Lavender7 ago

How do these women feel after they release they have been used by the Democrates and they find their reputation gone. Nobody wants to hang with an outcast.

16tons ago

No punishment for false allegations means this won't be the last time Democrats trot this out of their underhanded playbook.

newoldwave ago

The Democrats know they can't stop Kavanaugh but want to spite Trump.

John_B_14 ago

Actually, the Dems strategy is to delay the Cavanaugh confirmation, until after the midterm elections.

On the off-chance that Dems actually take the Senate, then they can block Cavanaugh outright.

Crackrocknigga ago

No shit Sherlock! Tonight at 7: jews don't actually push welfare because they care about dark skinned goyim. Startling revelations!

AlphaOmega ago

Democrats are the most degenerate, hypocritical people I can imagine. I'm not saying republicans are perfect, but Jesus Christ.

Dems and their supporters are CONSTANTLY rambling on about sexual assault and sexism, then they go and broadcast these bogus sexual allegations to the world. Anyone watching, who can think rationally, can see past this shit. They know that this allegation is being used as a political weapon.

Except now the people who can see through this are going to have less respect for sexual assault allegations, should they happen around them. Someone who MIGHT actually have been raped or assaulted may come forward and won't be taken seriously becasue the Democrats have toxified the landscape so much.

Not_A_Dinosaur ago

I mean, no shit. He was also pretty soft the other night when talking about segregation and "muh diversity" but what can you expect from the msm?

edistojim ago

Maybe because she's a liar and a fraud? She won't take the stand as a witness EVER. The story is weak because although somewhat believable because kids will be kids, this batshit crazy democrat doesn't even know what year it happened, everything else is crystal clear………..

Rubydoobydo ago

The new leftist chant: What do we want? --- Opacity! When do we want it? --- Forever!

arniecuntingham ago

even if he did it...WHO FUCKING CARES??!! IT WAS HIGH SCHOOL!!!!! what 16 year-old boy didn't grope girls at drunken make-out parties?? jesus fucking christ!! i sure as hell did, any chance i got. and we all survived. it's called "growing up".

puppy528 ago

In other shocking news, water is surprisingly wet, dogs eat pretty much whatever you feed them, and multi-generational dependence on government handouts is not actually a culture.

wt1984yb ago

Woah! You think!?

HighEnergyLife ago

I thought everyone knew that was their MO. Co-opting another groups "virtuous" position in society, and exploit them mercilessly for political gains.

She's in the "victim of white male" group

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Were it not obvious before it should have been so once they refused to have her testify until a law enforcement agency with no jurisdiction to investigate anything regarding the accusation investigated it anyway. They are so used to making everyone play by their rules that they are assuming that whatever they want is right.

edistojim ago

Sexual assault, or whatever it was is a state crime, same for murder. The FBI, or any federal agency has not one fucking thing to do with it. Maybe they should call the local sheriff instead ? Or the police chief ? All on something that supposedly happened some 30+ years ago ? Do these morons even understand the statute of limitations at all?

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

They understand all of that perfectly. But they need to stall until after the election because they think they will win enough seats to force Trump to give them a Supreme Court nominee of their choosing.

edistojim ago

Once again the dummycrats double down on stupid. Its not gonna work.


What needs to be said:

“No, I don’t believe this woman’s claims, and no I will not humor them as possibly being true. I’m calling this out as an attempt to derail a Supreme Court nomination via a false and frivolous allegation. I think she’s lying.”

AlphaOmega ago

I don't know how it could be organized but there should be some kind of law that keeps assault victims and the accused from being revealed in the media from 4 months prior to an election through the election day.

I don't know how that would reconcile with the first amendment, but if we don't do something about this we're reaching a point where these fraudulent allegations could be just as dangerous to our democracy as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater is to human life.

curomo ago


edistojim ago

Ford is just a tool of the left, just as the many thats gone before her she will be left with nothing when she's used up. And it won't do any good whatsoever.

TheCool ago

Republicans are masters of projection.

You know how the Seth Rich conspiracy is a lie? Republicans actually care about a dead Democrat.

TastyAsphalt ago

Lol its this fucking loser again.

freedumbz ago

>that first reply

Stop feeding the trolls if you care, faggot.

edistojim ago

Since when did anyone but retards like you care about a dead lefty? Since never.

JerkSock ago

Kys, faggot.