartz of voat?

MyDrunkAccount ago

About 2.5 - 3.5 years ago Voat was pretty quiet about Jews. People here were either uninformed or scared to speak out. In fact, I remeber seeing Jew apologist posts that had 1-2 downvoats and a dozen or so upvoats. You gotta understand though, most of the people at the time had only recently left reddit and were still recovering from oppression. Enter Amalek, that motherfucker was suddenly everywhere, and all he did was write walls of text that blamed the Jews for everything from a runny nose to globalism to mystical satanism. He was persistent too, he openly attacked Voat, Putt, Atko, and untold numbers of random accounts--he sometimes downright hounded users with accusations of kikery across the entire platform...almost like he lived inside Voat. So much so that Putt and Atko even gave him concessions here anr there to get him out of their hair. He wasn't an autist, he was The Autistic Ideal. Stack 10 of the most autistic autists from each of the Chans, the Q continuum, PizzaGate, and any other place you want, up against Amalek and the combined trembling fear of his dominating super autism would be felt on the moon. He had no equal.

At the time though, we all ridiculed him and told him he was an antisemitic faggot conspiracy lunatic. We really did. His claims sounded downright ludicrous. Jews running the world? Influencing global politics? Ruling over global economies? Owning the media? Planning the demise of white people? Orchestrating the political narrative of this country? And of course...the holocaust was faked??? The man, was downvoated so much, so often, so viciously, by so many of us that we'd probably need to halve or even quarter his total downvoat count before talking about any runner-ups.

And then, suddenly, he was gone. Never to be heard from again. But Amalek was a genius. We had grown so accustomed to hearing his blaming of the Jews that the sudden silence amplified our ability to hear hands rubbing all around us. We all started noticing little curiosities about the Jews that had always either eluded us or been dismissed out of hand as antisemitic. The more we noticed, the more we started seeing. The more we started seeing, the angrier we got. We quickly realized how firmly attached our blinders had been. Not just Jewish blinders, but all of the blinders we had unwittingly accumulated. Next thing you know, before anyone could even count to six million, Voat became more than a place to call someone a faggot, more than a place to create childish "raids" out of boredom, and even more than a place to come be distracted by cat pictures. It became a place we could openly and freely question ourselves, each other, and our superiors without fear of repercussion, not because we'l were suddenly immune to repercussions, but because we stopped worrying about it. All because Amalek spoke his mind with conviction anf without reservation, he stood proud and suffered our wrath without so much as wincing, and then he took our fears of openly speaking our minds with him into the dark abyss so that we could live in the light. He was a true modern day prophet.

At least that's how I remember it.

TheTrigger ago

Beautiful. I remember he had so many downvoats, it actually ran off the screen canvas on my phone, even in landscape mode. Good times. I wonder what he's up to, these days.

SIayfire122 ago

I came across an account here recently claiming to be him. He said he was still here on Voat, but is much more subtle in his actions.

zyklon_b ago

you nailed it

Rawrination ago

Prophet of Kek for real man!

Firevine ago

I kinda miss Amalek sometimes.

The MH101 guys were total fags though.

fuckmyreddit ago

Thanks. Now I know why Amalek died for your sins. Keep the oral history alive and in a couple hundred years goats will quote 2:2 in the Book of MyDrunkAccount.

NeoGoat ago

I don't think so. I really don't know; It was before I spent much time here. I think he was more of a shit poster. For quite a while, there was an add with a Jesus-like depiction saying "Amelak died for our sins". I think he was merely a well-known user who left.

Who remembers Amelak?

7e62ce85 ago

Story goes Amalek was spamming about Jews. Like too much.

Thrus2 ago

and he wasn't up for discussing anything, he was right you were wrong and that was that even if you could quote from his own sources the issues with his argument that was the unimportant part.

Firevine ago

And he was totally leaving Voat for real guise I really mean it this time like 10 times a day.

