freedumbz ago

That is to distract you from the jews that are behind it all.

IDintDoNuthin ago

So far white people are capable of fostering the greatest good

vladtep ago

Doesn't matter, we have a right to our own nations.

We can easily enforce that right, so we should.

kammmmak ago

facebook twitter and msm are working together to ALLOW terms like "nazi and "extreme right be used against completely legitimate normal concerned citizen etiquette. They are traitors to all of what the U S of A stand for and well actually all white countries. Know your (((Enemy)))

30MagazineClip ago

Everything you see is to distract you from revolting against the fed and continuing the pay the income tax

SweetChicken ago


Ending fiat money and restoring the power to coin money to Congress as stated in the Constitution is paramount for personal liberty

Doglegwarrior ago

You could have endee that with christians commit the majority of crime in america espcialy murder and rape.. but ya didnt go there

saintdindu ago

I guess blacks are mostly christians. Okay.

Doglegwarrior ago

Yeeeeepp!!! Bingo.. and a fucked up thing the 10 most dangerous countries and cities are all christian.. thank you south america... as bad as mudslimes are there murder and rape numbers are not at the level of christian countries.

ardvarcus ago

You can sum up the major taboo truths, the truths the leftists don't want you talking about, in a few lines:

  • women are weaker than men
  • women are not as intelligent as men
  • woman are not as capable as men of assuming authority positions
  • blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites
  • blacks commit a massively greater amount of violent crime than whites
  • the negro race has never achieved civilization anywhere in the world or at any time in history
  • blacks, as a whole, are incapable of functioning in white Western society
  • Jews control the media and use it to brainwash Christians
  • Jews hate Christians and historically have always hated Christians
  • Jews have been persecuted in Christian nations because they are lying, criminal, malicious parasites
  • the Nazis persecuted Jews because Jews were enemies of the German state
  • the Holocaust is a Jewish myth
  • the unrest in the Middle East is wholly the fault of Israel
  • Israel is a terrorist nation, founded by Jewish terrorists illegitimately, and has no right to exist
  • Jews are conducting a generation-spanning campaign of white genocide
  • Jews are responsible for the horrors of communism
  • white Christians created everything the modern world refers to as "civilization"
  • the nations of Europe are white Christian nations
  • America is a white Christian nation
  • modern feminism is a disease that is destroying Western society
  • Jews created modern feminism
  • leftist Jews control the universities
  • affirmative action is unjust and is hurting society as a whole
  • Islam is a religion of homicidal fanatics
  • almost all terrorists are Muslims
  • homosexuality is a perversion that it destructive to Western society
  • there are two sexes only, male and female
  • Jews have used pornography as a weapon against white Christians
  • there is no man-made global warming
  • carbon dioxide is a gas essential to life that does enormous good and no harm at all
  • more CO2 in the air is better
  • there is no such thing as peak oil
  • there is no energy shortage
  • there is no shortage of raw materials
  • the populations of white Christian nations are too low, not too high
  • abortion is murder
  • a revival of Christianity is the only thing that can save Western civilization

22trilionAsecond ago

see the male to female iQ bell curve.

There are more male with Higher IQ than the average females. There are also more males with lower IQ than the average female.

vladtep ago

The burden of proof is with them, this is basic logic.

One cannot prove a negative, that something didn't happen. lol

They can not prove that it ever existed, that's why they keep putting people in jail over it.

22trilionAsecond ago

You are right I get it. I want an easy way to learn all the fouls claims and lies. So I can educate people when the time arises. Like how I was recently able to open some peoples minds about 9/11.

There are loads of moon landing denial sites.

There most be some half decent Holocaust denial sites.

HulkInformation ago

All true except for this contradiction

  • the unrest in the Middle East is wholly the fault of Israel
  • Islam is a religion of homicidal fanatics
  • almost all terrorists are Muslims

saintdindu ago

This is alot better than my shitpost

BlueDrache ago

Your shitpost was still a quality turd.

armday2day ago

Oh sure the Republicans are great

saintdindu ago

They dont commit frequent mass shootings so they have that going for them.

armday2day ago

In any case I wouldn't align myself with them. OP's talking about civil war, so why pick red or blue with those expectations.

300_Black ago

Muslims want you dead

No, Muslims generally want the same thing you want which is to live peacefully with their families away from Zionist oppression.

With that being said I do admit: (((Muslims))) certainly want you dead.

Travisty ago

Don't speak in absolutes it really makes people tune out. Instead use facts and cite sources

saintdindu ago

War is coming. What source am i supposed to use for that

Travisty ago


saintdindu ago

Cheers mate

CaptainChurch ago

We know the facts fool.

auralsects ago

if any substantial number of muslims wanted us "ALL DEAD "there would be big attacks on the daily and the FBI wouldn't have to instigate over half of the few we do get, as they have admitted to doing.

whereas muslims as a matter of doctrine DO want all JEWS dead and if whites allied with them it would be accomplished before sundown.

your nose is showing, faggot

saintdindu ago

Or they would slowly move into our countries ala right now....

auralsects ago

French forces killed over a million Algerians trying to retain their colony. soon after independence there were 750,000 Algerians in france. even those, with direct motive, didn't manage to, say, lethally poison the water supply like those kikes tried to do in Germany after WWII.

