Klaxon ago

Do me next! I want to be a shill too!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have done nothing on v/til warranting leaving


Markzila ago

Damn, they really trying to take over. HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! They wouldn't want anyone learning something that doesn't fit the SJW agenda I guess...?

JaggedxEdgex ago

I mean you are a new account who posted in a get ccp thread so you're lending credence to his insanity.

Markzila ago

Is this FuzzyWords half-assed way of admitting it? https://voat.co/v/whatever/1538303

Because saying someone wants you to do some thing is not really the same as actually declaring that you are or have done said thing.

@SaneGoatiSwear this should not count as an admission and the deadline has passed. Please release the evidence that you promised.

fagnig ago

im in the belly of the whale

fagnig ago

this is bots man, you seen bots before if i recall correctly

Rotteuxx ago

You promise it's gonna make sense and won't be just a bunch of rambling ? Pretty please

I can't wait for your thoroughly fact checked, sourced & well arranged presentation of non-delusional facts.

How long to go ?

pornhub_katie ago

hey buddy, long time no see. have you dropped the evidince yet?

Markzila ago

Where is the show?

fagnig ago

its just your usual line, i know youre not sanegoatisware

Mick ago

Come on, mate, we want to see the evidence.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

if you see my post history

ihave given her an hour to respond to admit it all

thena fter that hour without a response,

i will wait 1 hour and let it all lose

that's about 1 hour 28 minutes from now.


voat is given back to the people tonight.

prepare your glorious mickey anus.

JoJoVoat ago

promise? I dont know who to trust anymore. its not stopping the investigating nor will it make it go away... nothing will stop us now. nothing

Mick ago

Sweet, I will make sure I'm in the area :)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am giving @fuzzywords a fair chance to admit it on her own.

she must be given a fair chance to a. speak up before hand. and b. to be provably on to give her a chance to deny any incorrect information.

although the data is ironclad, and she has no chance other than "hurr durr"

Markzila ago

Is this FuzzyWords way of admitting it? https://voat.co/v/whatever/1538303 ...Because saying someone wants you to do some thing is not really the same as actually declaring that you are or have done said thing. @SaneGoatiSwear this should not count as an admission and the deadline has passed. Please release the evidence that you promised.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

confirmed defamation per se

criminal shill

capping archiving and logging for confirmed criminal shill

greycloud ago

yeah, call her out on her racism, er, i mean her sjw'ism

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no not call her out.

100% prove sjwism.

with the recent overt shilling attempts to silence me ( 2,200 downvoats 1000 comments and 60+ posts all to defame me with fuzzywords right at the front) source: the ones relative to me https://voat.co/user/fuzzywords/submissions https://voat.co/user/fuzzywords/comments

it's A LOT to post,

and frankly

the evidence i've found makes it all pale in comparison.

this shit is fucking hilariously fucking obvious.

greycloud ago

she must be busy deleting the bad ones, i only see you mentioned once. i do agree that you have received an undo amount of down votes lately. at the same time, some of your posts are reminiscent of amelek. not the content, but the style. a wall of complaints flooding the new pages. its like being in a group of people talking and one keeps on interrupting and trying to talk over everyone else. i'm not saying you don't have valid points, just that they way they are communicated could be done in a more digestible manner and probably wouldn't get so many down votes.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

wall of complaints flooding the new pages

where the fuck is that?!?!?!? look at my post history what are you talking about?

yesterday i made a psa on the front page that it has been proven that voat has no useragreement crimes are openly committed and not removed

what are you talking about?

greycloud ago

nvm, i started on submissions, i just hit her comment history. she really doesn't like you.

oh it was probably a week or two ago. no this wasn't about yesterday or user agreements, i believe you were complaining about some type of censorship. i believe it was about pizzagate as well.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


she deleted all the shilling from a few days ago!??!

wow. that's sad.

luckily what i have capped, archived, and saved offline

blows it all out of the water

imma go check, then i'm going to go put the info into a good format for voat.

greycloud ago

i found the arguments against you in her comments, but only one on submissions. keep in mind i only went about 2 pages deep in either.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see oeethagreat 's pv post against me (100% defamation. they were bait posts that did fall under the rule 3 of v/til. correctly deleted. user was shown how and suggested to repost with correct titles.) and dougle_mchaggis's post against me and bait posts in til and then his apology for lying and shitposting vtil.

all their claims were debunked but the brigade continued for another 16 hours of total defamatory lies.


that user was locke proposal and you can see it all in v/historyanecdotes deletion logs related to the rules at the time on the sub side bar, relative to the (then undeleted) comments left up on the most recent posts at the time. (i'm sure locke's covered it up by now.)

it was clear cut at the time but the biggest brigade in voat covered it up.

now, one of the biggest members of the sjw cabal rnning voat has been found out.

their reign of silence is at an end.

voat shall be free in a week.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

gr8 b8 m8 8/8 no h8.

Fibbideh ago

I'm excited to see what happens now.

The time is almost here.

Wiseowl623 ago

Did you migrate from Reddit? If not you surely whine like you did. You went around making enemies left and right and when they saw you make the mistake of being a hypocrite they pounced. It's the internet. Let it go. I think the drama you created for yourself is driving you insane. At first watching people call you out on your shit was hilarious but now I just feel sad for you. Because you seem so pathetic.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attacks

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

blah blah weak shill

100% shill confirmed. capping archiving and logging because shill.

TheNakedAbsurdist ago

Lol, new account that only posts nothing of any merit and only has any CCP because of a post for free CCP by thunderlark.

Markzila ago

I am down voting every one of his cut and paste post, but he must have a small group of fake accounts to upvote himself... oddly enough about the same number accounts down voting @SaneGoatiSwear...

