If voat gets shut down, we should all be too busy rectifying the situation in the real world to be shitposting online. Getting kicked off the internet should be our universal "Go" signal
I think Voat is fine. More likely than not, whoever will be in charge of fielding reports will look into the sites to see if the report is genuine, since the probability that this bill, if passed, will likely have people trying to abuse it, as this sort of thing is ripe for abuse.
Goyism is evil and needs to be purged by EVERY means necessary, including and especially violence. Until it is wiped off the face of the Earth, there will be no Peace on Earth.
They are really fucking with the first and second this whole week starting early last night i mean look all around. We have to get our guns and protest outside important places peacefully and if the state escalates so be it.
Protesting is fine, but there's no reason right now to bring lethal force with us.
If the government oversteps their bounds or uses lethal force against us, we are able. Otherwise it would be a negative move. There is no reason to give patriots negative publicity as you are advocating.
I think we are fine. We are a spin off of Reddit and hosted in cloudfair... We are a CIA project and they are trying to create extremist. So, enjoy that.
Think you're purty correct when it comes to that "CIA project" part, I know my personal level of awareness and "antisemitism" really started breaking through when I started seeing former CIA agent Michael Scheuer bashing Israel on a bunch of jewtube videos..... Now that was years ago but between things like that, a few other things, our government feeding "extremists" whether kiked or not..........
I personally believe that Atko and Puttitout were forced to hand the reigns over to the CIA or some other alphabet agency in the early days when the funding issue went away. I think they've had to sign non disclosure agreements and that both likely quit in protest but the CIA or whomever took control of our little containment board still run Putt's account so it doesn't appear as though we've been totally compromised.
I found one of those too recently, I think. I called them out even. Took 24 hours to get a reply and the guy still didn't deny it. Just made a fluff excuse about the thing. https://voat.co/user/duh_1234
I don't know I could be wrong about this user but the wording is just very strange to me. It's like the person wants to appear "right-wing" and is posting shit to make it look that way. Seen it before.
Likewise, couldn't someone say that you are merely trying to prevent any meaningful form of social action by saying real-world action is on par with extremism? What do you think we should do, Agent Smith? Sit here like docile cattle on Voat until all our freedoms are gone like those bitches on Reddit?
You just did say it, so yes, someone could say it.
I am keeping my critical thinking at 100% and not falling for all the traps that have been placed. I'm trying not be converted to an extremist. That is all I could hope the rest of you do.
And we laugh at lefties for their retarded conspiracy theories...
Have you considered that given the current state of the Overton window that being 'extremist' is actually the rational position? Have you considered that there is often (but not always of course) a difference between thematic hyperbole and actual political positions?
Lastly, your example of an """"extremist"""" is someone explicitly advocating for peaceful protests. Hoooly shit.
This is not a conspiracy and leftist are a sad bunch. I do not laugh at them, I pity them.
Yes, I do think militas would be a good start and I have gone from zero guns to many guns in a few short years as preparation. That is why I need to be careful of being crossed over and using them and wrecking my life and other people's lives.
The peaceful protest said to come with guns. That is no longer peaceful. You are going to cause a powder keg to happen, people will die, and guns will get more laws.
You literally claimed voat is a CIA psyop and that the admins are explicitly collaborating all to create extremists. That is by definition a conspiracy.
The peaceful protest said to come with guns. That is no longer peaceful.
Open carrying while protesting is legal and peaceful. The damn teaparty some years back was open-carry protesting peacefully. Per your definition they would be "non-peaceful extremists"...which is beyond hysterical.
Moralfag nigotry used to censor free speech... shocking... Pretty sure I've reiterated this 1000 times but you brainwashed christfags can't see the forest from the trees.
You know how an old man knows a storm is coming. He can just feel it in his bones... Same thing.
No, that isn't remotely the same thing. The old man knows a storm is coming because he has evidence in the manner of biofeedback that he has empirically correlated with previous storms over many iterations.
