Likeitirish ago

I want to. Haven't signed into FB in over 4 years. But I have invested so much time in my Spotify account. I signed up 5 years ago using FB...stupid me. They will not let you transfer your account to a different email and if you disable FB account, Spotify stops working. I think I'm going to just bite the bullet and start a new Spotify account.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it's more like "personality profiles fleshed out."

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have confused fucks with popcorn.

i have an antarctica full of popcorn.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Was about to, and then I started uni. I would be at a major detriment if I were to close it, both socially and academically (since much of the peer-to-peer helping is on Facebook). So I won't close it.

ilikeskittles ago

Did a long time ago. I suggest everyone get off that site.

Mediocrity ago

I deleted my Kikebook account 5 years ago.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

eat a dick

fuck your strawpoll

fuck you

fuck facebook

fuck answering your questions

fucking pay me for it, assnigger.

Failure ago

Or you know, you could downvote it and move on, or just flat out ignore it

digitalentity1497 ago

Being a humongous dick and free speech is the same thing for Sane.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

or you know blah blah i could go post more cute canaries like a boss instead of whine about your free speech, sane goat


yeah v/goatcanaries

Failure ago

by the way, your invite to irc is still wide open, we actually have a bot based off of you there now!

SaneGoatiSwear ago


::squints harder::

::squintes en espanol::

you've gone beyond popcorn.

Failure ago

yes, we have entered kettle corn territory. but im not kidding about you being welcome

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i know.

and i am only on voat.

see important functional word: "only."

Failure ago

Ooh, then there is this fascinating place called "outside", you should try it

SaneGoatiSwear ago


you don't really understand bro. just post le birdies.

are you gagged? v/goatcanaries

Failure ago

Why yes I am, I totally have a gag.

digitalentity1497 ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago
