sumguy ago

Hey, we both win here as I was mis-informed as well and have, similarly, learned something new.

And we're on parallel tracks, I'm an NRA/USAS certified level 2 Coach (different from Instructor, the Coach is a long-term process and I got it when I was coaching teens/Juniors in competitive air pistol, air rifle and .22lr, I worked with some for 5 years)... that was while I was in the Rockies and making frequent trips to Colorado Springs and the Olympic Training Center (hell, I've been through try-outs for both Beijing and London teams with air pistol). Not much interest in airguns in the SE though so I'm inactive other than hitting the occasional match.

Anyway, cheers for doing the legwork and killing some time (AND posting it back here!)

Alois_sticklgruber ago

I aint a stalker just odd name, hard to forget.

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

Yeah I don't notice a hit at all on PIA.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Wrong, typical hippie answer. Italy is europes mexico. Might as well go with hidemyass vpn then. I think i called you hippie before im just messin with heard airvpn but im leary of european privacy laws. Are Italys laws good?

UncleSpez1 ago

la costra nostra. need i say more

Alois_sticklgruber ago


UncleSpez1 ago

VPN game on smash

sumguy ago

Really? I Strictly buy private party, but I've been told by a couple dealers in a few different states that the permit (and background check that's required to obtain said permit) stand in-lieu of running another on site at the time of purchase. That it's a walk in, show card, pay, carry out type affair.

UncleSpez1 ago

Touche hahaha.

UncleSpez1 ago

I identify as a voat, live with it you homophobic racist fat shaming nazi.

That was a joke you retard, youv'e probably just landed from reddit and you want to start saying that it's laughable.

0011011000111001 ago

TunnelBear, sometimes.

OneNutWonder ago

I don't know if he is around here anymore, but @ThatOnePrivacyGuy made a huge spreadsheet comparing VPNs.
It looks like this is/was his website. and the updated one is there. I don't know the guy, or how good his comparison is, but maybe there is helpful info for you?

ThatOnePrivacyGuy ago

I'm still around and it is updated regularly.

OneNutWonder ago

Sweet, hope you don't mind being pinged like that. Or having your site referenced.

ThatOnePrivacyGuy ago

Of course not! I'm glad people find it useful.

Let me know if you have any questions.

UncleSpez1 ago

It wont happen tho will it? I think the roots are that deep that it would take a completely new system to break the ties. The only reason Israel is still on the map is thanks to the USA and the UK. They'd be eaten alive by Syria and Egypt if we left them to fend for themselves.

UncleSpez1 ago

How do you feel about Trump getting in bed with Isreal? personally i think UK/USA should treat them more as an enemy than as an ally.

BumbleTummy ago

You want a non-logging VPN. Most log and happily turn over those logs. BTGuard is a good one, as well as TorGuard.

UncleSpez1 ago


It's based in Panama, Speed look's good, Alot of Servers, Supposedly don't keep logs.

UncleSpez1 ago

Talmud or Torah?

NamelessCrewmember ago

Of some value. There are many ways to identify you tho, here is an easy check to see how unique you are.

There are many other things that identify you, even if you never log into anything on a connection. Freedom and anonymity need to make some big leaps forward for the average user or we risk a world police state with totalitarian style control.

They don't have to get us all, just the ringleaders and organizers, that's their target and they can identify us with ease for the most part.

aria_taint ago

Nice try FBI! Fuck you!

UncleSpez1 ago

The Jews or the Govament?

UncleSpez1 ago

No because that makes it easier Jews and govt to track what you are doing despite what the shills say.

How's that?

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

I believe the proper term is "goats".

UncleSpez1 ago

Source? lol

harddrive ago

Come on I even knew that!

UncleSpez1 ago

I identify as a voat, live with it you homophobic racist fat shaming nazi.

harddrive ago

I'm not that description you voater!

UncleSpez1 ago


chmod ago

I've had pretty good luck with VPNoneclick on Ubuntu when I go torrenting.

jaceame ago

cyberghost because it was part of a humble bundle. largely use it to watch european netflix.

Islamiscancer ago


AmaleksHairyAss ago

Anonymity is a cornerstone of free speech. Snowden said it best. All the ideals we most hold dear were not just unpopular but illegal at one point or another. Without anonymity they never would have made it into public discourse.

And from a game I liked: "Beware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master."

To withhold anonymity must, in the end, mean withholding information. You're not just stopping someone from speaking, you're stopping others from hearing. Preventing anonymity is a mechanism of withholding new ideas.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

If you're hardcore into anonymity, I'd recommend checking out Freenet and Bitmessage. They've both made leaps and bounds in usability, and if you know enough to set up a VPN, you can probably set them up too.

ping_pong ago

Can you run freenet on a headless Pi?

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I would think so, but I've never tried. That's a great idea though.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Pia vpn is the best around. $40 for one year, and you can use the one account for mulitple devices (5 i think) No logs, hell you can pay with bitcoin or gift cards.

Ive used plenty for years and pia is cheap and works good. Even has a kill switch, where it cuts off the internet when it loses connection

starhawk777 ago

wow these CIA research analysts are just so lazy and obvious.

UncleSpez1 ago

okay back to the drawin' board guys..

cmor88 ago

I did until DoJ rule 41 passed, and as a result using a VPN could land someone on a FBI watch list. I'm not terribly afraid of being on a watch list, but I might want to purchase another firearm or two in the future and I can imagine that could be a delay when I go fill out a 4473.

sumguy ago

Buy your firearm on the used market. There is Zero reason to run yourself through the FBI NICS system (and be flagged) unless there simply is no other opinion within whatever state you're in, at which point using a VPN or being on the FBI watch list isn't going to matter one bit.

I'd suggest that if you DO live in one of those states, that you consider moving somewhere with Much more open firearms laws. I can buy and sell whatever I want (short of items needing a tax stamp) with only 2 parties ever knowing. Me and the buyer/seller. Being on some "watch list" means nothing in that regard. Hell, there's yet Another option if you don't mind the FBI knowing everything, obtain a weapons/conceal license. I'm not sure about all states, but Most wave the NCIS check/wait list if you're a permit holder. No delay, no fuss, just in and out.... then you can get back to your VPN use as well...

cmor88 ago

How do you find a firearm on the used market? How do you know the seller isn't a drug dealer who is setting you up to be robbed?

sumguy ago

Armslist is my go-to for finding items (though there are always state/region forums, gun shows, and I seem to remember Facebook allowing it, come to think of it wasn't there a Reddit verse?). There have been a LOT of places to look over the years, I started out buying my first online gun through a BBS in the 1980's, then I found some through Usenet groups and then email lists...

As for knowing I'm not going to be robbed? I've given that very little thought. First, I've long (as in 17 years) conducted face to face transactions in public spaces with good security. Banks, police station lots, the odd convenience store and my favorite for firearms, the shooting range. I started because I was selling a lot of stuff and didn't want thieves to be able to scope out my place (a problem that popped up in the motorcycle community), I've continued because it seems to make everyone more comfortable. Second, if someone is buying a firearm the chances are VERY HIGH that they already own one and are bringing it with them, loaded and ready to use. I know I do. The final part is that the firearm community and the criminal community don't tend to intersect a whole lot when it comes to buying/selling. Most people doing a firearm transaction are good people, around me it's easily a majority of active duty military.

Since the internet blew up with really low denominator type people, I can only remember a small handful (maybe 4 or 5?) who were all set to do the deal and then went silent when I mentioned the meet point. I get it a little more with Craigslist, but the guys with firearms seem to have avoided the issue thus-far. Probably in their own self interest, as they say, when you play with fire you expect to get burned. Fuck with someone who's looking to buy a gun and you stand a strong chance of looking down a barrel yourself.

The only "issue" you need to cover is tracking the purchase. If a firearm has been used in the commission of a crime, and you are in Possession of that firearm (and get caught with it, which should Never happen), it's good to have some documentation about when it where you got it or sold it. I have a Really simple bill of sale I use, I write in the gun, serial, date, my name and sig, buyer/seller name and sig and have them put their drivers license on the paper for a photo. I've had a few balk at this and have covered DL number and addresses (leaving the state, photo and name), but I feel it's good insurance. LEO comes to me asking after a gun used in a crime and I can tell them either who it came from or went to, with a photo. I don't bother with the photo if someone have a weapons license/permit (though I still compare it to their drivers license and write the info down for my own records). The oldest record I have of something like this is from 1996. Haven't needed it yet, but I also haven't needed a firearm for self defense yet... doesn't mean my time isn't coming.

Good luck.

cmor88 ago

You partially answered my next question which was about buying hot guns. Hypothetically, what happens if you do buy a hot gun? I would assume you are out all of the money you paid.

As for the Gun shows, most of the sellers that attend those are FFL dealers. I've only bought one used gun and it was from a good friend who I had known for years.

sumguy ago

My understanding of a "hot gun" is that it's confiscated until it's no longer needed for any legal case. Typically that would be just a ballistics test as you've promptly stripped and cleaned the firearm within minutes of walking in your front door. :) Then you have to make lots of noise, fill out 38 dead trees worth of paperwork, in triplicate and wait but it Should be returned to you. Depends on the specific agency/people involved. There's sadly WAY too many in law enforcement who feel that citizens shouldn't own firearms and will do everything they can to stop the return process. Then again, there are some who feel the opposite, a lady local to me used hers in self defense, it was her only and they took it... so the Sheriff gave her a loaner replacement until hers could be returned.

I had an uncle who opted for the shorter ending after 4 years of cancer growth, that pistol was confiscated and returned within a month. Slightly different story, but they do come back from the LEO evidence room.

cmor88 ago

Hm, for some reason I thought that once an firearm had been used in a crime (other than self defense) it was no longer legal to own and it had to be destroyed.. Don't ask me where I got that idea, because I couldn't possibly tell you.

What if the gun was stolen? It would surely be returned to the original owner..

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

There is always Ghost Gunner

crustyjuggler ago

Nah, what do I have to hide? Cough Cough...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

first of all @unclespez1 we're goats not voats. and 2 what's it to you? why is it any of your business what i do?

why don't you fuck right off NSAFBI

UncleSpez1 ago

Thank God Voat is not full of quake's like you! I asked if anyone used VPN's as i am wanting to start using them. I could have asked my dad? my mum? my mate's? They'd all look at me like what the fuck are you on about? So i "AskVoat" and get some retarded speel from an idiot. Thanks.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

wants solid info on vpns

does not ask about good vpns

asks about other anons' vpn usage

shill 100% confirmed.


personal attacks and disinfo blah blah it's so obvious

UncleSpez1 ago

I asked about NordVPN twice? I think your'e suffering from paranoid delusions.

UncleSpez1 ago

You need to smoking your birth control pills.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

shill script

UncleSpez1 ago

You don't understand AskVoat do you? No one's being forced to say shit you retard.

SaneGoatiSwear ago




OutlawBar ago

He does try really hard to fit in.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

21 HOUR ACCOUNT. you must be an alt of a long time user

of course you are

this couldn't be a unclespez1 alt no no. of course not.

fucking parrot.

OutlawBar ago

You got me.

UncleSpez1 ago

Your'e crazy.