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bdmthrfkr ago

I hadn't heard ANYTHING about this until I saw this:

This morning. How the fuck did this fly under our radar?!?

voatHatesTheFirst ago

As soon as I heard about this, I started visiting a bunch of smaller sites that relate to a wide-ish variety of topics.

Only one is crying about the fact that that the government is going after pedos.


ready-ignite ago

DA's are pushing for this for the power to arbitrarily shake down internet businesses operating within bounds of the law. I suspect it's all a power and money thing to harass companies that do not defer to them, and create another tool to ensure the 'right' companies win and the ones that don't play ball get shaken up. It's building a godamn protection racquet.

Case in point -- Kamala Harris loved this in California. She signed letters to senate requesting holes carved in Section 230 protections, expressing explicit detail understanding of how these protections work in written form. After that documented understanding she would go on to harass and bully companies operating within the bounds of Section 230 protections. For example, she aggressively targeted Backpage going so far as to arrest their CEO without cause who went on to countersue leaving taxpayers on the hook for wrongful arrest damages. The legal case against Backpage documents a company operating completely above board with Section 230 including sample case where a fake illegal position was made to the site, the company notified of the item, the company review and took down the submission thanking the law enforcement agency for bringing it to their attention, within reasonable timeframe defined by Section 230. That was the core argument against the company -- a detailed example of operating a website and handling when illegal content is posted to the site in a timely and reasonable way.

For further reading about Kamala's adventures shaking down lawful businesses Techdirt covered the story over the months, search her name for good detail from a legal perspective.

Another example is the entertainment industries attempted use of DA's to shake down Google. The Sony Hack revealed extensive collusion between entertainment industry officials and DA hassling google, going so far as to draft legal filings on behalf of the DA. Had this hole in Section 230 existed it would provide a sufficiently ambiguous tool as to have effectively shaken down Google at that time.

Then there's the witch hunt of aggressive DA's going after Aaron Schwartz. This is another legal weapon that can be leveled against disruptive visionaries building the next Google, or major online commerce, that upsets the established accepted internet companies.

Can just round up the innovator and harass them ad nauseum. Don't like that competitor? Just hire reputation management team from across the country to bombard their site with links to copyright infringing items. Generate huge costs a small company can't handle and effectively put them out of business. Monopoly 101. Once you're big enough, create trenches of regulation and other hurdles a new smaller company can't climb.

This is an incredibly powerful exemption that can be easily misused by a body of government we've had many examples in recent years of abusing their powers as a shake down technique. This is an area of government that needs a fresh dose of light and fresh air cleaning up the bad actors that have come to inhabit that space. Instead handing over new tools to behave VERY badly for personal profit is a terrible ideas. This creates a lot of incentive to shake down innocent companies on behalf of possible large donors, then run for Senate as the payoff.

bdmthrfkr ago

This isn't just about money at the moment, it is about investing in a strategy which will give them more power (money) in the future. Shut down free speech sites now and when you have total control (again) then you will make ALL of the moneys.

You are right, this is about money (power) but it is also about controlling opposition. These people are sick.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, I get it now. You’re the fucking reason /pol/ has gone to shit. Go the fuck back to reddit and cuckchan, you stupid zionist faggot.

GJSmith ago

Created a topic on, lets blow it up.

bdmthrfkr ago

Thanks! The more this spreads the more outrage there will be against this outrageous power grab.

You are doing God's work anon, keep it up!

The_Red_Kraken ago

There seems to be no other choice. We need a final solution.

bdmthrfkr ago

If only I could come up with one...

elitch2 ago

...something final...

bdmthrfkr ago

You mean... like a solution?

elitch2 ago

Some sort of final solution...

TheonGreyjoy ago

It even has bipartisan support and no one is talking about it, I'm certain we're fucked.


This is why the constitution requires the citizens to be armed at the same level or better than the government itself, to overthrow a corrupt and tyrannical state, govern yourselves accordingly.

Dungles ago

That's why no one is talking about it.

MaunaLoona ago

Another word for bipartisan support is collusion between the parties with disregard for their constituents.

ShinyVoater ago

It gets talked about every now and again, but mostly it's supportive. The terrifying parts are all based on the consequences, not the literal wording, so it makes it harder to attack.

