Crensch ago

I'm not a fan of throwing an entire race under the bus when the leadership is always the guilty party in any crime committed against humanity.

Since the rest of your submission is more or less OK, let me just give you a one-word answer as to why this always is the case with Jews, and why they've been exiled as a group from around 400 countries in history:


They hire and help their own, and become lawmakers in their host countries, and bankers, and own the news, and they're the lawyers, and judges, and control the higher education systems, and push communism and multiculturalism on countries that are not their own. I can prove to you that Jews are responsible for the invasion of niggers and sandniggers in white countries, and I can prove to you that Israel has a wall, and removes "refugees" from their own lands.

I can also prove to you that many of the lawmakers in the US are dual-citizens with Israel.

You're welcome to go down that rabbit hole, or you're welcome to reject it, but consider this your mulligan. We take our hatred of Jews seriously here, and we have the facts to back them up.

If you want proof of that claim, this is my FIRST installment of why we hate Jews.

SearchVoat ago

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Schreiber ago

Nepotism. They hire and help their own, and become lawmakers in their host countries, and bankers, and own the news, and they're the lawyers, and judges, and control the higher education systems

That's literally what white people should do. Not virtue signaling and getting offended for the sake of others and other cancer SJW behavior.

You hate jews because they are doing the smart thing while a significant number of white people are doing the wrong thing that lead to their genocide.

Jews are taking over white nations because there are higher % of jew supremacist among jews than % of white supremacist among whites. There is no other reason.

Crensch ago

Very soon there won't be any more Jews left on the planet.

Schreiber ago

Not gonna happen considering that you lot aren't doing anything other than typing on voat.

Last I checked anti-semites don't even exist in the upper crust of social caste, be it banking, government, big businesses, etc.

Crensch ago

Not gonna happen considering that you lot aren't doing anything other than typing on voat.

I want you kikes to think that.

Last I checked "people who want to exterminate jews" don't even exist in the upper crust of social caste, be it banking, government, big businesses, militaries, etc. And that will always be the case because you can't climb to the top in the first place if you don't use jews.

Yes, Chaim. Nothing is wrong. Everything will continue going as planned.

gabara ago

Won't we keep a few in amber in case anyone forgets how to make bagels?

xenoPsychologist ago

we know their recipes. they have nothing more of value for us. just like the mexicans.

gabara ago

True! Blue why do we even NEED a (((middleman)))?

xenoPsychologist ago

we dont. what we need is more doughnuts instead.

gabara ago

That settles it, Cowboy @Womb_Raider, I was going to give you a pardon when the Race War comes but no, I've decided you can NOT be the personal Bagel chef of me @Kevdude adn @Crensch. No, you will be first into the acid vats.

voatbakescookies ago

Hatred doesn't require any direction. It knows exactly where to go. Why would you ever need to direct my hatred for me? It already has a natural setting to seek out any equation that is unbalanced in life. Any discrepancy. Any lie.

Crensch ago

You write like a faggot.

Hatred doesn't require any direction.

It doesn't even require justification, but a justified hatred is not a bad thing.

It knows exactly where to go.

Absurd. People can hate for no reason at all. Hatred doesn't "know" anything, and apparently yours knows jack shit about Jews.

Why would you ever need to direct my hatred for me?

I don't give a shit where you put your hatred, but making a claim like you did requires support that rivals the support I have for my position in order to make it here. I really don't care if you don't care if your words hold up, I will destroy them because I want to, and more importantly, because I can.

It already has a natural setting to seek out any equation that is unbalanced in life. Any discrepancy. Any lie.

I'm sure all the normies that don't know what we know have that "natural setting", right? Why are they normies that know nothing, and hate the wrong people, then?

voatbakescookies ago

I like how you're such an arrogant faggot that you think you get to control my hatred just because you got hurt feelings from kikes. I don't have hurt feelings from kikes. So why do I have to play make-believe and pretend I'm a hurt faggot like you? The only biological Jew I know of is an ex-girlfriend. I don't know of any other problems in my life right now that I can attribute to Jews. If you want to throw your Jew Tantrums, be my guest.