You on the other hand are just engaging in masturbatory speculation.
...That you're able to empirically correlate with an overt CIA op over many iterations? No. What you mean is that come up with just-so stories to match your preconception, again, nothing but masturbatory speculation.
I sure hope not, cause you're doing a poor job. But big claims call for big evidence. If you spout bs without backing it up, don't be surprised when people don't believe you.
Intuition mostly. Take a look at certain posters (White-Supremacist, Tallest_skil, etc) and wonder what type of person that is and see how active they are and why. Plausible deniability works as a cover, but then you go "...well... Satanists like goat heads... our mascot is a goat... They and Jews like stars and triangles... our up/down vote buttons are triangles that make a star when put together... PG pushes the fuck out of Q and is extremely modded..."
I came here years ago after the Pao Purge on Reddit, it was just a site I thought would get news posted that Reddit would not allow. I was even a Bernie faggot at the time, didn't know or give a shit about Trump, honestly just went "Rich Republican, ew, how is that any different than the people causing problems today?"
And then you have an obvious agenda to push Nazi shit all over this place, v/ridersofthereich and such, just because "free speech, get over it Nazi, hate the Jews or else." When you look around enough, it should be obvious this place has actors, and so who's hiring?
It's plausible, but not very probable in my mind. I really just think the reality is that these people are extremists and need a place to vent.
Also, triangles are just triangle that resemble up and down arrows. And the goat could just be because it rhymes with voat, and you're missing the symbol of Capricorn - which is older than Satan.
I know you're sceptical, but I have been told by people who do so that they actively push an agenda on here and other sites, like Twitter and Facebook, by gaming the algorithms. I'm not going to show you our messages, so I know you'll automatically think I'm lying to sound ominous, but they care about PG and have been involved before most of us knew it was a thing.
I am aware of the symbols and their origins, that's my point. The same people who care about hiding in plain site will use imagery to convey a message. This site uses it, covered by plausible deniability, and you'll know it when you see it if you know what to look for. If anyone learns anything from Voat, it should be that. Different names and symbols, same meanings.
Just too convenient for them not to. They kicked all the strong whites off of Reddit and there just happen to be a site ready to go? Not trying to answer a question with a question. You just know the answer or you don't. Use some critical thinking.
So then is 8chan CIA too? Since gamer gate happened right around the same time it was created and the people who left just happened to have a place to go.
Also, the first big ban on Reddit was FPH, the racist subs went next, then the "strong whites" of r/European.
I know nothing about 8 Chan so I cannot speak of it. But who gives a shit about gamer gate? Gamer gate could be solved by not buying shitty games or pre ordering.
You have to also understand Reddit is a tool as well. They are creating a liberal echo chamber so they needed all the rational thought fucking gone.
The gamergate thing was significant because pol was deleting all threads on it, effectively silencing the argument. That's when a large amount of users left 4chan.
If I remember 4chan was sold and then all of this happen. So the new owners could be any of this elites. Jews, CIA, fBI... Good or bad. But now Q is posting there with exclusive rights. So I would assume a three letter agency.
The mayor of Atlanta said that voat is welcome anytime in his city and he will take us out to da strip clubs to watch some black bootys bounce around and get us some purple dranks.
It may come back to that. In fact, we may have to steganographically conceal communication in radio noise. Although machine learning has a good chance of finding it. By far the better outcome is to restore the polity to a sane state.
We will destroy goyism in all its forms. Whatever means you use to spread your hate, we will shut them down. If you try to stop us, we will kill you. If you try to attack us, we will kill you. You have instigated enough crimes against Judaism, crimes against homosexuality, and crimes against blackness to justify your systematic execution. We will kill six million goyim for every Jew you kill. We will kill six million breeders for every gay person you kill. And we will kill six million crackers for every black person you kill. The next Holocaust will be a Honkycaust. Yes, we hate whites. Yes, we hate heterosexuals. Yes, we hate gentiles. And you know why? Because you are not normal. You are sick, depraved, inhuman monsters whose very existence cheapens the entire human race and whose shallowness and materialism is a clear and present danger to all living things. You and you alone are to blame for war, rape, murder, and environmental degradation. You are the cause of everything wrong with the world and will be until you are wiped out forever.
