UncleSpez1 ago

What you mean? I looked couldn't see anything faggy, umm unusual much?

digitalentity1497 ago

This is both true and sad. All this is shit fucking up Voat.

UncleSpez1 ago

I posted a question on askvoat about internet security, 30 normal replies, 1 fag replied with some shit about im police.Told him he was a fag, he then threatend me with police lol. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. he should join BLM.

UncleSpez1 ago

I honoslty think that Voat is his life, his baby, He has nothing going for him outside of Voat. When he is offended or he sees an opinion he disagrees with he treats it like a mother bear defending there cub. Voat is not the place for this kind of person. Somehow he has manged to worm his way into the top. PURGE

digitalentity1497 ago

Sane is a very COOL guy.
1- Cries freedom of speech
2- Acts like a fag
3- Plays the victim
5- Repeat

UncleSpez1 ago

Or just he can call me FBI for no reason, i say fuck off and he can cry shill. EASY

UncleSpez1 ago

The Trails and Tribulations of UncleSpez.

available in all good book stores

UncleSpez1 ago

I lurked both Reddit and Voat then the Spez incident happened and i came here. It's hilarious that im the one being called triggered when he talked shit on the police and told them to fuck off and then said he was going to run to them.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Shit's not funny man, I can almost get the voices to stop until some ass-hole reminds me....... Thanks allot, so fucking


Runaway-White-Slave ago

damn score didn't help either, serves me right for being honest.......... Should just teleport your ass to an OVEN!!!!

UncleSpez1 ago

You talk about this and that on here, like you look at the ground when black guys looks you in the eyes.

UncleSpez1 ago

Hypocrites get offended by the truth.

Grifter42 ago

I vill tell you story aboot ze dogs. Ze dogs secretly ran the USSR. Stalin was dog. But in 90s, we discover how it just ruse, and we kill and eat dog. Then, Romania become strong.

UncleSpez1 ago

Please carry on.

Grifter42 ago

After ze dogs ver all gone, ja, ve formed democratic people's party labor republic bureau agency and rounded all ze dogs up and killed zem al. But ze prime minister vas found out to be cat, and big problem happen.

UncleSpez1 ago


Grifter42 ago

Ze nu-clear veapons were launched at dawn, unt thousands died. But ve got zem all. Every last dog and cat was gone.

UncleSpez1 ago

Little jimmy was left without his family pet?

Grifter42 ago

Litttle James vas conscripted. He vas of age to fight for ze new Order. The Order took over Strobomanistan, and glorious order vas formed.

UncleSpez1 ago

There sure is alot of them exUSSR stan's. Is stan Stalin's brother?

Grifter42 ago

Stroboman is great forder of glorious Order, and head of church Slobonaty.

UncleSpez1 ago

Iv'e never used Reddit? He's threatening to doxx and i'm the one who's attacking individuals? That is the definition of a personal attack.

UncleSpez1 ago

Yeah it did trigger me.

LostandFound ago

Pesky ovendodgers at it again?

pessimisticsteel ago

This is some crazy MetaVoat drama going down.

Failure ago

Its been going down and boy has it been fun.

UncleSpez1 ago

Guy's crazy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

bring it.

LINKING to dox info OFF of voat is allowed by atko.

UncleSpez1 ago

All for free speach until it's used against them.

UncleSpez1 ago

I've seen people's true colors.

UncleSpez1 ago

Leave him alone?

I started an AskVoat about VPN's. https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/1574831 Out of nowhere he told me to get the fuck off Voat because i was FBI/NSA/LE. Now he is saying he'll report me to the same poeple he told to fuck off? How do you defend such a fag? THIS IS VOAT!????

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@phobos_mothership has just banned me from v/pizzagate

reddit cancer 100% confirmed. removing kancerbab now.

Grifter42 ago

Goat, I'm gonna tell you a story about this sort of thing. I've got two cats, and one of them always bites the other cat. Right now, one of the cats is snoring.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

defamation per se

archiving capping and logging for criminal shill

notice to user, you are comitting a civil infraction in the state of delaware, where the law applies to the corporation voat, inc.

no more notices will be sent. you will simply be capped, archived, and logged for your criminal shill activies on voat.

UncleSpez1 ago

I quote




Are you for or against free speech? You contradict yourself alot..

UncleSpez1 ago

Are you for or against the police?

1 minute your'e telling them to fuck off, then the next running to them? Strange.

UncleSpez1 ago

First you accuse me of being FBI, NSA and Law Enforcement? Then you proceed to tell who you believe to be FBI/NSA/LE to fuck off and now you want to run to the law enforcement who you just told to fuck off? Make up your mind.