Crensch ago


Hijacking high-ranked comment for visibility.

bdmthrfkr ago

How the hell is this not all over the news? Oh.

hikoo ago

It will be after it passes. They don't want the masses questioning it like sopa/pipa.

TheonGreyjoy ago

Remember ICAAN being sold off, how it was too late for anyone to act on it? Same thing is happening here.

bdmthrfkr ago

This is a stab in the back to all American citizens, Americans invented the WWW but for some reason have to give up control of it to unknown and potentially malicious parties. Now that the International problem is sorted they are moving on the pesky 1st Amendment as well right here at home.

I fucking hate these people.

auggs ago

Because meta drama has blasted the front page all weekend. Im an idiot for not picking up on a larger motive. Thought it was strange to fuss about a small subverse

PsyOp ago

Thanks for posting this tableau of all the Jews who work for npr. We need to expose all media companies in this way.

letsgoallthewhey ago

There's another one floating around about CNN. The chart looks pretty much the same.

PsyOp ago

All the ones that I've seen are The New York Times, CNN, NPR, and NBC. It looks to me like the same person is doing them. Let us pray that they keep doing them!

bdmthrfkr ago

I wish it was just NPR.

PsyOp ago

I wish that too...but it ain't, it's every last one of them. The question that needs an answer is where were the FBI, CIA, NSA, FCC, etc., while they were taking control of our media?

voltronsdicks ago

Why are we always scurrying around and playing whack-a-mole every time a new bill comes up instead of taking proactive steps to fight censorship? We shouldn't be going after the bills. We should be focusing on the dangerous leaders who believed that censorship is the answer to the fucked-up Society they've created.

hafen ago

Politics are important, but I'd also be interested in tech that helps resist censorship in spite of it.

albatrosv15 ago

And trumptard again, who can't see that trump is surrounded by kiketry.

Niggertown ago

Expecting ZOG nigger Trump to help. LOL.

It was his little FCC minion that destroyed Net Neutrality.

facetumor ago

If you took what they were calling "net neutrality" at face value, then you need to get the fuck off reddit

cm18 ago

Attrition. Those that want more and more control are working to exhaust us. They conserve their energy by knowledge of group psychology and having lots of resources to experiment till with. Those of us paying attention are can only do so much, and the rest of the public are to busy trying to keep their homes and jobs to fight this crap.

voltronsdicks ago

The idea is good but the execution is shitty and not well thought-out. It needs more round table discussion for sure. there's still too much room for abuse of power.


Once the system is running, it's autonomous. This idea is bulletproof. If you don't see that possibility, you didn't understand or possibly misread something in the post. Find a hole and I will show you how the system as described will plug it.

voltronsdicks ago

No the problem is you misunderstand human nature. your post implies that people are just going to naturally cooperate and facilitate this freedom. If history has taught us anything it's that humans are always the weak link in the equation.

MarcusA ago

Why do you think there was a school shooting last week???

voltronsdicks ago

You forgot your point

Breivik ago

You already know the solution. I can't work out of my jail cell. But you can.

Uncle_Tractor ago

You're not allowed online from you cell, Mr. Fjotolf Hansen. Now be a good little loser and cry about how awful your life is.

Breivik ago

I am allowed, how else would i be posting? Are you angry at me for some reason?

Uncle_Tractor ago

Sint på deg? Nei, du er en tilfeldig anon som vil ha folk til å tro du er en barnemorder. Trist.

Breivik ago

Politiske aktivister er ikke barn:

Du er en tilfeldig anon som vil ha folk til å tro du er en Tractor. Trist.

Uncle_Tractor ago

15-18 -åringer, nei, ok; ikke barn, tenåringer. Hva slags politisk aktivisme var det de drev med som gjorde at de fortjente å bli drept av den taperen? Veive med noen skilt ute på en øy?

Breivik ago

Se bilde. Gammel nok til å være politisk aktivist = gammel nok til å være et mål for politisk mord. Norge er for nords. Alle andre vil bli fjernet på noen måte nødvendig.

Uncle_Tractor ago

Se liste:øde_i_terrorangrepet_i_Norge_2011

De som ble drept av helten din (på utøya) var 17-18 år. Igjen; hva var det de drev med som gjorde dem fortjent til å bli drept? Si ting du ikke var enig i? Hva med de som er uenige med deg? Har de rett til å komme etter deg med skytevåpen?