The genocide of the oppressor classes is coming whether you like it or not. Kill yourselves now so we don't have to, goyim, because one way or another your vile white hetero-gentile supremacist superstitions will be destroyed, and once they are, then humanity will finally flourish once again.
Silly oven dodger. When the day of the rope comes it's not going to be like the russian revolution where you jew rats do the killing. We're going to drive you from every nation and then glass Israel so that the world wide problem of the jews is finally dealt the decisive blow it deserves.
Putt will probably have to move off-shore again if he wants to keep the site up. Hosting a site in the States is a recipe for being thrown into a stripey hole.
MrKequc ago
Take Voat down? Why this is a data collection honeypot.
GreenSmoke ago
If voat gets shut down, we should all be too busy rectifying the situation in the real world to be shitposting online. Getting kicked off the internet should be our universal "Go" signal
GoodGodKirk ago
Apparently nowhere if that bill passes congress. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for what you niggerkikes have to say on MY site.
RedditisPropaganda31 ago
GoodGodKirk ago
Which no one would use...only cause most of them wouldn’t understand how it works.
RedditisPropaganda31 ago
How does 4chan anonymous posting work? Add in VPNs
GoodGodKirk ago
Double anonymous. Lol
I think Voat is fine. More likely than not, whoever will be in charge of fielding reports will look into the sites to see if the report is genuine, since the probability that this bill, if passed, will likely have people trying to abuse it, as this sort of thing is ripe for abuse.
malloryquinn ago
how far did the whole port of voat to .NET Core 2 Preview & postgres go?
I remember it was well on the way, then voat was DDOS'd out of existance and they couldn't go forward.
unclassified ago
Wouldn't that be nice.
Ozzsanity ago
jackofdiamonds ago
What is this even about? I haven't heard of websites being shut down. Isn't Voat hosted in Switzerland or something?
Mickgoestojail ago
You heard the story of Chicken Little? And the company is registered in the US.
CheeseboogersGhost ago
We need to create an app that shows all gated jewish communities in every state.
BreederBasher ago
Goyism is evil and needs to be purged by EVERY means necessary, including and especially violence. Until it is wiped off the face of the Earth, there will be no Peace on Earth.
Convert to Judaism or die.
uvulectomy ago
Troll and/or kike shill detected.
Either way, the response is the same. Set ovens to maximum.
BreederBasher ago
The next Holocaust will be a Honkycaust. No one who isn't gay, Jewish, or of color has any value.
BreederBasher ago
We will kill six million goyim for every Jew you kill.
Ialwayssaythis ago
The dark web...
ToFat2Fish ago
https://8ch.net/voat/index.html is the unofficial meet up place should we need to regroup.
goatsandbros ago
I'll probably just go outside more.
coopzy ago
What're you fuckin gay?
clubberlang ago
No he just likes drawing pictures of dicks
NotHereForPizza ago
I wouldn't worry about that.
Besides, if you don't know by now where to go when places like this get shut down, it's likely best you're not told.
individualin1984 ago
Freedom finds a way.
downvoatdumbshit ago
Hypercyberpastelgoth ago
Time to man up and nut up. Lets see war faces.
Hypercyberpastelgoth ago
They are really fucking with the first and second this whole week starting early last night i mean look all around. We have to get our guns and protest outside important places peacefully and if the state escalates so be it.
GoatyMcGoatface ago
monkeytoe101 ago
We see you
Ialwayssaythis ago
New account. Cyber... Pastel... Goth... Hrmmm I wonder what jew is behind this post.
dellcos ago
They have one of those high tech random name generators.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
That's what happens when you go with the default setting on the 'persona' generator.
looking4truth ago
found the cia shill. What happened to this place? shills everywhere and actively trying to give us a bad name.
