Grifter42 ago

Hey, Hecho, tell Beatle that I reported you and him to the FBI cyber-crimes unit conspiracy to distribute child pornography, after sending them the archived pages where you said you fuck kids, and the page where Beatle said he was going to get you to flood my inbox with CP.

Yall better use VPNs, you faggots, or you're in for a bad time.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, kike. You're just another of Beatle's sockpuppets.

You want to know Hecho's real best friend? Beatle!

Beatle conspired with Hecho in an attempt to flood my inbox with CP.

Degenerate drug addicts and pedophiles run rampant on SBBH and SRS.

They're the only ones with such a lack of morality they'd sell out their own countrymen, their own race, for a few shekels from the JIDF and ShareBlue and Media Matters.

800_pound_gorrilla ago


Grifter42 ago

What a surprise. Another SBBH/SRS faggot. Kill yourself.