Breivik ago

Betyr alderen så mye? Ville det vært annerledes hvis de var 25 år gammel?

Mitt bilde forklarte hvem de var og hvorfor de måtte dø. Det går utover "uenig" med meg. Hvis du ikke forstår hvor farlig de er og hvor ødeleggende de vil være til vårt land i det lange løp ... så kan jeg ikke hjelpe deg videre, og vil avslutte denne diskusjonen.

Jeg ønsker deg lykke i de kommende løpskrigene over hele Europa og håper at søstrene / døtre ikke blir voldtatt av dyrene som ble sluppet inn i Europa.

Unnskyld meg nå, jeg har fengselsforhold til å delta på.

Uncle_Tractor ago

"Policial muslim"? Hva er det for sproyt? Nei, bildet ditt forklarte ingen ting, annet enn at du er en terrorist-sympatisør. Det er ikke nok å skrive "muslim" og "islamist" under et bilde for å rettferdiggjøre det den taperen gjorde.

Breivik ago

Alt og alt som ikke er europeisk, må utryddes fra Europa.

Men du er åpenbart uenig med dette. Kanskje du ikke er for ren selv?

Uncle_Tractor ago

Den vestlige / europeiske sivilisasjonen er basert på verdiene fra opplysningstiden. De verdiene er det som skiller sivilisasjon og barabari. Dine verdier ligner mer på verdiene til Merkels migranter, til barbarstatene i midtøsten.

Man kan nesten lure på om du i det hele tatt har noe å gjøre her i Europa.

ShitWeasel ago

You aren't Breivik. Faggot.

Breivik ago

I am look at my profile picture. Why are you calling me gay?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The solution is known. But we shall see whether we deserve to survive, or not.

bdmthrfkr ago



Double down this.

Dereliction ago

Why are we always scurrying around and playing whack-a-mole every time a new bill comes up instead of taking proactive steps to fight censorship?

Because almost no one represents our interests in government.

FuckYourSafespace ago

Dual citizenship with Israel. It needs to be stopped. 1488.

dooob ago

Except Paul Nehlen.

goat-ditarod ago

The bulk of the people think the people that represent them are looking out for their best interest. Far from the truth.

Radippo ago

If people thought that there would be more voters. Most people are very cynical, they just don't dwell on it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Because no one represents our interests in government.


22jam22 ago

Almost id say you are grosly understatinf how little to no representstion we have while jews, banks and coporate america have 99.9 percent of the control. Im not sure what you would call our current goverment but its not a democracy.

immatureusername ago

It is called a Kleptocracy.

3dk ago

Oligarchy with some democracy.

thatguyiam ago

Its not democracy. Its only democracy when we're dealing with pleb on pleb matters. With regards to plebs vs rich, its another ballgame.

lemon11 ago

That's a given. It's more that the Constitution is not in effect to restrain government.

literallyoprah ago

our interests in government.

Because most functional adult human's are Nazi-LARP Pedophiles who got banned from reddit for being so sub-human, even reddit won't tolerate their bullshit.

Expecting a politician to represent Voaters is a fools errand because politicians talk to people and leave their basements.

Schreiber ago

Just stop.

Who's the NAZI here really?

Last I checked it was a bunch of leftards who prevented jews like Milo and Shapiro from giving a fucking speech in school.

If you are not an anti-semitic NAZI you should be supporting jews like Stephen Miller or the Kushners for being jews who didn't ask for white genocide everyday.

But nah, all you care about is white genocide. You just call everybody NAZI if they don't agree with your genocide agenda. But we like traditional culture, and we will never stop until everybody who wants "progress" get purged from the society.

literallyoprah ago

But we like traditional culture

I didn't realize it was "traditional" to furiously masturbate to the idea of an ethnostate you are incapable of contributing value to. I would be worried about you raping a 15 year old and spawning a child, but thankfully you are probably so genetically damaged, the baby would melt into a puddle as soon as it hit air.

we will never stop until everybody who wants "progress" get purged from the society.

This would be much more concerning if you weren't clearly a low value, fat beta incel who never leaves his mom's basement.

You're a faggot pussy and you won't do shit. You will be replaced.

Schreiber ago

low value, fat beta incel who never leaves his mom's basement.

Dude, those kinds of people all vote left! Soy boys are literally the poster child for leftist. Look at the fucking world leaders. Progressives are beta soyboys like Trudeau, conservatives are manly like Trump or Putin.