I_like_paint ago

I remember Amalek. He was always warning us about the Jews. He wasn't wrong. Just very insistent. Very.

AmericanJew2 ago

Don’t kid yourself, the guy was an annoying freak show.

Almost as bad as that Manhood 101 spam poster faggot.

I do credit Amalek with making me question my beliefs about the holocaust, and I am Jewish, so there is that. But geez the guy was nuttier than a fruitcake. I know WWII occurred, I know many Jews were killed or interned, I also know there was some torture and horrific shit as there is in all wars. 6 million though? Hmmm, that seems like a pretty strangely round number, and the evidence that I started to look at has made me question everything.

I cannot speak of this with any of my family members though without causing a fight. I am slowly trying to get them redpilled to question their preconceived beliefs.

I_like_paint ago

Manhood 101 was just a fucking faggot. Amalek was a spammer but his smam was right. I believe he had upwards of 100 accounts. Amalek, Amalek2 , Amalek3 and so forth. Except Amalek9 which was another person that wanted to fuck with Amalek. Anyways, we await his return.

AmericanJew2 ago

Don't forget AmaleksHairyAss

I_like_paint ago

Where is your original voat account?

AmericanJew2 ago

Shhh, the aryan fags think I am some kind of noob Jew goat.

I_like_paint ago

At least you make it easier for us to id you as a Jew. Carry on.

zyklon_b ago

where were you in 1990


AmericanJew2 ago

Like this day in 1990, or just generally, or am I missing some inside joke?

zyklon_b ago

AmericanJew2 ago

Some say he ate her remains in a drug-filled pagan ceremony. Some say.


Rawrination ago

Aron Swartz and Seth Rich (literally) died for our sins. A couple of fucking Jews are the reason that Hillary isn't president, and kike holster that he is Trump is.

Hopefully the Jews that (if they exist) aren't evil are waking up to the shit being done in their name and getting pissed as fuck.

Still no matter what don't turn your back on them. In the end nature always wins one way or another.

fuckmyreddit ago

You would know nothing of KM without Jewish Whistleblowers.

There is a rumour that Rich was plucked from the hospital before LL or someone could have him killed. I hope he didn't die for our sins.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Voating is a good thing.

slevin_kelevra ago

2 months new nigger fag

ThoseFeels ago

And an upvote for you!


What place? Link!?!?

Salty_Pirates_4_All ago

Fuck you you cock goblin, pillow bitingvcarpet munching cup grabbing niggerfaggots. Signed Voat

usernameisnotthis ago

ya i feel at home here and am pretty taken with it, though i feel like i should not take it for granted. sign of the unfortunate times we're in.

Crensch ago

though i feel like i should not take it for granted.

I'm of the mind that every full-fledged goat here will take this shit to the streets when Voat goes down. We'll make our own meatspace Voat, with blackjack and hookers.

Rawrination ago

Voat wasn't loading for me properly for an hour or so.. during the youtube outage I think. I almost got off my ass and started shit myself.

Lucky for me and everything within shoutin distance voat came back up before I could get my shoes on.

Crensch ago

That adrenaline rush it something else, isn't it?

Rawrination ago

Yeah it kind of scared me a little. I thought the Shoah was on.

I mean it will probably be like that. Suddenly voat and the rest of the free internet goes dark with no warning.

Crensch ago

Most likely. I have my target list, and where I'd need to go to get supplies. Third day, likely, unless POTUS cell msg tells us it's down for good.

Rawrination ago

I have a weeks worth of canned goods, maybe 2 or 3 at best.

And some survival skills and knowledge.

I'm a cripple though so gonna have to leave the targets to you guys.

Crensch ago

All good there. Try to build that week up to 3 months, and find a group of like-minded individuals you can fort up with.

8chan's /k/ has some really great SHTF survival info if you're interested in digging through it more.

Rawrination ago

I was dating a girl who's got a good family and who are prolific hunters and mechanics and was going to hole up there if shtf.