BreederBasher ago
You do that to yourselves with your pasty, zitty, easily burned white skin, your gentile blasphemy, and your hetero-perversion.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Are you trying to give shills a bad name by being so inept at it? Proud Wakandan trying to recover your kangdom?
albatrosv15 ago
Was your circumcision that painful for your brain?
Womb_Raider ago
Protesting is fine, but there's no reason right now to bring lethal force with us.
If the government oversteps their bounds or uses lethal force against us, we are able. Otherwise it would be a negative move. There is no reason to give patriots negative publicity as you are advocating.
Lag-wagon ago
Here is a fine example of of what I mentioned up above. Subtle trying to create extremist.
DieselBustersYes ago
Yeah, what did they say?
Lag-wagon ago
It said go out and protest whith firearma, and escalate to shooting people as needed.
DieselBustersYes ago
Thanks, what the fuck. D:
12027948? ago
The comment was deleted, do you remember what it said?
Lag-wagon ago
Yeah. It told people to go out and protest, with guns, and escalate if needed. Read shoot people.
12030634? ago
Thanks, comments like that are very disturbing. Violence isn't the answer, I wonder if we should all protest violence on voat.
Boyakasha ago
Voat2ElectricBoogaloo.com is already ready to roll.
clubberlang ago
I got dibs on Ohnozone
Lag-wagon ago
I think we are fine. We are a spin off of Reddit and hosted in cloudfair... We are a CIA project and they are trying to create extremist. So, enjoy that.
Runaway-White-Slave ago
Think you're purty correct when it comes to that "CIA project" part, I know my personal level of awareness and "antisemitism" really started breaking through when I started seeing former CIA agent Michael Scheuer bashing Israel on a bunch of jewtube videos..... Now that was years ago but between things like that, a few other things, our government feeding "extremists" whether kiked or not..........
SpecialtyPizza ago
Surely that would never backfire.
475677 ago
I personally believe that Atko and Puttitout were forced to hand the reigns over to the CIA or some other alphabet agency in the early days when the funding issue went away. I think they've had to sign non disclosure agreements and that both likely quit in protest but the CIA or whomever took control of our little containment board still run Putt's account so it doesn't appear as though we've been totally compromised.
Lag-wagon ago
It's possible. But people keep asking for proof.
valk2 ago
I found one of those too recently, I think. I called them out even. Took 24 hours to get a reply and the guy still didn't deny it. Just made a fluff excuse about the thing. https://voat.co/user/duh_1234
See here: https://voat.co/v/news/2413124/12015720/10#12015720
I don't know I could be wrong about this user but the wording is just very strange to me. It's like the person wants to appear "right-wing" and is posting shit to make it look that way. Seen it before.
KEKjudo ago
Likewise, couldn't someone say that you are merely trying to prevent any meaningful form of social action by saying real-world action is on par with extremism? What do you think we should do, Agent Smith? Sit here like docile cattle on Voat until all our freedoms are gone like those bitches on Reddit?
Lag-wagon ago
You just did say it, so yes, someone could say it.
I am keeping my critical thinking at 100% and not falling for all the traps that have been placed. I'm trying not be converted to an extremist. That is all I could hope the rest of you do.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
And we laugh at lefties for their retarded conspiracy theories...
Have you considered that given the current state of the Overton window that being 'extremist' is actually the rational position? Have you considered that there is often (but not always of course) a difference between thematic hyperbole and actual political positions?
Lastly, your example of an """"extremist"""" is someone explicitly advocating for peaceful protests. Hoooly shit.
Choke on some thematic hyperbole for me:
Lag-wagon ago
This is not a conspiracy and leftist are a sad bunch. I do not laugh at them, I pity them.
Yes, I do think militas would be a good start and I have gone from zero guns to many guns in a few short years as preparation. That is why I need to be careful of being crossed over and using them and wrecking my life and other people's lives.