Jews are like waiters to me. They fetch the butter in my world and then I forget about them. I can't relate to why you're so angry against them because I have no idea how they fucked you over personally. All I know is that some crazy fucking lunatic is coming at me and screaming the sky is falling in Jews did it. Meanwhile I don't give a fuck if you say kike or Jew because I give about as much thought to Jews as I do to chewing gum on the sidewalk. Which is why it's so fucking bizarre to me that you are so focused on them.

Crensch ago

I like how you're such an arrogant faggot that you think you get to control my hatred just because you got hurt feelings from kikes.

I smell butthurt.

I don't have hurt feelings from kikes.

Neither do I. They need to be exterminated because they threaten the existence of my descendants and my people.

So why do I have to play make-believe and pretend I'm a hurt faggot like you?

You don't have to do anything. I'll destroy you if you go spouting off your rhetoric without backing it up.

The only biological Jew I know of is an ex-girlfriend.

She needs to be gassed.

I don't know of any other problems in my life right now that I can attribute to Jews.

That's because you don't know shit about Jews, but pretend you do.

If you want to throw your Jew Tantrums, be my guest.

If you have no evidence to support your position, your impotent attempts to paint me as overemotional or immature will fall flat on this website. This is not your previous hugbox; you will be destroyed if you start mouthing off without being able to back it up with evidence.

Jews are like waiters to me. They fetch the butter in my world and then I forget about them.

What a stupid analogy.

I can't relate to why you're so angry against them because I have no idea how they fucked you over personally.



AMericans? I just linked you to more than enough to get you started there.

Almost literally any other country or race has a reason to hate Jews, and the fact of the matter is that you simply do not know shit about them.

All I know is that some crazy fucking lunatic is coming at me and screaming the sky is falling in Jews did it.

The difference here, cunt, is that I can back my words up. I have. The ADMITTED JEW in that link disappeared. Do you know why? Because I was right.

Meanwhile I don't give a fuck if you say kike or Jew because I give about as much thought to Jews as I do to chewing gum on the sidewalk.

Which is why the world is as fucked up as it is, you boomer cunt. Don't pay attention to a race of people that dedicate their lives to using niggers, spics, and sandniggers to destroy white civilizations and force whites into permanent slavery, subservient to all Jews.

Which is why it's so fucking bizarre to me that you are so focused on them.

If you knew what I knew about them, instead of shoving your head into their latrines and sucking down their shit, you would be, too.

I gave you sources for my position, and I will show up any time you try to act like you can pop off at the mouth without any support for yours.

Here's a great example of a user that wants to be just like you. He wanted to be just like you do. Anytime he posts, about Jews, he gets wrecked, and for some strange reason never has any support for his position.

Because there is none.

He claimed he would keep that thread stickied until he responded - why do you think he didn't? Do you really need a hint?

tl;dr - support your position or get destroyed. Welcome to Voat, cunt.

xenoPsychologist ago

that was fast. i thought we were gonna get to see some great back and forths, but before i knew it all the remained were the forths!

ExpertShitposter ago

Who was it?

Crensch ago

Some newbie I didn't think important enough to archive.

4 day old account.

ExpertShitposter ago

One kind of funny thing i noticed from a few of my back and froths i had with these fresh from reddit Qmandos in the past few days.

They will start with anti-racist stuff, and how much you suck for your hatred, and divisionist tactics, etc...

But after a while they will start using terms like sandnigger, kike, faggot. What the fuck kind of boomer logic is that? My thoughts are:

  1. Some flashback to high school occurs where they were lame kids unless they drink and some or something, so they instinctively drop a few nigger bombs to appear like they aren't prudes, and aren't afraid to use those words, they just chose not to hate..blah blah...

  2. They are stuck in some weird limbo where they are aware of nigger problems, but they just cant get unstuck out of their shitty civic nationalism base ideology. So they keep trying to delude them selves that we can just red pill the shits of society, but at the same time they momentarily lose their cool and start drooping nigger bombs. Like a mood swinging woman.

  3. Kike shills.

They cant be all case no 3.

Crensch ago

Wavering Stockholm syndrome. The GoatOverload™ causes their regular processes to crash. Each time they reboot, loading up cuck.exe gets tougher and tougher.

Crensch ago

@xenoPsychologist thank you for the ping!

xenoPsychologist ago

so you havent seen how the little guys keep doing it too? sounds like someone needs a visit from the @Crensch fairy.