zook ago

Thank you all very much for your warm welcome :)

Don't forget to share your opinion on marketing and business development for WhoaVerse in the newly opened subs. It is very important for us to get feedback from the community and to know them well, so don't be shy :)

More updates from the business side coming soon!

sinclairinat0r ago

Welcome! :D

A156 ago

Cheers, Zook!

WereNotInKansas ago

May the wind be at your back.

MatAeronautics ago

This is cool, I hope you succeed in making whoaverse into a company !

gamehelp16 ago

Welcome! You are now a part of the WhoaVerse history! :D

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago


im_back ago

Welcome, Zook.

AssuredlyAThrowAway ago

Glad to see you got that aspect of the site all sorted out Atko; welcome aboard Zook and here's to hoping this place never turns into reddit.

Poopagandist ago

Awesome news! Good luck with all the planning!

wheresbigfoot ago

Don't fuck things up around here, Zook. Welcome, though.

Nurdoidz ago

Welcome aboard, Zook! Great to have you here doing one of the most important aspects of WhoaVerse. :-)