Tucker Carlson: Democrats don't care about Christine Ford; they just want to delay Kavanaugh from being confirmed to the Supreme Court (invidio.us)
submitted 6.2 years ago by John_B_14
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edistojim 6.2 years ago
Ford is just a tool of the left, just as the many thats gone before her she will be left with nothing when she's used up. And it won't do any good whatsoever.
TheCool 6.2 years ago
Republicans are masters of projection.
You know how the Seth Rich conspiracy is a lie? Republicans actually care about a dead Democrat.
TastyAsphalt 6.2 years ago
Lol its this fucking loser again. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2724692
freedumbz 6.2 years ago
>that first reply
Stop feeding the trolls if you care, faggot.
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edistojim ago
Ford is just a tool of the left, just as the many thats gone before her she will be left with nothing when she's used up. And it won't do any good whatsoever.
TheCool ago
Republicans are masters of projection.
You know how the Seth Rich conspiracy is a lie? Republicans actually care about a dead Democrat.
TastyAsphalt ago
Lol its this fucking loser again. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2724692
freedumbz ago
>that first reply
Stop feeding the trolls if you care, faggot.