She was halfway across the country for work for a few months and things went south between us. I'm disabled. She needs a hiking partner. So she found one and moved in a couple weeks ago after flying back to my state and packing her bags.

So I'm not sure if I still got a bugout place but its on my list. Me and the former girlfriend are still on good terms more or less. Being disabled makes it damn near impossible to get married, and she needed more than what I could offer.

I also have a few friends that live about 1 mile from me that are pretty good with that sort of thing.

Love living in a smaller sized city. Lots of good country folk with practical life skills.

Crensch ago

Sorry 'bout the hard knocks, but good people and friends sounds like a winning starting point.

usernameisnotthis ago

i'll be there

Timmy2 ago

There's also and Both are substantially smaller than Voat, but you can say whatever you want there also.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago isn't bad either, i checked it mostly when voat went down.

NeoGoat ago is censored about "hate speech", but less censored than most. For instance, it has a DIY gun sub ( Thanks @adhdferret). is like voat, but has a smaller, generally friendlier feel; although, I am slowly making friends here.

NeoGoat ago

There are more rabbit holes. One I've not seen mentioned is the reality of magic/spiritual forces. Also, if you take the perspective that humans are, at least in part, animals, you have no trouble understanding that animals with different characteristics (physical, intelligence, propensity toward violence) would evolve in different parts of the globe. Most social animal societies have hierarchies and sex is part of it. Most are patriarchal. It is neither bad or good; it simply is. Are hyenas better than lions because their society is matriarchal? ...Absurd question. Also, female animals are generally adapted to care for young. Males are more for hunting / gathering and protection. It is quite reasonable that intelligence and emotions differ across the sexes. "Merkel" is a good counter argument for women in politics. (I don't agree that women should not be in the workforce at all.) This is not to say men are better than women. What is more magical and sacred than giving birth? Men and women are different. Society is most efficient when people do what they are best evolved to do. When things get too weird, barbarians come through the gates, and the cycle starts again. Have you read "The Fate of Empires" ?

Rawrination ago

I haven't read it but downloading it now thanks for pdf ^__^.

I agree with your above statements.

Potato_McGingerbeard ago

Poal was started by former Voaters, IIRC. The ones who didn't like it here, I might add.


Since I decided to come peruse voat today, I'll weigh in. I started, also for the record I did like it here. I was here for years, from time to time I am still here. The reason I started is because the last time puttitout let the site go down for days at a time more than once. So I created an alternate platform. He has since changed his behavior and become active so I stop by when I have time. There is no big conflict between poal and voat and I am very confused as to why people seem to think their needs to be.

krier55 ago

Poal started when voat went down for days with no word from putt as an alternative site that works.

Crensch ago

Yes, the guys that didn't like that mods weren't gods, and that called any user disagreeing with them "SBBH" in an attempt to smear them, even if those users had never once posted to SBBH.

Notabug might be OK, but I'm not at all endorsing it - I just don't have any dirt on the guy here claiming to have made it.

go1dfish ago

I built/am building notabug to be a robust decentralized reddit alternative with a goal of eventually being able to host Voat, Poal, Phuks, Raddle etc... in a common p2p network with flexible moderation.

The main overarching goal of notabug is to make it so that no specific individual has outsized control of anything; even me. is just my peer and the one seeing most active development right now.

zyklon_b ago

I tried to make account there but aint workin

go1dfish ago

Signup is a little funky at the moment, you have to click signup twice I think. The library I'm using changed how it works out from under me I think.

Also accounts aren't all that necessary right now.

zyklon_b ago

cool. and thanks 1990

AOU ago

Yes, the guys that didn't like that mods weren't gods, and that called any user disagreeing with them "SBBH" in an attempt to smear them, even if those users had never once posted to SBBH.

That’s incorrect.

In the early stage of Poal, 5~6 months ago, the SBBH group that is polluting voat tried to infiltrate the userbase and drive new users away by being highly toxic (flooding shitposts and aggressive comments towards anyone).