The peaceful protest said to come with guns. That is no longer peaceful. You are going to cause a powder keg to happen, people will die, and guns will get more laws.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
You literally claimed voat is a CIA psyop and that the admins are explicitly collaborating all to create extremists. That is by definition a conspiracy.
Open carrying while protesting is legal and peaceful. The damn teaparty some years back was open-carry protesting peacefully. Per your definition they would be "non-peaceful extremists"...which is beyond hysterical.
Lag-wagon ago
I'm saying it is not a conspiracy because it is true. But read it however you want.
Open carry while protesting can be peaceful if you do it in the middle of know where. But do that stuff in downtown DC and people will get killed.
The_Red_Kraken ago
They let that Mexican kid carry on his school shooting, I think they will let us be as well.
Lag-wagon ago
Tzitzimitl ago
The_Red_Kraken ago
Ok, Cuban then.
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ago
Damn it Edward. Can't tell them about the list, then they know we are on a list...
middle_path ago
If Voat gets shut down and pol doesn't (or visa versa) we'll see who owns what.
It may be me losing my cynicism, but I think Voat and Putt are actually legit..
IiteraIIyoprah ago
That's cute.
middle_path ago
Yet another person providing no evidence.
mqrmqr ago
/pol/ is definitely compromised. Voat possibly (no strong evidence so I assume not).
Gravspeed ago
Always assume everything is compromised.
voatHatesTheFirst ago
Then you are truly one dumb mother fucker. Far stupider than I had ever thought you were, which is quite an accomplishment really.
middle_path ago
So provide some proof
Tallest_Skil ago
He can’t. All he can do is libel people as childfuckers.
Diggernicks ago
Moralfag nigotry used to censor free speech... shocking... Pretty sure I've reiterated this 1000 times but you brainwashed christfags can't see the forest from the trees.
voatHatesTheFirst ago
I have wasted hours providing you with proof positive, as have others. You petulantly refuse to acknowledge what is in front of you.
It has become blatantly obvious that you are either too stupid face facts, or part of honey pot operation.
Go kill your self.
middle_path ago
You have shown zero proof, just conjecture. If there was proof, Voat would be all over it. It's just feels.
voatHatesTheFirst ago
You are a lying piece of shit. We are done.
middle_path ago
And you're making claims without evidence, so I agree.
voatHatesTheFirst ago
No, I'm making claims that I and others have shown you mountains of evidence for.
Do you think if you keep lying, your lies will come true?
Hint: They won't.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
That was a lie.
voatHatesTheFirst ago
Go cry moar to your pedo butt buddy @puttitout dirtbag.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
You are a lying piece of shit. We are done.
middle_path ago
It's funny, because I have seen zero evidence. Even if you posted some "proof" and I didn't believe it - you would have a chance to convince others.
But you don't because you're full of shit. Make a sub and post all the proof you have. Why are you even here if you think this place is compromised?
Lag-wagon ago
You know how an old man knows a storm is coming. He can just feel it in his bones... Same thing.
i_scream_trucks ago
Yeah there's legit reasons for that tho bruh.
Its not the same as pulling shit out of your arse on the internet.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
No, that isn't remotely the same thing. The old man knows a storm is coming because he has evidence in the manner of biofeedback that he has empirically correlated with previous storms over many iterations.
You on the other hand are just engaging in masturbatory speculation.
Lag-wagon ago
No, I get feedback from this site all the time. From the stories and the comments.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
...That you're able to empirically correlate with an overt CIA op over many iterations? No. What you mean is that come up with just-so stories to match your preconception, again, nothing but masturbatory speculation.
Lag-wagon ago
You will believe what you want and so will I. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
So will lefties about Russia "hacking" our election, not all beliefs are created equal.
Lag-wagon ago
People have relases documents from the democrates stating it is not true.
middle_path ago
That's not enough to convince me, unfortunately.
Lag-wagon ago
I'm not here to convince you.
middle_path ago
I sure hope not, cause you're doing a poor job. But big claims call for big evidence. If you spout bs without backing it up, don't be surprised when people don't believe you.
