SaneGoatiSwear ago

are you trying to blackmail me

no. categorically deny this baseless accusation. i am trying to be fair to you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


categorically denied. i have always acted in the best interest of freedom of speech and voat.

something happened

i found you're an sjw. and now will link to the proof.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

10 minutes to hint @fuzzywords.

it will come in pm.

then in 1 hour

it drops.

the truth shall set us free

@republicoftx @peaceseeker @atko @puttitout @pawn

SaneGoatiSwear ago

it had no overt censorship until the community curated -ccp rules censorship.

but besides that, one could speak freely.

then i wrote and got pushed the canary.

there was a window of free speech

and then there was a time we had a functioning canary.

all times have past.

but now, tonight

the levy breaks. the dam fails. the truth comes to light.

and i again

i am giving @fuzzywords the chance to admit it, save face, and step down from her position of corrupt power in coding voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the last site on the front net for free speech with a canary

a. just lost the canary

b. is run by and coded by sjws.

you better fucking eat your hat in a couple hours when i delivar.

SaneGoatiSwear ago @selfreferenceparadox

fuzzywords gets outed for the shill she is tonight. not tomorrow. TONIGHT!!!!

i have it all.

it's coming out one way or another.

either shillywords admits her role in creating this culture of sjw silence on voat

or the info comes out.

and we can ALL SEE IT for ourselves

oh my lol it's fucking hilarious, too.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

hello yes it is I

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol you missed everything! no just kidding.

apparently the war has just begun (failure linking to someone else i gave info to posting anyway)

basically i thought i had info on known proven shill for silence fuzzywords being an sjw. fuzzy confirmed i was wrong.

someone posted the data anyway.

now there's an army of accounts upvoat brigading themselves and ceaselessly comment spamming me.

welcome to voat.

it's a good day to be a free speakin' goat. :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago