Imthrowingaway ago

To be fair, SBBH et al is pretty gay. Sub drama is always full of faggotry and rarely worth a laugh.

Crensch ago

No, 2-month-old-user, SBBH are some of the best goats on this website, and I don't give a fuck if their antics are laughworthy.

@gabara @ExpertShitposter @kevdude @Trigglypuff @clamhurt_legbeard

Imthrowingaway ago

Maybe you'll make a post about me and have your buddies upvote it so we can see more of your petty internet drama blasted on the front page. Lol.

People and the weird little kingdoms they carve out for themselves, I swear.


I don't remember saying goodbye, when did I do that? I remember being pissed off at puttitout. I'm well over that and I am very happy he seems to have turned things around. I think all the platforms that support free speech need to exist.

Crensch ago

That group of users also attacks other users pretty consistently and attempts to implement the mods= gods Reddit format here.

AOU ago

You are clearly confused.

Those who say “xxxx sucks” are your SBBH turd friends.

AOU ago

Half-Truth? 😂

I posted a quote from a voat admin and you call this half-truths.

That’s some serious mental gymnastic here. 😂😂😂

Cynabuns ago

I never knew zook, he was gone before I got here, but you're right: this was from 4 years ago. I am not aware, ever, of any secret list that was created or used back then, or now for that matter. All banning activity whether it be from mods or Voat is fully transparent.

AOU ago

I wonder aloud just how good the code was at poal in its infant stages of existence.

Poal is based on Throat code that is publicly available.

sguevar ago

@AOU you might want to read this reply. Shadow Banning is not a thing.

TheBuddha ago

Voat runs on drama!

Hand_of_Node ago

Trust the Plan!

Cynabuns ago

And hamsters... don't forget the hamsters!

sguevar ago

Ok this cracked me up really bad... And I have a bad throat (sick atm).

Cynabuns ago

Me too ;)

Feel better soon

sguevar ago

Thanks same to you!


LOL! You always seem to know what to say, to lighten the mood.

TheBuddha ago


It's seemingly true. It's what Voat does. They move from one outrage to the next. Seems tiring, if you ask me.

I'm takin' a snow day. I gotta go smash snow in a minute.


Wait snow smashing is back? I can't wait for stories I remember some good ones from last year about smashing snow.


I do not see nearly enough snow for smashing.

TheBuddha ago

Scroll down. I got 4" or so.

Anything over 1" is fair game for smashing. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamned liar and can shut their whore mouth.


Smashing one inch!?! Why would you not wait for 2 feet and then smash!

TheBuddha ago

Practicality, lack of snow, and pure enjoyment.

incellivision ago

Poal just reposts content from Voat and Reddit.

RabbiMohel ago

Poal has no content. It's like a garage sale full of stuff no one wants.

AOU ago

This is from 4 years ago.

That's not an argument.

I presented you with a proof about what a member of the admin team said.

You can twist it as much as you want, the fact is there.

sguevar ago

I was reading the entire submission, with the new feature of the search bar and I was able to see that the shadow ban works for spammers. However it states that the tool doesn't work for regular users as regular users need to be contacted by the admin and given a reason for the ban they've got.

Secondly, @zook hasn't post anything I think for the past 4 years. Which leads me to believe that he is no longer active on Voat.

If the Shadow ban tool was working then the constant spammers that currently roam Voat would have been banned already. Which is not the case. I agree with @kevdude, @AOU I need more evidence.

AOU ago

Check my original comment again. I never claimed users were banned. I simply stated that unlike voat, poal doesn't have a shadowban tool.

If you want evidences that it has been used, ask the admins for that list @zook was talking about.

sguevar ago

@PutItOut, @Cynabuns, @Atko, care to input in the conversation here?

Cynabuns ago

I responded up here,, but to restate, there is no tool that exists and even if there was one at one time 4 years ago, that's long since been abandoned for transparency on the site.

sguevar ago


AOU ago

sguevar ago

I have an account on Poal. With the same name. I don't spend much time there but in case Voat goes dark I am able to see similar news there that I am used to find here.

I personally prefer Voat in a whole, presentation, maintenance of free speech despite the constant trolls here. However will keep the Poal account as an alternative if this site goes dark for whatever reason.

My priority will always be Voat however. But @AOU I do dislike the fact that you claimed to @PeaceSeeker that Voat has shadow banning.

Please elaborate with evidence or I will consider this claim a shill claim as it doesn't bring evidence to the table and seems to be made to scare people off.

AOU ago

And, yet I've been called names by powerusers here for telling the truth.

incellivision ago

Zook is just a troll. You fell for a troll.

heygeorge ago

Zook is just a troll. You fell for a troll.

I realise I’m very late to this thread, but it seems very few remember this time, and your statement is accurate. @AR47 were you paying attention so long ago?

@AOU, you are still buttmad about when the whole v/videos thing went down and you ragequit because you felt disrespected. Most Voaters don’t seem to ‘member, but I do.

SuperMonkeyBall ago


AOU ago

Zook is just a troll. You fell for a troll.


"Please welcome Zook, my new partner in charge of business development and finances." submitted 4 years ago by Atko

heygeorge ago

Whoops, I was more drunk than I thought yesterday, and I humbly apologize for being caustic. I thought you were talking about the sword guy. @PeaceSeeker

I will ask Putts about this at some point: Did he port the ‘shadowban’ code over last year?

I’ll ping him just in case he catches this. @PuttItOut

AOU ago

you are still buttmad about when the whole v/videos thing went down and you ragequit because you felt disrespected.

Most Voaters don’t seem to ‘member, but I do.

lol, you don't either. Those who ragequit were the previous /v/videos mods who refused to follow the default voat spam rules and gave special treatment to spammers. They banned me several times for reporting the spammers they were protecting. When Putt stepped in to tell them the ban was uncalled for and that they had to follow the rules, they got pissed and started the drama before ragequitting.

Whitworth ago

Where’s this list? I want to see who’s on it.

AOU ago

lol. Shadow banning tools

Do your homework. Ignorant prick.

chags ago

Poal is cool, they banned accounts that were floodind /new with repeated nonsense trash with the clear intent of keeping /new empty of real content. They talked to the guy, and him (I believe the same person) never listened. Some people there don't like the path voat took, that's true, but I don't think this invalidate the place. Anyway, I'm glad both voat and poal exist.


I second this notion, more free speech platforms the better if you ask me.

AOU ago

I've said it many times. The more free speech platforms, the better.

lemon11 ago

Publishers, not platforms. Communists conflate the two in order to gain control of both.

The only step up from Voat is toward decentralization, which NotABug achieve, but these other never-was sites don't.

AOU ago


I totally agree with you.

C_Corax ago

Can't say I've been following the Poal thing a whole lot, but some of these former goat sure seem like bitter folks. I mean if they get so angry over Voat maybe it would be better for their mental health to just stay away?

Anyway, I just checked and my last heated argument with this so called 'SBBH mob' earned me a grand total of -9 CCP over the course of several assburger posts. If you can't handle that you are a bit of a pussy.

AOU ago

What is your username on poal?

C_Corax ago

Why, you want to ban me?

AOU ago

lol, not at all.

I'm just curious of that story. I don't recall seeing someone being brigaded.

Anyway, I just checked and my last heated argument with this so called 'SBBH mob' earned me a grand total of -9 CCP over the course of several assburger posts.

RabbiMohel ago

You are a censor!

C_Corax ago

There's very little of value in that thread, but here you go. I don't have a Poal account.

AOU ago

Oh, makes sense now. I thought what you said happened on Poal.