They all got banned since. It’s all documented in

SuperMonkeyBall ago

the SBBH group that is polluting voat tried to infiltrate

No we were invited by @PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS2 who even grabbed the @gabara ID and gave it to gabara. Then you threw a shit fit because you're insane and obsessed with "muh sbbh". So we left a long time ago. Poal sucks. Sorry, but it does. You're not allowed to disagree with certain users there or else you get censored. Poal sucks.

NotHereForPizza ago

Painfully obvious what's going on here.

They're learning real quickly now.

This spill, Kev's slip, and Srayzie making hilariously naive moves is making your bullshit crumble.

srayzie ago

What kind of hilariously naive moves is Srayzie making?

NotHereForPizza ago

You're just making it more obvious now.


Source? All I did was ask that you post the shitposts not in whatever. Thats it, some of you guys have come back from time to time and posted shit posts enough to slide the front page I never banned any of it. I didn't delete your posts the worst I did was post spiderman memes in your shitposting sub, I am actually banned from shitpostsubway for posting spiderman memes on my own site. I've done nothing about it. I am banned from shit posting on the website I own I was banned by one of the SBBH users here. SOOOOO that kind of flies in the face of your theory that I don't allow it, or even have a problem with it, just don't spam a SFW sub with goatsee 200 times and I'm all good I'll even participate from time to time. Your opinion that poal sucks is perfectly fine you can think whatever you want, but we do not censor people.

NotHereForPizza ago

If you haven't learned yet, you're wasting your time giving them attention.

SuperMonkeyBall ago

I haven't been back to Poal since you let that user I warned you about walk all over you. It's okay though, they are (mostly) contained on Poal now so Voat is (mostly) free of them.


Which one is that?

AOU ago

You are completely ignorant of what and how it happened. Stay in your cave.

SuperMonkeyBall ago

We've already established that you don't pay attention to all the details. Go back to your shit site if it's so great. You don't see puttitout on Poal, lol!

heygeorge ago

I’ve never been ‘banned’ from your site, and never will be, you twit, unless you go full retard.

So I don’t know why you’d blame my fucking subverse unless you’re some kind of halfwit or rabble rouser.

polluting voat

lel. Does @TheBuddha pollute poal with his guitar posts?

AOU ago

He posts quality OC.

incellivision ago

The ONLY OC on Poal comes from a SBBH member. Suck it! @heygeorge @kevdude @peaceseeker

TheBuddha ago

It's all a part of my clever plan!

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#4297) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Timmy2 @Potato_McGingerbeard

This is what you get at poal. "They got banned." for "being highly toxic".


AOU ago

Come on, Crensch. I know you're better than that.

When a new platform is rising they move there en-masse and start to shitpost, insult and brigade everyone to drive the building userbase away. Their end goal is to prevent new free speech places from rising.

zyklon_b ago


AOU ago

Says the SBBH turd.

zyklon_b ago

I aint angry or upset komrade just trolling and joking

can I come to poAL and get same protection you gave the shiils

AOU ago

Anyone is welcome.

zyklon_b ago


TheBookWasBetter ago

This guy said it. ..fucken bold too.

Crensch ago

That’s incorrect.

No, it's not. You're not a goat, you're one of the faggots that wanted cancermods to run the show here.

In the early stage of Poal, 5~6 months ago, the SBBH group that is polluting voat tried to infiltrate the userbase and drive new users away by being highly toxic (flooding shitposts and aggressive comments towards anyone).



They all got banned since. It’s all documented in

Thank you for this - I'll make a post on it.

AOU ago

No, it's not. You're not a goat, you're one of the faggots that wanted cancermods to run the show here.

What? lol, you're confusing me with someone else.

The only person I suggested Putt to give a special status (to handle spam) was @cynabuns.

I myself used to be a spam janitor here, months ago. Check the sidebar of /v/reportspammers

antiliberalsociety ago

I used to get called SBBH all the time. I only ever saw the bans in my inbox, that's as far as it went

zyklon_b ago

come and post in v/soapboxbanhammer

Crensch ago

Doesn't really matter what level of participation you had there - if you disagree with them, and agree with an already-labeled "SBBH" member, you're one of them.

Trying to show you're not is just playing their game.

ThoseFeels ago

I'm sure there's other options, but this place is fairly popular, which makes it an anomaly.

Fagtardicus ago

8chan isnt popular?

dunklederf ago

8chan is an FBI honeypot

search for "operation sunshine"

Fagtardicus ago

and voat aint? lol

also, how is a nuclear sub going under the north pole in any way relevant?

ThoseFeels ago

Ok so there is 8chan. I think. I don't hang there so I couldn't tell you if it's truly uncensored, I'll just have to take your word for it.

awhiteguyuno ago

Now just delete your facebook, instagram, twitter, and reddit accounts, get a protonmail email address, and use a search engine that doesn't mine and sell your data.

matthew-- ago

Search engine recommendations? I'm using

awhiteguyuno ago

I've been using duckduckgo but I'll probably switch to or something soon.

Mayhawk ago > DDG but yeah we still need a better search.

R3D3 ago


Mayhawk ago

A peer-to-peer search? Interesting. Nice find.

happywhenitrains ago

Yea bc they wanna mine your shitty brain unleashed. Voat is owned by reddit.

goatfarmn ago

fuck you faggot, prove it...

happywhenitrains ago

I used this site at the beginning, then atko went missing for months at a time, a certain investor who contributed more than enough to keep the site alive came by during hard times, we all know who that was, the same people who record and manipulate reddit or data mining.

goatfarmn ago

i have no doubts the internet and alexa and all that shit monitors at all times, but the fact that nigger fucking jew cocksucking bitch is profiting off my time here i have serious doubts. it wasbt long ago these fags were pandering for pennies to keep the server up

happywhenitrains ago

All public forums are data mined, but when the data miners invest in said company is when it gets manipulated. You might not think voat is, but it has been for a long time. The racism is totally inorganic, use that to find out who would make a site racist sounding then parrot that voat is too racist to go to. Once you hoard in the sheep they start exposing themselves.


Don't enjoy yourself too much, you'll draw the jews attention

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

They can smell joy, and it makes them itch and burn, so they stamp it out. They're like Blue Meanies.

wt1984yb ago

Like @x13. That guy is a faggot JIDF Jew shill piece of fat shit.

SovietExplorer ago

Sick username bro

Durm ago

Yeah. First rule of top layer of internet is don't talk about top layer of internet.

usernameisnotthis ago

i would have to think this place is on {{{their}}} radar by now.

Paranoiaattack ago

Fuck em! The Holocaust is a fucking lie but I still demand death to the kikes. Bring it you slimey cunts.

antiliberalsociety ago

Any time you see a generalization of a group, mainly the US, Christianity, Trump supporters, etc. followed by a negative annotation, that's them. They also like the agree but disagree tactic; Not sayin Trump isn't good, BUT...

Rinse and repeat negative annotations

Yanx ago

I will always oppose Christianity, it is the original Jewish cucking of the white race. Not a shill HH

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Christianity taught white peoples how to raise proper families. How is that a cucking?

Chadsden ago

Did they not know how to do that in time of Romans and Greeks? I mean I approve of the taboo on faggotry but the pagan gods seemed to encourage a more formidable populace.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

the greeks endorsed pedophilia and the romans were christian....

Chadsden ago

I mean pedophila goes hand in hand with faggotry. But prior to Constantine Rome was not Christian, remember when Nero was feeding Christians to lions?

thantik ago

Funny how the christian churches keep protecting their pedophiles by moving them around into new neighborhoods with fresh meat too...christianity is a mental illness.

spaceman84 ago

Are you trying tell me that the Bible thumping Qtards are not retarded niggers?