SaneGoatiSwear ago

not anymore

tonight the tables are disintegrated, not just flipped.

the core of the sjw cabal on voat

is unveiled tonight.

Failure ago

Dude, we have been constantly saying we are the cabal forever. I can provide where we hang out if you want too.

Mick ago

Where the hell do we hang out, I've forgotten.

Failure ago

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what i have found is so game changing all bets are off

all users have a right to know this information about the person that coded voat more than atko this past year.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i didn't ping you to attack me.

i am notifying you as to what is about to happen.

i figured you were interested because of previous meaningless personal attacks against me

SaneGoatiSwear ago

please hold judgement on the messenger

until at least you see the message.

tonight. not tomorrow not the next day.


some suggest 1 hour.

i may agree. we shall see

but by tonight's end.

all will know the truth onvoat about fuzzy words.

pizza_merc ago

Why would you withhold evidence? Who cares if she's an sjw? Does this stop children from being raped?

fagnig ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh yes.


fagnig ago

youre being respective of her pronouns right? @mightyyetgentle7

SaneGoatiSwear ago

someone want to clue me into info about SHE because if it matches what i have that would prove fuzzy is she @mightyyetgentle7 ?

fagnig ago

is she a transgendered larper or not?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

[information redacted] i will not ever dox on voat. atko has clearly stated that doxxes can't be put on voat.

ExpertShitposter ago

Our balls could touch and that would be gay. I wont raise no F.A.G. son. One goes face, the other goes doggy.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ah but this is fuzzy's shit. and i am putting it in t he fan. i don't want voat to get hit, meaning i want fuzzy to come clean.

so we make it nice and fair and give Her time to admit it onher own.

how much time left is fair, eh?

she's on spamming me right now, and can see all of this.

do i take that as a sign she won't?

ExpertShitposter ago

No problem son. We can get some hookers after this is over.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Hallucinogenic hooch and hookers?!?!? You're the best dad EVER! You are SO getting a great tie this fathers day.

Failure ago


A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses
superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence,
or wealth. 
It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom  
found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia 
(such as Alzheimer’s).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

did i almost forget @cheap_knockoff?! never!

hey bro, fuzzywords is about to be taken out in public and proved to be an sjw shill.

enjoy the show!

ExpertShitposter ago

Let the shitshow begin! Anyone monitoring this thread, help your self to my bucket of absinthe soaked popcorn.

Rotteuxx ago

Reporting in & ready to be disappointed !

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that's some fucking awesome popcorn m8!

yeah this.. i can't even, la? just beyond fucking obvious sjw shill. now comes with proof included!

ExpertShitposter ago

I haven't noticed such behavior from her. I'm just here for the shitshow.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no worries.

you'll be laughing your ass off in a couple hours.

you seem relaxed.

want to pick an amount of time before it drops?

how much time is fair to give @fuzzywords time to admit and apologise?

ExpertShitposter ago

Normally, 1 hour max. However, she isn't on voat right now since her last posts are 17 hours ago. That means you will ether have to give her more time or drop the package without her presence.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

uh she's spamming me right now with 3 dozen 0 day accounts. see

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@nathanwblair @eat_a_dick_por_favor @markthenerd @lemongarb @metalageis

prepare for fuzzywords to be unveiled as the biggest enemy of free speech on voat. the sjw shill that codes voat more than any other. that openly shills for others' silence on voat



well wait and see.

the most epic night of voat incoming

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@antiracistnew ..?? um not sure about which number...




notification to pay attention tonight. fuzzywords will be unveiled as the biggest anti-speech sjw shill on voat.

a1 proof incoming.

a few hours to fairly give fuzzy a chance to save face to voat.

that is all.

prepare your popcorn. @webofslime eat a dick you fucking shill this is what voat does in service of free speech. we speak it.

HangNiggers ago

You never came through

webofslime ago

Your response continues to denigrate your credibility.

You started the conflict and you continue to attempt to throw fire on the flames.

Classic DARVO tactics.

antiracistNew ago

@Crensch eats shit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

not as much as fuzzy does.

youre gonna love this.

now begins the end of the voat shill empire

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@adhdferret @cassis @retro_gamer

prepare to eat hat.

fuzzywords is unveiled as the biggest shill on voat for sjw ideology against free speech.

prepare your previously-butthurt anuses for this, the most epic night on all of voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@gerrador @hicoleri @dougal_mchaggis @oeethagreat @derkatalog

fuzzywords is unveiled as 100% pure sjw shill tonight.

bring your popcorn. prepare to eat hat.

although derk you didn't say much this round. i was surprised you didn't jump in on a 2,200 downvoat brigade on me!

(o wait that's because derk's actualy a real fucking goat and can move on from shit!)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@expertshitposter @failure @voatsearch @heygeorge @armyseer

the biggest shill onvoat is going to be unveiled tonight. bring all your popcorn.

armyseer check it. i am the goat who stands for the truth on voat. this shill has gone on too long.

the unveiling is upon us.

prepare to witness.

heygeorge ago

prepare to witless.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@highly_paid_orgy_pro @magaphobia @lordspartacus

the biggest shill unveiling in history is going down in a couple hours. be prepared with ALL of your popcorn.

not a test. not a drill. not a joke. not a troll.

fuzzywords is unveiled tonight.

it would be now,

but i want to be fair and give her an opportunity to admit it of her ownvolition.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@needlestack @troll @skymod @earlponcho @mick

prepare. be aware. in a few hours, the shill is unveiled for all to see.

a1 proof of fuzzywords shilling incoming to voat.