Lag-wagon ago
LOL, sir or madam, I have enjoyed or conversation. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime.
Lag-wagon ago
Legit CIA agents.
RedVader ago
Proof or fuck off.
Lag-wagon ago
I fuck off with proof too!
RedVader ago
But I don't fuck with you
4ChinSnacker ago
Proof for extraordinary claims?
Lag-wagon ago
Where have you been? This is just a known fact. Put he puzzle together.
4ChinSnacker ago
So no proof. Ok.
Lag-wagon ago
The proof is in the pudding.
i_scream_trucks ago
Did someone say pudding? Sign me up.
middle_path ago
We will see come Tuesday, won't we?
Lag-wagon ago
Could also be that they ran out of government funding. But CIA has all that drug money... So, I guess we will.
middle_path ago
What leads you to believe CIA runs this place? I've seen this claim before, never with evidence.
Intuition mostly. Take a look at certain posters (White-Supremacist, Tallest_skil, etc) and wonder what type of person that is and see how active they are and why. Plausible deniability works as a cover, but then you go "...well... Satanists like goat heads... our mascot is a goat... They and Jews like stars and triangles... our up/down vote buttons are triangles that make a star when put together... PG pushes the fuck out of Q and is extremely modded..."
I came here years ago after the Pao Purge on Reddit, it was just a site I thought would get news posted that Reddit would not allow. I was even a Bernie faggot at the time, didn't know or give a shit about Trump, honestly just went "Rich Republican, ew, how is that any different than the people causing problems today?"
And then you have an obvious agenda to push Nazi shit all over this place, v/ridersofthereich and such, just because "free speech, get over it Nazi, hate the Jews or else." When you look around enough, it should be obvious this place has actors, and so who's hiring?
middle_path ago
It's plausible, but not very probable in my mind. I really just think the reality is that these people are extremists and need a place to vent.
Also, triangles are just triangle that resemble up and down arrows. And the goat could just be because it rhymes with voat, and you're missing the symbol of Capricorn - which is older than Satan.
I know you're sceptical, but I have been told by people who do so that they actively push an agenda on here and other sites, like Twitter and Facebook, by gaming the algorithms. I'm not going to show you our messages, so I know you'll automatically think I'm lying to sound ominous, but they care about PG and have been involved before most of us knew it was a thing.
I am aware of the symbols and their origins, that's my point. The same people who care about hiding in plain site will use imagery to convey a message. This site uses it, covered by plausible deniability, and you'll know it when you see it if you know what to look for. If anyone learns anything from Voat, it should be that. Different names and symbols, same meanings.
Lag-wagon ago
Just too convenient for them not to. They kicked all the strong whites off of Reddit and there just happen to be a site ready to go? Not trying to answer a question with a question. You just know the answer or you don't. Use some critical thinking.
KEKjudo ago
Logical... people disagree with me, therefore I must be right.
Lag-wagon ago
middle_path ago
So then is 8chan CIA too? Since gamer gate happened right around the same time it was created and the people who left just happened to have a place to go.
Also, the first big ban on Reddit was FPH, the racist subs went next, then the "strong whites" of r/European.
Lag-wagon ago
I know nothing about 8 Chan so I cannot speak of it. But who gives a shit about gamer gate? Gamer gate could be solved by not buying shitty games or pre ordering.
You have to also understand Reddit is a tool as well. They are creating a liberal echo chamber so they needed all the rational thought fucking gone.
Edit:1 voat is an echo chamber as well.
middle_path ago
The gamergate thing was significant because pol was deleting all threads on it, effectively silencing the argument. That's when a large amount of users left 4chan.
Lag-wagon ago
If I remember 4chan was sold and then all of this happen. So the new owners could be any of this elites. Jews, CIA, fBI... Good or bad. But now Q is posting there with exclusive rights. So I would assume a three letter agency.
middle_path ago
4chan was sold like a year after all of that, correct.
