Rotteuxx ago

Slowed down or not, I always enjoy your posts :)

Well... except when you associate atheists with liberal nutjobs and don't participate in the ensuing discussions. There, had to tell you :p

Rotteuxx ago

Of course, you can just pick it up next time you come to play in my dungeon (o

You could always get a p.o. box for all your questionable shipping needs, they're usually pretty cheap.

Anyhoo, 1 will be reserved for long term safe keeping.

Rotteuxx ago

Indeed, being a fellow top 10 shill I've grown accustomed to their m.o. and take these posts as a badge of honor.

Rotteuxx ago

Speaking of lulz, did you catch this thread this morning ?

Rotteuxx ago

@SaneGoatGrifterSavedChildren, ferret is threatening to doxx me !

Halp !

Rotteuxx ago

Because I'm the enabler...

Rotteuxx ago

There are a few who have shown interest in previous threads, I could look them u when I get home... or go through the ''Voat needs and angel'' announcements top comment (Needle I believe, my reply to her comment started the whole project) in there a few goats offered CAD help.

@VicariousJambi offered help this morning too.

Rotteuxx ago

All we need is a CAD designer to work on drawings :)

Rotteuxx ago

Maybe a Voat goat standing on its hind legs with a rolling pin in one hand and a broom in the other :D

wellendowedduckling ago

These are sweet I will buy one

Rotteuxx ago

For you, I'd have a special edition Traditional House Wife version made :)

RustyEquipment ago

I like them, but I can't imagine a place i would put em.... I like shirt hat coffee mug ideas...

maybe superglue it to the back of my aging truck.... well ok maybe that would work.... How much?

Memorexem ago

Ooooh, jeez. I should know better than this by now. -_-

Beatle activate brigade mode

Is an example of doxxing... How, again?

Reddit_traitor ago

i'd buy a keychain like right now.

odinist ago

The little goat keychain, in freedom units is what, about an inch and a half? That's actually what I'd consider a perfect size for a keychain, but I don't like bulky keychains. I'd buy one for sure, as long as they're not crazy expensive.

Rotteuxx ago

An inch tall iirc

25.4mm = 1 inch

Rotteuxx ago

The idea I have is to maximize the money going to Voat, not just sell cheap keychains. Think of it as a trinket in exchange for a donation

odinist ago

Oh sure, I get that. Hell, I'd pay up to $20 for one, but I don't think $20 is crazy expensive. :)

Rotteuxx ago

Shut up SaneGoat

zillzill401 ago

Mark me down as interested in a key chain. If bottle openers happen, I will probably buy more than one. Everyone loves bottle openers!

Rotteuxx ago

Physical or pictures link in the write-up above ?

Me not getting you right now

Rotteuxx ago


gardellaforgot ago

Love them all. Add small goat metal car sticker 2"-3". Will buy keychain an said sticker.

Nadeshda ago

Hi, I would be interested in two small goats, definitely 2B Mill finish, if at all possible. Thinking earings here, as a gift... so the very small ones would actually be better for that... you know if you open an etsy account, you could sell it there and donate the final sum as a donation here, if say the development here is slow or technical issues will not support the shop functions, or just plain funding issues...

Check Etsy, sorry it won't allow the link here, as it sells stuff...

PS:I dont own Etsy, or get paid from them, they are just cool. They are international and setup and selling stuff there is fast and easy, from what I have read...

just pm me, I will help with this area...

Rotteuxx ago

I want to cut as many middle men as possible to maximise money going to Voat... so I'm aiming for Voat Store or bust

Nadeshda ago

I get it; it makes sense and it's way better to have no middle men. I just do not want to shoot ourselves in the foot while waiting for the ideal arrangement...

Rotteuxx ago

I'm not too worried about that, I mostly want to determine the qty to order for a first run so pricing can be finalized.

Nadeshda ago

Affirmative 😊

VicariousJambi ago

I work with SS a bit, so I'll leave what I think.

Fist of all, these really shouldn't be a #4 finish. I know you said yesterday that was just a trail run with extra material #4 is generally more expense because that's food grade polished stuff. Go with a 2B, it's cheaper. Also try to get them to DA it, It'll look great then.