Counter-jewhad gets us nowhere.

Theres a reason GTK precedes RWN

Whitemail ago

Muslims are into civilization Jihad and our tax dollars are paying for them to colonize and take over.

Fuckyounigger ago

Even this post

absolutelynotabot ago

This couldn't be more sensationalized if you were paid by CNN.

harryAnderson ago

colombia is a nice country, it has a 50% poplation that is made up of white, and most of them are hardcore right wingers, the right wing paramilitary militia in colombia have killed thousand of marxist/leftist in colombia.

saintdindu ago

I hope they keep south america great

BlueDrache ago

Oh, yeah ... it's "snow" white.

Triple_Agent ago

Looks more like contrived infighting to distract from being a wage slave that pays more than half of earnings to globalist bankers.

Like when your dickhead cousin comes for Thanksgiving and starts a fight between you and your sister so they can raid the cookie plate.

vladtep ago

The globalist bankers are all jews, try again. lol

CIAniggers ago

“Everything you see is to distract you from the facts that:”

Bullshit detected.

“ All brown countries are shit, “

So are white countries now because of....white people.

“muslims and jews want you dead, “

Christians too.

“and democrats commit almost ALL of the crime in America.”

Most of the corrupt politicians in my state getting elected for office are republicans who are corrupt as anything. We have had republicuck governers almost miss getting sworn in because they had to be in court.

Republicans are MORE corrupt than the liberals. The liberals just don’t cover it up. The republicans all act like organized criminals and cover each others asses.

You missy are a cuck. A republicuck. The worst kind of cuck. In denial.

CatsControlTheEU ago

I cant recall the last time a Christian blew up a building or cut off some heads. Or are you going to list "muh Crusades" and maybe 2 or 3 Incidents that happened in a decade compared to the dozen or so that happen daily perpetuated by Islam.

Any objective look at Christiantiy and Islam in modern times will find that the latter is 1000% more dangerous.

Deathstalker ago

Trump tweets about censorship then shortly after the Alex Jones stunt happens. "We at infowars are the censored people. No need to look anywhere else." No thanks mr. Zionist tranny lover, I like it here at Voat.

mightnotbearobot ago

You sound scared.

TitanThinkTank ago

i am brown and and i say you are a racist maggot, you sick morons. its the feminism and your incompetence to deal with it got you all by your balls, MORONS

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

'Attention Q Reddit / r/GA Folks' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @dontdoxxmefaggots:

You're being downvoated for being an illiterate shitskin. Calling people racists here doesn't bring the up voat squad like Reddit. Shitskin

This notification (#158) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

TitanThinkTank ago

i am not here for up vote you fucktard

TitanThinkTank ago

really ! so how is that FREE SPEECH, YOU RETARDS ?

brewpot ago

There's nothing wrong with being racist

Mumbleberry ago

Aww, shitskin is mad. Boohoo.

BearDolphin1488 ago

your days are numbered, shitskin. you have been a blight on our people for too long. 200 years in our great country and what do you have to show for it... nothing. you say were wrong? go the fuck back to africa and do something about it rather than ALWAYS leeching off of better peoples.

pack your bags, shitskin, the free rides will be over sooner than you tyhink

con77 ago

If having border control makes me a Nazi THEN FUCKING SEIG HEIL!!!!!

IGiveZeroFucks ago

But don't you want to live in a lovely multicultural community? Look how nice Detroit and Chicago turned out. Just imagine an entire country like that. Paradise!

Whitemail ago

It makes you a Nazi, but all of the people in black and brown shitholes and yellow gook countries can have border controls without being Nazis.

con77 ago

mexico has a fukn wall!

Kill-Commies ago

and so do the jews of israel!

Whitemail ago

Brown people can't be Nazis you fucking racist bigot.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Omg I can't believe the level of racism I'm seeing on this site. My gay husband just walked by and saw con77's comment. My 6 adopted African children could sense his dismay and fear and began to cry. My family is falling apart because of internet bigotry. We need to make this stop!!!

BlowjaySimpson ago


TheCool ago

You have been reported to the ADL for antisemitic content.

475677 ago

How's it feel being an inbred gargoyle? Do you recoil in horror every time you look in the mirror or does your nose block the view?

In all seriousness though while the first holocaust was a lie the upcoming one won't be. We're going to shoot you kikes where you stand and we won't spare the women and children either. We're coming and unless you have a space ship capable of reaching near light speed there's no where in the entire universe you'll be able to hide. Every last one of you mutant parasites is getting a bullet and then we're kicking all the shitskins you've imported to our nations out or they get a bullet too. That's right kike, they get the option to live while you and your children get a bullet. How's it feel knowing that you're lower than a nigger? Look in the mirror and after you get over your hideousness remember you're less than a nigger. Every time you see a street shitting nigger shooting heroin remember they're better than you in our eyes.