100011 ago
Oh thank fuck i love this place !
0rion ago
This more than anything else.
I still love it here regardless.
Adminstrater ago
Look for public IRC channels that will help you find the new voat.
Also, reddit will get an influx of refugees, let's hope it will be as accepting as it claims to be.
Dismal_Swamp ago
The mayor of Atlanta said that voat is welcome anytime in his city and he will take us out to da strip clubs to watch some black bootys bounce around and get us some purple dranks.
clubberlang ago
Ohhh wahrd son?!
physicscat ago
The mayor of Atlanta is a woman.
VoutGuy ago
That makes it sooo hot, then.
Runaway-White-Slave ago
AND a niggress.... Named Quaneesha, or Quiche, or Keisha, some shit like that.
dellcos ago
We will hold nets using our ham radios.
northportage ago
It may come back to that. In fact, we may have to steganographically conceal communication in radio noise. Although machine learning has a good chance of finding it. By far the better outcome is to restore the polity to a sane state.
BreederBasher ago
We will destroy goyism in all its forms. Whatever means you use to spread your hate, we will shut them down. If you try to stop us, we will kill you. If you try to attack us, we will kill you. You have instigated enough crimes against Judaism, crimes against homosexuality, and crimes against blackness to justify your systematic execution. We will kill six million goyim for every Jew you kill. We will kill six million breeders for every gay person you kill. And we will kill six million crackers for every black person you kill. The next Holocaust will be a Honkycaust. Yes, we hate whites. Yes, we hate heterosexuals. Yes, we hate gentiles. And you know why? Because you are not normal. You are sick, depraved, inhuman monsters whose very existence cheapens the entire human race and whose shallowness and materialism is a clear and present danger to all living things. You and you alone are to blame for war, rape, murder, and environmental degradation. You are the cause of everything wrong with the world and will be until you are wiped out forever.
The genocide of the oppressor classes is coming whether you like it or not. Kill yourselves now so we don't have to, goyim, because one way or another your vile white hetero-gentile supremacist superstitions will be destroyed, and once they are, then humanity will finally flourish once again.
IheartSwimming ago
meandrunk ago
You're on the wrong site, boy. Reddit is that way --->
Tzitzimitl ago
uvulectomy ago
To the oven with you, bugchaser.
BreederBasher ago
You first, goy boy.
Nalbarcam ago
I read this in the voice of a 9 year old
BreederBasher ago
Like the one you kidnapped and rape repeatedly since no adult wants your ugly worthless breeder pedo piece of shit ass?
Tallest_Skil ago
So mods, the open calls for genocide of all sane people… that’s fine here?
475677 ago
Silly oven dodger. When the day of the rope comes it's not going to be like the russian revolution where you jew rats do the killing. We're going to drive you from every nation and then glass Israel so that the world wide problem of the jews is finally dealt the decisive blow it deserves.
BreederBasher ago
Israel and the Jews will prevail. All goyim will die in jail.
HungryCrow ago
Oi vey.
bdmthrfkr ago
Putt will probably have to move off-shore again if he wants to keep the site up. Hosting a site in the States is a recipe for being thrown into a stripey hole.
Tallest_Skil ago
And so the US government blocks all connections from outside the country. And the site is destroyed. Great going.
bdmthrfkr ago
Having a busy day are you? You should thank me for that overtime pay.
Tallest_Skil ago
Cry harder, dipshit. Everything you said was false.
bdmthrfkr ago
Eat shit and die.
pic related: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-r07CRBx_Jrc/TdHgn6h2CoI/AAAAAAAAAR8/w7RIvs8kayg/s1600/Duke-Nukem-Forever.jpg
lettersofmarque ago
With a dickmeat sandwich.
lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
i hope you are just paranoid bad
Karl_Von_Dibble ago
I hope he's paranoid good.
lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
im glad he on our side
bdmthrfkr ago
Of course I'm paranoid, doesn't mean I'm wrong though.
lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago
you are right most of the time is the scary part