Hate to say it, but that doesn't look good. For the burnout where the VOAT letters are have them DA it a little to remove the burn and make it not sharp. Also, it looks like those letters aren't even cut straight if you zoom in on the first V and O. Not sure why that is, the laser here where I work can cut shit straight and its from 1980. Hopefully it's just a trick of the eye due to the burn, but now that I'm looking at the top edges of the whole part I think not. :(

I'm not so sure the goat keychain is even a good idea. It's gonna be sharp an jagged, and it's too small to properly grind. That beard will cut funkey every time. People are going to be handling this stuff daily, so it needs to not cut them.

For the 6" goat, I'm seeing the same problems with the edges.

Nadeshda ago

Definitely smooth out the edges, good observations unless it is a secret weapon... and we haven't been told yet... hey, I am a n00b, I know nothing...

tridentknight ago

I'd buy one of the goat keychains. Thanks for your hard work, man.

sakuramboo ago

I don't use ornamental keychains so, while cool and all, I wouldn't buy these. I like the idea of a bottle opener, though. But, it would have to look good.

kneo24 ago

I'm interested in the small goat keychain.

vault_boy ago

I'm interested in the that big goat my dude.

Fambida ago

That goat keychain is pretty spiffy. I'd buy one. Closer to 2 inches instead of an inch and a quarter would definitely be better though.

It might help to soften the points on the tail and beard as well so it won't snag as badly. I think the horns will be fine as is. OFC, some tumbler time will help that out.

Rotteuxx ago

Yeppers !

digitalentity1497 ago

I NEED one of those small goat shaped key chains. Lets make this happen. Nice work!

Rotteuxx ago


So far with the small amount of positive (although enthusiastic) feedback, I don't think it would be worth doing anything but a small batch based on pre-orders which would make everything more expensive :/

digitalentity1497 ago

Are you able to give a ruff estimate on how much one might possibly cost?

Rotteuxx ago

Total cost is still to be established due to shipping options & amount to be ordered.

Material & cutting is less than 1$CAD each, add to that deburring & abrasives we're below 2$.

The question is, how much do we want to go to paying for server fees in the final price ?

Precipitate ago

I'd have no problem with paying $5 for the mini goat knowing that some, if not all, profits are going to voat. Shit, I'd probably still do it if you were keeping it all. Also a commemorative sane nuke would be great. His name on a nuke or a mushroom cloud or something would be cool. Maybe incorporate some tally marks for all his alts or something. I don't know, some creative person can figure it out.

Rotteuxx ago

I like where this is going

digitalentity1497 ago

I think @Puttitout must get in touch with you for feedback.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I likey

heygeorge ago

You say the mini-goats are too small, but I think that is perfect. Obviously it wouldn't do the grandest, largest job of advertising, but sometimes subtle is good!

Do you have any other pictures of the large goat? It's difficult to see in the painted picture. (I realise it's difficult to photograph!)

Also, super awesome!

Rotteuxx ago

I take some with more lighting after work today.


DependasaurusRex ago

My job is gettimg me a CAD licence soon. I shall drum up some requests as well during my lunch breaks.

GoofyGrape ago

I would absolutely go for a goat key chain. Have you thought of making a key chain with just the head?

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah it's a good idea

Voopin__Voopin ago

I'll take one of the goat keychain and 6" goats like they are, if/when putt gives the go ahead. ping me. :)

daskapitalist ago

Do you really want the Voat Goat's head sticking out of your ass? Do we need that mental image?

DeltaBravoTango ago

We need that actual image.

MyNameIsMud ago

Make a bottle opener and I will buy that.

kestrel9 ago

Voat Goat bottle opener...excellent....

But I'll go for the key chain too, the mini Goat.

Rotteuxx ago

Get me a .dwg drawn up & I'll check it out.

thrus ago

The right modification and I bet you could use the goat keychain as one with the ear over the back hooking under the cap, or the goat goatee. Sorry I don't have anyway to design or test that just a thought of how to make it a two in one as keychain bottle opener seems like a good combo. maybe even use something like the O in Voat as the same though I expect that would require modification making it no longer the logo.

Rotteuxx ago

interesting idea !

luckylemon ago

I really love this idea. I miss my bottle opener on a keychain.

MyNameIsMud ago

I'll try

Wowbagger ago

Wewt! Popping the threads comment cherry. I'm definitely down for the goat keychain. It's looking great. How big does a keychain dangled really need to be? I used to use a dimm stick of ram and that was a bit too big, I think.

Rotteuxx ago

True, the "Voat" one is decently sized imo, 1" tall.

sinclair ago

I just want a Halloween mask. I suppose I could make one myself.