Marsog ago

I can try my hand at a flag, brb.

Grifter42 ago

Nope! We are Spartacus. We didn't re-engineer SRS methods to fight back against them.

We're ALL Sane.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, Beatle. I never posted Tubgirl.

Columbine, Jonestown Hoax, all that shit is new ground. Goatse and scat are old-hat. Fuck you, faggot. We'll get you.

Grifter42 ago

Hahahah.. You called my bluff. Ya got me. It was an orange. I didn't want to get banned if you were actually Putt. But it's a nice, plump juicy orange.

Grifter42 ago

But did ya see it?

Did you see how Eric's head was gone from the nose up? That's because the entrance wound was his throat, and the exit wound wound up blowing off everything from the nose up.

Dylan apparently suffered. They heard choking wheezes and gurgles for a few minutes, after survivors heard a chant of "One... Two... Three!" and then... BANG! He screwed it up though, and apparently choked on his own blood.

Grifter42 ago

There's no rule against me repeatedly banning you and unbanning you from my subs while berating you, calling you every name in the book.

Besides, eventually, one of these days, curiosity would get the better of you.

For example, is this a picture of an orange? Am I just fucking with you?

Wowbagger ago

I was promised butt plugs. Let's see em

Rotteuxx ago

I didn't promise anything !

Uploading pics now & writing the post soon...

Wowbagger ago

F5... F5... F5

Rotteuxx ago

It's posted

Wowbagger ago

Where's it posted? Haven't seen it in /new

Rotteuxx ago

Rolling one first...

Grifter42 ago

Ain't no rule against sending you gorn.

Which do you prefer? Columbine massacre photographs, or Jonestown bodies?

I mean, the Columbine massacre has more blood, but the Jonestown photographs have more bodies.

Now remember, be consistent. If I create an alt to flood your inbox with gorn, it's the alt that's guilty of flooding your inbox. If you're gonna let Beatle do it, then it should be fair game for all users to do, and to do to you.

I think... I think I'm gonna do exactly what Beatle did to me, that you white knighted, to you.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I'll take one of everything

greyhunter4 ago

I might rock a VOAT window sticker. I'd prefer some VOAT gold though.

Grifter42 ago

Not having a distinct rule against posting CP isn't a good fucking reason to not ban someone for posting it.

If we're just allowed to find loopholes, I can find some creative ways to make your life and Putt's a bit more interesting. How do you like your gorn?

Grifter42 ago

I brought real shit to the table. You dismissed it.

Any person with half a fucking brain would realize that Beatle and Hecho are fucking scum. You use a bunch of seventy-five cent words to look smart. The only reason it works is because of the brigades. You can fool some of them, but you can't fool all of them.

Ah, you're skeptical all right. You're skeptical any consequences will come to you and yours. You're vigilant in shouting down anyone who sees through your bullshit.

Grifter42 ago

And yet the mass downvotes only seem to happen when I'm talking to you, or a member of SBBH.

It's out of context when I linked that Hecho said he fucked kids, and then Beatle said he was going to get Hecho to flood my inbox?

You're one of them, Peace. You're compromised, and you'll play damage control, because that's all you're fucking good for.

You're the same type of person that says Pizzagate is debunked because Wikipedia says so. Just another mealy-mouthed faggot.

Fuck you.

DependasaurusRex ago


Rotteuxx ago

Just wait till we distribute VoatGurt samples for everyone to try !

DependasaurusRex ago

Im down!

sinclair ago

If one is a Halloween mask, I want it.

Grifter42 ago

Evidence? How about this?

Obvious brigade is obvious, and when I called out his brigading the first time, he just did it again to the post I made calling him out, and all his faggot SBBH friends including that fucking pedophile scumbag Hecho showed up.

FlimsyArmadillo ago

@adhdferret - look goodies!!

CantBuySkills ago

Put me down for a VoatGoat Keychain please.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm the welder goat... but i'm sure someone around could help with that request.

WhiteRonin ago

Cool stuff!