Christianity is Judaism for Goys and a mind virus. Not endorsing pagan fags either btw.


I noticed that since I recently started connecting the similarities of Christianity to Judaism, I get downvoted poured over me even though it's the truth. Just one more bandaid good goys need to rip off, but they're afraid of Satan and whatever.

antiliberalsociety ago

3.6 years, SCP 9, CCP 282

Gee, let me guess...

spaceman84 ago

I came over during coontown migration but voat sucked hard and hasn't really gotten any better, reddit just got much worse.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

So... What do you endorse, spacenigger? Atheism? Anarchy? Intellectualism without faith in a higher order is directionless and apt to be destructive and doesn't have any abilility to account for free will.

Also, pretty sure real Christianity isn't what is usually represented. There is a pretty big difference between following Christ's example and the modern religion that is Christianity.

thantik ago

Intellectualism without faith in a higher order is directionless and apt to be destructive and doesn't have any abilility to account for free will.

Found the NPC.

shrink ago

Intellectualism without faith in a higher order

You can have faith in a higher order and a belief in something bigger and greater than yourself without funneling that faith specifically into spiritual superstition. Humans are irrational, superstitious creatures by nature, so unfortunately religious living is going to manifest in almost all societies organically, but religion itself isn't necessary to the success of a civilization. It does need a culture that acts as a cohesive social bond for the people, and a society in which the people work towards the greater good by way of viewing their society as larger than themselves will be a better one than the society which doesn't do this. But religion isn't specifically needed to fill that cultural requirement.

Prime example is Japan. It is the most secular country (it used to be one of the Scandinavian countries before they got overrun by muds) in the world, yet it has among the lowest crime on the planet. They are extremely xenophobic and anything Muslim related is banned, yet their first world civilization is maintained by them rather well without using religion to do it. Their intellectualism has no religious faith, but they do have a strong historical tradition of respect for your elders and loyalty to your employer and family. That's a powerful glue for them and it works, yet they're not superstitious.

BleedTheMachines ago

atheists are cute. they learn every argument they have from youtube. no better than conspiracy "theorists"

fuckmyreddit ago

You were christian last week.

BleedTheMachines ago

no i wasnt, kike. in fact, i remember explicitly telling you specifically that i am not, and therefore your appeals to the Nazarene dont work on me.

projection ago

Pray tell (no pun intended) what is the "antithesis of a christian"?

BleedTheMachines ago

take a wild guess. im sure you have your judgement at the ready.

6gorillion ago


Added to personal lexicon.

usernameisnotthis ago

damn, i have actually seen a few of those here. that aint good.

14526441? ago

The JFID pole smokers have been here for a while. Hi, kikes!

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

Since the start.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hi nigger. Not JFID although they should hire me as I speak English.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Soon to be followed by a hearty “Bye Kikes!”

GreatCoons ago

Why hello there, yids! You all deserve to be ovened you nickel nosed motherfuckers.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

For real this time.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

Big Smiles! Big Smiles!

xminus1 ago

So have the bots

MyDrunkAccount ago

The Russian ones are the worst

projection ago

You're right. One hurt my feelings just a couple of days ago. I didn't complain though, I'm quite tough like that.

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

As far as I'm concerned, you're all jewish russian bots.

MrDarkWater ago

Judeo-Russian bots?

ThisWeirdIndividual ago

Boto-russian kikes

TerrifiedTyphlosion ago

Oh, it certainly is. If you've ever explored the anon subverses coughanonpoliticscough then you'll see a lot of them. /u/TheAmerican supposedly outed himself to be a shill, although we might never know for sure. Poke around in his profile and decide for yourself.

I'm sure there's a lot more of him around these parts.

If you haven't checked out /v/Shekelverse yet, you should do so.

Atomized_Individual ago

TheAmerican was entertaining though. I was the only one upvoating him

usernameisnotthis ago

thank u