SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Tucker Carlson: Democrats don't care about Christine Ford; they just want to delay Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court' was posted in v/politics and includes this reply from @TastyAsphalt:

Lol its this fucking loser again.

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argosciv ago

Same account age, both flippantly stupid. I smell an alt.

cc: @kevdude @zyklon_b @Rainy-Day-Dream

zyklon_b ago

Gas da kike

ArcherMcTaco ago

Jesus, don't tip that fedora too hard there buddy

Plant_Boy ago

@TheCool fuck off, faggots.

shutupfaggot ago

shut up faggot


@TheCool is it true that you're a faggot?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

He's a faggot for sure, He told me himself!

HappyMealBullshit ago

Don't give faggots quite so much attention.

NewStupidName ago

On an alternate (I only use one at at time), I was so drunk, I almost did that to myself. Really can't fault him. Even though I do hate him.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'That's gotta sting, @TheCool' was posted in v/whateverAnon by @2724813 and permalinks this submission.

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Bastionof_freespeech ago

I feel like it's toxic to this just found community for us to attack our new members. We aren't reddit and need to stop pointing out idiots on the internet and instead enjoy the greatness of this new community we have awoken!

Bastionof_freespeech ago

Fuck of nigger faggot, quit listening to (((them)))

gazillions ago

That's rehearsed or copy pasta among the paid shills. I've seen it word for word over time.

It's easy enough to counter. Trump's IQ is genetic. Drag up his Uncle,.

Look up the highest IQ guy in the world and his political slant. Throw that in their face.

Even James Woods has a higher IQ than a leftist. They think America should model itself on Venezuela for fuck's sake.

The evidence is that the low IQ actually belongs to the left. It seems absurd to have to point it out, because most people assume stupid people are aware of their failings because they're so obvious. Of course they aren't.

Lemongarb ago

I know I've seen the exact sentence before.

srgmpdns ago

Pretty sure many of us were downvoating him before he was TheCool.

CrudOMatic ago

Super-dooper-uber troll that forgot to switch accounts, or paid shill glownigger shit-stirrer who forgot to switch accounts? The world may never know.

Mayhawk ago

I'd still say Tallest_Shil is the best counter-ops here. You know who I'm talking about. He says just enough stuff to stay "on board", while still ticking off at least 5 boxes on the disinformation tactics list.

The Rules of Disinformation: Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth, by H. Michael Sweeny (1997)

(#5) Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule.

(#14) Demand complete solutions.

(#18) Emotionalize, antagonize, and goad opponents.

(#19) Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs.

(#24) Silence critics.

actually ago

tallest SHILL's job is to promote racism and hate. he'll never budge from the position he's obligated to hold.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

That's how he gets bigger bonuses on his ShareBlue/CTR call contract, it looks good on his quarterly performance reviews

TastyAsphalt ago

I feel like @TheCool is reading this entire post to see what is being said about him.

Durm ago

Maybe he will quit for his sins.

VapidGopher ago

Poor guy, must suck being so old he can't enjoy memes, that's a whole other level of Scrooge I hope to never achieve.

IllumiNotMe ago

He surely needs to take Truvada.

Skeeterdo ago

I always wondered. What The cool did this on purpose, then went on his alt account and posted it to receive upvoats?

Schreiber ago

Old tactics.

That's why, never give upvoat to comments that attacks low effort comment.

olltre ago

sounds like something TheCool would say

Skeeterdo ago

Plot twist. I'm TheCool and Laurentius trying to get me some upvoats

Drain0 ago

What a buffoon.

Drain0 ago

Hey, fuck you!

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Beat me to it

freedumbz ago

I think he's just a @JohnCStevenson alt.

Gumbatron ago

I think he is pure satire. Like MillionDollarBonus on ZeroHedge for those familiar with that site. His aim is to push the limits of Poe's law. For him, a down voat is like an upvoat.

qotile ago

That's fine, but if he actually has an alt that he replies to himself with he's still a mega fag. But maybe he was only pretending to be retarded, and he replied to himself under the same name on purpose? How many levels of trolling are we on?

NewStupidName ago

You do know @JohnCStevenson is a cunt.

freedumbz ago

I know, I just don't care.

NewStupidName ago

I was just making a joke about an alt of mine where I was so drunk, I almost yelled at myself. But @JohnCStevenson is still a cunt :)

NewStupidName ago

I swear I will kill you, I am a great guy!

NoTrueScotsman ago

I agree. I think they're the same guy larping as a strawleftist. Either as a joke, or to farm upvotes.

armday2day ago

Oh fuck I haven't seen that username in ages

KikesDidJFK ago

JIDF lost the password for that account.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

because he fucked up like thecool and replied to his own post

he didn't want people to look at his previous posts and see who replied to every single one to farm upvotes

CrudOMatic ago

I replied to @JohnCStevenson quite a few times, and I'm not that faggot's alt.

Ina_Pickle ago

Sure, whatever you say @thecool

jollux ago


freedumbz ago

Nobody said you were...

MyNameNoizy ago

Yeah @TheCool fuck of you cuck, go have your wife take some BBC.

CrudOMatic ago

Butt-Blasted Coon?

Barnyard Blowjob Champ?

Big Bad Chad?

Bone Boi-Cunt?

Blownout Beefer Cooter?

Butter Beast Coalition?

Blood Bag Coagulate?

Boxing Butterbean with Crosses?

British Broadcasting Corporation?

It can't be Big BlackNigger Cock.

HillBoulder ago

Is that you @thecool?

MyNameNoizy ago

I think not

crazy_eyes ago

HaHa @theCool

HillBoulder ago

Pingping @thecool