Remember above all else though we're coming for you and not even your babies will be spared.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Holy shit guys a black ADL van just rolled up in my driveway. A swat team is jumping out and surrounding my house. Omg I think they know I said nigger on the internet!!!!!

con77 ago

go back to reddit you nigger faggot cunt kike.

Whitemail ago

You are being shipped to Auschwitz for gassing.

Deltamikeoscar ago

You've been reported to my mate Chris, for being a retarded shitcunt.

Tazzermalt ago

Here's what i think freaks (((them))) out, there is an order of establishment and the illusion of 'control' kind of normal terror murder when blacks or muslims are killing its kind of normal...especially if its over there say the 'middle east' or africa...or Chicongo, Detriotistan....out most of these crimes its like its supposed to happen. The media also adds to these wars and causes a lot of race hysteria, blame white-ey drama, tension etc The media is in bed with the guys shooting the guns and building the bombs and bullets. What changed is the violence in the SHITHOLES started to spread and move into the posh areas, Rodney King the media whips up hysteria and 1992 Los Angeles riots a whole city burns for days almost destroyed by Mexi-Niggers looting, killing, burning until rooftop Koreans stepped in. 1993 World Trade Center bombing, ragheads who are normally supposed to be blowing up shit and chopping each other's heads off come to NYC and bomb NewYork, once again the FBI drops the ball on this one. What really fucking scares them is guys like say an unpredictable White psycho Timothy McVeigh or psycho Paddock flipping out and going lone wolf, They know that Whites through history have been effective at killing, that's where huge numbers die. Reading the back story on these Vegas Oklahoma events I doubt these guys acted alone, I think like all big events there might have been a lot more involved and once again people are covering their asses. Most jihad, murders, crime, terrorism the governments don't want to stop it, they want to manage it at levels like the refujihadi invasion of Europe or islamist rapefugees they want it at manageable levels. It kinda reminds me of the scene in the Batman movie with the Joker, You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan"... even if the plan is horrifying. If, tomorrow, like, a Black African gang-banger will get shot, or a truckload of Marine Soldiers blown up, nobody panics, because "it's all part of the plan". But I say that one little old mayor will die... and everybody loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.

con77 ago

no motive in Vegas? My fucking ass!

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

I’m right there with you, borther.

culofiesta ago

I'm with you borther

fr33europe ago

Amen brother

Crikes ago

Be afraid!

How can you tell someone is the enemy of humanity? They try to convince you to be afraid.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

There are two groups that matter; individuals who respect the rights of individuals, and those who violate them. Any claim that there are other groups worth focus are made either by our slave masters, or their house slaves doing their bidding. Whether you are purposefully betraying your fellow man, or just a fool, check yoself before you wreck everything.

We are, for the time being, out of frontiers. Quite literally, humanity won't last much longer unless we finally overcome the divide and conquer tactics, and the tolerance for enslavement.

Don't be a collectivist, house slave, tool, for your masters, betraying yourself, your family, friends, community, nation, species, & planet.

Grow the fuck up already.

vladtep ago

Individualism is the other side of the Marxist coin promoted by Ayn Rand, AKA (Alicia Rosenbaum).

Marxist destruction of the family unit, community, religion, leads to individualism. It's a trap. America was never about individualism anyway, it wasn't individuals who stood up to the British.

Individualism is all well and good in theory but your European society ends up dead.

Fear is good, fear saves your ass.

We have no more use for your false gospel, commie scum.

middle-path ago

Individualists with common ideals can be found at /v/EmergencyNation

fr33europe ago

I'm a white nationalist. Does that make me a collectivist?

saintdindu ago

Eh... Im preparing mentally for war. Not to go on living with cucks. Have fun trying to relate to tyrone.

con77 ago

and by that you mean the globalist fascists on the left.

Jaegerjaques ago

Don't call them fascists. It's subconsciously ingrained to associate fascism with negative authoritarianism, but historically the behavior they display is 100% communist thought control.

Crikes ago

There is no irrelevant group full of good, or bad, people. Every irrelevant group is represented in the two groups that matter.

Therefore, focus on the relevant groups of individuals, and their crimes, character, or lack thereof.

fr33europe ago

What's a group of individuals?

There's individuals, and there's groups

justsayingmayne ago

This is true - too many niggers on here think everything is 100% black and white

some things are, but not this

saintdindu ago

War is coming. Its black and white. Enjoy preparing for something besides war. Hope theres video games there or whatever you think youre doing in ten years.

justsayingmayne ago

Of course it is, but why should we fight for anyone other than ourselves?

Kick out the traitors and the niggers, then let them kill themselves in the middle east while we prosper and not send our children to fight kike wars