Just use your fucking brain for a sec. These people are non-functioning members of the society and therefore would depend on welfare eventually. And welfare is a leftist policy lmao.

It's funny when you use ad hominem to attack conservatives using "traits" commonly found in leftists.

Normal people who have family and need to pay tax would all logically vote right. But of course you are too dumb to realize that, because you are a dependent beta incel living off gibsmedats.

literallyoprah ago

Normal people who have family and need to pay tax

So why are you voting right incel? Did you marry you animu body pillow? Again, you are low value and if society was a meritocracy, you would be used for fertilizer.

Schreiber ago

just ad hominem attack from negative ccp beta incel lmao.

Libtards like you really need to be purged from earth.

literallyoprah ago

Libtards like you really need to be purged from earth.

And again: you won;t do shit pussy.

You will be replaced :)

Schreiber ago

You're the pathetic pussy beta incel soyboy.

literallyoprah ago

Nice projection there cuck. Incel status confirmed.

Schreiber ago

you're the one who wants to bring harm to me. You just won't do anything about it

That's because I have no idea where you live, you weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck.

I hit the gym 3 times a week, vegan for 10 years, full time tenured teaching gig with pension and benefits, and all the pussy I can smash more or less whenever I want it

Nice fantasy. Bet you copy pasted that from some online blog.

On my days off, I volunteer to do STEM outreach for inner city youth.

Yeah, right. I bet you're in prison parole and living off welfare your whole life. How did you end up in prison again? Raping your sister?

I'm a better person than you.

Said the weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck.

literallyoprah ago

That's because I have no idea where you live, you weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck.

Wow, big internet tough guy right here, lol. Fucking pussy.

Nice fantasy.

I like that you think it's a fantasy, like having a job and connecting with women is something magical. Incel status further confirmed.

Yeah, right. I bet you're in prison parole and living off welfare your whole life. Nice try though.

I would claim projection, but you are far to much of a pussy to ever commit a crime, or even say something edgy to anything darker than Italian,

Said the weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck.

If this was true, I would still be a better person than you.

Schreiber ago

You're just weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck calling random stranger on the internet weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck. You're a fucking sad incel who have no life.

What a pathetic existence.

literallyoprah ago

You're just weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck calling random stranger on the internet weak, pathetic, soy-boi cuck. You're a fucking sad incel who have no life.

That's not even projection, now you're straight up defining the evidence of incel status and calling yourself incel. Are you okay? I think I may have triggered you too hard, snowflake.

I;m sorry I hit a nerve with the incel comment. You would feel better if you got fucked, but we both know that;s basically impossible for you/

You know what's even more pathetic? Nobody even likes you online. To even get negative ccp on voat, you would really need to have an extremely shitty personality.

Having positive CCP on Voat is like getting an endorsement from NAMBLA. I don't want you to like me. I'm better than you.

Schreiber ago

^wow, you're such a talkative soy-boi incel. I can't even be bothered to read wall of texts written by a libtard failure like you.

I'm done with ya. Have a bad day.

literallyoprah ago

Yay, I win!

Suck it!

Schreiber ago

Oh, just shut the fuck up already you pathetic soy-boi incel!

IiteraIIyoprah ago

Wow, I really hit a nerve by calling you an incel, didn't I?

Guess that means I won!

Schreiber ago

I was the one hitting a nerve by calling you an incel.

Guess that means I won!

IiteraIIyoprah ago

I was the one hitting a nerve by calling you an incel.

Guess that means I won!

Schreiber ago

Wow, I really hit a nerve by calling you an incel, didn't I?

Guess that means I won!

IiteraIIyoprah ago

Wow, I really hit a nerve by calling you an incel, didn't I?

Guess that means I won!

Tallest_Skil ago

Slurp chodes, queer.

IiteraIIyoprah ago

Lol, sorry I hurt your feelings you sad-boi beta incel XD

Lag-wagon ago

Don't project to hard. You'll end up hurting your own feelings.

voltronsdicks ago

It's called a rhetorical question.

We shouldn't be going after the bills. We should be focusing on the dangerous leaders who believe that censorship is the answer to the fucked-up Society they've created.

voltronsdicks ago

Are you fucking retarded or did you not read my reply?