OhBlindOne ago

I'm gonna go with.... Yes.

Rotteuxx ago

I aprove of this reply 100%

Fuck SaneGoatDrifterSavedChildren

Grifter42 ago

Oh, look, it's that worn-out tactic that you faggots use every time someone disagrees with the leadership on this site.

Newsflash, asshole: This site isn't perfect, and calling someone Sane, or Amalek, or Hitler, or a Fascist doesn't mean you win the argument. It just means you're a faggot using an ad hominem attack.

Anoxim ago

It just means you're a faggot using an ad hominem attack.

Are you for real?

Grifter42 ago

Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire. I realize the irony of using an ad hominem attack against an ad hominem attack, but atleast he actually IS a faggot.

The tactic of smearing everyone who disagrees with the Voat leadership as being SaneGoat is just another form of censorship in the way of shutting down any legitimate discussion.

Anoxim ago

Yeah but you discredit yourself right away. It comes off as "rules for thee but not for me" which turns people off. Hearts and minds dude, hearts and minds.

Grifter42 ago

Hearts and minds don't matter when the system is rigged.

Take a look at this post, and the post it links to.

Obvious brigading, and they do nothing about it.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, faggot, and fuck your fake messiah Putt.

SRS brigades still exist on here, and your mealy-mouthed bullshit is no excuse for allowing that to continue.

This site just exists as a honeytrap. It's still got the same cultivated front page, and you see more and more of the ads disguised as "jokes" on /v/funny.

"Ohh, some pizza company drew something on the box! OBVIOUSLY THIS IS WORTH TWO HUNDRED UPVOTES!"

Fuck Putt. How gullible does he think we are?

Front page is obviously for sale, and any dissent is quickly shouted down by Beatle and his faggots.

Rotteuxx ago

When a SaneGoat alt gets pissed, you know you're doing something good for Voat

Grifter42 ago

Same old retard SRS tactics. Create a boogeyman, and label anyone who says something you don't like as that boogeyman.

Eat shit and die.

This sort of toadying up to the admins was exactly what happened during the lead-up to the corporatization of Reddit, and it's happening here too. The power-blocks are being established, the power-users are congregating and using their communities to brigade people they don't like.

You're either a useful idiot who's jumped on a bandwagon, but more likely, you're just part of SRS.

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe you're paranoid & I love trolling the shit out of you...

Grifter42 ago

So you're one of the useful idiots.

Rotteuxx ago

Go get laid, you really need it

Grifter42 ago

Do some more drugs, Beatle, you faggot.

Spend the rest of the day nodding off, so you don't bug us, or beat your wife.

CantBuySkills ago

You mad bro?

Slayfire122 ago

What crawled up your butt?

Grifter42 ago

@Retard @Faggot @Kike @DrugAddict @Pedophile yall check it out^^^^


digitalentity1497 ago

Hey I want one! It would be nice to give us a quick glimpse on how you prepared them. Are they going to be featured in your awesome sub v/Welding ? Please :D

Rotteuxx ago

Inke un tease pr tous d'suite ;)

I got them laser cut using our company discounts so no first hand video :/ More details tonight. Cuz tonight's the night, sti !

digitalentity1497 ago

Aile toe tu l'as l'affaire caline.

Eualos ago

I hope so, I'm itching to give more money, but money is tight so I can't just donate more.

ScreaminMime ago

Already sold out.

VicariousJambi ago

#4 Finish?

Rotteuxx ago

For these, yes

VicariousJambi ago

Any reason you didn't just get some 2B and DA it? That'd save a little money I think. Or are you going for the polished look?

Rotteuxx ago

I had material left over at the laser cutting place so i had them use it to save money on the sample run.

VicariousJambi ago

Nice, that's the way to do it! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Ch3ck3rs ago

Whatever the metal goat cutout is... I might want one...

Fambida ago


odinist ago


heygeorge ago

Rottie! Super awesome! I can't wait to see 'em. Thanks for pointing me here, @beatlejuicex3!